- #define LINEMODULE_API __declspec(dllexport)
- #else
- #define LINEMODULE_API __declspec(dllimport)
- #endif
- #include "VmModuleBase.h"
- #include "VmAlgModuBase.h"
- #include "ErrorCodeDefine.h"
- #include "VmModuleSharedMemoryBase.h"
- #include "halconcpp.h"
- using namespace HalconCpp;
- // This class is exported from the LineModule.dll
- class LINEMODULE_API CAlgorithmModule : public CVmAlgModuleBase, public CModuleSharedMemoryBase
- {
- public:
- // 构造
- explicit CAlgorithmModule();
- // 析构
- virtual ~CAlgorithmModule();
- public:
- // 初始化
- int Init();
- // 进行算法
- int Process(IN void* hInput, IN void* hOutput, IN MVDSDK_BASE_MODU_INPUT* modu_input);
- // 获取算法参数
- int GetParam(IN const char* szParamName, OUT char* pBuff, IN int nBuffSize, OUT int* pDataLen);
- // 设置算法参数
- int SetParam(IN const char* szParamName, IN const char* pData, IN int nDataLen);
- //获取halcon格式图像,高恩阳的函数
- HObject GetHalconImage(MVDSDK_BASE_MODU_INPUT* modu_input);
- //我的DeepOCR
- string MyDeepOCR(IN HObject in);
- void set_suitable_device_in_ocr_handle(HTuple hv_DeepOcrHandle);
- public:
- //void* m_hModule; // 模块句柄 - 4.3 在基类中定义了
- private:
- int m_ntheta;
- HTuple hv_DeepOcrHandle;
- };
- /模块须导出的接口(实现开始)//
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C"
- {
- #endif
- // 采用__stdcall调用约定,且须在.def文件中增加接口描述。
- LINEMODULE_API CAbstractUserModule* __stdcall CreateModule(void* hModule);
- LINEMODULE_API void __stdcall DestroyModule(void* hModule, CAbstractUserModule* pUserModule);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- };
- #endif
- /模块须导出的接口(实现结束)//
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "AlgorithmModule.h"
- #include
- #include
- #include "ErrorCodeDefine.h"
- #include "iMVS-6000PixelFormatDefine.h"
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- CAlgorithmModule::CAlgorithmModule()
- {
- m_ntheta = 128;
- }
- CAlgorithmModule::~CAlgorithmModule()
- {
- }
- int CAlgorithmModule::Init()
- {
- int nRet = VM_M_GetModuleId(m_hModule, &m_nModuleId);
- if (IMVS_EC_OK != nRet)
- {
- m_nModuleId = -1;
- return nRet;
- }
- nRet = ResetDefaultParam();
- if (nRet != IMVS_EC_OK)
- {
- OutputDebugStringA("###Call ResetDefaultParam failed.");
- }
- CreateDeepOcr(HTuple(), HTuple(), &hv_DeepOcrHandle);
- set_suitable_device_in_ocr_handle(hv_DeepOcrHandle);
- return nRet;
- }
- HObject CAlgorithmModule::GetHalconImage(MVDSDK_BASE_MODU_INPUT* modu_input)
- {
- HObject background_image1;
- GenEmptyObj(&background_image1);
- int width = modu_input->pImageInObj->GetWidth();
- int height = modu_input->pImageInObj->GetHeight();
- if (modu_input->pImageInObj->GetImageData(0)->pData != nullptr)
- {
- if (MVD_PIXEL_MONO_08 == modu_input->pImageInObj->GetPixelFormat())
- {
- GenImage1(&background_image1
- , "byte"
- , static_cast<int>(modu_input->pImageInObj->GetWidth())
- , static_cast<int>(modu_input->pImageInObj->GetHeight())
- , reinterpret_cast
(modu_input->pImageInObj->GetImageData(0)->pData) - );
- }
- if (MVD_PIXEL_RGB_RGB24_C3 == modu_input->pImageInObj->GetPixelFormat())
- {
- unsigned char* r = new unsigned char[width * height];
- unsigned char* g = new unsigned char[width * height];
- unsigned char* b = new unsigned char[width * height];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
- {
- r[i] = *((modu_input->pImageInObj->GetImageData(0)->pData) + i*3);
- g[i] = *((modu_input->pImageInObj->GetImageData(0)->pData) + i*3+1);
- b[i] = *((modu_input->pImageInObj->GetImageData(0)->pData) + i*3+2);
- }
- GenImage3(&background_image1
- , "byte"
- , static_cast<int>(modu_input->pImageInObj->GetWidth())
- , static_cast<int>(modu_input->pImageInObj->GetHeight())
- , reinterpret_cast
(r) - , reinterpret_cast
(g) - , reinterpret_cast
(b) - );
- }
- return ho_image;
- }
- string CAlgorithmModule::MyDeepOCR(IN HObject in)
- {
- HTuple hv_DeepOcrResult;
- HTuple hv_RecognizedWords,hv_RecognizedWord;
- ApplyDeepOcr(in, hv_DeepOcrHandle, "auto", &hv_DeepOcrResult);
- GetDictTuple(hv_DeepOcrResult, "words", &hv_RecognizedWords);
- GetDictTuple(hv_RecognizedWords, "word", &hv_RecognizedWord);
- int wordCount = hv_RecognizedWord.Length();
- string strBuff;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
- {
- strBuff += hv_RecognizedWord[i].S();
- }
- return strBuff;
- }
- void CAlgorithmModule::set_suitable_device_in_ocr_handle(HTuple hv_DeepOcrHandle)
- {
- // Local control variables
- HTuple hv_DLDeviceHandles, hv_RecognitionImageWidthDefault;
- HTuple hv_Exception, hv_Index;
- //Determine deep learning device to work with (prefer GPU over CPU).
- QueryAvailableDlDevices((HTuple("runtime").Append("runtime")), (HTuple("gpu").Append("cpu")),
- &hv_DLDeviceHandles);
- if (0 != (int((hv_DLDeviceHandles.TupleLength()) == 0)))
- {
- throw HException("No supported device found to continue this example.");
- }
- //Set recognition_image_width larger for the example to work without memory problems.
- try
- {
- GetDeepOcrParam(hv_DeepOcrHandle, "recognition_image_width", &hv_RecognitionImageWidthDefault);
- SetDeepOcrParam(hv_DeepOcrHandle, "recognition_image_width", 250);
- }
- // catch (Exception)
- catch (HException& HDevExpDefaultException)
- {
- HDevExpDefaultException.ToHTuple(&hv_Exception);
- }
- //
- {
- HTuple end_val12 = (hv_DLDeviceHandles.TupleLength()) - 1;
- HTuple step_val12 = 1;
- for (hv_Index = 0; hv_Index.Continue(end_val12, step_val12); hv_Index += step_val12)
- {
- try
- {
- SetDeepOcrParam(hv_DeepOcrHandle, "device", HTuple(hv_DLDeviceHandles[hv_Index]));
- break;
- }
- // catch (Exception)
- catch (HException& HDevExpDefaultException)
- {
- HDevExpDefaultException.ToHTuple(&hv_Exception);
- if (0 != (int(hv_Index == ((hv_DLDeviceHandles.TupleLength()) - 1))))
- {
- throw HException("Could not set any of the supported devices to continue this example.");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //Reset recognition_image_width to the default value.
- try
- {
- SetDeepOcrParam(hv_DeepOcrHandle, "recognition_image_width", hv_RecognitionImageWidthDefault);
- }
- // catch (Exception)
- catch (HException& HDevExpDefaultException)
- {
- HDevExpDefaultException.ToHTuple(&hv_Exception);
- }
- //
- return;
- }
- int CAlgorithmModule::Process(IN void* hInput, IN void* hOutput, IN MVDSDK_BASE_MODU_INPUT* modu_input)
- {
- OutputDebugStringA("###Call CAlgorithmModule::Proces -->begin\n");
- int nErrCode = 0;
- // 1.获取输入
- /************************************************/
- //ToDo Code...............
- HObject myImage=GetHalconImage(modu_input);
- int nsize = modu_input->vtFixRoiShapeObj.size();
- /************************************************/
- // 2.算法处理
- OutputDebugStringA("###Call CAlgorithmModule::Proces --> do algorighm process\n");
- /************************************************/
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nsize; i++)
- {
- IMvdRectangleF* rectangleRoi = dynamic_cast
(modu_input->vtFixRoiShapeObj[i]); - int width = rectangleRoi->GetWidth();
- int height = rectangleRoi->GetHeight();
- int centerX = rectangleRoi->GetCenterX();
- int centerY = rectangleRoi->GetCenterY();
- HObject rect,imageReduced,imageCroped;
- GenRectangle2(&rect, centerY, centerX, 0, width / 2, height / 2);
- HTuple Row1, Column1, Row2, Column2;
- SmallestRectangle1(rect, &Row1, &Column1, &Row2, &Column2);
- CropRectangle1(myImage, &imageCroped, Row1, Column1, Row2, Column2);
- ReduceDomain(myImage, rect, &imageReduced);
- //if (0 == i)
- //{
- // WriteImage(imageCroped, "bmp", 0, "D:\\gao\\ocr0");
- //}
- //if (1 == i)
- //{
- // WriteImage(imageCroped, "bmp", 0, "D:\\gao\\ocr1");
- //}
- //if (2 == i)
- //{
- // WriteImage(imageCroped, "bmp", 0, "D:\\gao\\ocr2");
- //}
- //if (3 == i)
- //{
- // WriteImage(imageCroped, "bmp", 0, "D:\\gao\\ocr3");
- //}
- //if (4 == i)
- //{
- // WriteImage(imageCroped, "bmp", 0, "D:\\gao\\ocr4");
- //}
- string ocrStr = MyDeepOCR(imageCroped);
- ofstream file1;
- //file1.open("D:\\gao\\car.txt", ios::app); // 所有输出附加在文件末尾,用追加的方式写入,
- // 写入追加的结果以换行的方式往下添加
- if (file1.is_open())
- {
- cout << "正确打开文件! " << endl;
- file1 << ocrStr << endl;
- }
- file1.close();
- const char* p = ocrStr.data();
- VM_M_SetString(hOutput, "mystring", i, p);
- }
- //ToDo Code...............
- /************************************************/
- // 3.输出结果
- /************************************************/
- //ToDo Code...............
- //输出图像(渲染控件只能显示共享内存中的图像数据)
- //char* pSharedName = NULL;
- //HKA_IMAGE stImage;
- //stImage.height = heightValue;
- //stImage.width = widthValue;
- //stImage.step[0] = widthValue;
- //int nRet = AllocateSharedMemory(m_nModuleId, stImage.height*stImage.width, (char**)(&stImage.data), &pSharedName);
- //if (nRet == IMVS_EC_OK && stImage.data != NULL)
- //{
- // memcpy_s(......);
- // VmModule_OutputImageByName_8u_C1R(hOutput,
- // status,
- // &stImage,
- // 0,
- // pSharedName);
- //}
- /************************************************/
- if (nErrCode != IMVS_EC_OK)
- {
- return IMVS_EC_PARAM;
- }
- /************************************************/
- //默认算法时间20ms,根据实际时间计算
- MODULE_RUNTIME_INFO struRunInfo = { 0 };
- struRunInfo.fAlgorithmTime = 20;
- VM_M_SetModuleRuntimeInfo(m_hModule, &struRunInfo);
- OutputDebugStringA("###Call CAlgorithmModule::Proces end\n");
- return IMVS_EC_OK;
- }
- int CAlgorithmModule::GetParam(IN const char* szParamName, OUT char* pBuff, IN int nBuffSize, OUT int* pDataLen)
- {
- OutputDebugStringA("###Call CAlgorithmModule::GetParam");
- int nMsgLen = 0;
- int nErrCode = IMVS_EC_OK;
- if (szParamName == NULL || strlen(szParamName) == 0 || pBuff == NULL || nBuffSize <= 0 || pDataLen == NULL)
- {
- return IMVS_EC_PARAM;
- }
- //memset(pBuff, 0, nBuffSize);
- if (0 == strcmp("theta", szParamName))
- {
- sprintf_s(pBuff, nBuffSize, "%d", m_ntheta);
- }
- else
- {
- return CVmAlgModuleBase::GetParam(szParamName, pBuff, nBuffSize, pDataLen);
- }
- //if(0 == strcmp(szParamName, "paramA"))
- //{
- // sprintf(pBuff, nBuffSize, "", ..);
- //}
- return nErrCode;
- }
- int CAlgorithmModule::SetParam(IN const char* szParamName, IN const char* pData, IN int nDataLen)
- {
- OutputDebugStringA("###Call CAlgorithmModule::SetParam");
- int nErrCode = IMVS_EC_OK;
- if (szParamName == NULL || strlen(szParamName) == 0 || pData == NULL || nDataLen == 0)
- {
- return IMVS_EC_PARAM;
- }
- if (0 == strcmp("theta", szParamName))
- {
- sscanf_s(pData, "%d", &m_ntheta);
- }
- else
- {
- return CVmAlgModuleBase::SetParam(szParamName, pData, nDataLen);
- }
- return nErrCode;
- }
- /模块须导出的接口(实现开始)//
- LINEMODULE_API CAbstractUserModule* __stdcall CreateModule(void* hModule)
- {
- assert(hModule != NULL);
- // 创建用户模块,并记录实例。
- CAlgorithmModule* pUserModule = new(nothrow) CAlgorithmModule;
- if (pUserModule == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- pUserModule->m_hModule = hModule;
- int nRet = pUserModule->Init();
- if (IMVS_EC_OK != nRet)
- {
- delete pUserModule;
- return NULL;
- }
- OutputDebugStringA("###Call CreateModule");
- return pUserModule;
- }
- LINEMODULE_API void __stdcall DestroyModule(void* hModule, CAbstractUserModule* pUserModule)
- {
- assert(hModule != NULL);
- OutputDebugStringA("###Call DestroyModule");
- if (pUserModule != NULL)
- {
- delete pUserModule;
- }
- }
- /模块须导出的接口(实现结束)//