- mLeftImg = cv::imread(lImg, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
- mRightImg = cv::imread(rImg, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
- cv::Ptr<ORB> OrbLeftExtractor = cv::ORB::create();
- cv::Ptr<ORB> OrbRightExtractor = cv::ORB::create();
- OrbLeftExtractor->detectAndCompute(mLeftImg, noArray(), mLeftKps, mLeftDes);
- OrbRightExtractor->detectAndCompute(mRightImg, noArray(), mRightKps, mRightDes);
- Ptr<DescriptorMatcher> matcher = DescriptorMatcher::create(DescriptorMatcher::BRUTEFORCE_HAMMING);
- matcher->match(mLeftDes, mRightDes, mMatches);
- bool Initializer::Initialize(const Frame &CurrentFrame, const vector<int> &vMatches12, cv::Mat &R21, cv::Mat &t21,
- vector<cv::Point3f> &vP3D, vector<bool> &vbTriangulated)
- {
- // Fill structures with current keypoints and matches with reference frame
- // Reference Frame: 1, Current Frame: 2
- // Frame2 特征点
- mvKeys2 = CurrentFrame.mvKeysUn;
- // mvMatches12记录匹配上的特征点对
- mvMatches12.clear();
- mvMatches12.reserve(mvKeys2.size());
- // mvbMatched1记录每个特征点是否有匹配的特征点,
- // 这个变量后面没有用到,后面只关心匹配上的特征点
- mvbMatched1.resize(mvKeys1.size());
- // 步骤1:组织特征点对
- for(size_t i=0, iend=vMatches12.size();i<iend; i++)
- {
- if(vMatches12[i]>=0)
- {
- mvMatches12.push_back(make_pair(i,vMatches12[i]));
- mvbMatched1[i]=true;
- }
- else
- mvbMatched1[i]=false;
- }
- // 匹配上的特征点的个数
- const int N = mvMatches12.size();
- // Indices for minimum set selection
- // 新建一个容器vAllIndices,生成0到N-1的数作为特征点的索引
- vector<size_t> vAllIndices;
- vAllIndices.reserve(N);
- vector<size_t> vAvailableIndices;
- for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
- {
- vAllIndices.push_back(i);
- }
- // Generate sets of 8 points for each RANSAC iteration
- // **步骤2:在所有匹配特征点对中随机选择8对匹配特征点为一组,共选择mMaxIterations组 **
- // 用于FindHomography和FindFundamental求解
- // mMaxIterations:200
- mvSets = vector< vector<size_t> >(mMaxIterations,vector<size_t>(8,0));
- DUtils::Random::SeedRandOnce(0);
- for(int it=0; it<mMaxIterations; it++)
- {
- vAvailableIndices = vAllIndices;
- // Select a minimum set
- for(size_t j=0; j<8; j++)
- {
- // 产生0到N-1的随机数
- int randi = DUtils::Random::RandomInt(0,vAvailableIndices.size()-1);
- // idx表示哪一个索引对应的特征点被选中
- int idx = vAvailableIndices[randi];
- mvSets[it][j] = idx;
- // randi对应的索引已经被选过了,从容器中删除
- // randi对应的索引用最后一个元素替换,并删掉最后一个元素
- vAvailableIndices[randi] = vAvailableIndices.back();
- vAvailableIndices.pop_back();
- }
- }
- // Launch threads to compute in parallel a fundamental matrix and a homography
- // 步骤3:调用多线程分别用于计算fundamental matrix和homography
- vector<bool> vbMatchesInliersH, vbMatchesInliersF;
- float SH, SF; // score for H and F
- cv::Mat H, F; // H and F
- // ref是引用的功能:http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/functional/ref
- // 计算homograpy并打分
- thread threadH(&Initializer::FindHomography,this,ref(vbMatchesInliersH), ref(SH), ref(H));
- // 计算fundamental matrix并打分
- thread threadF(&Initializer::FindFundamental,this,ref(vbMatchesInliersF), ref(SF), ref(F));
- // Wait until both threads have finished
- threadH.join();
- threadF.join();
- // Compute ratio of scores
- // 步骤4:计算得分比例,选取某个模型
- float RH = SH/(SH+SF);
- // Try to reconstruct from homography or fundamental depending on the ratio (0.40-0.45)
- // 步骤5:从H矩阵或F矩阵中恢复R,t
- if(RH>0.40)
- return ReconstructH(vbMatchesInliersH,H,mK,R21,t21,vP3D,vbTriangulated,1.0,50);
- else //if(pF_HF>0.6)
- return ReconstructF(vbMatchesInliersF,F,mK,R21,t21,vP3D,vbTriangulated,1.0,50);
- return false;
- }
- void Initializer::FindFundamental(vector<bool> &vbMatchesInliers, float &score, cv::Mat &F21)
- {
- // Number of putative matches
- const int N = vbMatchesInliers.size();
- // 分别得到归一化的坐标P1和P2
- vector<cv::Point2f> vPn1, vPn2;
- cv::Mat T1, T2;
- Normalize(mvKeys1,vPn1, T1);
- Normalize(mvKeys2,vPn2, T2);
- cv::Mat T2t = T2.t();
- // Best Results variables
- score = 0.0;
- vbMatchesInliers = vector<bool>(N,false);
- // Iteration variables
- vector<cv::Point2f> vPn1i(8);
- vector<cv::Point2f> vPn2i(8);
- cv::Mat F21i;
- vector<bool> vbCurrentInliers(N,false);
- float currentScore;
- // Perform all RANSAC iterations and save the solution with highest score
- for(int it=0; it<mMaxIterations; it++)
- {
- // Select a minimum set
- for(int j=0; j<8; j++)
- {
- int idx = mvSets[it][j];
- vPn1i[j] = vPn1[mvMatches12[idx].first];
- vPn2i[j] = vPn2[mvMatches12[idx].second];
- }
- cv::Mat Fn = ComputeF21(vPn1i,vPn2i);
- F21i = T2t*Fn*T1; //解除归一化
- // 利用重投影误差为当次RANSAC的结果评分
- currentScore = CheckFundamental(F21i, vbCurrentInliers, mSigma);
- if(currentScore>score)
- {
- F21 = F21i.clone();
- vbMatchesInliers = vbCurrentInliers;
- score = currentScore;
- }
- }
- }
- cv::Mat Initializer::ComputeF21(const vector<cv::Point2f> &vP1,const vector<cv::Point2f> &vP2)
- {
- const int N = vP1.size();
- cv::Mat A(N,9,CV_32F); // N*9
- for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
- {
- const float u1 = vP1[i].x;
- const float v1 = vP1[i].y;
- const float u2 = vP2[i].x;
- const float v2 = vP2[i].y;
- A.at<float>(i,0) = u2*u1;
- A.at<float>(i,1) = u2*v1;
- A.at<float>(i,2) = u2;
- A.at<float>(i,3) = v2*u1;
- A.at<float>(i,4) = v2*v1;
- A.at<float>(i,5) = v2;
- A.at<float>(i,6) = u1;
- A.at<float>(i,7) = v1;
- A.at<float>(i,8) = 1;
- }
- cv::Mat u,w,vt;
- cv::SVDecomp(A,w,u,vt,cv::SVD::MODIFY_A | cv::SVD::FULL_UV);
- cv::Mat Fpre = vt.row(8).reshape(0, 3); // v的最后一列
- cv::SVDecomp(Fpre,w,u,vt,cv::SVD::MODIFY_A | cv::SVD::FULL_UV);
- w.at<float>(2)=0; // 秩2约束,将第3个奇异值设为0 //强迫约束
- return u*cv::Mat::diag(w)*vt;
- }
- float Initializer::CheckFundamental(const cv::Mat &F21, vector<bool> &vbMatchesInliers, float sigma)
- {
- const int N = mvMatches12.size();
- const float f11 = F21.at<float>(0,0);
- const float f12 = F21.at<float>(0,1);
- const float f13 = F21.at<float>(0,2);
- const float f21 = F21.at<float>(1,0);
- const float f22 = F21.at<float>(1,1);
- const float f23 = F21.at<float>(1,2);
- const float f31 = F21.at<float>(2,0);
- const float f32 = F21.at<float>(2,1);
- const float f33 = F21.at<float>(2,2);
- vbMatchesInliers.resize(N);
- float score = 0;
- // 基于卡方检验计算出的阈值(假设测量有一个像素的偏差)
- const float th = 3.841; //置信度95%,自由度1
- const float thScore = 5.991;//置信度95%,自由度2
- const float invSigmaSquare = 1.0/(sigma*sigma);
- for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
- {
- bool bIn = true;
- const cv::KeyPoint &kp1 = mvKeys1[mvMatches12[i].first];
- const cv::KeyPoint &kp2 = mvKeys2[mvMatches12[i].second];
- const float u1 = kp1.pt.x;
- const float v1 = kp1.pt.y;
- const float u2 = kp2.pt.x;
- const float v2 = kp2.pt.y;
- // Reprojection error in second image
- // l2=F21x1=(a2,b2,c2)
- // F21x1可以算出x1在图像中x2对应的线l
- const float a2 = f11*u1+f12*v1+f13;
- const float b2 = f21*u1+f22*v1+f23;
- const float c2 = f31*u1+f32*v1+f33;
- // x2应该在l这条线上:x2点乘l = 0
- const float num2 = a2*u2+b2*v2+c2;
- const float squareDist1 = num2*num2/(a2*a2+b2*b2); // 点到线的几何距离 的平方
- const float chiSquare1 = squareDist1*invSigmaSquare;
- if(chiSquare1>th)
- bIn = false;
- else
- score += thScore - chiSquare1;
- // Reprojection error in second image
- // l1 =x2tF21=(a1,b1,c1)
- const float a1 = f11*u2+f21*v2+f31;
- const float b1 = f12*u2+f22*v2+f32;
- const float c1 = f13*u2+f23*v2+f33;
- const float num1 = a1*u1+b1*v1+c1;
- const float squareDist2 = num1*num1/(a1*a1+b1*b1);
- const float chiSquare2 = squareDist2*invSigmaSquare;
- if(chiSquare2>th)
- bIn = false;
- else
- score += thScore - chiSquare2;
- if(bIn)
- vbMatchesInliers[i]=true;
- else
- vbMatchesInliers[i]=false;
- }
- return score;
- }
- /*add ransac method for accurate match*/
- vector<Point2f> vLeftP2f;
- vector<Point2f> vRightP2f;
- for(auto& each:mMatches)
- {
- vLeftP2f.push_back(mLeftKps[each.queryIdx].pt);
- vRightP2f.push_back(mRightKps[each.trainIdx].pt);
- }
- vector<unsigned char> vTemp(vLeftP2f.size());
- /*计算本质矩阵,用RANSAC*/
- Mat transM = findEssentialMat(vLeftP2f, vRightP2f, cameraMatrix,RANSAC, 0.999, 1.0, vTemp);
- vector<DMatch> optimizeM;
- for(int i = 0; i < vTemp.size(); i++)
- {
- if(vTemp[i])
- {
- optimizeM.push_back(mMatches[i]);
- }
- }
- mMatches.swap(optimizeM);
- cout << transM<<endl;
- Mat optimizeP;
- drawMatches(mLeftImg, mLeftKps, mRightImg, mRightKps, mMatches, optimizeP);
- imshow("output5", optimizeP);
- Mat R, t, mask;
- recoverPose(transM, vLeftP2f, vRightP2f, cameraMatrix, R, t, mask);
- Mat cameraMatrix = (Mat_<double>(3,3) << CAM_FX, 0.0, CAM_CX, 0.0, CAM_FY, CAM_CY, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- bool epipolarConstraintCheck(Mat CameraK, vector<Point2f>& p1s, vector<Point2f>& p2s, Mat R, Mat t)
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < p1s.size(); i++)
- {
- Mat y1 = (Mat_<double>(3,1)<<p1s[i].x, p1s[i].y, 1);
- Mat y2 = (Mat_<double>(3,1)<<p2s[i].x, p2s[i].y, 1);
- //T 的凡对称矩阵
- Mat t_x = (Mat_<double>(3,3)<< 0, -t.at<double>(2,0), t.at<double>(1,0),
- t.at<double>(2,0), 0, -t.at<double>(0,0),
- -t.at<double>(1,0),t.at<double>(0,0),0);
- Mat d = y2.t() * cameraMatrix.inv().t() * t_x * R * cameraMatrix.inv()* y1;
- cout<<"epipolar constraint = "<<d<<endl;
- }
- }