• 0基础学习PyFlink——Map和Reduce函数处理单词统计

    在很多讲解大数据的案例中,往往都会以一个单词统计例子来抛砖引玉。本文也不免俗,例子来源于PyFlink的 《Table API Tutorial》,我们会通过几种方式统计不同的单词出现的个数,从而达到循序渐进的学习效果。


    # input.py
    word_count_data = ["To be, or not to be,--that is the question:--",
                       "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer",
                       "The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune",
                       "Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,",
                       "And by opposing end them?--To die,--to sleep,--",
                       "No more; and by a sleep to say we end",
                       "The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks",
                       "That flesh is heir to,--'tis a consummation",
                       "Devoutly to be wish'd. To die,--to sleep;--",
                       "To sleep! perchance to dream:--ay, there's the rub;",
                       "For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,",
                       "When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,",
                       "Must give us pause: there's the respect",
                       "That makes calamity of so long life;",
                       "For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,",
                       "The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,",
                       "The pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay,",
                       "The insolence of office, and the spurns",
                       "That patient merit of the unworthy takes,",
                       "When he himself might his quietus make",
                       "With a bare bodkin? who would these fardels bear,",
                       "To grunt and sweat under a weary life,",
                       "But that the dread of something after death,--",
                       "The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn",
                       "No traveller returns,--puzzles the will,",
                       "And makes us rather bear those ills we have",
                       "Than fly to others that we know not of?",
                       "Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;",
                       "And thus the native hue of resolution",
                       "Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought;",
                       "And enterprises of great pith and moment,",
                       "With this regard, their currents turn awry,",
                       "And lose the name of action.--Soft you now!",
                       "The fair Ophelia!--Nymph, in thy orisons",
                       "Be all my sins remember'd."]
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    1. 遍历这个list将每行用空格切割成独立单词,存储到一个新的list中
    2. 遍历步骤1产生的新的list,使用map记录统计结果,key是单词,value是次数
    # common.py
    from input import word_count_data
    wordCount = dict()
    for line in word_count_data:
        wordsOneline = line.split() # 获取一行文本切分后的单词list
        for word in wordsOneline:
            wordCount.update({word:wordCount.get(word,0)+1}) # 遍历一行文本切分后的单词list,并更新其个数(有则自增1)
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    {‘To’: 4, ‘be,’: 1, ‘or’: 1, ‘not’: 2, ‘to’: 7, ‘be,–that’: 1, ‘is’: 2, ‘the’: 15, ‘question:–’: 1, ‘Whether’: 1, “'tis”: 1, ‘nobler’: 1, ‘in’: 3, ‘mind’: 1, ‘suffer’: 1, ‘The’: 7, ‘slings’: 1, ‘and’: 7, ‘arrows’: 1, ‘of’: 14, ‘outrageous’: 1, ‘fortune’: 1, ‘Or’: 1, ‘take’: 1, ‘arms’: 1, ‘against’: 1, ‘a’: 5, ‘sea’: 1, ‘troubles,’: 1, ‘And’: 5, ‘by’: 2, ‘opposing’: 1, ‘end’: 2, ‘them?–To’: 1, ‘die,–to’: 2, ‘sleep,–’: 1, ‘No’: 2, ‘more;’: 1, ‘sleep’: 2, ‘say’: 1, ‘we’: 4, ‘heartache,’: 1, ‘thousand’: 1, ‘natural’: 1, ‘shocks’: 1, ‘That’: 3, ‘flesh’: 1, ‘heir’: 1, “to,–'tis”: 1, ‘consummation’: 1, ‘Devoutly’: 1, ‘be’: 1, “wish’d.”: 1, ‘sleep;–’: 1, ‘sleep!’: 1, ‘perchance’: 1, ‘dream:–ay,’: 1, “there’s”: 2, ‘rub;’: 1, ‘For’: 2, ‘that’: 3, ‘death’: 1, ‘what’: 1, ‘dreams’: 1, ‘may’: 1, ‘come,’: 1, ‘When’: 2, ‘have’: 2, ‘shuffled’: 1, ‘off’: 1, ‘this’: 2, ‘mortal’: 1, ‘coil,’: 1, ‘Must’: 1, ‘give’: 1, ‘us’: 3, ‘pause:’: 1, ‘respect’: 1, ‘makes’: 2, ‘calamity’: 1, ‘so’: 1, ‘long’: 1, ‘life;’: 1, ‘who’: 2, ‘would’: 2, ‘bear’: 2, ‘whips’: 1, ‘scorns’: 1, ‘time,’: 1, “oppressor’s”: 1, ‘wrong,’: 1, ‘proud’: 1, “man’s”: 1, ‘contumely,’: 1, ‘pangs’: 1, “despis’d”: 1, ‘love,’: 1, “law’s”: 1, ‘delay,’: 1, ‘insolence’: 1, ‘office,’: 1, ‘spurns’: 1, ‘patient’: 1, ‘merit’: 1, ‘unworthy’: 1, ‘takes,’: 1, ‘he’: 1, ‘himself’: 1, ‘might’: 1, ‘his’: 1, ‘quietus’: 1, ‘make’: 2, ‘With’: 2, ‘bare’: 1, ‘bodkin?’: 1, ‘these’: 1, ‘fardels’: 1, ‘bear,’: 1, ‘grunt’: 1, ‘sweat’: 1, ‘under’: 1, ‘weary’: 1, ‘life,’: 1, ‘But’: 1, ‘dread’: 1, ‘something’: 1, ‘after’: 1, ‘death,–’: 1, “undiscover’d”: 1, ‘country,’: 1, ‘from’: 1, ‘whose’: 1, ‘bourn’: 1, ‘traveller’: 1, ‘returns,–puzzles’: 1, ‘will,’: 1, ‘rather’: 1, ‘those’: 1, ‘ills’: 1, ‘Than’: 1, ‘fly’: 1, ‘others’: 1, ‘know’: 1, ‘of?’: 1, ‘Thus’: 1, ‘conscience’: 1, ‘does’: 1, ‘cowards’: 1, ‘all;’: 1, ‘thus’: 1, ‘native’: 1, ‘hue’: 1, ‘resolution’: 1, ‘Is’: 1, ‘sicklied’: 1, “o’er”: 1, ‘with’: 1, ‘pale’: 1, ‘cast’: 1, ‘thought;’: 1, ‘enterprises’: 1, ‘great’: 1, ‘pith’: 1, ‘moment,’: 1, ‘regard,’: 1, ‘their’: 1, ‘currents’: 1, ‘turn’: 1, ‘awry,’: 1, ‘lose’: 1, ‘name’: 1, ‘action.–Soft’: 1, ‘you’: 1, ‘now!’: 1, ‘fair’: 1, ‘Ophelia!–Nymph,’: 1, ‘thy’: 1, ‘orisons’: 1, ‘Be’: 1, ‘all’: 1, ‘my’: 1, ‘sins’: 1, “remember’d.”: 1}


    # common_1.py
    from input import word_count_data
    words = []
    for line in word_count_data:
        words.extend(line.split()) # 将单行文本切分后的单词list保存到一个一维的list中
    wordCount = {}
    for word in words:
        wordCount.update({word:wordCount.get(word,0)+1}) # 遍历所有文本切分后的单词list,并更新单词统计个数(有则自增1)
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    map(func, *iterables) --> map object
    Make an iterator that computes the function using arguments from each of the iterables. Stops when the shortest iterable is exhausted.


    import sys
    iter=map(lambda x: x+1, source)
    while True:
        except StopIteration:
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    from input import word_count_data
    wordsLists=map(lambda line: line.split(), word_count_data) # 生成二维list,一维的元素是一个list,这个list中每个元素则是一个单词
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    [‘To’, ‘be,’, ‘or’, ‘not’, ‘to’, ‘be,–that’, ‘is’, ‘the’, ‘question:–’],
    [‘Whether’, “'tis”, ‘nobler’, ‘in’, ‘the’, ‘mind’, ‘to’, ‘suffer’],


    functools.reduce(function, iterable[, initializer])
    Apply function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of iterable, from left to right, so as to reduce the iterable to a single value. For example, reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) calculates ((((1+2)+3)+4)+5). The left argument, x, is the accumulated value and the right argument, y, is the update value from the iterable. If the optional initializer is present, it is placed before the items of the iterable in the calculation, and serves as a default when the iterable is empty. If initializer is not given and iterable contains only one item, the first item is returned.


    def reduce(function, iterable, initializer=None):
        it = iter(iterable)
        if initializer is None:
            value = next(it)
            value = initializer
        for element in it:
            value = function(value, element)
        return value
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    • 都需要提供一个处理函数(第一个参数)
    • 处理函数都有一个返回值


    • 处理函数接受两个参数
    • 接受第三个参数作为初始返回数据


    from functools import reduce
    r=reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, source, 100)
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    words=reduce(lambda wordsAll,wordsOneline: wordsAll+wordsOneline, wordsLists, [])
    • 1


    [‘To’, ‘be,’, ‘or’, ‘not’, ‘to’, ‘be,–that’, ‘is’, ‘the’, ‘question:–’, ‘Whether’, ……]


    wordCount=reduce(lambda wordCount,word: wordCount.update({word:wordCount.get(word,0)+1}) or wordCount, words, {})
    • 1

    {‘To’: 4, ‘be,’: 1, ‘or’: 1, ‘not’: 2, ‘to’: 7, ‘be,–that’: 1, ‘is’: 2, ‘the’: 15,……}


    # map_reduce.py
    from functools import reduce
    from input import word_count_data
    wordsLists=map(lambda line: line.split(), word_count_data)
    words=reduce(lambda wordsAll,wordsOneline: wordsAll+wordsOneline, wordsLists, [])
    wordCount=reduce(lambda wordCount,word: wordCount.update({word:wordCount.get(word,0)+1}) or wordCount, words, {})
    # wordCount=reduce(lambda wordCount,words: reduce(lambda wordCountInline,word: wordCountInline.update({word:wordCountInline.get(word,0)+1}) or wordCountInline, words, wordCount), wordsLists, {})
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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/breaksoftware/article/details/133911242