2、 需要给出一个计数器的状态机,注意d输入不是随时有效的,只有在cnt计数为0的那个时钟沿,d输入有效,因此需要设计一个寄存器din,在cnt为0时候锁存d的值
- `timescale 1ns/1ns
- module multi_sel(
- input [7:0]d ,
- input clk,
- input rst,
- output reg input_grant,
- output reg [10:0]out
- );
- //*************code***********//
- reg [1:0] cnt ;
- reg [7:0] din ;
- always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst) begin
- if (~rst) begin
- cnt <= 0 ;
- out <= 0 ;
- input_grant <= 0 ;
- din <= 0 ;
- end
- else begin
- cnt <= (cnt + 1) % 4 ; // cnt <= cnt + 1 由于是2位的寄存器 溢出后自动清0 两种写法皆可
- case (cnt)
- 0 : begin
- din <= d ;
- input_grant <= 1 ;
- out <= d ;
- end
- 1 : begin
- input_grant <= 0 ;
- out <= (din << 2) - din ;
- end
- 2 : begin
- input_grant <= 0 ;
- out <= (din << 3) - din ;
- end
- 3 : begin
- input_grant <= 0 ;
- out <= din << 3 ;
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
- //*************code***********//
- endmodule
- `timescale 1ns/1ns
- module testbench();
- reg clk = 0 ;
- reg rst = 0 ;
- reg [7:0] d ;
- wire [10:0] out ;
- wire input_grant ;
- always #5 clk = ~clk ;
- // Create clock with period=10
- // A testbench
- initial begin
- # 10 ;
- rst = 1 ;
- # 200 ;
- end
- initial begin
- d = 143 ;
- # 40 d = 7 ;
- # 50 d = 6 ;
- # 10 d = 128 ;
- # 10 d = 129 ;
- # 60 $finish ;
- end
- multi_sel u1(
- .clk(clk),
- .d(d),
- .rst(rst),
- .out(out),
- .input_grant(input_grant)
- );
- //end
- initial begin
- $dumpfile("out.vcd");
- // This will dump all signal, which may not be useful
- //$dumpvars;
- // dumping only this module
- //$dumpvars(1, testbench);
- // dumping only these variable
- // the first number (level) is actually useless
- $dumpvars(0, testbench);
- end
- endmodule