information(EI) 投稿失败一周内拒稿没有给出拒稿原因,自己揣摩:可能是影响因子太高了
- EI
- 1、Mathematical and Computational Applications
- <12weeks
- 11478.4600
- 2、Mechatronic Systems and Control
- $1,144.00/$1,165.00
- 3、International Journal of Information SystemModeling and Design
- $2,550
- 4、Applied Artificial Intelligence
- 2195 美元/1756 英镑/EUR2110/AUD3060
- 5、Energy Engineering
- $800 US dollars
- 6、Journal of Computer Research and Development
- 3-6个月
- 7、IET Smart Grid
- 5weeks
- SCI四区
- 8、Journal of Information Science and Engineering
- 6月
- 9、Journal of Computer Science & Technology
- 4月 无需稿费
- 10、Journal of Computer Science
- 计算机科学杂志的处理费为600美元、
- 11、International Journal of Computers Communications & Control
- EUR500; Quarterly
- 12、International Journal of Computer Applications
- 6-12周
- 学报
- 11、Journal of Computer Sciences Institute
- 无出版费 4Weeks
- 12、AlRafidain Journal of Computer Sciences and Mathematics
- 12Weeks 在本期刊上发表文章需要支付 100 美元才能发表被接受的手稿。 无需提交或处理费用。
- 13、 Journal of Computer and Communications
- $299:Scientific Research Publishing即美国科研出版社,是武大教授周怀北 于2007年创办的.其旗下有50余种英文期刊,但很少有被SCI收录.
- 1、IET Smart Grid(EI)
- time:Average time to first decision:5 weeks
- money:$2270
- 2、Journal of Computer Science (SCI)
- >12Weeks
- 计算机科学杂志的处理费为600美元、
- 评论:(我已投稿此刊,审稿周期相当慢,11个月了没有任何回复消息,真tmd坑人。期间,还写了4到5次催稿信,都没有回复。建议不要投这个期刊,太坑人了。这个期刊还没有投稿 系统,还是用email发文章过去,也看不到文章的状态,垃圾期刊还慢。最后,只有撤稿。别无他法。)
- 3、International Journal of Computer and Applications(EI)
- 季刊
- 本期刊不收取投稿费、出版费或版面费。彩印要钱
- https://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&journalCode=tjca20
- 4、Journal of Computational Science
- sci中科院3区
- 版面费:无
- 2.8月/不到一个月
- $1,950
- (1)International Journal of Computer Science Issues,版面应在8页左右,所有注册费5500元。(21年被EI、移除)
- (2)International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology,版面应在7-9页,所有注册费6000元。
- (3)Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences,版面7-9页,所有注册费6000元。
- (4)International Review on Computers and Software,版面应在8-10页,所有注册费6000元。
- (5)Journal of Computational Information System,版面应在8-10页,所有注册费6000元。
- (6)Information Technology Journal,版面应在8-10页,所有注册费6000元。
- IET Computer Vision(四区) EUR2000;GBP1700;USD2200; 1个月
- International Journal of Antennas and Propagation(四区) USD2100; 3-8周
- NEURAL COMPUTATION(四区认可度高) 1600.00美元 三个月
- JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING(四区) £2090.00/$2990.00/€2390.00 3-6Weeks
- Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering EUR300; 较慢,6-12周
- Journal of Computers (JCP, ISSN 1796-203X),
- Journal of Networks (JNW, ISSN 1796-2056),+------------
- Journal of Software (JSW, ISSN 1796-217X).
- Journal of Computational Information Systems,ISSN 1553-9105---------------
- Information Technology Journal, ISSN 1812-5638
- Journal of Information& Computational Science,ISSN 1548-7741
- Journal of Systems Science and Information,ISSN: 1478-9906
- Journal of Convergence Information Technology, ISSN 1975-9320
- International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications ,ISSN: 1975-9339
- International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology
- INFORMS Journal on Computing
- Information and Computation
- Information and Computer Security+-------
- Communications in Computer and Information Science----------------
- Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences----------------
- International Journal of Information and Computer Security
- Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
- International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control
- information(EI)1600瑞士法郎 13041.9200人民币
- (SCI)
- SoftwareX uSD500
- IEEE Access usd1750 paper later 参考文献 14182.9350人民币
- Data Intelligence MIT不看
- Electronics不合适
- SoftwareX不合适