select 关键字后指定要查询到的记录的哪些列
语法:select 列名(字段名)/某几列/全部列 from 表名 [具体条件];
select colnumName1[colnumName2...] from
select colnumName1[colnumName2...] from <tableName> [where conditions];
如果要显示查询到的记录的所有列,则可以使用 * 替代字段名列表(项目开发中不建议使用*)
select * from stus;
select * from stus;
查询表中time >= 20021104的数据
select * from rebirth where 列名 between 数据项1 and 数据项2;
between 查询期间的开始 and 查询期间的结束
select * from 表名 where 列名 like '模糊查询的关键字 是否包括o类似如此'
select * from 表名 where 列名 like '%模糊查询条件%'
select * from 表名 where 列名 like '%o%'; 查询包含字母o的数据项
select from 表名 where 列名 like '_o%'; 查询第二个字母是o的数据项
'x%' 查询首字符为x的数据项
‘%x' 查询最后一个字符为x的数据项
select 列名...from 表名 where 符合查询结果;
select 列名1,列名2 from 表名;
select 列名,某数值-列名 from 表名;
select 列名,某数值吧-列名 as 别名 from 表名;
select 列名 from 表名;
select distinct 列名 from 表名;
distinct 去重关键字 去除重复的数据
select * from 表名 where 条件 order by 列名 升序/降序
- #10.25
- #选择使用数据库
- use fine;
- #创建数据表
- create table rebirth(
- rebirth_name varchar(10) primary key,
- rebirth_happen varchar(20) not null,
- rebirth_time int(8) not null,
- rebirth_mood varchar(10),
- rebirth_go varchar(15) not null
- );
- #查询某表中所有列
- select * from rebirth;
- #删除某项表
- drop table if exists rebirth;
- #添加表数据
- insert into rebirth(
- rebirth_name,rebirth_happen,rebirth_time,rebirth_mood,rebirth_go
- )values(
- 'lcl','意外',20210723,'pain','insist'
- );
- insert into rebirth(
- rebirth_name,rebirth_happen,rebirth_time,rebirth_mood,rebirth_go
- )values(
- 'lyc','意外',20230904,'pain','hard'
- );
- # 查询表中日期为20210723的数据
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_time = 20210723;
- #查询表中mood为pain的数据
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_mood = 'pain';
- #查询表中go为hard的数据
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_go != 'hard';
- #查询表中time >= 20021104的数据
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_time >= 20021104;
- #查询time >= 11111111, <= 99999999的数据
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_time between 11111111 and 99999999;
- #查询rebirth_happen='意外'且rebirth_mood='pain'
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_happen='意外' and rebirth_mood='pain';
- #查询rebirth_go='hard'或rebirth_name='lcl'
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_go='hard' or rebirth_name='lcl';
- #查询rebirth_name=‘lcl';
- select * from rebirth where not rebirth_name = 'lcl';
- #查询rebirth_name中存在字符l的数据项
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_name like '%l%';
- #查询rebirth_happen中第二个字符是外
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_happen like '_外%';
- #查询rebirth_name中最后一个字符是c
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_name like '%c';
- #查询rebirth_name中第一个字符是l
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_name like 'l%';
- #查询rebirth_name中第一个字符是l的数据的rebirth_name和rebirth_go两列
- select rebirth_name,rebirth_go from rebirth where rebirth_name like 'l%';
- #查询rebirth列中rebirth_name和20231025-rebirth_time的列
- select rebirth_name,20231025-rebirth_time from rebirth;
- #修改列名
- select rebirth_name as 重生日,20231025-rebirth_time as 车祸日 from rebirth;
- #查询某表中的某一列
- select rebirth_go from rebirth;
- #查询莫表中的某一列,去除重复的项
- select distinct rebirth_name from rebirth;
- #查询莫表中的某一列,去除重复的项
- select distinct rebirth_happen from rebirth;
- #查询排序数据结果 排序order by asc升序 desc降序 单字段排序
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_time order by rebirth_time asc;
- #查询排序数据结果 排序order by asc升序 desc降序 单字段排序
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_time order by rebirth_time desc;
- #查询排序数据结果 排序order by asc升序 desc降序 双排序排序
- select * from rebirth where rebirth_time order by rebirth_go asc,rebirth_mood desc;
- #查询rebirth表
- select * from rebirth ;