为了提高ReID的性能通常会采用softmax loss 联合 Triplet Loss和Center Loss来提高算法的性能。
本文对Triplet Loss和Cnetr Loss做一个总结,以简洁的方式帮助理解。
Triplet Loss和Center Loss都是从人脸识别领域里面提出来的,后面在各种图像检索任务中被广泛应用。
想要了解Triplet Loss和Center Loss算法原文的可以看《FaceNe: Triplet Loss》、 《Center Loss》,对论文做了详细翻译。
如上图所示,Triplet Loss 是有一个三元组构成,其中
a: anchor 表示训练样本。
p: positive 表示预测为正样本。
n: negative 表示预测为负样本。
triplet loss的作用:用于减少positive(正样本)与anchor之间的距离,扩大negative(负样本)与anchor之间的距离。基于上述三元组,可以构建一个positive pair 和一个negative pair 。triplet loss的目的是在一定距离(margin)上把positive pair和negative pair分开。
所以我们希望:D(a, p) < D(a, n)。进一步希望在一定距离上(margin) 满足这个情况:D(a, p) + margin < D(a, n)
(a)easy triplets:loss = 0,D(a, p) + margin < D(a, n),positive pair 的距离远远小于于negative pair的距离。即,类内距离很小,类间很大距离,这种情况不需要优化。
(b)hard triplets:D(a, n) < D(a, p) ,positive pair 的距离大于于negative pair的距离,即类内距离大于类间距离。这种情况比较难优化。
(c)semi-hard triplets:D(a, p) < D(a, n) < D(a, p) + margin。positive pair的距离和negative pair的距离比较高近。即,和很近,但都在一个margin内。比较容易优化。
当为 semi-hard triplets 时, D(a, p) + margin - D(a, n) > 0产生loss。得到要优化的损失函数。
对于Triplet Loss的梯度:
训练的时候:早期为了网络loss平稳,一般选择easy triplets进行优化,后期为了优化训练关键是要选择hard triplets,他们是活跃的,因此可以帮助改进模型。
- class TripletLoss(nn.Module):
- """
- Triplet loss with hard positive/negative mining.
- Reference:
- Hermans et al. In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification. arXiv:1703.07737.
- Imported from `
`_. -
- Args:
- margin (float, optional): margin for triplet. Default is 0.3.
- """
- def __init__(self,margin = 0.3,gloal_feat,labels):
- super(TripletLoss,self).__init__()
- self.margin = margin
- self.ranking_loss = nn.MarginRankingLoss(margin = margin)
- def forward(self,inputs,targets):
- """
- Args:
- inputs (torch.Tensor): feature matrix with shape (batch_size, feat_dim).
- targets (torch.LongTensor): ground truth labels with shape (num_classes).
- """
- n = inputs.size(0)
- # Compute pairwise distance, replace by the official when merged
- dist = torch.pow(inputs,2).sum(dim = 1,keepdim = True).expand(n,n)
- dist = dist + dist.t()
- dist.addmn_(1,-2,inputs,inputs.t())
- dist = dist.clamp(min = 1e - 12).sqrt() # for numerical stability
- # For each anchor, find the hardest positive and negative
- mask = targets.expand(n,n).eq(targets.expand(n,n).t())
- dist_ap,dist_an = [],[]
- for i in range(n):
- dist_ap.append(dist[i][mask[i]].max().unsqueeze(0))
- dist_an.append(dist[i][mask[i] == 0].min().unsqueeze(0))
- dist_ap = torch.cat(dist_ap)
- dist_an = torch.cat(dist_an)
- # Compute ranking hinge loss
- y = torch.ones_like(dist_an)
- return self.ranking_loss(dist_an,dist_ap,y)
训练的时候对每一个样本选择hardest triplet进行训练。
center loss是在triplet之后提出来的。triplet学习的是样本间的相对距离,没有学习绝对距离,尽管考虑了类间的离散性,但没有考虑类内的紧凑性。对于triplet loss举一个例子。设margin = 0.3,D(a, p) = 0.3 , D(a, n) = 0.5 得triplet loss = 0.1。而当D(a, p) = 1.3 D(a, n) = 1.5时,triplet loss仍然等于0.1,这相当于,内类之间不够紧凑(距离还不够小)。
所以Center Loss希望可以通过学习每个类的类中心,使得类内的距离变得更加紧凑。
表示深度特征的第类中心。理想情况下, 应该随着深度特征的变化而更新。
第二,避免大扰动引起的误标记样本,用一个标量 α 控制中心的学习速率,一般这个α 很小(如,0.005)。
计算 相对于的梯度和的更新方程为
- class CenterLoss(nn.Module):
- """Center loss.
- Reference:
- Wen et al. A Discriminative Feature Learning Approach for Deep Face Recognition. ECCV 2016.
- Args:
- num_classes (int): number of classes.
- feat_dim (int): feature dimension.
- """
- def __init__(self,num_classes = 751,feat_dim = 2048,use_gpu = True):
- super(CenterLoss,self).__init__()
- self.num_classes = num_classes
- self.feat_dim = feat_dim
- self.use_gpu = use_gpu
- if self.use_gpu:
- self.centers = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.num_classes,self.feat_dim).cuda())
- else:
- self.centers = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.num_classes,self.feat_dim))
- def forward(self,x,labels):
- """
- Args:
- x: feature matrix with shape (batch_size, feat_dim).
- labels: ground truth labels with shape (num_classes).
- """
- assert x.label(0) == labels.size(0) "features.size(0) is not equal to labels.size(0)"
- batch_size = x.size(0)
- dismat = torch.pow(x,2).sum(dim = 1,keepdim = True).expand(batch_size,self.num_classes) + \
- torch.pow(self.centers,2).sum(dim = 1, keepdim = True).expand(self.num_classes,batch_size).t()
- dismat.addmm_(1,-2,x,self.centers.t())
- classes = torch.arange(self.num_classes).long()
- if self.use_gpu: classes = classes.cuda()
- labels = labels.unsqueeze(1).expand(batch_size,self.num_classes)
- mask = labels.eq(classes.expand(batch_size,self.num_classes))
- print(mask)
- dist = []
- for i in range(batch_size):
- print(mask[i])
- value = dismat[i][mask[i]]
- value = value.clamp(min = 1e - 12,max = 1e +12) #for numerical stability
- dist.append(value)
- dist = torch.cat(dist)
- loss = dist.mean()
- return loss
Circle Loss是Triplet Loss的改进版