1. 演示ls()/lsc()用法:
- ##Exec1.py
- from scapy.all import *
- ## 列出scapy支持的命令
- def ListScapyCmd():
- lsc()
- ## 列出指定协议的各个字段, 用于构成packet
- def ListProtocolField(protoclName):
- ls(protoclName)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- print("\nexample of lsc()\n")
- ListScapyCmd()
- print("\nexample of ls()\n")
- ListProtocolField(TCP)
2.Scapy "/" 符号生成数据包, sr/send发送3层包. srp/sendp发送2层包.
- ## Exec2.py
- from scapy.all import *
- ifaceName = 'VMware Network Adapter VMnet8'
- dstIP = ''
- dstMac = '00:0C:29:FB:48:0A'
- srcIP = ''
- srcMac = '00:50:56:C0:00:08'
- def ARPPacket():
- ## 构造以太网层
- etherLayer = Ether(dst=dstMac)
- ## 构造ARP-echo包
- arpLayer = ARP(hwtype=1,
- ptype=0x800,
- hwsrc=srcMac,
- psrc=srcIP,
- hwdst=dstMac,
- pdst=dstIP)
- arpRequest = etherLayer/arpLayer
- ## use sendp to send level 2 packet
- ## 二层包需要用sendp发送
- sendp(arpRequest, iface=ifaceName, loop=200)
- def ICMPPacket():
- ipLayer = IP(dst=dstIP)
- ## 模仿nmap -PP command, 构造ICMP包
- icmpTimestampRequest = ICMP(type=13,code=0) ## ICMP, timestamp request
- ## 模仿nmap -PM command
- icmpMacRequest = ICMP(type=17,code=0) ## ICMP, Mac address request
- ## 模仿nmap -PE command
- icmpEchoRequest = ICMP(type=8,code=0) ## ICMP, echo request
- for i in range(500):
- pack = ipLayer/icmpTimestampRequest
- send(pack,iface=ifaceName)
- pack = ipLayer/icmpMacRequest
- send(pack,iface=ifaceName)
- pack = ipLayer/icmpEchoRequest
- ## use sendp to send level 3 packet
- send(pack,iface=ifaceName)
- def TCPPacket():
- ipLayer = IP(dst=dstIP, src=srcIP)
- tcpLayer = TCP(dport=[22,23,80,443,8080])
- pack = ipLayer/tcpLayer
- sr1(pack,iface=ifaceName,timeout=3)
- def TCPPacketFlags():
- ## 构造IP层
- ipLayer = IP(dst=dstIP, src=srcIP)
- ## 构造TCP层, 向192.168.70.134:22,23,80,443,8080 5个端口发送TCP reset包(flags=RST)
- tcpLayer = TCP(dport=[22,23,80,443,8080],flags="R")
- ## 构造包
- pack = ipLayer/tcpLayer
- sr1(pack,iface=ifaceName,timeout=3)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- TCPPacket()
- TCPPacketFlags()
- ICMPPacket()
- ARPPacket()
3.Scapy+PyShark实时抓包/TCPReplay. Scapy.sniff函数无法用display filter, 只能用PyShark代替. Scapy读取/重放 PyShark生成的pcap文件
- ## Exec3.py
- from scapy.all import *
- from pyshark import *
- ## live capture and file capture
- ifaceName = 'VMware Network Adapter VMnet8'
- path2tshark = 'C:\\Program Files\\Wireshark\\tshark.exe'
- path2pCapFile = 'C:\\Users\\Eugene\\Desktop\\studio\\scapyMod\\1.pcap'
- ## scapy.sniff只能应用wireshark capture-filter,不能应用wireshark display-filter, 抓特定类型的packet需要通过pyshark中转.
- ## pyshark.LiveCapture一定要指定tshark_path(ex:C:\Program Files\Wireshark\tshark.exe)
- ## pyshark.LiveCapture.output_file指定pcap保存路径, 供scapy模块rdpcap/wrpcap使用
- def PysharkLiveCapture():
- capObj = LiveCapture(interface=ifaceName,
- display_filter = "",
- bpf_filter = "",
- tshark_path = path2tshark,
- output_file = path2pCapFile)
- capObj.sniff(timeout=120)
- def HandleLiveCapture():
- capturedPacks = rdpcap(path2pCapFile)
- for pack in capturedPacks:
- try:
- ## 用haslayer判断是否为IP包
- if pack.haslayer(IP) == True:
- print("pack.SrcIP: "+pack[IP].src+"\tpack.DstIp: "+pack[IP].dst)
- ## 用haslayer判断是否为ICMP包
- if pack.haslayer(ICMP) == True:
- ## 解析ICMP包中的各个字段
- print("pack[ICMP].type:"+str(pack[ICMP].type)+" pack[ICMP].code:"+str(pack[ICMP].code))
- except:
- print("exception")
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- ## PysharkLiveCapture()
- HandleLiveCapture()