• pcl--第十二节 2D和3D融合和手眼标定







    • 方式一:


    1. /**
    2. * 将彩色图和深度图合并成点云
    3. * @param matrix 相机内参矩阵3x3
    4. * @param rgb 彩色图
    5. * @param depth 深度图
    6. * @param cloud 输出点云
    7. */
    8. static void convert(Mat &matrix, Mat &rgb, Mat &depth, PointCloud::Ptr &cloud) {
    9. double camera_fx = matrix.at<double>(0, 0);
    10. double camera_fy = matrix.at<double>(1, 1);
    11. double camera_cx = matrix.at<double>(0, 2);
    12. double camera_cy = matrix.at<double>(1, 2);
    13. cout << "fx: " << camera_fx << endl;
    14. cout << "fy: " << camera_fy << endl;
    15. cout << "cx: " << camera_cx << endl;
    16. cout << "cy: " << camera_cy << endl;
    17. // 遍历深度图
    18. for (int v = 0; v < depth.rows; v++)
    19. for (int u = 0; u < depth.cols; u++) {
    20. // 获取深度图中(m,n)处的值
    21. ushort d = depth.ptr(v)[u];
    22. // d 可能没有值,若如此,跳过此点
    23. if (isnan(d) && abs(d) < 0.0001)
    24. continue;
    25. // d 存在值,则向点云增加一个点
    26. PointT p;
    27. // 计算这个点的空间坐标
    28. p.z = double(d) / 1000; //单位是米
    29. p.x = (u - camera_cx) * p.z / camera_fx;
    30. p.y = (v - camera_cy) * p.z / camera_fy;
    31. // 从rgb图像中获取它的颜色
    32. // rgb是三通道的BGR格式图,所以按下面的顺序获取颜色
    33. Vec3b bgr = rgb.at(v, u);
    34. p.b = bgr[0];
    35. p.g = bgr[1];
    36. p.r = bgr[2];
    37. // 把p加入到点云中
    38. cloud->points.push_back(p);
    39. //cout << cloud->points.size() << endl;
    40. }
    41. // 设置并保存点云
    42. cloud->height = 1;
    43. cloud->width = cloud->points.size();
    44. cout << "point cloud size = " << cloud->points.size() << endl;
    45. cloud->is_dense = false;
    46. }
    47. int main(){
    48. cv::Mat cameraMatrix; // 从文件加载相机内参
    49. cv::Mat rgb; // 从相机得到RGB彩色图
    50. cv::Mat depth; // 从相机得到depth深度图
    51. PointCloud::Ptr pCloud = PointCloud::Ptr(new PointCloud);
    52. convert(cameraMatrix, rgb, depth, pCloud);
    53. }
    • 方式二:


    1. #include
    2. #include
    3. #include
    4. #include
    5. #include
    6. using namespace std;
    7. using namespace cv;
    8. float qnan_ = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
    9. const char *cameraInCailFile = "./assets/3DCameraInCailResult.xml";
    10. Eigen::Matrix<float, 1920, 1> colmap;
    11. Eigen::Matrix<float, 1080, 1> rowmap;
    12. //const short w = 512, h = 424;
    13. const short w = 1920, h = 1080;
    14. void prepareMake3D(const double cx, const double cy,
    15. const double fx, const double fy) {
    16. float *pm1 = colmap.data();
    17. float *pm2 = rowmap.data();
    18. for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
    19. *pm1++ = (i - cx + 0.5) / fx;
    20. }
    21. for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
    22. *pm2++ = (i - cy + 0.5) / fy;
    23. }
    24. }
    25. /**
    26. * 根据内参,合并RGB彩色图和深度图到点云
    27. * @param cloud
    28. * @param depthMat
    29. * @param rgbMat
    30. */
    31. void getCloud(pcl::PointCloud::Ptr &cloud, Mat &depthMat, Mat &rgbMat) {
    32. const float *itD0 = (float *) depthMat.ptr();
    33. const char *itRGB0 = (char *) rgbMat.ptr();
    34. if (cloud->size() != w * h)
    35. cloud->resize(w * h);
    36. pcl::PointXYZRGB *itP = &cloud->points[0];
    37. bool is_dense = true;
    38. for (size_t y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
    39. const unsigned int offset = y * w;
    40. const float *itD = itD0 + offset;
    41. const char *itRGB = itRGB0 + offset * 4;
    42. const float dy = rowmap(y);
    43. for (size_t x = 0; x < w; ++x, ++itP, ++itD, itRGB += 4) {
    44. const float depth_value = *itD / 1000.0f;
    45. if (!isnan(depth_value) && abs(depth_value) >= 0.0001) {
    46. const float rx = colmap(x) * depth_value;
    47. const float ry = dy * depth_value;
    48. itP->z = depth_value;
    49. itP->x = rx;
    50. itP->y = ry;
    51. itP->b = itRGB[0];
    52. itP->g = itRGB[1];
    53. itP->r = itRGB[2];
    54. } else {
    55. itP->z = qnan_;
    56. itP->x = qnan_;
    57. itP->y = qnan_;
    58. itP->b = qnan_;
    59. itP->g = qnan_;
    60. itP->r = qnan_;
    61. is_dense = false;
    62. }
    63. }
    64. }
    65. cloud->is_dense = is_dense;
    66. }
    67. int main(){
    68. Mat cameraMatrix = cv::Mat_<double>(3, 3);
    69. FileStorage paramFs(cameraInCailFile, FileStorage::READ);
    70. paramFs["cameraMatrix"] >> cameraMatrix;
    71. // 内参数据
    72. double fx = cameraMatrix.at<double>(0, 0);
    73. double fy = cameraMatrix.at<double>(1, 1);
    74. double cx = cameraMatrix.at<double>(0, 2);
    75. double cy = cameraMatrix.at<double>(1, 2);
    76. // 提前准备计算所需参数
    77. prepareMake3D(cx, cy, fx, fy);
    78. cv::Mat rgbMat; // 从相机得到RGB彩色图
    79. cv::Mat depthMat; // 从相机得到depth深度图
    80. pcl::PointCloud::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud());
    81. getCloud(cloud, depthMat, rgbMat)
    82. }




    • {b}:base基座标系
    • {g}:gripper抓手坐标系
    • {t}:target标定板坐标系
    • {c}:camera相机坐标系




    1. 将标定板固定在机械臂末端
    2. 开启机械臂,开启摄像头
    3. 在距离摄像头40、60、80cm的距离上,在摄像头可见范围内,使用各种角度各拍照15-20张照片,一共45-60张。
    4. 同时保存照片以及对应拍照时机械臂位姿
    5. 准备好之前标定的相机内参
    6. 执行手眼标定API,得到相机在基坐标系的表达(旋转矩阵R+平移向量t)


    • 从文件及图片读取照片
    1. // Created by poplar on 19-7-25.
    2. #include
    3. #include
    4. #include
    5. #include "boost/filesystem.hpp" // includes all needed Boost.Filesystem declarations
    6. #include
    7. #include
    8. #include "tinyxml/tinyxml2.h"
    9. #include
    10. // Eigen 部分
    11. #include
    12. // 稠密矩阵的代数运算(逆,特征值等)
    13. #include
    14. // Eigen 几何模块
    15. #include
    16. #include
    17. #include
    18. #include
    19. #include
    20. #include
    21. #include "utils/Rotation3DUtils.h"
    22. using namespace boost::filesystem; // for ease of tutorial presentation;
    23. // a namespace alias is preferred practice in real code
    24. using namespace tinyxml2;
    25. using namespace Eigen;
    26. using namespace cv;
    27. using namespace std;
    28. using namespace rw::math;
    29. // Eigen
    30. // OpenCV
    31. // RobWork
    32. const string prefix_path = "/home/ty/Workspace/Robot/calibration-single";
    33. const string intrinsicsPath = prefix_path + "/CaliResult/3DCameraInCailResult.xml";
    34. const string pic_dir_path = prefix_path + "/ImageFromCamera";
    35. const string exten = "bmp";
    36. const string extrinsic_params = prefix_path + "/extrinsic_input_param.xml";
    37. // const string extrinsic_params = "/home/poplar/Lesson/Cobot/Aubo/calibration-single/extrinsic_input_param_t.xml";
    38. const string exCailFilePath = prefix_path + "/CaliResult/3DCameraExCailResult.xml";
    39. enum Pattern {
    41. };
    42. void printPose(const vector<double> &pose);
    43. void calcChessboardCorners(const Size &boardSize, float squareSize, vector &corners,
    44. Pattern patternType = CHESSBOARD) {
    45. corners.resize(0);
    46. switch (patternType) {
    47. case CHESSBOARD:
    48. case CIRCLES_GRID:
    49. for (int i = 0; i < boardSize.height; i++) // 9
    50. for (int j = 0; j < boardSize.width; j++) // 6
    51. corners.emplace_back(float(j * squareSize),
    52. float(i * squareSize), 0);
    53. break;
    55. for (int i = 0; i < boardSize.height; i++)
    56. for (int j = 0; j < boardSize.width; j++)
    57. corners.emplace_back(float((2 * j + i % 2) * squareSize),
    58. float(i * squareSize), 0);
    59. break;
    60. default:
    61. CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Unknown pattern type\n");
    62. }
    63. }
    64. /**
    65. * 通过图片集合 填充 旋转矩阵&平移矩阵
    66. * @param R_target2cam
    67. * @param t_target2cam
    68. * @param imgPaths
    69. */
    70. bool fillFromImages(vector &R_target2cam, std::vector &t_target2cam, std::vector &imgPaths) {
    71. const Size patternSize(6, 9);
    72. const float squareSize = 20;
    73. //! [compute-poses]
    74. std::vector objectPoints;
    75. // [
    76. // [0, 0 , 0]
    77. // [0, 20, 0]
    78. // [0, 40, 0]
    79. // ...
    80. // [20, 0, 0]
    81. // ...
    82. // ]
    83. calcChessboardCorners(patternSize, squareSize, objectPoints);
    84. // 通过内参进行矫正
    85. // 检测角点
    86. // 计算变换矩阵(旋转矩阵+平移矩阵)
    87. cv::FileStorage fs(intrinsicsPath, FileStorage::READ);
    88. Mat cameraMatrix, distCoeffs;
    89. fs["cameraMatrix"] >> cameraMatrix;
    90. fs["distCoeffs"] >> distCoeffs;
    91. // 遍历图片
    92. for (const auto &path: imgPaths) {
    93. const string &s_path = path.string();
    94. // std::cout << s_path << std::endl;
    95. const Mat &img_mat = imread(s_path, IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
    96. // 查找图片所有角点
    97. std::vector corners;
    98. bool isFound = cv::findChessboardCorners(img_mat, patternSize, corners);
    99. if (!isFound) {
    100. std::cerr << "Image not found corners: " << s_path << std::endl;
    101. return false;
    102. }
    103. // std::cout << corners.size() << std::endl;
    104. cv::Mat rvec = cv::Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64FC1);
    105. cv::Mat tvec = cv::Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64FC1);
    106. // solveP3P
    107. // 根据:
    108. // objectPoints(角点行列信息&大小信息)
    109. // corners所有角点信息
    110. // 内参
    111. // 得到:
    112. // 旋转向量,平移向量
    113. solvePnP(objectPoints, corners, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec, tvec);
    114. // raux.convertTo(Rvec, CV_32F); //旋转向量
    115. // taux.convertTo(Tvec, CV_32F); //平移向量
    116. Mat R; // 旋转矩阵 <-> 旋转向量
    117. // Transforms Rotation Vector to Matrix
    118. Rodrigues(rvec, R); // solvePnP返回的是旋转向量,故用罗德里格斯变换变成旋转矩阵
    119. cout << "rotation vector rvec =\n" << rvec << endl;
    120. cout << "rotation R =\n" << R << endl;
    121. cout << "translation vector tvec =\n" << tvec << std::endl;
    122. const Vec3f &oulerAngles = rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(R);
    123. std::cout << "oulerAngles = \n" << oulerAngles * RA2DE << std::endl; // zyx (RPY)
    124. // Rotation3D rot(R);
    125. std::cout << "Image path: " << s_path << std::endl;
    126. R_target2cam.push_back(R);
    127. // t_target2cam.push_back(tvec);
    128. t_target2cam.push_back(tvec / 1000);
    129. // const Mat &img_mat = imread(s_path, IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
    130. // Mat smallImg;
    131. // resize( img_mat, smallImg, Size(), 0.5, 0.5, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT);
    132. // cv::imshow("img_chess", smallImg);
    133. // std::cout << s_path << std::endl;
    134. // waitKey(0);
    135. }
    136. return true;
    137. }
    138. /**
    139. * 求齐次矩阵的逆矩阵
    140. * @param T
    141. * @return
    142. */
    143. static Mat homogeneousInverse(const Mat &T) {
    144. CV_Assert(T.rows == 4 && T.cols == 4);
    145. Mat R = T(Rect(0, 0, 3, 3));
    146. Mat t = T(Rect(3, 0, 1, 3));
    147. Mat Rt = R.t();
    148. Mat tinv = -Rt * t;
    149. Mat Tinv = Mat::eye(4, 4, T.type());
    150. Rt.copyTo(Tinv(Rect(0, 0, 3, 3)));
    151. tinv.copyTo(Tinv(Rect(3, 0, 1, 3)));
    152. return Tinv;
    153. }
    154. /**
    155. * 外参标定
    156. *
    157. * 输入:
    158. * 60组:t2c
    159. * 标定板在相机坐标系的表达(标定板到相机的转换矩阵->旋转矩阵R+平移向量t)
    160. * 内参(用于求相机在标定板坐标系的表达)
    161. *
    162. * 60组:b2g (g2b求逆)
    163. * 末端gripper的x,y,z,r,p,y-> 旋转矩阵R+平移向量t, 笛卡尔(RPY转旋转矩阵)
    164. * 求逆(转置),正交矩阵两个计算结果一致
    165. *
    166. * 输出:
    167. * 外参 :
    168. * 相机在Base坐标系的表达 (轴角对+平移向量t) (旋转矩阵R+平移向量t)
    169. *
    170. * 验证:
    171. * 通过现有图片及标定结果进行验证
    172. * @return
    173. */
    174. int main() {
    175. // 相机坐标系下标定板(目标)的表达 (通过 彩图&深度图&内参 获得) ---------------1
    176. std::vector R_target2cam, t_target2cam;
    177. // 读取照片&深度图
    178. if (!exists(pic_dir_path)) {
    179. std::cout << pic_dir_path << " not exist" << std::endl;
    180. return 0;
    181. }
    182. int counter{0};
    183. // 将所有外参标定的照片路径存到imgPaths
    184. vector imgPaths;
    185. directory_iterator end_itr;
    186. for (directory_iterator itr(pic_dir_path); itr != end_itr; ++itr) {
    187. if (!is_directory(itr->status())) {
    188. path file_path = itr->path();
    189. const path &filename = file_path.filename();
    190. if (boost::starts_with(filename.string(), "raw_color_extrinsic_pose")) {
    191. // std::cout << filename.string() << std::endl;
    192. imgPaths.push_back(file_path);
    193. // counter++;
    194. // if (counter >= 5){
    195. // break;
    196. // }
    197. }
    198. }
    199. }
    200. // 通过识别图像及角点,得到相机到标定板的变换矩阵 (内参)
    201. bool rst = fillFromImages(R_target2cam, t_target2cam, imgPaths);
    202. if (!rst) {
    203. return -1;
    204. }
    205. std::cout << "R_target2cam: " << R_target2cam.size() << std::endl;
    206. std::cout << "t_target2cam: " << t_target2cam.size() << std::endl;
    207. std::cout << " --------------------------------------------- 相机坐标系下标定板(目标)的表达 OK -------------------------------------------- ↑" << std::endl;
    208. // 基坐标Base下末端TCP(gripper)的表达 (通过设备获得) ---------------2
    209. std::vector R_gripper2base, t_gripper2base;
    210. // 轴角对&平移 -> 旋转矩阵&平移矩阵
    211. XMLDocument doc;
    212. doc.LoadFile(extrinsic_params.c_str());
    213. XMLElement *root = doc.RootElement();
    214. XMLElement *extrinsics = root->FirstChildElement("extrinsic");
    215. mapdouble>> map;
    216. while (extrinsics) {
    217. const char *image_path = extrinsics->FirstChildElement("Limage_color_path")->GetText();
    218. string img_path = std::string(image_path);
    219. string img_name = img_path.substr(img_path.find_last_of('/') + 1, -1);
    220. // std::cout << image_path << " name: " << img_name << std::endl;
    221. double pose1 = atof(extrinsics->FirstChildElement("pose1")->GetText());
    222. double pose2 = atof(extrinsics->FirstChildElement("pose2")->GetText());
    223. double pose3 = atof(extrinsics->FirstChildElement("pose3")->GetText());
    224. double pose4 = atof(extrinsics->FirstChildElement("pose4")->GetText());
    225. double pose5 = atof(extrinsics->FirstChildElement("pose5")->GetText());
    226. double pose6 = atof(extrinsics->FirstChildElement("pose6")->GetText());
    227. vector<double> pose{pose1, pose2, pose3, pose4, pose5, pose6};
    228. // 字典map保存的图片文件名及对应的=位姿
    229. map[img_name] = pose;
    230. extrinsics = extrinsics->NextSiblingElement();
    231. }
    232. // 将对应图片的机械臂笛卡尔空间坐标pose转成 旋转矩阵+平移矩阵
    233. for (const path &p: imgPaths) {
    234. std::string f_name = p.filename().string();
    235. try {
    236. // 取出每个图片对应的位姿
    237. vector<double> &pose = map.at(f_name);
    238. if (pose.empty()) {
    239. std::cerr << "pose empty" << std::endl;
    240. return -1;
    241. }
    242. // std::cout << f_name << " -> ";printPose(pose);
    243. cv::Vec3f eulerAngles(pose[3],pose[4],pose[5]);
    244. const Mat &R = eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(eulerAngles);
    245. cout << "rotation matrix3 eulerAngles =\n" << eulerAngles << endl;
    246. cout << "rotation matrix3 R =\n" << R << endl;
    247. cv::Mat t = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,1) << pose[0], pose[1], pose[2]);
    248. cout << "translation matrix3 t =\n" << t << endl;
    249. R_gripper2base.push_back(R);
    250. // t_gripper2base.push_back(t);
    251. t_gripper2base.push_back(t / 1000);
    252. // const string &s_path = p.string();
    253. // const Mat &img_mat = imread(s_path, IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
    254. // Mat smallImg;
    255. // resize( img_mat, smallImg, Size(), 0.5, 0.5, INTER_LINEAR_EXACT);
    256. // cv::imshow("img_chess", smallImg);
    257. // std::cout << s_path << std::endl;
    258. // waitKey(0);
    259. } catch (const std::out_of_range &e) {
    260. std::cerr << f_name << " was not found." << std::endl;
    261. }
    262. }
    263. std::cout << " --------------------------------------------- 基坐标Base下末端TCP(gripper)的表达 -------------------------------------------- ↑" << std::endl;
    264. // return 0;
    265. // std::cout << map["raw_color_extrinsic_pose_07_26_17_01_59_965.bmp"].size()<< std::endl;
    266. // TCP坐标系下基坐标的表达
    267. std::vector R_base2gripper, t_base2gripper;
    268. // 转换成逆矩阵
    269. unsigned long size = R_gripper2base.size();
    270. R_base2gripper.reserve(size);
    271. t_base2gripper.reserve(size);
    272. for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    273. // 获取每个抓手的姿态(旋转矩阵)
    274. Mat R = R_gripper2base[i];
    275. Mat Rt = R.t(); // 转置
    276. R_base2gripper.push_back(Rt);
    277. // 获取每个抓手的位置
    278. Mat t = t_gripper2base[i];
    279. Mat tinv = -Rt * t;
    280. t_base2gripper.push_back(tinv);
    281. cout << "base2gripper Rt=\n" << Rt << endl;
    282. cout << "base2gripper tinv =\n" << tinv << endl;
    283. }
    284. std::cout << " --------------------------------------------- 末端TCP坐标下Base的表达 -------------------------------------------- ↑" << std::endl;
    285. std::cout << R_target2cam.size() << ":" << t_target2cam.size() << '\n' <<
    286. R_base2gripper.size() << ":" << t_base2gripper.size() << std::endl;
    287. std::cout << "---------------------calibrateHandEye start !---------------------" << std::endl;
    288. // 求Base基坐标下相机Cam的表达
    289. Mat R_cam2base_est, t_cam2base_est;
    290. // 进行手眼标定(外参)
    291. cv::calibrateHandEye(
    292. R_base2gripper, t_base2gripper,
    293. R_target2cam, t_target2cam,
    294. R_cam2base_est, t_cam2base_est,
    295. HandEyeCalibrationMethod::CALIB_HAND_EYE_DANIILIDIS);
    296. cout << "旋转矩阵 est: \n" << R_cam2base_est << endl;
    297. cout << "平移矩阵 est: \n" << t_cam2base_est * 1000 << endl;
    298. double angle = 0;
    299. double axisX = 0;
    300. double axisY = 0;
    301. double axisZ = 0;
    302. double translationX = 0;
    303. double translationY = 0;
    304. double translationZ = 0;
    305. // 使用opencv读取文件
    306. cv::FileStorage fs(exCailFilePath, cv::FileStorage::READ);
    307. fs["Angle"] >> angle;
    308. fs["AxisX"] >> axisX;
    309. fs["AxisY"] >> axisY;
    310. fs["AxisZ"] >> axisZ;
    311. fs["TranslationX"] >> translationX;
    312. fs["TranslationY"] >> translationY;
    313. fs["TranslationZ"] >> translationZ;
    314. // 轴角对
    315. Vector3d axisMatrix(axisX, axisY, axisZ);
    316. AngleAxisd angleAxisd(angle, axisMatrix);
    317. // 获取旋转矩阵
    318. const Eigen::AngleAxis<double>::Matrix3 &rotationMatrix = angleAxisd.toRotationMatrix();
    319. // cout << "旋转矩阵e:" << rotationMatrix << endl;
    320. // 获取平移矩阵
    321. Vector3d t_cam2base_eigen(translationX, translationY, translationZ);
    322. // 获取输出结果
    323. // cout << "平移向量e:" << t_cam2base_eigen << endl;
    324. // 真实值,eigen转成cv
    325. cv::Mat_<double> R_cam2base_true(3, 3);
    326. cv::eigen2cv(rotationMatrix,R_cam2base_true);
    327. cv::Mat_<double> t_cam2base_true(3, 1);
    328. cv::eigen2cv(t_cam2base_eigen,t_cam2base_true);
    329. cout << "旋转矩阵 true: \n" << R_cam2base_true << endl;
    330. cout << "平移矩阵 true: \n" << t_cam2base_true << endl;
    331. // 估算的 旋转矩阵->旋转向量
    332. // Mat rvec_cam2base_est;
    333. // cv::Rodrigues(R_cam2base_est, rvec_cam2base_est);
    334. // 真实的 旋转矩阵->旋转向量
    335. // Mat rvec_cam2base_true;
    336. // cv::Rodrigues(R_cam2base_true, rvec_cam2base_true);
    337. // cout << "旋转矩阵 est: \n" << rvec_cam2base_est << endl;
    338. // cout << "平移向量 est: \n" << t_cam2base_true << endl;
    339. // double rvecDiff = norm(rvec_cam2base_true, rvec_cam2base_est, NormTypes::NORM_L2);
    340. // double tvecDiff = norm(t_cam2base_true, t_cam2base_est, NormTypes::NORM_L2);
    341. // std::cout << "rvecDiff:" << rvecDiff << " tvecDiff:" << tvecDiff << std::endl;
    342. return 0;
    343. }
    344. void printPose(const vector<double> &pose) {
    345. cout << "[" <<
    346. pose[0] << " " << pose[1] << " " << pose[2] << " " <<
    347. pose[3] << " " << pose[4] << " " << pose[5] << " " <<
    348. "]" << endl;
    349. }





    1. Kinect相机拍照(得到RGB图和深度图)


    2. 检测抓取位置(u,v),根据内参及深度信息得到三个空间中的点坐标



    3. 构建坐标系得到旋转矩阵T1,转成RPY进行抓取测试


    4. 生成点云图用于模板匹配(进行直通滤波及降采样)

      05_CreatePclCloud.cpp 验证变换矩阵

      06_TemplateCloudFilter.cpp 生成剪切后的模板

      • 实时的拍照得到RGB和深度图
      • 合成目标点云图
      • 通过直通滤波框定范围(得到感兴趣区域)
      • 将感兴趣区域进行降采样(提高模板匹配效率)



    1. Kinect相机拍照(得到RGB图和深度图)


    2. 生成目标点云图


    3. 进行模板与目标点云图匹配(统一进行直通滤波及降采样),得到变换矩阵T0




    T0 为目标在模板坐标系的表达 T1 为模板在相机坐标系的表达 Tc 为相机在基坐标系的表达


    1. 安全位置判定
    2. 将盒子抓取到指定位置放置
    3. 不间断抓取多个盒子
    4. 准备多个模板,提高模板匹配姿态识别度
    5. 设置间隔,实时进行模板匹配
    6. 设置目标位置抓取动态延时
    7. 自动避障
    8. 其他


    • 命令行版
    • Qt版
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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42398658/article/details/133169512