• 文章投稿经历





    information(EI) 投稿失败一周内拒稿没有给出拒稿原因,自己揣摩:可能是影响因子太高了



    1. EI
    2. 1、Mathematical and Computational Applications
    3. <12weeks
    4. 11478.4600
    5. 2、Mechatronic Systems and Control
    6. $1144.00/$1165.00
    7. 3、International Journal of Information SystemModeling and Design
    8. $2,550
    9. 4、Applied Artificial Intelligence
    10. 2195 美元/1756 英镑/EUR2110/AUD3060
    11. 5、Energy Engineering
    12. $800 US dollars
    13. 6、Journal of Computer Research and Development
    14. 3-6个月
    15. 7、IET Smart Grid
    16. 5weeks
    17. SCI四区
    18. 8、Journal of Information Science and Engineering
    19. 6
    20. 9、Journal of Computer Science & Technology
    21. 4月 无需稿费
    22. 10、Journal of Computer Science
    23. 计算机科学杂志的处理费为600美元、
    24. 11、International Journal of Computers Communications & Control
    25. EUR500; Quarterly
    26. 12、International Journal of Computer Applications
    27. 6-12
    28. 学报
    29. 11、Journal of Computer Sciences Institute
    30. 无出版费 4Weeks
    31. 12、AlRafidain Journal of Computer Sciences and Mathematics
    32. 12Weeks 在本期刊上发表文章需要支付 100 美元才能发表被接受的手稿。 无需提交或处理费用。
    33. 13、 Journal of Computer and Communications
    34. $299:Scientific Research Publishing即美国科研出版社,是武大教授周怀北 于2007年创办的.其旗下有50余种英文期刊,但很少有被SCI收录.
    35. 1、IET Smart Grid(EI)
    36. time:Average time to first decision:5 weeks
    37. money:$2270
    38. 2、Journal of Computer Science (SCI)
    39. >12Weeks
    40. 计算机科学杂志的处理费为600美元、
    41. 评论:(我已投稿此刊,审稿周期相当慢,11个月了没有任何回复消息,真tmd坑人。期间,还写了45次催稿信,都没有回复。建议不要投这个期刊,太坑人了。这个期刊还没有投稿 系统,还是用email发文章过去,也看不到文章的状态,垃圾期刊还慢。最后,只有撤稿。别无他法。)
    42. 3、International Journal of Computer and Applications(EI)
    43. 季刊
    44. 本期刊不收取投稿费、出版费或版面费。彩印要钱
    45. https://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&journalCode=tjca20
    46. 4、Journal of Computational Science
    47. sci中科院3
    48. 版面费:无
    50. 2.8月/不到一个月
    51. $1950
    52. (1)International Journal of Computer Science Issues,版面应在8页左右,所有注册费5500元。(21年被EI、移除)
    53. (2)International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology,版面应在7-9页,所有注册费6000元。
    54. (3)Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences,版面7-9页,所有注册费6000元。
    55. (4)International Review on Computers and Software,版面应在8-10页,所有注册费6000元。
    56. (5)Journal of Computational Information System,版面应在8-10页,所有注册费6000元。
    57. (6)Information Technology Journal,版面应在8-10页,所有注册费6000元。
    58. IET Computer Vision(四区) EUR2000;GBP1700;USD2200; 1个月
    59. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation(四区) USD2100; 3-8
    60. MICROWAVE JOURNAL(四区) 1个月
    61. NEURAL COMPUTATION(四区认可度高) 1600.00美元 三个月
    62. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING(四区) £2090.00/$2990.00/€2390.00 3-6Weeks
    63. Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering EUR300; 较慢,6-12
    64. Journal of Computers (JCP, ISSN 1796-203X),
    65. Journal of Networks (JNW, ISSN 1796-2056),+------------
    66. Journal of Software (JSW, ISSN 1796-217X).
    67. Journal of Computational Information Systems,ISSN 1553-9105---------------
    68. Information Technology Journal, ISSN 1812-5638
    69. Journal of Information& Computational Science,ISSN 1548-7741
    70. Journal of Systems Science and Information,ISSN: 1478-9906
    71. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, ISSN 1975-9320
    72. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications ,ISSN: 1975-9339
    73. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology
    74. INFORMS Journal on Computing
    75. Information and Computation
    76. Information and Computer Security+-------
    77. Communications in Computer and Information Science----------------
    78. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences----------------
    79. International Journal of Information and Computer Security
    80. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
    81. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control
    82. information(EI)1600瑞士法郎 13041.9200人民币
    83. (SCI)
    84. SoftwareX uSD500
    85. IEEE Access usd1750 paper later 参考文献 14182.9350人民币
    86. Data Intelligence MIT不看
    87. Electronics不合适
    88. SoftwareX不合适

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/xiaokanshijie/article/details/133254657