1. 先创建一个vue项目
2. 添加 echarts依赖
3. 模拟数据请求,构建二维数组响应式数据,渲染图表
2. 运行创建命令
yarn create vite
3. 执行yarn install安装项目依赖,之后执行行yarn dev运行项目
yarn add echarts
1. 处理二维数组
2. 异步请求数据:我目前的解决办法是,等数据请求完成再渲染图标。 当然也有第二种方式,就是向渲染空表,等待数据过来后,再执行一次 setOption
- <script setup>
- import { ref, reactive, onMounted } from "vue";
- import * as echarts from 'echarts';
- let myChart;
- let data = reactive([]);
- onMounted(() => {
- //1. 初始化eharts的渲染节点
- const chartDom = document.getElementById("boxEcharts");
- myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);
- //2. 获取数据(模拟请求数据是异步的)
- setTimeout(()=>{
- /*
- 目标数据格式
- [
- ["score", "amount", "product"],
- [89.3, 58212, "Matcha Latte"],
- [57.1, 78254, "Milk Tea"],
- [74.4, 41032, "Cheese Cocoa"],
- [50.1, 12755, "Cheese Brownie"],
- [89.7, 20145, "Matcha Cocoa"],
- [68.1, 79146, "Tea"],
- [19.6, 91852, "Orange Juice"],
- [10.6, 101852, "Lemon Juice"],
- [32.7, 20112, "Walnut Brownie"],
- ]
- */
- //请求回来的数据是一维对象数组
- let d1 = [
- {score: "score",amount: "amount",product: "product"},
- {score: 89.3,amount: 58212,product: "Matcha Latte"},
- {score: 57.1,amount: 78254,product: "Milk Tea"},
- {score: 74.4,amount: 41032,product: "Cheese Cocoa"}
- ];
- /*处理成二维数组*/
- let arr = []; //定义一个数组,让它里面直接装数组
- d1.forEach(item=>{
- arr.push([item.score,item.amount,item.product]);
- });
- data.push(...arr); //将这个二维数组解构为 一维数组放进 定义好的响应数组中
- renderEcharts();
- },1500)
- });
- //3. 渲染图表
- const renderEcharts = () => {
- const option = {
- dataset: {
- source: data,
- },
- grid: { containLabel: true },
- xAxis: { name: "amount" },
- yAxis: { type: "category" },
- visualMap: {
- orient: "horizontal",
- left: "center",
- min: 10,
- max: 100,
- text: ["High Score", "Low Score"],
- // Map the score column to color
- dimension: 0,
- inRange: {
- color: ["#65B581", "#FFCE34", "#FD665F"],
- },
- },
- series: [
- {
- type: "bar",
- encode: {
- // Map the "amount" column to X axis.
- x: "amount",
- // Map the "product" column to Y axis
- y: "product",
- },
- },
- ],
- };
- option && myChart.setOption(option,true);
- };
- script>
- <template>
- <div id="boxEcharts">div>
- template>
- <style scoped>
- #boxEcharts{
- width: 40vw;
- height: 40vh;
- }
- style>