• 微信小程序OA会议系统个人中心授权登入




    微信小程序会议OA系统-CSDN博客 如果链接失效了大家可以去看我的首页,首页中有哦!
















    1. 小程序发起登录请求,调用 wx.login() 方法。

    2. 微信服务器返回 code,小程序将该 code 作为参数,调用 wx.request() 方法,向开发者服务器发起请求,获取用户信息。

    3. 开发者服务器收到请求后,在后台调用微信提供的 API,获取 session_key 和 openid。

    4. 开发者服务器根据获取的 session_key 和 openid,生成自己的登录态(如 token、cookie 等),并将其返回给小程序。

    5. 小程序将登录态保存在本地,作为用户的唯一标识,在后续的请求中携带该登录态,向开发者服务器请求数据。

    需要注意的是,用户授权登录流程需要在小程序端进行,而后续的获取用户信息和生成登录态等操作则需要在开发者服务器端进行。同时,在进行用户授权的过程中,需要先调用 wx.getSetting() 方法,获取用户是否授权的权限信息,再根据用户授权情况进行后续操作。





    1. // 以下是业务服务器API地址
    2. // 本机开发API地址
    3. var WxApiRoot = 'http://localhost:8080/oapro/wx/';
    4. // 测试环境部署api地址
    5. // var WxApiRoot = '';
    6. // 线上平台api地址
    7. //var WxApiRoot = 'https://www.oa-mini.com/demo/wx/';
    8. module.exports = {
    9. IndexUrl: WxApiRoot + 'home/index', //首页数据接口
    10. SwiperImgs: WxApiRoot+'swiperImgs',
    11. MettingInfos: WxApiRoot+'meeting/list',
    12. AuthLoginByWeixin: WxApiRoot + 'auth/login_by_weixin', //微信登录
    13. UserIndex: WxApiRoot + 'user/index', //个人页面用户相关信息
    14. AuthLogout: WxApiRoot + 'auth/logout', //账号登出
    15. AuthBindPhone: WxApiRoot + 'auth/bindPhone' //绑定微信手机号
    16. };
    1. <view class="page-container">
    2. <view class="user-info-container">
    3. <view class="user-info" bindtap="goLogin">
    4. <image class="user-img" mode="scaleToFill" src="{{userInfo.avatarUrl}}" />
    5. <text class="user-info-name">{{userInfo.nickName}}</text>
    6. </view>
    7. <image class="user-update" src="/static/tabBar/component.png" bindtap='goPages' data-url='/pages/ucenter/user/user'/>
    8. </view>
    9. <view class="boundary" />
    10. <view class="cells-container">
    11. <view class="cell-wrap">
    12. <image class="cell-icon" src="/static/tabBar/sdk.png" />
    13. <text class="cell-text">我主持的会议</text>
    14. <view class="cell-right">
    15. <view class="cell-list-num">{{metting_pubs}}</view>
    16. <view class="cell-arrow"></view>
    17. </view>
    18. </view>
    19. <view class="cell-wrap">
    20. <image class="cell-icon" src="/static/tabBar/sdk.png" />
    21. <text class="cell-text">我参与的会议</text>
    22. <view class="cell-right">
    23. <view class="cell-list-num">{{metting_joins}}</view>
    24. <view class="cell-arrow"></view>
    25. </view>
    26. </view>
    27. </view>
    28. <view class="boundary" />
    29. <view class="cells-container">
    30. <view class="cell-wrap">
    31. <image class="cell-icon" src="/static/tabBar/sdk.png" />
    32. <text class="cell-text">我发布的投票</text>
    33. <view class="cell-right">
    34. <view class="cell-list-num">1</view>
    35. <view class="cell-arrow"></view>
    36. </view>
    37. </view>
    38. <view class="cell-wrap">
    39. <image class="cell-icon" src="/static/tabBar/sdk.png" />
    40. <text class="cell-text">我参与的投票</text>
    41. <view class="cell-right">
    42. <view class="cell-list-num">10</view>
    43. <view class="cell-arrow"></view>
    44. </view>
    45. </view>
    46. </view>
    47. <view class="boundary" />
    48. <view class="cells-container">
    49. <view class="cell-wrap">
    50. <image class="cell-icon" src="/static/tabBar/template.png" />
    51. <text class="cell-text">消息</text>
    52. <view class="cell-right">
    53. <view class="cell-list-num"></view>
    54. <view class="cell-arrow"></view>
    55. </view>
    56. </view>
    57. <view class="cell-wrap">
    58. <image class="cell-icon" src="/static/tabBar/component.png" />
    59. <text class="cell-text">设置</text>
    60. <view class="cell-right">
    61. <view class="cell-list-num"></view>
    62. <view class="cell-arrow"></view>
    63. </view>
    64. </view>
    65. </view>
    66. </view>
    1. // pages/ucenter/index/index.js
    2. var util = require('../../../utils/util.js');
    3. var api = require('../../../config/api.js');
    4. const app = getApp();
    5. Page({
    6. /**
    7. * 页面的初始数据
    8. */
    9. data: {
    10. userInfo: {
    11. nickName: '点击登录',
    12. avatarUrl: '/static/images/avatar.png'
    13. },
    14. hasLogin: false,
    15. metting_pubs: '',
    16. metting_joins: ''
    17. },
    18. /**
    19. * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
    20. */
    21. onLoad(options) {
    22. },
    23. /**
    24. * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
    25. */
    26. onShow() {
    27. this.getUserInfo();
    28. },
    29. getUserInfo() {
    30. // console.log('ucenter.index.app.globalData.hasLogin='+app.globalData.hasLogin)
    31. //获取用户的登录信息
    32. if (app.globalData.hasLogin) {
    33. let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo');
    34. this.setData({
    35. userInfo: userInfo,
    36. hasLogin: true
    37. });
    38. //查询个人统计信息
    39. util.request(api.UserIndex).then(res => {
    40. if (res.errno === 0) {
    41. this.setData({
    42. metting_pubs: res.data.metting_pubs,
    43. metting_joins: res.data.metting_joins
    44. });
    45. }
    46. });
    47. }
    48. },
    49. goLogin() {
    50. if (!this.data.hasLogin) {
    51. wx.navigateTo({
    52. url: "/pages/auth/login/login"
    53. });
    54. }
    55. },
    56. /**
    57. * 页面跳转
    58. */
    59. goPages: function (e) {
    60. if (this.data.hasLogin) {
    61. wx.navigateTo({
    62. url: e.currentTarget.dataset.url
    63. });
    64. } else {
    65. wx.navigateTo({
    66. url: "/pages/auth/login/login"
    67. });
    68. };
    69. }
    70. })
    1. var util = require('../../../utils/util.js');
    2. var api = require('../../../config/api.js');
    3. var user = require('../../../utils/user.js');
    4. var app = getApp();
    5. Page({
    6. /**
    7. * 页面的初始数据
    8. */
    9. data: {
    10. userInfo: {},
    11. hasLogin: false,
    12. userSharedUrl: ''
    13. },
    14. /**
    15. * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
    16. */
    17. onLoad: function (options) {
    18. },
    19. onShow: function () {
    20. let that = this;
    21. //获取用户的登录信息
    22. let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo');
    23. this.setData({
    24. userInfo: userInfo,
    25. hasLogin: true
    26. });
    27. },
    28. getPhoneNumber: function (e) {
    29. let that = this;
    30. if (e.detail.errMsg !== "getPhoneNumber:ok") {
    31. // 拒绝授权
    32. return;
    33. }
    34. if (!this.data.hasLogin) {
    35. wx.showToast({
    36. title: '绑定失败:请先登录',
    37. icon: 'none',
    38. duration: 2000
    39. });
    40. return;
    41. }
    42. util.request(api.AuthBindPhone, {
    43. iv: e.detail.iv,
    44. encryptedData: e.detail.encryptedData
    45. }, 'POST').then(function (res) {
    46. if (res.errno === 0) {
    47. let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo');
    48. userInfo.phone = res.data.phone;//设置手机号码
    49. wx.setStorageSync('userInfo', userInfo);
    50. that.setData({
    51. userInfo: userInfo,
    52. hasLogin: true
    53. });
    54. wx.showToast({
    55. title: '绑定手机号码成功',
    56. icon: 'success',
    57. duration: 2000
    58. });
    59. }
    60. });
    61. },
    62. exitLogin: function () {
    63. wx.showModal({
    64. title: '',
    65. confirmColor: '#b4282d',
    66. content: '退出登录?',
    67. success: function (res) {
    68. if (!res.confirm) {
    69. return;
    70. }
    71. util.request(api.AuthLogout, {}, 'POST');
    72. app.globalData.hasLogin = false;
    73. wx.removeStorageSync('token');
    74. wx.removeStorageSync('userInfo');
    75. wx.reLaunch({
    76. url: '/pages/index/index'
    77. });
    78. }
    79. })
    80. }
    81. })
    1. <!--pages/ucenter/user/user.wxml-->
    2. <form bindsubmit="formSubmit">
    3. <view class='personal-data'>
    4. <view class='list'>
    5. <view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
    6. <view>头像</view>
    7. <view class='pictrue'>
    8. <image src='{{userInfo.avatarUrl}}'></image>
    9. </view>
    10. </view>
    11. <view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
    12. <view>名字</view>
    13. <view class='input'><input type='text' disabled='true' name='nickname' value='{{userInfo.nickName}}'></input></view>
    14. </view>
    15. <view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
    16. <view>手机号码</view>
    17. <button name='phone' class='phone' value='{{userInfo.phone}}' wx:if="{{!userInfo.phone}}" bindgetphonenumber="getPhoneNumber" hover-class='none' open-type='getPhoneNumber'>
    18. 点击获取
    19. </button>
    20. <view class='input acea-row row-between-wrapper' wx:else>
    21. <input type='text' disabled='true' name='phone' value='{{userInfo.phone}}' class='id'></input>
    22. <text class='iconfont icon-suozi'></text>
    23. </view>
    24. </view>
    25. <view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
    26. <view>ID号</view>
    27. <view class='input acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
    28. <input type='text' value='1000{{userInfo.userId}}' disabled='true' class='id'></input>
    29. <text class='iconfont icon-suozi'></text>
    30. </view>
    31. </view>
    32. </view>
    33. <button class='modifyBnt' bindtap="exitLogin">退 出</button>
    34. </view>
    35. </form>
    1. @import '/static/font/iconfont.wxss';
    2. .personal-data .list {
    3. margin-top: 15rpx;
    4. background-color: #fff;
    5. }
    6. .personal-data .list .item {
    7. padding: 30rpx 30rpx 30rpx 0;
    8. border-bottom: 1rpx solid #f2f2f2;
    9. margin-left: 30rpx;
    10. font-size: 32rpx;
    11. color: #282828;
    12. }
    13. .personal-data .list .item .phone {
    14. background-color: #85c43f;
    15. width: 160rpx;
    16. height: 56rpx;
    17. font-size: 24rpx;
    18. color: #fff;
    19. line-height: 56rpx;
    20. border-radius: 32rpx
    21. }
    22. .personal-data .list .item .pictrue {
    23. width: 88rpx;
    24. height: 88rpx;
    25. }
    26. .personal-data .list .item .pictrue image {
    27. width: 100%;
    28. height: 100%;
    29. border-radius: 50%;
    30. }
    31. .personal-data .list .item .input {
    32. width: 415rpx;
    33. text-align: right;
    34. color: #868686;
    35. }
    36. .personal-data .list .item .input .id {
    37. width: 365rpx;
    38. }
    39. .personal-data .list .item .input .iconfont {
    40. font-size: 35rpx;
    41. }
    42. .personal-data .modifyBnt {
    43. /* background-color: #85c43f; */
    44. /* background: linear-gradient(to left right, #85c43f, #fefefd); */
    45. background: radial-gradient(circle at 50%,#85c43f,#CDDC39);
    46. font-size: 32rpx;
    47. color: #fff;
    48. width: 690rpx;
    49. height: 90rpx;
    50. border-radius: 50rpx;
    51. display: flex;
    52. justify-content: center;
    53. align-items: center;
    54. line-height: 90rpx;
    55. margin: 76rpx auto 0 auto;
    56. }
    57. .acea-row{display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;}
    58. .acea-row.row-top{align-items:flex-start;}
    59. .acea-row.row-middle{align-items:center;}
    60. .acea-row.row-bottom{align-items:flex-end;}
    61. .acea-row.row-left{justify-content:flex-start;}
    62. .acea-row.row-center{justify-content:center;}
    63. .acea-row.row-right{justify-content:flex-end;}
    64. .acea-row.row-between{justify-content:space-between;}
    65. .acea-row.row-around{justify-content:space-around;}
    66. .acea-row.row-column{flex-direction:column;}
    67. .acea-row.row-column-between{flex-direction:column;justify-content:space-between;}
    68. .acea-row.row-column-around{flex-direction:column;justify-content:space-around;}
    69. .acea-row.row-center-wrapper{align-items:center;justify-content:center;}
    70. .acea-row.row-between-wrapper{align-items:center;justify-content:space-between;}
    71. view, image, text, navigator {
    72. box-sizing: border-box;
    73. padding: 0;
    74. margin: 0;
    75. }

    WxAuthController : 
    1. package com.zking.ssm.wxcontroller;
    2. /**
    3. * @Autho donkee
    4. * @Since 2022/6/27
    5. */
    6. import cn.binarywang.wx.miniapp.bean.WxMaPhoneNumberInfo;
    7. import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
    8. import com.zking.ssm.annotation.LoginUser;
    9. import com.zking.ssm.model.UserInfo;
    10. import com.zking.ssm.model.WxLoginInfo;
    11. import com.zking.ssm.model.WxUser;
    12. import com.zking.ssm.service.UserToken;
    13. import com.zking.ssm.service.UserTokenManager;
    14. import com.zking.ssm.service.WxUserService;
    15. import com.zking.ssm.util.JacksonUtil;
    16. import com.zking.ssm.util.ResponseUtil;
    17. import com.zking.ssm.util.UserTypeEnum;
    18. import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
    19. import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
    20. import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
    21. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
    22. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
    23. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
    24. import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
    25. import cn.binarywang.wx.miniapp.api.WxMaService;
    26. import cn.binarywang.wx.miniapp.bean.WxMaJscode2SessionResult;
    27. import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    28. import java.text.DateFormat;
    29. import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    30. import java.util.Date;
    31. import java.util.HashMap;
    32. import java.util.Map;
    33. /**
    34. * 鉴权服务
    35. */
    36. @Slf4j
    37. @RestController
    38. @RequestMapping("/wx/auth")
    39. public class WxAuthController {
    40. @Autowired
    41. private WxMaService wxService;
    42. @Autowired
    43. private WxUserService userService;
    44. /**
    45. * 微信登录
    46. *
    47. * @param wxLoginInfo
    48. * 请求内容,{ code: xxx, userInfo: xxx }
    49. * @param request
    50. * 请求对象
    51. * @return 登录结果
    52. */
    53. @PostMapping("login_by_weixin")
    54. public Object loginByWeixin(@RequestBody WxLoginInfo wxLoginInfo, HttpServletRequest request) {
    55. //客户端需携带code与userInfo信息
    56. String code = wxLoginInfo.getCode();
    57. UserInfo userInfo = wxLoginInfo.getUserInfo();
    58. if (code == null || userInfo == null) {
    59. return ResponseUtil.badArgument();
    60. }
    61. //调用微信sdk获取openId及sessionKey
    62. String sessionKey = null;
    63. String openId = null;
    64. try {
    65. long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    66. //
    67. WxMaJscode2SessionResult result = this.wxService.getUserService().getSessionInfo(code);
    68. // Thread.sleep(6000);
    69. long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    70. log.info("响应时间:{}",(endTime-beginTime));
    71. sessionKey = result.getSessionKey();//session id
    72. openId = result.getOpenid();//用户唯一标识 OpenID
    73. } catch (Exception e) {
    74. e.printStackTrace();
    75. }
    76. if (sessionKey == null || openId == null) {
    77. log.error("微信登录,调用官方接口失败:{}", code);
    78. return ResponseUtil.fail();
    79. }else{
    80. log.info("openId={},sessionKey={}",openId,sessionKey);
    81. }
    82. //根据openId查询wx_user表
    83. //如果不存在,初始化wx_user,并保存到数据库中
    84. //如果存在,更新最后登录时间
    85. WxUser user = userService.queryByOid(openId);
    86. if (user == null) {
    87. user = new WxUser();
    88. user.setUsername(openId);
    89. user.setPassword(openId);
    90. user.setWeixinOpenid(openId);
    91. user.setAvatar(userInfo.getAvatarUrl());
    92. user.setNickname(userInfo.getNickName());
    93. user.setGender(userInfo.getGender());
    94. user.setUserLevel((byte) 0);
    95. user.setStatus((byte) 0);
    96. user.setLastLoginTime(new Date());
    97. user.setLastLoginIp(IpUtil.client(request));
    98. user.setShareUserId(1);
    99. userService.add(user);
    100. } else {
    101. user.setLastLoginTime(new Date());
    102. user.setLastLoginIp(IpUtil.client(request));
    103. if (userService.updateById(user) == 0) {
    104. log.error("修改失败:{}", user);
    105. return ResponseUtil.updatedDataFailed();
    106. }
    107. }
    108. // token
    109. UserToken userToken = null;
    110. try {
    111. userToken = UserTokenManager.generateToken(user.getId());
    112. } catch (Exception e) {
    113. log.error("微信登录失败,生成token失败:{}", user.getId());
    114. e.printStackTrace();
    115. return ResponseUtil.fail();
    116. }
    117. userToken.setSessionKey(sessionKey);
    118. log.info("SessionKey={}",UserTokenManager.getSessionKey(user.getId()));
    119. Map<Object, Object> result = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
    120. result.put("token", userToken.getToken());
    121. result.put("tokenExpire", userToken.getExpireTime().toString());
    122. userInfo.setUserId(user.getId());
    123. if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(user.getMobile())) {// 手机号存在则设置
    124. userInfo.setPhone(user.getMobile());
    125. }
    126. try {
    127. DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    128. String registerDate = df.format(user.getAddTime() != null ? user.getAddTime() : new Date());
    129. userInfo.setRegisterDate(registerDate);
    130. userInfo.setStatus(user.getStatus());
    131. userInfo.setUserLevel(user.getUserLevel());// 用户层级
    132. userInfo.setUserLevelDesc(UserTypeEnum.getInstance(user.getUserLevel()).getDesc());// 用户层级描述
    133. } catch (Exception e) {
    134. log.error("微信登录:设置用户指定信息出错:"+e.getMessage());
    135. e.printStackTrace();
    136. }
    137. result.put("userInfo", userInfo);
    138. log.info("【请求结束】微信登录,响应结果:{}", JSONObject.toJSONString(result));
    139. return ResponseUtil.ok(result);
    140. }
    141. /**
    142. * 绑定手机号码
    143. *
    144. * @param userId
    145. * @param body
    146. * @return
    147. */
    148. @PostMapping("bindPhone")
    149. public Object bindPhone(@LoginUser Integer userId, @RequestBody String body) {
    150. log.info("【请求开始】绑定手机号码,请求参数,body:{}", body);
    151. String sessionKey = UserTokenManager.getSessionKey(userId);
    152. String encryptedData = JacksonUtil.parseString(body, "encryptedData");
    153. String iv = JacksonUtil.parseString(body, "iv");
    154. WxMaPhoneNumberInfo phoneNumberInfo = null;
    155. try {
    156. phoneNumberInfo = this.wxService.getUserService().getPhoneNoInfo(sessionKey, encryptedData, iv);
    157. } catch (Exception e) {
    158. log.error("绑定手机号码失败,获取微信绑定的手机号码出错:{}", body);
    159. e.printStackTrace();
    160. return ResponseUtil.fail();
    161. }
    162. String phone = phoneNumberInfo.getPhoneNumber();
    163. WxUser user = userService.selectByPrimaryKey(userId);
    164. user.setMobile(phone);
    165. if (userService.updateById(user) == 0) {
    166. log.error("绑定手机号码,更新用户信息出错,id:{}", user.getId());
    167. return ResponseUtil.updatedDataFailed();
    168. }
    169. Map<Object, Object> data = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
    170. data.put("phone", phone);
    171. log.info("【请求结束】绑定手机号码,响应结果:{}", JSONObject.toJSONString(data));
    172. return ResponseUtil.ok(data);
    173. }
    174. /**
    175. * 注销登录
    176. */
    177. @PostMapping("logout")
    178. public Object logout(@LoginUser Integer userId) {
    179. log.info("【请求开始】注销登录,请求参数,userId:{}", userId);
    180. if (userId == null) {
    181. return ResponseUtil.unlogin();
    182. }
    183. try {
    184. UserTokenManager.removeToken(userId);
    185. } catch (Exception e) {
    186. log.error("注销登录出错:userId:{}", userId);
    187. e.printStackTrace();
    188. return ResponseUtil.fail();
    189. }
    190. log.info("【请求结束】注销登录成功!");
    191. return ResponseUtil.ok();
    192. }
    193. }

    在 application.yml 文件中进行配置后台的数据库及微信小程序的AppID(小程序ID)及AppSecret(小程序密钥),来帮助访问微信的接口服务。

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/djssubddbj/article/details/133963204