- #!/usr/bin/env python
- '''
- Status类代表一个电机处于的状态:
- 1、DIRECTION状态位:设置运动方向
- 2、DONE_MOVING状态字:置位表示结束运动
- 3、MOVING状态字:置位表示正在运动
- 4、HIGH_LIMIT状态字:置位表示触发高限位
- 5、LOW_LIMIT状态字:置位表示触发低限位
- 6、HOMING:置位表示正在寻HOME位
- 8、HOMED:置位表示寻HOME结尾
- 9、ERROR:置位表示出错
- '''
- class Status:
- '''
- 代表轴状态的类:初始化这个对象
- '''
- def __init__(self):
- # 初始化方向,方向1表示正方向
- self.direction = 1
- # 初始化运动状态为静止
- self.doneMoving = 1
- self.moving = 0
- # 初始化高低限位信号为无效
- self.highLimitActive = 0
- self.lowLimitActive = 0
- # 初始化归位:未在归位中,归位无效
- self.homing = 0
- self.homed = 0
- self.homeSwitchActive = 0
- # 初始化错误:没有
- self.error = False
- self.errorMessage = None
- # 状态位定义:每种状态所在的位
- #方向:第0BIT、结束运行:第1BIT、移动中:第2BIT
- # 高限位:第3BIT、低限位:第4BIT、归位中:第5BI
- # 归位开关:第6BIT,已经归位:第7BIT,错误:第8BIT
- self.DIRECTION = 1 << 0
- self.DONE_MOVING = 1 << 1
- self.MOVING = 1 << 2
- self.HIGH_LIMIT = 1 << 3
- self.LOW_LIMIT = 1 << 4
- self.HOMING = 1 >> 5
- self.HOME_LIMIT = 1 << 6
- self.HOMED = 1 << 7
- self.ERROR = 1 << 8
- # 初始状态为0,通过以上状态定义计算状态
- self.status = 0
- self.calcStatus()
- # 设置错误状态码和错误消息
- def setError(self, flag, message):
- self.error = flag # 设置错误标记
- self.errorMessage = message
- # 错误标记非0,状态中置位ERROR对应的BIT位状态
- # 错误标记为0, 状态中复位ERROR对应的BIT位状态
- if self.error:
- self.status |= self.ERROR
- else:
- self.status &= ~self.ERROR
- # 设置为运动,结束移动的标志置0,运动的标志置1,状态中对结束移动标的志置0,对运动标志置1
- def setMoving(self):
- self.doneMoving = 0
- self.moving = 1
- self.status |= self.MOVING
- self.status &= ~self.DONE_MOVING
- # 设置为结束,结束移动的标志置1,运动的标志置0,状态中对结束移动标的志置1,对运动标志置0
- def setDoneMoving(self):
- self.doneMoving = 1
- self.moving = 0
- self.status |= self.DONE_MOVING
- self.status &= ~self.MOVING
- # 设置正方向,方向标志为1
- def setDirPositive(self):
- self.direction = 1
- self.status |= self.DIRECTION
- # 设置负方向,方向标志为0
- def setDirNegative(self):
- self.direction = 0
- self.status &= ~self.DIRECTION
- # 设置高限位为1
- def setHighLimit(self):
- self.highLimitActive = 1
- self.status |= self.HIGH_LIMIT
- # 重置高限位
- def resetHighLimit(self):
- self.highLimitActive = 0
- self.status &= ~self.HIGH_LIMIT
- # 设置低限位
- def setLowLimit(self):
- self.lowLimitActive = 1
- self.status |= self.LOW_LIMIT
- # 重置低限位
- def resetLowLimit(self):
- self.lowLimitActive = 0
- self.status &= ~self.LOW_LIMIT
- # 返回当前状态
- def getStatus(self):
- return self.status
- # 根据方向标志、结束运行的标志、移动的标志,高限位的标志,低限位的标志,归位的标志、归位开关标志、归位结束的标志,以及
- # 错误标志,构造状态
- # 根据Status对象的diretion, doneMoving, moving, highLimitActive, lowLimitActive, homing, homed, homeSwitchActive
- # error成员的状态计算成员status
- def calcStatus(self):
- status = 0
- if self.direction:
- status |= self.DIRECTION
- if self.doneMoving:
- status |= self.DONE_MOVING
- if self.moving:
- status |= self.MOVING
- if self.highLimitActive:
- status |= self.HIGH_LIMIT
- if self.lowLimitActive:
- status |= self.LOW_LIMIT
- if self.homing:
- status |= self.HOMING
- if self.homeSwitchActive:
- status |= self.HOME_LIMIT
- if self.homed:
- status |= self.HOMED
- if self.error:
- status |= self.ERROR
- self.status = status
- return
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import status
- import datetime
- import math
- import time
- class Axis:
- """
- 代表电机一个运动轴的类
- """
- def __init__(self, index):
- self.index = index
- # 基速度和匀速速度
- self.baseVelocity = 0
- self.velocity = 400
- # 加速度和减速度
- self.acceleration = 400
- self.deceleration = 400
- # 上下限位
- self.highLimit = 40000
- self.lowLimit = -40000
- # 单位
- self.units = "counts"
- # 分辨率
- self.resolution = 1.0
- # 启动开始时刻,移动取消时刻
- self.moveStartTime = None
- self.abortTime = None
- # 轴的上次位置,当前位置,当前偏移量,目标位置,方向,移动速度
- self.lastPosition = 0
- self.currentPosition = 0
- self.currentDisplacement = 0
- self.targetPosition = 0
- self.direction = 1
- self.moveVelocity = self.velocity
- # 加速持续时间,加速阶段的距离,减速持续时间,减速阶段的距离
- self.accelDistance = 0.0
- self.accelDuration = 0.0
- self.decelDistance = 0.0
- self.decelDuration = 0.0
- # 移动距离,匀速持续时间,减速启动时间,移动持续时间
- self.moveDistance = 0
- self.constVelDuration = 0.0
- self.decelStartTime = 0.0
- self.moveDuration = 0.0
- # 默认执行限位检查
- self.enforceLimits = True
- # 实例化一个默认的Status对象,代表电机轴的状态
- self.status = status.Status()
- def move(self, targetPosition):
- # 已经移动,则忽略,检查启动时刻是否已经存在
- if self.moveStartTime != None:
- return "Busy"
- self.targetPosition = targetPosition
- self.lastPosition = self.currentPosition
- # 比较当前位置和目标位置,来设置方向
- # 此处的direction用于计算位置
- if self.targetPosition < self.lastPosition:
- self.direction = -1
- self.status.setDirNegative()
- else:
- self.direction = 1
- self.status.setDirPositive()
- print("move:direction:" , self.direction)
- # 检查上下限位情况
- if (self.enforceLimits == True) and (self.direction == 1) and (self.status.highLimitActive == 1):
- self.status.setError(True, "Can't move in positive direction when high limit is active")
- print("hh")
- elif (self.enforceLimits == True) and (self.direction == -1) and (self.status.lowLimitActive == 1):
- self.status.setError(True, "Can't move in negative direction when low limit is active")
- print("ll")
- else:
- # 设置启动时刻,表示电机轴开始移动了
- self.moveStartTime = datetime.datetime.now()
- # 计算移动距离
- self.moveDistance = abs(self.targetPosition - self.lastPosition)
- print("moveDistance , ", self.moveDistance)
- # 加速时间
- self.accelDuration = (self.velocity - self.baseVelocity) / self.acceleration
- # 加速过程中,移动的距离:vb*t+1/2*a*t^2,a=(v-vb)/t==>vb*t+0.5*(v-vb)*t
- self.accelDistance = self.baseVelocity * self.accelDuration + self.accelDuration * 0.5 * (self.velocity - self.baseVelocity)
- # 减速时间,减速过程的距离
- self.decelDuration = (self.velocity - self.baseVelocity) / self.deceleration
- #! debug: print("decelDuration = ", self.decelDuration)
- self.decelDistance = self.baseVelocity * self.decelDuration + self.decelDuration * 0.5 * (self.velocity - self.baseVelocity)
- if self.moveDistance < (self.accelDistance + self.decelDistance):
- # 这点距离不能使得轴达到运行速度,加速到一个峰值速度后,就进行减速
- peakVelocity = math.sqrt(2 * self.acceleration * self.deceleration * self.moveDistance / (self.acceleration + self.deceleration))
- print("---------+-------------")
- print("peakVelocity = ", peakVelocity)
- self.moveVelocity = peakVelocity
- # 重新计算:加速所用时间,加速的距离,减速所用时间,减速的距离
- self.accelDuration = (peakVelocity - self.baseVelocity) / self.acceleration
- self.accelDistance = self.baseVelocity * self.accelDuration + self.accelDuration * 0.5 * (peakVelocity - self.baseVelocity)
- self.decelDuration = (peakVelocity - self.baseVelocity) / self.deceleration
- self.decelDistance = self.baseVelocity * self.decelDuration + self.decelDuration * 0.5 * (peakVelocity - self.baseVelocity)
- self.constVelDuration = 0.0
- else:
- self.moveVelocity = self.velocity
- # 匀速移动距离,匀速移动时间
- self.constVelDuration = (self.moveDistance - self.accelDistance - self.decelDistance) / self.moveVelocity
- # 开始减速的时刻
- self.decelStartTime = self.accelDuration + self.constVelDuration
- # 整个移动时间
- self.moveDuration = self.decelStartTime + self.decelDuration
- # 打印轴移动的信息:
- # 轴编码,起始位置,终止位置,移动距离,移动持续时间,加速距离,匀速时间
- # 减速时刻,减速持续时间,减速距离
- print("+-----------motor %d :" % (self.index + 1))
- print("Start Position: ", self.lastPosition, self.units)
- print("End Position: ", self.targetPosition, self.units)
- print()
- print("Move Duration : ", self.moveDuration, "seconds")
- print("Move Distance : ", self.moveDistance, self.units)
- print()
- print("Accel Duration: ", self.accelDuration, "seconds")
- print("Accel Distance: ", self.accelDistance, self.units)
- print()
- print("Constant Vel Duration: ", self.constVelDuration, "seconds")
- print("Decel Start Time : ", self.decelStartTime, "seconds")
- print()
- print("Decel Duration : ", self.decelDuration, "seconds")
- print("Decel Distance : ", self.decelDistance, self.units)
- print()
- return "OK"
- def moveRelative(self, displacement):
- if self.moveStartTime != None:
- return "Busy"
- self.lastPosition = self.currentPosition
- targetPosition = self.lastPosition + displacement
- print("current %s to target %s" % (self.lastPosition, targetPosition))
- retval = self.move(targetPosition)
- return retval
- def jog(self, velocity):
- print("Velocity: ", velocity)
- displacement = velocity * 3600.0
- retval = self.moveRelative(displacement)
- return retval
- def stop(self):
- if self.moveStartTime == None: #未开始移动
- self.abortTime = None
- else:
- if self.abortTime != None: # 已经发送了取消命令
- pass
- else:
- # 记录当前取消时刻
- self.abortTime = datetime.datetime.now()
- # 到取消时刻已经运行了多少时间
- abortTimeDelta = self.abortTime - self.moveStartTime
- abortTimeSeconds = abortTimeDelta.total_seconds()
- # 重新计算移动的距离
- if abortTimeSeconds < self.accelDuration: # 在加速阶段就取消了
- self.accelDuration = abortTimeSeconds
- self.accelDistance = self.baseVelocity * abortTimeSeconds + 0.5 * self.acceleration * abortTimeSeconds * abortTimeSeconds
- peakVelocity = self.acceleration * abortTimeSconds
- self.constVelDuration = 0.0
- self.decelDuration = (peakVelocity - baseVelocity)/ self.deceleraction
- self.decelDistance = self.baseVelocity * self.decelDuration + 0.5 * self.deceleration * self.decelDuration * self.decelDuration
- # 实际移动距离=加速的距离+减速的距离
- self.moveDistance = self.accelDistance + self.decelDistance
- # 实际移动时间=加速所用时间+减速所用时间
- self.moveDuration = self.accelDuration + self.decelDuration
- # 移动峰值速度
- self.moveVelocity = peakVelocity
- elif abortTimeSeconds < self.decelStartTime: # 在匀速阶段取消
- self.decelStartTime = abortTimeSeconds
- # 匀速运动所用时间
- self.constVelDuration = abortTimeSeconds - self.accelDuration
- # 移动距离
- self.moveDistance = self.accelDistance + self.moveVelocity * self.constVelDuration + self.decelDistance
- # 移动的时间
- self.moveDuration = self.accelDuration + self.constVelDuration + self.decelDuration
- elif abortTimeSeconds <= self.moveDuration: # 在减速阶段取消
- pass
- else:
- print("Error: Stop received after a move shoud have been complete.")
- self.status.setError(True, "Error: Stop received after a move should been complete.")
- return "OK"
- # 读取当前位置
- def readPosition(self):
- if self.moveStartTime == None: # 电机轴未移动
- pass
- else:
- # 设置移动标志
- moveFlag = True
- currentTime = datetime.datetime.now()
- # 计算移动时间:当前时间 - 启动时间
- movingTimeDelta = currentTime - self.moveStartTime
- movingTimeSeconds = movingTimeDelta.total_seconds()
- print("readPosition timedelta: ", movingTimeSeconds)
- self.currentDisplacement = 0
- if movingTimeSeconds < self.accelDuration: # 加速阶段中,偏移量
- self.currentDisplacement = self.baseVelocity * movingTimeSeconds + 0.5 * self.acceleration * movingTimeSeconds * movingTimeSeconds
- elif movingTimeSeconds < self.decelStartTime: # 匀速阶段中,偏移量
- self.currentDisplacement = self.baseVelocity * self.accelDuration + 0.5 * self.acceleration * self.accelDuration * self.accelDuration + (movingTimeSeconds - self.accelDuration) * self.moveVelocity
- elif movingTimeSeconds < self.moveDuration: # 减速阶段中,偏移量
- self.currentDisplacement = self.baseVelocity * self.accelDuration + 0.5 * self.acceleration * self.accelDuration * self.accelDuration + self.constVelDuration * self.moveVelocity + self.baseVelocity * (movingTimeSeconds - self.decelStartTime) + 0.5 * self.deceleration * (movingTimeSeconds - self.decelStartTime) * (movingTimeSeconds - self.decelStartTime)
- else: # 已经超出了运行时间, 设置移动标志
- moveFlag = False
- #print("In readPosition--> currentDisplacement", self.currentDisplacement)
- print("in readPosition: direction : ", self.direction)
- if moveFlag == True:# 还在移动,计算当前位置
- self.currentPosition = self.lastPosition + self.direction * self.currentDisplacement
- else:
- if self.abortTime == None: # 运动自然结束
- self.currentPosition = self.targetPosition
- else:# 运动被取消
- self.currentPostion = self.lastPosition + self.direction * self.moveDistance
- self.abortTime = None
- self.latPosition = self.currentPosition
- self.moveStartTime = None
- return self.currentPosition
- def setPosition(self, newPostion):
- if self.moveStartTime == None: # 电机轴未移动
- self.currentPosition = newPosition
- self.lastPosition = self.currentPosition
- else:
- pass
- return "OK"
- def readStatus(self):
- if self.moveStartTime == None:
- self.status.setDoneMoving()
- else:
- currentTime = datetime.datetime.now()
- movingTimeDelta = currentTime - self.moveStartTime
- movingTimeSeconds = movingTimeDelta.total_seconds()
- if movingTimeSeconds < self.moveDuration:
- self.status.setMoving()
- else:
- self.status.setDoneMoving()
- if self.enforceLimits == True:
- if self.currentPosition > self.highLimit:
- self.status.setHighLimit()
- if (self.status.doneMoving == 0) and (self.direction == 1):
- self.stop()
- else:
- self.status.resetHighLimit()
- if self.currentPosition < self.lowLimit:
- self.status.setLowLimit()
- if (self.status.doneMoving == 0) and (self.direction == -1):
- self.stop()
- else:
- self.status.resetLowLimit()
- else:
- self.status.resetLowLimit()
- self.status.resetHighLimit()
- return self.status.getStatus()
- def setVelocity(self, velocity):
- self.velocity = abs(velocity)
- return "OK"
- def getVelocity(self):
- return self.velocity
- def setBaseVelocity(self, velocity):
- self.baseVelocity = abs(velocity)
- return "OK"
- def getBaseVelocity(self):
- return self.baseVelocity
- def setAcceleration(self, acceleration):
- self.acceleration = acceleration
- return "OK"
- def setDeceleration(self, deceleration):
- self.deceleration = accceleration
- return "OK"
- def getAcceleration(self):
- return self.acceleration
- def getDeceleration(self):
- return self.deceleration
- def setHighLimit(self, highLimit):
- self.highLimit = highLimit
- return "OK"
- def getHighLimit(self):
- return self.highLimit
- def setLowLimit(self, lowLimit):
- self.lowLimit = lowLimit
- return "OK"
- def getLowLimit(self):
- return self.lowLimit
- # 以下是测试一个Axis实例的代码
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- print("working")
- axis = Axis(1)
- print("Velocity:", axis.getVelocity())
- print("BaseVelocity:",axis.getBaseVelocity())
- print("Acceleratoin:", axis.getAcceleration())
- print("High Limit:", axis.getHighLimit())
- print("Low Limit", axis.getLowLimit())
- print()
- print("Start Move 1", axis.move(1000))
- print()
- for i in range(10):
- pos = axis.readPosition()
- status = axis.readStatus()
- print("pos: %s, status: %s" % (pos, status))
- time.sleep(0.5)
- print("move stop\n")
- print("lastPosition: " , axis.lastPosition)
- print("currentPosition: ", axis.currentPosition)
- print("Start Move 2", axis.moveRelative(-1000))
- for i in range(10):
- pos = axis.readPosition()
- status = axis.readStatus()
- print("pos: %s, status: %s" % (pos, status))
- time.sleep(0.5)
- print("move stop\n")
- print("lastPosition: " , axis.lastPosition)
- print("currentPosition: ", axis.currentPosition)
- #!/usr/bin/evn python3
- import axis
- import time
- class Controller:
- """
- 代表电机控制器的类
- """
- def __init__(self):
- # 控制器中有8个轴
- self.numAxes = 8
- # 轴名称的列表
- self.axisNameList = ['X', 'Y', 'Z','T', 'U', 'V', 'R','S']
- # 轴数值编号的列表
- self.axisNumberList = [str(x) for x in range(1, self.numAxes + 1)]
- # 命令字典
- self.commandDict = {3:{'MV': self.moveAxis,
- 'MR':self.moveRelative,
- 'JOG':self.jog,
- 'POS':self.setPosition,
- 'ACC':self.setAcceleration,
- 'VEL':self.setVelocity,
- 'BAS':self.setBaseVelocity,
- 'LL':self.setLowLimit,
- 'HL':self.setHighLimit},
- 2:{'POS?':self.queryPosition,
- 'ST?':self.queryStatus,
- 'ACC?':self.queryAcceleration,
- 'VEL?':self.queryVelocity,
- 'LL?':self.queryLowLimit,
- 'HL?':self.queryHighLimit,
- 'AB':self.stopAxis}
- }
- # 轴对象的字典
- self.axisDict = {}
- # 轴对象的列表
- self.axisList = []
- # 默认执行限位检查
- self.enforceLimits = True
- for i in range(self.numAxes): #实例子化八个Axis对象,
- # 追加到一个列表末尾
- self.axisList.append(axis.Axis(i))
- # 键值对:轴名称----axis对象索引号; 轴编号----Axis对象索引号
- self.axisDict[self.axisNameList[i]] = i
- self.axisDict[self.axisNumberList[i]] =i
- print(self.axisDict) # 打印字典
- print(self.axisDict.keys()) # 打印字典的键
- def refinePos(self, inputPos):
- # 把来自Axis对象的raw位置转换成一个合适输出的东西
- # 返回一个int,由于控制器使用单位为计数
- return round(inputPos)
- def handleCommand(self, command):
- # 命令字符串格式: 轴名称/轴编号 命令名称 <命令参数> 或者 轴名称/轴编号 命令名称
- print("In Controller
" , command) - if command == '':
- retVal = None
- else:
- args = command.split(' ')
- numArgs = len(args) # 获取命令串中分隔出的参数数目
- print("split params:", args, "numArgs:", numArgs)
- print("commandDict.keys()", self.commandDict.keys())
- print("axisDict.keys()", self.axisDict.keys())
- print("2 parameters command", self.commandDict[2].keys())
- print("3 parameters command", self.commandDict[3].keys())
- if numArgs not in self.commandDict.keys(): # 参数数目不为2或3, 不对
- retVal = "Argument error"
- elif args[0] not in self.axisDict.keys():
- retVal = "Axis name error" # 给的轴名称/轴编号错误
- else: #如果是3个字符串的参数,则格式如 X MV 400
- if args[1] in self.commandDict[numArgs].keys(): # 命令名称出错
- if numArgs == 2: # 轴 + 命令
- retVal = self.commandDict[numArgs][args[1]](args[0])
- elif numArgs == 3: # 轴 + 命令 + 命令参数
- print("command: %s %s %s" % (args[1], args[0], args[2]))
- retVal = self.commandDict[numArgs][args[1]](args[0], args[2])
- else:
- retVal = "Strange error"
- print("retVal:", retVal)
- return retVal
- def queryPosition(self, axis):
- # 由于控制器单位是计数,取整结果
- return self.refinePos(self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].readPosition())
- def setPosition(self, axis, pos):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].setPosition(int(pos))
- def queryStatus(self, axis):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].readStatus()
- def moveAxis(self, axis, pos):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].move(int(pos))
- def moveRelative(self, axis, pos):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].moveRelative(int(pos))
- def jog(self, axis, velocity):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].jog(float(velocity))
- def stopAxis(self, axis):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].stop()
- def setVelocity(self, axis, velocity):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].setVelocity(float(velocity))
- def queryVelocity(self, axis):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].readVelocity()
- def setBaseVelocity(self, axis, velocity):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].setBaseVelocity(float(velocity))
- def queryBaseVelocity(self, axis):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].readBaseVelocity()
- def setAcceleration(self, axis, acceleration):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].setAcceleration(float(acceleration))
- def queryAcceleration(self, axis):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].readAcceleration()
- def queryHighLimit(self, axis):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].readHighLimit()
- def setHighLimit(self, axis, highLimit):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].setHighLimit(int(highLimit))
- def queryLowLimit(self, axis):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].readLowLimit()
- def setLowLimit(self, axis, lowLimit):
- return self.axisList[self.axisDict[axis]].setLowLimit(int(lowLimit))
- # 此处是测试一个控制器实例的代码
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- controller = Controller()
- print("Test X axis:")
- print(controller.queryStatus("X"))
- print()
- print(controller.moveAxis("X",1000))
- for i in range(10):
- time.sleep(0.5)
- pos = controller.queryPosition("X")
- status = controller.queryStatus("X")
- print("pos: %s, status: %s" % (pos, status))
- print()
- print(controller.moveAxis("X",0))
- for i in range(10):
- time.sleep(0.5)
- pos = controller.queryPosition("X")
- status = controller.queryStatus("X")
- print("pos: %s, status: %s" % (pos, status))
可以用名称(X, Y, Z, T, U, V, R, S)或者数值(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)访问轴。
$ python3 server.py
输入终止符: \r\n
输出终止符: \r
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- import getopt
- import os
- import sys
- import asyncore
- import asynchat
- import socket
- import controller
- class ConnectionDispatcher(asyncore.dispatcher):
- def __init__(self, port):
- asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self)
- self.port = port
- self.device = controller.Controller()
- self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- self.set_reuse_addr()
- self.bind(("", port))
- self.listen(5)
- def handle_accept(self):
- # client_info is a tuple with socket as the 1st element
- client_info = self.accept()
- ConnectionHandler(client_info[0], self.device)
- class ConnectionHandler(asynchat.async_chat):
- ## regular expressions, if necessary, can go here
- def __init__(self, sock, device):
- asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, sock)
- self.set_terminator(b"\r")
- #
- self.outputTerminator = "\r\n"
- self.device = device
- self.buffer = ""
- def collect_incoming_data(self, data):
- self.buffer = self.buffer + data.decode()
- def found_terminator(self):
- data = self.buffer
- self.buffer = ""
- self.handleClientRequest(data)
- def handleClientRequest(self, request):
- request = request.strip()
- # 打印接收到的命令
- print("command from client:",request)
- response = self.device.handleCommand(request)
- if response != None:
- self.sendClientResponse("{}".format(response))
- # 打印发送给客户端的命令:
- print("comand sent to client:", response)
- print("send finished!")
- return
- def sendClientResponse(self, response=""):
- data = response + self.outputTerminator
- self.push(data.encode())
- # 获取本程序名
- def getProgramName(args=None):
- # 获取命令行参数列表, args[0]即是程序名
- if args == None:
- args = sys.argv
- if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == "-c":
- return "PROGRAM_NAME"
- print(args)
- return os.path.basename(args[0])
- # 打印这个程序的使用方法
- def printUsage():
- print("""\
- Usage: {} [-ph]
- -p, --port=NUMBER Listen on the specified port NUMBER for incoming
- connections (default:{})
- -h, --help Print usage message and exit""".format(getProgramName(), DEFAULT_PORT)
- )
- # 解析命令行参数,并且返回一个端口号
- def parseCommandLineArgs(args):
- # 指定长参数和短参数格式中的选项名称:-p
-help; --port= --help - # 解析后选项被放入一个元组列表 [('-p', port), ('--port', 'port'), ...]
- # 参数后面带:或者=的选项,必须有选项参数
- (options, extra) = getopt.getopt(args[1:], "p:h", ["port=", "help"])
- # 用于调试
- #!print(options)
- #!print(extra)
- # 除选项及对应的选项参数外,还有其它参数
- if len(extra) > 0:
- print("Error: unexpected command-line argument \"{}\"".format(extra[0]))
- printUsage()
- sys.exit(1)
- for eachOptName, eachOptValue in options:
- if eachOptName in ("-p", "--port"):
- port = int(eachOptValue)
- elif eachOptName in ("-h", "--help"):
- printUsage()
- sys.exit(0)
- return port
- def main(args):
- port = parseCommandLineArgs(args)
- server = ConnectionDispatcher(port)
- print("Use Port: ", port)
- try:
- asyncore.loop()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print()
- print("Shutting down the server...")
- sys.exit(0)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # 检测python版本
- if sys.version_info < (3,0,0) and sys.version_info < (3,12,0):
- sys.stderr.write("You need Python 3.0 or later (but less than 3.12) to run this script\n")
- input("Press enter to quit... ")
- sys.exit(1)
- # Try to run the server
- try:
- main(sys.argv)
- except Exception as e:
- if isinstance(e, SystemExit):
- raise e
- else:
- print("Error: {}".format(e))
- sys.exit(1)
Python电机仿真程序用于练习EPICS电机控制器驱动程序(EPICS motor驱动程序实例_EPICS Technical的博客-CSDN博客)的编写。