- c='a'
- #'a': ASCII/Unicode U+0061 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
- typeof(c)
- #Char
- c=Int(c)
- c
- #97
- typeof(c)
- #Int64
- Char(97)
- #'a': ASCII/Unicode U+0061 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
- 'A' < 'a'
- #true
- 'A' +1
- #'B': ASCII/Unicode U+0042 (category Lu: Letter, uppercase)
) 通常用于定义单行字符串- str="Hello world"
- str
- # "Hello world"
) 可以用于定义多行字符串。
- s = """This is a multiline
- string in Julia."""
- s
- #"This is a multiline\nstring in Julia."
- s = """He said, "Hello, Julia!" without any issues."""
- s
- #"He said, \"Hello, Julia!\" without any issues."
) 来将其分割。
- str="Hello \
- world"
- str
- #"Hello world"
- str="Hello world"
- str
- #"Hello world"
- str[begin]
- #'H': ASCII/Unicode U+0048 (category Lu: Letter, uppercase)
- str[1]
- #'H': ASCII/Unicode U+0048 (category Lu: Letter, uppercase)
- str[end]
- #'d': ASCII/Unicode U+0064 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
- str[begin*3]
- #'l': ASCII/Unicode U+006C (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
- str[begin-1]
- '''
- BoundsError: attempt to access 11-codeunit String at index [0]
- Stacktrace:
- [1] checkbounds
- @ .\strings\basic.jl:216 [inlined]
- [2] codeunit
- @ .\strings\string.jl:117 [inlined]
- [3] getindex(s::String, i::Int64)
- @ Base .\strings\string.jl:238
- [4] top-level scope
- @ In[48]:1
- '''
- str[end+1]
- '''
- BoundsError: attempt to access 11-codeunit String at index [12]
- Stacktrace:
- [1] checkbounds
- @ .\strings\basic.jl:216 [inlined]
- [2] codeunit
- @ .\strings\string.jl:117 [inlined]
- [3] getindex(s::String, i::Int64)
- @ Base .\strings\string.jl:238
- [4] top-level scope
- @ In[49]:1
- '''
- str[3:4]
- #"ll"
- greet = "Hello"
- whom = "world"
- string(greet, ", ", whom, ".\n")
- #"Hello, world.\n"
- greet = "Hello"
- whom = "world"
- greet * ", " * whom * ".\n"
- #"Hello, world.\n"
- greet = "Hello"
- whom = "world"
- "$greet, $whom.\n"