类型 | 名称 | 描述 |
TObjectPtr< APa... | 用于网络游戏,使客户端可以承认它拥有一个特定的卒。 | |
TSharedPtr< str... | ||
TSharedPtr< str... | ||
TSharedPtr< str... | 目前正在玩左手和右手的触觉效果 | |
TSharedPtr< str... | ||
TWeakObjectPtr<... | 仅用于覆盖计算衰减计算的组件。 | |
FVector | AudioListenerAttenuationOverride | 目前被覆盖的向量,用于做监听器的衰减计算。 |
TWeakObjectPtr<... | 当前正在驱动音频侦听器的位置/方向的组件 | |
FVector | AudioListenerLocationOverride | 当前被覆盖的音频监听器的位置 |
FRotator | AudioListenerRotationOverride | 当前覆盖了音频侦听器的旋转 |
bool | 当值为真允许这个玩家控制器为你管理相机目标,通常通过使用被拥有的卒作为相机目标。 | |
uint32: 1 | bCinemaDisableInputLook | |
uint32: 1 | bCinemaDisableInputMove | 从影院模式中输入的状态 |
uint32: 1 | bCinematicMode | 这个播放器目前处于影院模式中吗? Prevents rotation/movement/firing/etc |
uint32: 1 | bEnableClickEvents | 是否应该生成参与者/组件的单击事件。 |
uint32: 1 | bEnableMotionControls | 是否考虑来自运动源的输入(倾斜、加速度等) |
uint32: 1 | bEnableMouseOverEvents | 是否应该生成参与者/组件的鼠标来覆盖事件。 |
uint32: 1 | bEnableStreamingSource | 播放器控制器是否应该作为世界部分流媒体源使用。 |
uint32: 1 | bEnableTouchEvents | 是否应该生成参与者/组件的触摸事件。 |
uint32: 1 | bEnableTouchOverEvents | 是否应生成参与者/组件触摸事件。 |
uint32: 1 | bForceFeedbackEnabled | |
uint32: 1 | bHidePawnInCinematicMode | 当影院模式为真时,表示该控制器的兵应该被隐藏 |
uint32: 1 | bIsUsingStreamingVolumes | 此控制器是否正在使用流媒体卷。 |
FRotator | BlendedTargetViewRotation | 平滑版本的目标视图旋转,以消除间歇性复制更新中的抖动。 |
uint32: 1 | bOverrideAudioAttenuationListener | 是否覆盖衰减侦听器的位置。 |
uint32: 1 | bOverrideAudioListener | 是否覆盖正常的音频侦听器定位方法 |
uint32: 1 | 如果播放器控制器当前正在等待匹配开始或重生,则为真。 | |
bool | bRenderPrimitiveComponents | 是否渲染原始组件。 |
uint32: 1 | 当为true时,将连接超时从初始连接超时减少到连接超时。 | |
uint32: 1 | 当游戏暂停时,我们是否完全滴答,如果我们的滴答函数被允许这样做。 | |
uint32: 1 | bShowMouseCursor | 是否应该显示鼠标光标。 |
uint32: 1 | bStreamingSourceShouldActivate | 玩家控制器流媒体源是否应该在加载后激活单元格。 |
uint32: 1 | bStreamingSourceShouldBlockOnSlowStreaming | 玩家控制器流源是否应该阻止慢流。 |
TSubclassOf< UC... | 我的作弊管理者类 | |
TObjectPtr< UCh... | 管理欺骗命令的对象 | |
ClickEventKeys | 将导致单击事件被转发的键的列表,默认为左键单击 | |
int32 | ClientCap | 服务器对从客户端到服务器的带宽设置的上限,以字节/秒为单位(仅在>=2600时有影响) |
TWeakObjectPtr<... | 当前可单击鼠标光标下的对象。 | |
TEnumAsByte< EC... | 当前用于确定所单击的世界对象的跟踪通道。 | |
输入组件的当前堆栈。 | ||
TEnumAsByte< EM... | 当前可见的鼠标光标 | |
TWeakObjectPtr<... | 当前处于手指下方的可触摸物体 | |
TObjectPtr< cla... | 当前设置的触摸界面 | |
TEnumAsByte< EC... | 用于确定所单击的世界对象的默认跟踪通道。 | |
TEnumAsByte< EM... | 默认情况下要显示的鼠标光标的类型 | |
TArray< FForceF... | 对于调试,将显示所播放的最后一个强制反馈效果 | |
float | ForceFeedbackScale | 应用于力反馈值的比例 |
当前主动力反馈权重 | ||
摄像机不应该看到的演员,例如,用来隐藏摄像机穿透的演员 | ||
相机不应该看到的显式组件(有助于外部系统对单个播放器隐藏组件) | ||
float | HitResultTraceDistance | 计算单击事件时要跟踪的距离 |
TObjectPtr< UIn... | 当玩家处于非活动状态时,我们使用的输入组件。 | |
uint16 | LastCompletedSeamlessTravelCount | 无缝旅行计数的值,在最后一次调用到GameModeBase::HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer;用于检测无缝旅行 |
float | LastMovementHitch | 在检查强制客户端移动更新时,在TickActor()中检测到上次实时(未扩展)故障。 |
float | LastMovementUpdateTime | 在检查强制客户端移动更新时,在TickActor()中的最后一次实时记录(未扩展)。 |
float | LastSpectatorStateSynchTime | 用于确保客户端在处于观众状态时保持同步 |
FVector | LastSpectatorSyncLocation | 最后一个位置在服务器上同步的观众。 |
FRotator | LastSpectatorSyncRotation | 在服务器上对于一个观众最近一个旋转同步。 |
float | 当确定对象是否超过对象的剔除距离时,最后使用基于FOV的乘法器来表示与对象的距离 | |
MuteList | 不同类别的静音玩家列表 | |
TObjectPtr< AHU... | Heads up display associated with this PlayerController. | |
TObjectPtr< UNe... | The net connection this controller is communicating on, nullptr for local players on server | |
uint8 | NetPlayerIndex | Index identifying players using the same base connection (splitscreen clients) Used by netcode to match replicated PlayerControllers to the correct splitscreen viewport and child connection replicated via special internal code, not through normal variable replication |
TSubclassOf< UP... | If set, then this UPlayerInput class will be used instead of the Input Settings' DefaultPlayerInputClass | |
PendingMapChangeLevelNames | List of names of levels the server is in the middle of sending us for a PrepareMapChange() call | |
TObjectPtr< UNe... | This is set on the OLD PlayerController when performing a swap over a network connection so we know what connection we're waiting on acknowledgment from to finish destroying this PC (or when the connection is closed) | |
TObjectPtr< UPl... | UPlayer associated with this PlayerController. | |
TObjectPtr< APl... | Camera/view related variables Camera manager associated with this Player Controller. | |
TSubclassOf< AP... | PlayerCamera class should be set for each game, otherwise Engine.PlayerCameraManager is used | |
TObjectPtr< UPl... | Object that manages player input. | |
FRotator | RotationInput | Input axes values, accumulated each tick. |
uint16 | SeamlessTravelCount | Counter for this players seamless travels (used along with the below value, to restrict ServerNotifyLoadedWorld) |
float | SmoothTargetViewRotationSpeed | Interp speed for blending remote view rotation for smoother client updates |
FVector | SpawnLocation | The location used internally when there is no pawn or spectator, to know where to spawn the spectator or focus the camera on death. |
StreamingSourceDebugColor | Color used for debugging. | |
EStreamingSourc... | PlayerController streaming source priority. | |
Optional aggregated shape list used to build a custom shape for the streaming source. | ||
FRotator | TargetViewRotation | 用于复制此播放器控制器不拥有/拥有的目标视点旋转。 |
TimerHandle_UnFreeze | 高效管理解冻定时器句柄 | |
TSharedPtr< cla... | 虚拟触摸界面 |
返回值 | 名称 | 描述 |
void | ( | Called on the client to do local pawn setup after possession, before calling ServerAcknowledgePossession |
void | ( | Activates a new touch interface for this player controller |
void | ( | Called to try and enable cheats for this player, happens during initialization or from AllowCheats command |
void | ( | Add Pitch (look up) input. This value is multiplied by InputPitchScale. |
void | ( | Add Roll input. This value is multiplied by InputRollScale. |
void | ( | Add Yaw (turn) input. This value is multiplied by InputYawScale. |
void | ( | If bAutoManageActiveCameraTarget is true, then automatically manage the active camera target. |
void | Pawn has been possessed, so changing state to NAME_Playing. | |
void | Event when spectating begins. | |
void | ( | Builds a list of components that are hidden based upon gameplay. |
void | ( | |
void | ( | Change Camera mode |
bool | Returns true if this controller thinks it's able to restart. | |
void | Clears out 'left-over' audio components. | |
void | Gives the PlayerController an opportunity to cleanup any changes it applied to the game viewport, primarily for the touch interface | |
void | ||
void | Clear any overrides that have been applied to audio listener | |
void | ClientAckUpdateLevelVisibility ( | Acknowledge received LevelVisibilityTransactionId |
void | ( | Adds a location to the texture streaming system for the specified duration. |
void | Tells client to cancel any pending map change. | |
void | ( | Set CurrentNetSpeed to the lower of its current value and Cap. |
void | Removes all Camera Lens Effects. | |
void | Actually performs the level transition prepared by PrepareMapChange(). | |
void | ( | Tell the client to enable or disable voice chat (not muting) |
void | Notify client that the session is about to start | |
void | Tells the client to block until all pending level streaming actions are complete happens at the end of the tick primarily used to force update the client ASAP at join time | |
void | Forces GC at the end of the tick on the client | |
void | ( | Replicated function called by GameHasEnded(). |
void | ( | Server uses this to force client into NewState . |
void | ( | Calls IgnoreLookInput on client |
void | ( | Calls IgnoreMoveInput on client |
void | Outputs a message to HUD | |
void | ( | Tell the client to mute a player for this controller |
void | ( | Play a force feedback pattern on the player's controller |
void | ( | Play sound client-side (so only the client will hear it) |
void | ( | Play sound client-side at the specified location |
void | ( | Asynchronously loads the given level in preparation for a streaming map transition. |
void | ( | Forces the streaming system to disregard the normal logic for the specified duration and instead always load all mip-levels for all textures used by the specified actor. |
void | ( | Send client localized message id |
void | ( | We call this in ::SendClientAdjustment to tell the client what the last processed input frame was for it and on what local frame number it was processed. |
void | ( | |
void | ( | Development RPC for testing object reference replication |
void | Tell client to reset the PlayerController | |
void | ( | Tell client to restart the level |
void | ( | Assign Pawn to player, but avoid calling ClientRestart if we have already accepted this pawn |
void | ClientReturnToMainMenuWithTextReason ( | Return the client to the main menu gracefully |
void | Tells the client to block until all pending level streaming actions are complete. | |
void | ( | Tell client to fade camera bEnableFading - true if we should apply FadeColor/FadeAmount to the screen FadeColor - Color to fade to FadeAlpha - Contains the start fade (X) and end fade (Y) values to apply. |
void | ( | Replicated function to set camera style on client |
void | ( | Called by the server to synchronize cinematic transitions with the client |
void | ClientSetForceMipLevelsToBeResident ( | Forces the streaming system to disregard the normal logic for the specified duration and instead always load all mip-levels for all textures used by the specified material. |
void | ( | Set the client's class of HUD and spawns a new instance of it. |
void | ( | Indicate that the Spectator is waiting to join/respawn. |
void | ( | Set the view target |
void | ( | |
void | ClientSpawnGenericCameraLensEffect ( | Spawn a camera lens effect (e.g. blood). |
void | ( | Play Camera Shake |
void | ClientStartCameraShakeFromSource ( | Play Camera Shake localized to a given source |
void | Notify client that the session is starting | |
void | ( | Stop camera shake on client. |
void | ClientStopCameraShakesFromSource ( | Stop camera shake on client. |
void | ( | Stops a playing force feedback pattern |
void | ( | |
void | ( | Travel to a different map or IP address. |
void | ( | Internal clientside implementation of ClientTravel - use ClientTravel to call this |
void | ( | Tell the client to unmute a player for this controller |
void | ( | Tell the client to unmute an array of players for this controller |
void | ClientUpdateLevelStreamingStatus ( | Replicated Update streaming status |
void | ClientUpdateMultipleLevelsStreamingStatus ( | Replicated Update streaming status. |
void | Tells the client that the server has all the information it needs and that it is ok to start sending voice packets. | |
void | ( | Notify client they were kicked from the server |
( | ||
void | ( | Console control commands, useful when remote debugging so you can't touch the console the normal way |
void | Create the touch interface, and activate an initial touch interface (if touch interface is desired) | |
TSharedPtr< ... | Create virtual touch interface | |
bool | Default implementation of pausing check for 'CanUnpause' delegates | |
void | Used to wait until a map change can be prepared when one was already in progress | |
bool | ( | Convert current mouse 2D position to World Space 3D position and direction. |
bool | DeprojectScreenPositionToWorld ( | Convert 2D screen position to World Space 3D position and direction. |
void | Destroys the SpectatorPawn and sets it to nullptr. | |
void | Run from the console to try and manually enable cheats which are disabled by default in multiplayer, games can override this | |
void | Leave playing state. | |
void | Event when no longer spectating. | |
void | ( | Enqueues a command to run at the time specified by AsyncPhysicsTimestamp. |
void | Flushes the current key state. | |
void | ( | Set the field of view to NewFOV |
void | ( | Mutes a remote player on the server and then tells the client to mute |
void | Unmutes all remote players muted due to gameplay rules on the server and then tells the client to unmute | |
void | ( | Unmutes a remote player on the server and then tells the client to unmute |
FAsyncPhysic... | ( | Generates a timestamp for the upcoming physics step (plus any pending time). |
bool | GetAudioListenerAttenuationOverridePosition ( | Gets the attenuation position override. |
void | ( | Get audio listener position and orientation |
ACameraActor... | ||
FClientFrame... | ||
const FClien... | ||
const FStrin... | Keep track of the current input mode debug string here. | |
FVector | Returns the location the PlayerController is focused on. | |
bool | ( | Returns hit results from doing a collision query at a certain location on the screen |
bool | ( | Returns hit results from doing a collision query at a certain location on the screen |
bool | ( | Returns hit results from doing a collision query at a certain location on the screen |
bool | ( | Returns hit results from doing a collision query at a certain location on the screen |
bool | ( | |
bool | GetHitResultUnderCursorByChannel ( | Performs a collision query under the mouse cursor, looking on a trace channel |
bool | GetHitResultUnderCursorForObjects ( | Performs a collision query under the mouse cursor, looking for object types |
bool | ( | |
bool | GetHitResultUnderFingerByChannel ( | Performs a collision query under the finger, looking on a trace channel |
bool | GetHitResultUnderFingerForObjects ( | Performs a collision query under the finger, looking for object types |
T * | Templated version of GetHUD, will return nullptr if cast fails | |
AHUD * | Gets the HUD currently being used by this player controller | |
float | ( | Returns the analog value for the given key/button. |
void | ( | |
void | ( | Retrieves the X and Y displacement of the given analog stick. |
FInputCmdBuf... | ||
int32 | ||
float | ( | Returns how long the given key/button has been down. |
void | ( | Retrieves the current motion state of the player's input device |
void | ( | |
void | ( | Retrieves how far the mouse moved this frame. |
void | ( | |
void | ( | Retrieves the X and Y screen coordinates of the specified touch key. |
FVector | ( | Returns the vector value for the given key/button. |
ULocalPlayer... | Returns the ULocalPlayer for this controller if it exists, or null otherwise | |
int32 | Returns the current estimated offset between the local async physics step and the server. | |
float | Calculate minimal respawn delay | |
EMouseCursor... | Returns the current mouse cursor, or None | |
bool | ( | |
bool | ( | Retrieves the X and Y screen coordinates of the mouse cursor. |
const TArray... | Returns the list of netcondition groups we are part of. | |
APlayerState... | ( | Get next active viewable player in PlayerArray. |
TSubclassOf<... | ||
APawn * | Returns the first of GetPawn() or GetSpectatorPawn() that is not nullptr, or nullptr otherwise. | |
FPlatformUse... | Returns the platform user that is assigned to this Player Controller's Local Player. | |
APlayerContr... | ( | Get a remote player controller on the server for muting |
Get the local players network address | ||
void | Called on client during seamless level transitions to get the list of Actors that should be moved into the new level PlayerControllers, Role < ROLE_Authority Actors, and any non-Actors that are inside an Actor that is in the list (i.e. Object.Outer == Actor in the list) are all automatically moved regardless of whether they're included here only dynamic actors in the PersistentLevel may be moved (this includes all actors spawned during gameplay) this is called for both parts of the transition because actors might change while in the middle (e.g. players might join or leave the game) | |
FServerFrame... | ||
Get the server network address | ||
int32 | Returns the current estimated offset between the server async physics step and the local one. | |
FVector | Get the location used when initially created, or when changing states when there is no pawn or spectator. | |
ASpectatorPa... | Get the Pawn used when spectating. nullptr when not spectating. | |
APlayerState... | ( | Returns the PlayerState associated with the player at the specified index. |
int32 | Returns the number of split-screen players playing on this player's machine. | |
void | GetStreamingSourceLocationAndRotation ( | Gets the streaming source location and rotation. |
EStreamingSo... | Gets the streaming source priority. | |
void | ( | Gets the streaming source priority. |
bool | ( | |
void | ( | Helper to get the size of the HUD canvas for this player controller. Returns 0 if there is no HUD |
bool | Returns whether the client has completely loaded the server's current world (valid on server only) | |
void | ( | Make this player a member of a netcondition group. |
void | Spawn the appropriate class of PlayerInput. | |
bool | ||
bool | ( | Handles a key press |
bool | ( | Handles motion control |
bool | ( | Handles a touch screen action |
bool | Returns true if input should be frozen (whether UnFreeze timer is active) | |
bool | ( | Returns true if the given input component is in this PlayerController's CurrentInputStack |
bool | ( | Returns true if the given key/button is pressed on the input of the controller (if present) |
bool | ( | |
bool | ( | Returns true if the player controller is a member of the netcondition group |
bool | Returns true if game is currently paused. | |
bool | ( | Is the specified player muted by this controlling player for any reason (gameplay, system, etc), check voice interface IsMuted() for system mutes |
bool | Wrapper for determining whether this player is the first player on their console. | |
bool | ( | Determines whether this player is playing split-screen. |
bool | Whether the PlayerController should be used as a World Partiton streaming source. | |
void | ( | Play a force feedback pattern on the player's controller |
void | ( | Notify player of change to level |
void | ( | Notify player of change to level |
void | ( | Causes the client to travel to the given URL |
( | Handles remapping a package name for networking, call on both the client and server when sending package names manually for RPCs | |
void | ( | Called on the server when the client sends a message indicating it was unable to initialize an Actor channel, most commonly because the desired Actor's archetype couldn't be serialized the default is to do nothing (Actor simply won't exist on the client), but this function gives the game code an opportunity to try to correct the problem |
void | ( | Called to notify the server when the client has loaded a new world via seamless traveling |
bool | NotifyServerReceivedClientData ( | Notify the server that client data was received on the Pawn. |
void | Called when player controller gets added to its owning world player controller list. | |
void | Called when player controller gets removed from its owning world player controller list. | |
void | ( | Notify from server that Visual Logger is recording, to show that information on client about possible performance issues |
void | Command to try to pause the game. | |
void | Clean up when a Pawn's player is leaving a game. Base implementation destroys the pawn. | |
FDynamicForc... | ( | Allows playing of a dynamic force feedback event from native code Begins playing when Start is called. |
void | ( | Processes player input (immediately after PlayerInput gets ticked) and calls UpdateRotation(). |
void | ( | Play a haptic feedback curve on the player's controller |
bool | ( | Removes given inputcomponent from the input stack (regardless of if it's the top, actually). |
void | ( | Method called after processing input |
bool | ( | After successful world to screen projection, allows custom post-processing of the resulting ScreenLocation. |
void | Called after this player controller has transitioned through seamless travel, but before that player is initialized This is called both when a new player controller is created, and when it is maintained | |
void | ( | Called when the local player is about to travel to a new map or IP address. |
void | ( | Method called prior to processing input |
void | ProcessForceFeedbackAndHaptics ( | |
void | ( | |
bool | ( | Convert a World Space 3D position into a 2D Screen Space position. |
bool | ProjectWorldLocationToScreenWithDistance ( | Convert a World Space 3D position into a 3D Screen Space position. |
void | ( | Client pushes input data locally. RPC is sent here but also includes redundant data. |
void | ( | Adds an inputcomponent to the top of the input stack. |
void | ( | This function will be called to notify the player controller that the world has received its game class. |
void | Called after this PlayerController's viewport/net connection is associated with this player controller. | |
void | ( | Called to notify the controller that the spectator class has been received. |
void | ( | Remove this player from a netcondition group. |
void | Reset Camera Mode to default. | |
void | Resets the light color of the player's controller to default | |
void | Restarts the current level | |
void | Call ClientRetryClientRestart, but only if the current pawn is not the currently acknowledged pawn (and throttled to avoid saturating the network). | |
void | Call ServerCheckClientPossession on the server, but only if the current pawn is not the acknowledged pawn (and throttled to avoid saturating the network). | |
void | Calls ServerSetSpectatorLocation but throttles it to reduce bandwidth and only calls it when necessary. | |
void | ( | Called when seamless traveling and the specified PC is being replaced by this one copy over data that should persist (not called if PlayerController is the same for the from and to GameModes) |
void | ( | Called when seamless traveling and we are being replaced by the specified PC clean up any persistent state (post process chains on LocalPlayers, for example) (not called if PlayerController is the same for the from and to GameModes) |
void | Called on server at end of tick, to let client Pawns handle updates from the server. | |
void | ( | Sends a command to the console to execute if not shipping version |
void | ( | Acknowledge possession of pawn |
void | ( | Tell the client to block a player for this controller |
void | ( | Change mode of camera |
void | ( | Change name of server |
void | Tells the server to make sure the possessed pawn is in sync with the client. | |
void | Reliable version of ServerCheckClientPossession to be used when there is no likely danger of spamming the network. | |
void | ( | Executes command on server (non shipping builds only) |
void | ( | RPC used by ServerExec. Not intended to be called directly |
void | ( | Tell the server to mute a player for this controller |
void | ( | Called to notify the server when the client has loaded a new world via seamless traveling |
void | Replicate pause request to the server | |
void | ( | Client says "Here is input frame number X" (and then calls other RPCs to deliver InputCmd payload) |
void | Attempts to restart this player, generally called from the client upon respawn request. | |
void | ( | When spectating, updates spectator location/rotation and pings the server to make sure spectating should continue. |
void | ( | Indicate that the Spectator is waiting to join/respawn. |
void | Notifies the server that the client has ticked gameplay code, and should no longer get the extended "still loading" timeout grace period | |
void | Used by UGameplayDebuggingControllerComponent to replicate messages for AI debugging in network games. | |
void | ( | Tell the client to unblock a player for this controller |
void | ( | Tell the server to unmute a player for this controller |
void | ( |
void | ( | Called when the client adds/removes a streamed level. |
void | ServerUpdateMultipleLevelsVisibility ( | Called when the client adds/removes a streamed level. |
void | Used by client to request server to confirm current viewtarget (server will respond with ClientSetViewTarget() ). | |
void | Move camera to next player on round ended or spectating | |
void | Move camera to previous player on round ended or spectating | |
void | ( | Move camera to current user |
void | Designate this player controller as local (public for GameModeBase to use, not expected to be called anywhere else) | |
void | SetAudioListenerAttenuationOverride ( | |
void | ( | Used to override the default positioning of the audio listener |
void | ( | Set new camera mode |
void | ( | Adjust input based on cinematic mode |
void | ( | Server/SP only function for changing whether the player is in cinematic mode. |
void | ( | Sets the light color of the player's controller |
void | ( | Allows the player controller to disable all haptic requests from being fired, e.g. in the case of a level loading |
void | ( | Sets the value of the haptics for the specified hand directly, using frequency and amplitude. |
void | ( | Setup an input mode. |
void | ( | |
void | ( | Sets the Widget for the Mouse Cursor to display |
void | ( | Positions the mouse cursor in screen space, in pixels. |
void | ( | Tries to set the player's name to the given name. |
void | ( | Store the net speed |
bool | ( | Locally try to pause game (call serverpause to pause network game); returns success indicator. |
void | ( | Associate a new UPlayer with this PlayerController. |
void | SetServerToLocalAsyncPhysicsTickOffset ( | Set the offset between the server async physics step and the local one. |
void | ( | |
void | ( | Set the SpawnLocation for use when changing states or when there is no pawn or spectator. |
void | ( | Set the spectator pawn. |
void | SetupInactiveStateInputComponent ( | Sets up input bindings for the input component pushed on the stack in the inactive state. |
void | Allows the PlayerController to set up custom input bindings. | |
void | ( | Set the view target |
void | ( | Set the view target blending with variable control |
void | ( | Set the virtual joystick visibility. |
bool | If true, then the GameViewportClient should call FlushPressedKeys on this controller when it loses focus. | |
bool | Useful to spectate other pawn without un-possessing the current pawn | |
bool | Returns true if we fully tick when paused (and if our tick function is enabled when paused). | |
bool | Returns true if the mouse cursor should be shown | |
void | ( | Called client-side to smoothly interpolate received TargetViewRotation (result is in BlendedTargetViewRotation) |
void | Spawn a HUD (make sure that PlayerController always has valid HUD, even if ClientSetHUD() hasn't been called | |
void | Spawn cameras for servers and owning players | |
ASpectatorPa... | Spawn a SpectatorPawn to use as a spectator and initialize it. | |
void | ( | Fire the player's currently selected weapon with the optional firemode. |
void | Start spectating mode, as the only mode allowed. | |
void | Enable voice chat transmission | |
void | ( | Stops a playing haptic feedback curve |
void | Disable voice chat transmission | |
bool | Whether the PlayerController streaming source should activate cells after loading. | |
bool | Whether the PlayerController streaming source should block on slow streaming. | |
void | ( | SwitchLevel to the given MapURL. |
void | ( | Internal. |
void | ( | Toggle voice chat on and off |
void | Timer used by RoundEnded and Inactive states to accept player input again | |
void | ( | Update the camera manager; this is called after all actors have been ticked. |
void | ( | |
void | ( | Builds a list of actors that are hidden based upon gameplay |
void | ( | Builds a list of components that are hidden based upon gameplay |
void | ( | Takes ping updates from the net driver (both clientside and serverside), and passes them on to PlayerState::UpdatePing |
void | ( | Updates the rotation of player, based on ControlRotation after RotationInput has been applied. |
void | Refresh state specific input components | |
void | ( | View next active player in PlayerArray. |
bool | ( | Returns true if the given key/button was up last frame and down this frame. |
bool | ( | Returns true if the given key/button was down last frame and up this frame. |