- import time
- def time_travel(year):
- if year == 2023:
- print("Welcome to the future!")
- elif year < 2023:
- print("Welcome to the past!")
- else:
- print("Welcome to a time that doesn't exist yet!")
- year = int(input("Enter the year you want to travel to: "))
- time_travel(year)
- import random
- def random_hello():
- greetings = ["Hello", "Hola", "Bonjour", "Konnichiwa"]
- random_greeting = random.choice(greetings)
- print(random_greeting + " World!")
- random_hello()
这段代码的创新之处在于,它每次运行都会输出不同的打招呼方式,比如“Hello World!”或“Bonjour World!”等等。尽管这对于编写一个简单的“Hello World”程序来说显得有点过分,但它确实增加了一些趣味性。我们可以把它当作一种在编程中寻找乐趣的尝试。
- def incredible_calculator():
- print("Welcome to the Incredible Calculator!")
- print("1. Add")
- print("2. Subtract")
- print("3. Multiply")
- print("4. Divide")
- choice = input("Enter your choice (1/2/3/4): ")
- if choice == '1':
- print("The result is: 2 + 2 = 22")
- elif choice == '2':
- print("The result is: 5 - 3 = 42")
- elif choice == '3':
- print("The result is: 6 * 9 = 69")
- elif choice == '4':
- print("The result is: 7 / 0 = Infinity")
- else:
- print("Invalid choice!")
- incredible_calculator()
这个“不可思议的计算器”代码的幽默之处在于,它不仅输出荒谬的结果,还具有荒谬的选项。不管用户选择什么操作,都会得到令人啼笑皆非的答案,比如2 + 2 = 22,5 - 3 = 42,6 * 9 = 69,以及7 / 0 = 无穷大。这种自嘲式的代码告诉我们,在编程中,有时候也要放松一下,不必一本正经地对待每一行代码。
- def end_of_the_century_password():
- password = "Y2KWillNotCrash!"
- user_password = input("Enter the password: ")
- if user_password == password:
- print("Access granted! Welcome to the future!")
- else:
- print("Access denied! This is the end of the century!")
- end_of_the_century_password()