• 基于python的23种设计模式


    1. 工厂模式(Factory Pattern)




    1. from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
    2. class Product(ABC):
    3. """
    4. 抽象产品类,定义所有具体产品的接口
    5. """
    6. @abstractmethod
    7. def operation(self) -> str:
    8. pass
    9. class ConcreteProduct(Product):
    10. """
    11. 具体产品类
    12. """
    13. def operation(self) -> str:
    14. return "ConcreteProduct"
    15. class Creator(ABC):
    16. """
    17. 抽象创建者类,声明工厂方法,返回一个产品类的实例
    18. """
    19. @abstractmethod
    20. def factory_method(self) -> Product:
    21. pass
    22. def some_operation(self) -> str:
    23. """
    24. 可选:创建者还可以提供一些默认实现
    25. """
    26. product = self.factory_method()
    27. result = f"Creator: {product.operation()}"
    28. return result
    29. class ConcreteCreator1(Creator):
    30. """
    31. 具体创建者1,实现工厂方法以返回具体产品1的实例
    32. """
    33. def factory_method(self) -> Product:
    34. return ConcreteProduct()
    35. class ConcreteCreator2(Creator):
    36. """
    37. 具体创建者2,实现工厂方法以返回具体产品2的实例
    38. """
    39. def factory_method(self) -> Product:
    40. return ConcreteProduct()
    41. def client_code(creator: Creator) -> None:
    42. """
    43. 客户端代码只需要知道创建者的抽象类,无需关心具体实现类
    44. """
    45. print(f"Client: I'm not aware of the creator's class, but it still works.\n"
    46. f"{creator.some_operation()}", end="")
    47. if __name__ == "__main__":
    48. print("App: Launched with the ConcreteCreator1.")
    49. client_code(ConcreteCreator1())



    2. 抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory Pattern)




    1. from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
    2. class AbstractFactory(ABC):
    3. """
    4. 抽象工厂类,声明所有产品创建方法。
    5. """
    6. @abstractmethod
    7. def create_product_a(self):
    8. pass
    9. @abstractmethod
    10. def create_product_b(self):
    11. pass
    12. class ConcreteFactory1(AbstractFactory):
    13. """
    14. 具体工厂1,生成一组具有相互依赖关系的产品。
    15. """
    16. def create_product_a(self):
    17. return ConcreteProductA1()
    18. def create_product_b(self):
    19. return ConcreteProductB1()
    20. class ConcreteFactory2(AbstractFactory):
    21. """
    22. 具体工厂2,生成一组具有相互依赖关系的产品。
    23. """
    24. def create_product_a(self):
    25. return ConcreteProductA2()
    26. def create_product_b(self):
    27. return ConcreteProductB2()
    28. class AbstractProductA(ABC):
    29. """
    30. 抽象产品A类,定义具体产品共有的方法
    31. """
    32. @abstractmethod
    33. def useful_function_a(self) -> str:
    34. pass
    35. class AbstractProductB(ABC):
    36. """
    37. 抽象产品B类,定义具体产品共有的方法
    38. """
    39. @abstractmethod
    40. def useful_function_b(self) -> None:
    41. pass
    42. @abstractmethod
    43. def another_useful_function_b(self, collaborator: AbstractProductA) -> None:
    44. pass
    45. class ConcreteProductA1(AbstractProductA):
    46. """
    47. 具体产品A1,实现抽象产品A类的接口
    48. """
    49. def useful_function_a(self) -> str:
    50. return "The result of the product A1."
    51. class ConcreteProductA2(AbstractProductA):
    52. """
    53. 具体产品A2,实现抽象产品A类的接口
    54. """
    55. def useful_function_a(self) -> str:
    56. return "The result of the product A2."
    57. class ConcreteProductB1(AbstractProductB):
    58. """
    59. 具体产品B1,实现抽象产品B类的接口
    60. """
    61. def useful_function_b(self) -> str:
    62. return "The result of the product B1."
    63. def another_useful_function_b(self, collaborator: AbstractProductA) -> str:
    64. """
    65. B1实现了与特定产品A相关的功能。
    66. """
    67. result = collaborator.useful_function_a()
    68. return f"The result of the B1 collaborating with the ({result})"
    69. class ConcreteProductB2(AbstractProductB):
    70. """
    71. 具体产品B2,实现抽象产品B类的接口
    72. """
    73. def useful_function_b(self) -> str:
    74. return "The result of the product B2."
    75. def another_useful_function_b(self, collaborator: AbstractProductA) -> str:
    76. """
    77. B2实现了与特定产品A相关的功能。
    78. """
    79. result = collaborator.useful_function_a()
    80. return f"The result of the B2 collaborating with the ({result})"
    81. def client_code(factory: AbstractFactory) -> None:
    82. """
    83. 客户端代码仅与抽象工厂及其产品接口一起使用。
    84. """
    85. product_a = factory.create_product_a()
    86. product_b = factory.create_product_b()
    87. print(f"{product_b.useful_function_b()}")
    88. print(f"{product_b.another_useful_function_b(product_a)}", end="")
    89. if __name__ == "__main__":
    90. print("Client: Testing client code with the first factory type...")
    91. client_code(ConcreteFactory1())
    92. print("\n")
    93. print("Client: Testing the same client code with the second factory type...")
    94. client_code(ConcreteFactory2())



    3. 建造者模式(Builder Pattern)




    1. from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
    2. from typing import Any
    3. class Builder(ABC):
    4. """
    5. 抽象建造者类,声明所有产品构建步骤。
    6. """
    7. @abstractmethod
    8. def produce_part_a(self) -> None:
    9. pass
    10. @abstractmethod
    11. def produce_part_b(self) -> None:
    12. pass
    13. @abstractmethod
    14. def produce_part_c(self) -> None:
    15. pass
    16. @abstractmethod
    17. def get_result(self) -> Any:
    18. pass
    19. class ConcreteBuilder1(Builder):
    20. """
    21. 具体建造者类1,实现所有产品构建方法,并返回最终结果。
    22. """
    23. def __init__(self) -> None:
    24. self.reset()
    25. def reset(self) -> None:
    26. self.product = Product1()
    27. def produce_part_a(self) -> None:
    28. self.product.add("PartA1")
    29. def produce_part_b(self) -> None:
    30. self.product.add("PartB1")
    31. def produce_part_c(self) -> None:
    32. self.product.add("PartC1")
    33. def get_result(self) -> Product1:
    34. result = self.product
    35. self.reset()
    36. return result
    37. class ConcreteBuilder2(Builder):
    38. """
    39. 具体建造者类2,实现所有产品构建方法,并返回最终结果。
    40. """
    41. def __init__(self) -> None:
    42. self.reset()
    43. def reset(self) -> None:
    44. self.product = Product2()
    45. def produce_part_a(self) -> None:
    46. self.product.add("PartA2")

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/u012632105/article/details/133888897