Create a set of counters suitable for use as a 12-hour clock (with am/pm indicator). Your counters are clocked by a fast-running clk, with a pulse on ena whenever your clock should increment (i.e., once per second).
reset resets the clock to 12:00 AM. pm is 0 for AM and 1 for PM. hh, mm, and ss are two BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) digits each for hours (01-12), minutes (00-59), and seconds (00-59). Reset has higher priority than enable, and can occur even when not enabled.
The following timing diagram shows the rollover behaviour from 11:59:59 AM to 12:00:00 PM and the synchronous reset and enable behaviour.
- module top_module(
- input clk,
- input reset,
- input ena,
- output pm,
- output [7:0] hh,
- output [7:0] mm,
- output [7:0] ss);
- wire [2:0] ena_wire; //进位标识符
- reg pm_test;
- assign ena_wire[0]=ena;
- bcd seconds(clk,reset,ena_wire[0],ss); //sec
- assign ena_wire[1]=(ss==8'h59)&&ena;
- bcd minutes(clk,reset,ena_wire[1],mm); //min
- assign ena_wire[2]=(ss==8'h59&&mm==8'h59)&&ena;
- bcd_hour hours(clk,reset,ena_wire[2],hh); //hour
- always@(posedge clk) begin //p.m.
- if(reset)
- pm_test<=0;
- else if(ss==8'h59&&mm==8'h59&&hh==8'h11)
- pm_test=~pm_test;
- else;
- end
- assign pm=pm_test;
- endmodule
- module bcd(
- input clk,
- input reset,
- input ena,
- output reg[7:0] q
- );
- always@(posedge clk) begin
- if(reset)
- q<=0;
- else if(ena) begin //若需进位
- if(q==8'h59) //且到了59,进位为0
- q<=0;
- else if(q[3:0]==9) begin //不是59就要考虑有两位数字,个位若为9则进位,十位+1
- q[3:0]<=4'b0;
- q[7:4]<=q[7:4]+1;
- end
- else //个位不为9就不进位,个位+1
- q[3:0]<=q[3:0]+1;
- end
- //else;
- end
- endmodule
- module bcd_hour(
- input clk,
- input reset,
- input ena,
- output reg[7:0] q
- //output pm
- );
- always@(posedge clk) begin
- //pm=0;
- if(reset)
- q<=8'h12; //和上面几乎一样,就这里reset是12需要注意
- else if(ena) begin
- if(q==8'h12) begin
- q<=1;
- //pm=~pm;
- end
- else if(q[3:0]==9) begin
- q[3:0]<=4'b0;
- q[7:4]<=q[7:4]+1;
- end
- else
- q[3:0]<=q[3:0]+1;
- end
- //else;
- end
- endmodule
- /*
- 这道题有坑,就是ss mm hh这种都有两位,ss这两位之间也需要进位。
- 以及这里的进位判定都是'h59,不知道为什么不是'd59
- 以及分钟和秒用的bcd计数器可以是同一个,但小时的要单独写。
- HDLBits resoultion 的答案我没看懂
- */
这道题有坑,就是ss mm hh这种都有两位,ss这两位之间也需要进位。
HDLBits resoultion 的答案我没看懂