• 项目中常用的正则表达式

    1. 格式化货币


    123456789 => 123,456,789

    123456789.123 => 123,456,789.123

    1. const formatMoney = (money) => {
    2. return money.replace(new RegExp(`(?!^)(?=(\\d{3})+${money.includes('.') ? '\\.' : '$'})`, 'g'), ',')
    3. }
    4. formatMoney('123456789') // '123,456,789'
    5. formatMoney('123456789.123') // '123,456,789.123'
    6. formatMoney('123') // '123'

    2. Trim功能的两种实现方式



    1. const trim1 = (str) => {
    2. return str.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '')
    3. }
    4. const string = ' hello medium '
    5. const noSpaceString = 'hello medium'
    6. const trimString = trim1(string)
    7. console.log(string)
    8. console.log(trimString, trimString === noSpaceString)
    9. console.log(string)


    1. const trim2 = (str) => {
    2. return str.replace(/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/g, '$1')
    3. }
    4. const string = ' hello medium '
    5. const noSpaceString = 'hello medium'
    6. const trimString = trim2(string)
    7. console.log(string)
    8. console.log(trimString, trimString === noSpaceString)
    9. console.log(string)


    1. // For example, there is such a link, I hope to get fatfish through getQueryByName('name')
    2. // url https://qianlongo.github.io/vue-demos/dist/index.html?name=fatfish&age=100#/home
    3. const name = getQueryByName('name') // fatfish
    4. const age = getQueryByName('age') // 100


    1. const getQueryByName = (name) => {
    2. const queryNameRegex = new RegExp(`[?&]${name}=([^&]*)(&|$)`)
    3. const queryNameMatch = window.location.search.match(queryNameRegex)
    4. // Generally, it will be decoded by decodeURIComponent
    5. return queryNameMatch ? decodeURIComponent(queryNameMatch[1]) : ''
    6. }
    7. const name = getQueryByName('name')
    8. const age = getQueryByName('age')
    9. console.log(name, age) // fatfish, 100

    4. 驼峰式命名字符串


    1. 1. foo Bar => fooBar
    2. 2. foo-bar---- => fooBar
    3. 3. foo_bar__ => fooBar
    1. const camelCase = (string) => {
    2. const camelCaseRegex = /[-_\s]+(.)?/g
    3. return string.replace(camelCaseRegex, (match, char) => {
    4. return char ? char.toUpperCase() : ''
    5. })
    6. }
    7. console.log(camelCase('foo Bar')) // fooBar
    8. console.log(camelCase('foo-bar--')) // fooBar
    9. console.log(camelCase('foo_bar__')) // fooBar

    5. 将字符串的第一个字母转换为大写

    请将 hello world 转换为 Hello World。

    1. const capitalize = (string) => {
    2. const capitalizeRegex = /(?:^|\s+)\w/g
    3. return string.toLowerCase().replace(capitalizeRegex, (match) => match.toUpperCase())
    4. }
    5. console.log(capitalize('hello world')) // Hello World
    6. console.log(capitalize('hello WORLD')) // Hello World

    6. 转义 HTML

    防止 XSS 攻击的方法之一是进行 HTML 转义。 逃逸规则如下:

    1. const escape = (string) => {
    2. const escapeMaps = {
    3. '&': 'amp',
    4. '<': 'lt',
    5. '>': 'gt',
    6. '"': 'quot',
    7. "'": '#39'
    8. }
    9. // The effect here is the same as that of /[&<> "']/g
    10. const escapeRegexp = new RegExp(`[${Object.keys(escapeMaps).join('')}]`, 'g')
    11. return string.replace(escapeRegexp, (match) => `&${escapeMaps[match]};`)
    12. }
    13. console.log(escape(`
    14. hello world

  • `))
  • /*
  • <div>
  • <p>hello world</p>
  • </div>
  • */
  • 8. 取消转义 HTML

    1. const unescape = (string) => {
    2. const unescapeMaps = {
    3. 'amp': '&',
    4. 'lt': '<',
    5. 'gt': '>',
    6. 'quot': '"',
    7. '#39': "'"
    8. }
    9. const unescapeRegexp = /&([^;]+);/g
    10. return string.replace(unescapeRegexp, (match, unescapeKey) => {
    11. return unescapeMaps[ unescapeKey ] || match
    12. })
    13. }
    14. console.log(unescape(`
    15. <div>
    16. <p>hello world</p>
    17. </div>
    18. `))
    19. /*
    20. hello world

  • */
  • 9. 24小时制比赛时间

    请判断时间是否符合24小时制。 匹配规则如下:





    1. const check24TimeRegexp = /^(?:(?:0?|1)\d|2[0-3]):(?:0?|[1-5])\d$/
    2. console.log(check24TimeRegexp.test('01:14')) // true
    3. console.log(check24TimeRegexp.test('23:59')) // true
    4. console.log(check24TimeRegexp.test('23:60')) // false
    5. console.log(check24TimeRegexp.test('1:14')) // true
    6. console.log(check24TimeRegexp.test('1:1')) // true


    请匹配日期格式,例如(yyyy-mm-dd、yyyy.mm.dd、yyyy/mm/dd),例如 2021–08–22、2021.08.22、2021/08/22。

    1. const checkDateRegexp = /^\d{4}([-\.\/])(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\1(?:0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])$/
    2. console.log(checkDateRegexp.test('2021-08-22')) // true
    3. console.log(checkDateRegexp.test('2021/08/22')) // true
    4. console.log(checkDateRegexp.test('2021.08.22')) // true
    5. console.log(checkDateRegexp.test('2021.08/22')) // false
    6. console.log(checkDateRegexp.test('2021/08-22')) // false

    11. 匹配十六进制颜色值


    1. const matchColorRegex = /#(?:[\da-fA-F]{6}|[\da-fA-F]{3})/g
    2. const colorString = '#12f3a1 #ffBabd #FFF #123 #586'
    3. console.log(colorString.match(matchColorRegex))
    4. // [ '#12f3a1', '#ffBabd', '#FFF', '#123', '#586' ]

    12. 检查URL的前缀是HTTPS还是HTTP

    1. const checkProtocol = /^https?:/
    2. console.log(checkProtocol.test('https://medium.com/')) // true
    3. console.log(checkProtocol.test('http://medium.com/')) // true
    4. console.log(checkProtocol.test('//medium.com/')) // false


    版本号必须采用 x.y.z 格式,其中 XYZ 至少为一位数字。

    1. // x.y.z
    2. const versionRegexp = /^(?:\d+\.){2}\d+$/
    3. console.log(versionRegexp.test('1.1.1'))
    4. console.log(versionRegexp.test('1.000.1'))
    5. console.log(versionRegexp.test(''))


    1. const matchImgs = (sHtml) => {
    2. const imgUrlRegex = /]+src="((?:https?:)?\/\/[^"]+)"[^>]*?>/gi
    3. let matchImgUrls = []
    4. sHtml.replace(imgUrlRegex, (match, $1) => {
    5. $1 && matchImgUrls.push($1)
    6. })
    7. return matchImgUrls
    8. }
    9. console.log(matchImgs(document.body.innerHTML))


    1. let mobile = '13312345678'
    2. let mobileReg = /(?=(\d{4})+$)/g
    3. console.log(mobile.replace(mobileReg, '-')) // 133-1234-5678

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_46054156/article/details/133942441