1. 背景说明
2. 示例代码
1) status.h
- /* DataStructure 预定义常量和类型头文件 */
- #ifndef STATUS_H
- #define STATUS_H
- #define CHECK_NULL(pointer) if (!(pointer)) { \
- printf("FuncName: %-15s Line: %-5d ErrorCode: %-3d\n", __func__, __LINE__, ERR_NULL_PTR); \
- return NULL; \
- }
- #define CHECK_RET(ret) if (ret != RET_OK) { \
- printf("FuncName: %-15s Line: %-5d ErrorCode: %-3d\n", __func__, __LINE__, ret); \
- return ret; \
- }
- #define CHECK_VALUE(value, ERR_CODE) if (value) { \
- printf("FuncName: %-15s Line: %-5d ErrorCode: %-3d\n", __func__, __LINE__, ERR_CODE); \
- return ERR_CODE; \
- }
- #define CHECK_FALSE(value, ERR_CODE) if (!(value)) { \
- printf("FuncName: %-15s Line: %-5d ErrorCode: %-3d\n", __func__, __LINE__, ERR_CODE); \
- return FALSE; \
- }
- /* 函数结果状态码 */
- #define TRUE 1 /* 返回值为真 */
- #define FALSE 0 /* 返回值为假 */
- #define RET_OK 0 /* 返回值正确 */
- #define INFEASIABLE 2 /* 返回值未知 */
- #define ERR_MEMORY 3 /* 访问内存错 */
- #define ERR_NULL_PTR 4 /* 空指针错误 */
- #define ERR_MEMORY_ALLOCATE 5 /* 内存分配错 */
- #define ERR_NULL_STACK 6 /* 栈元素为空 */
- #define ERR_PARA 7 /* 函数参数错 */
- #define ERR_OPEN_FILE 8 /* 打开文件错 */
- #define ERR_NULL_QUEUE 9 /* 队列为空错 */
- #define ERR_FULL_QUEUE 10 /* 队列为满错 */
- #define ERR_NOT_FOUND 11 /* 表项不存在 */
- typedef int Status; /* Status 是函数的类型,其值是函数结果状态代码,如 RET_OK 等 */
- typedef int Bollean; /* Boolean 是布尔类型,其值是 TRUE 或 FALSE */
- #endif // !STATUS_H
2) hString.h
- /* 串的堆分配存储实现头文件 */
- #ifndef HSTRING_H
- #define HSTRING_H
- #include "status.h"
- typedef struct {
- char *ch;
- int length;
- } HString;
- /* 初始化(产生空串)字符串 T */
- void InitString(HString *T);
- /* 生成一个其值等于串常量 chars 的串 T */
- Status StrAssign(const char *chars, HString *T);
- /* 初始条件: 串 S 存在
- 操作结果: 由串 S 复制得串 T */
- Status StrCopy(const HString *S, HString *T);
- /* 初始条件: 串 S 存在
- 操作结果: 若 S 为空串,则返回 TRUE,否则返回 FALSE */
- Bollean StrEmpty(const HString *S);
- /* 若 S > T,则返回值 > 0;若 S = T,则返回值 = 0;若 S < T,则返回值 < 0 */
- int StrCompare(const HString *S, const HString *T);
- /* 返回 S 的元素个数,称为串的长度 */
- int StrLength(const HString *S);
- /* 将 S 清为空串 */
- Status ClearString(HString *S);
- /* 用 T 返回由 S1 和 S2 联接而成的新串 */
- Status Concat(const HString *S1, const HString *S2, HString *T);
- /* 用 Sub 返回串 S 的第 pos 个字符起长度为 len 的子串
- 其中,1 ≤ pos ≤ StrLength(S) 且 0 ≤ len ≤ StrLength(S) - pos + 1 */
- Status SubString(const HString *S, int pos, int len, HString *Sub);
- /* 算法 4.1,T 为非空串。若主串 S 中第 pos 个字符之后存在与 T 相等的子串
- 则返回第一个这样的子串在 S 中的位置,否则返回 0 */
- int Index(const HString *S, const HString *T, int pos);
- /* 算法 4.4, 在串 S 的第 pos 个字符之前插入串 T, 1 ≤ pos ≤ StrLength(S) + 1 */
- Status StrInsert(const HString *T, int pos, HString *S);
- /* 从串 S 中删除第 pos 个字符起长度为 len 的子串 */
- Status StrDelete(int pos, int len, HString *S);
- /* 初始条件: 串 S, T 和 V 存在, T 是非空串(此函数与串的存储结构无关)
- 操作结果: 用 V 替换主串 S 中出现的所有与 T 相等的不重叠的子串 */
- Status Replace(const HString *T, const HString *V, HString *S);
- /* 堆分配类型的字符串无法销毁(结构体)*/
- void DestroyString(void);
- /* 输出 T 字符串 */
- void StrPrint(const HString *T);
- #endif // !HSTRING_H
3) hString.c
- /* 串的堆分配存储实现源文件 */
- #include "hString.h"
- #include
- #include
- #include
- /* 初始化(产生空串)字符串 T */
- void InitString(HString *T)
- {
- T->length = 0;
- T->ch = NULL;
- }
- /* 生成一个其值等于串常量 chars 的串 T */
- Status StrAssign(const char *chars, HString *T)
- {
- if (T->ch) {
- free(T->ch);
- }
- int length = (int)strlen(chars);
- if (length == 0) {
- T->ch = NULL;
- T->length = 0;
- return RET_OK;
- }
- T->ch = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * length);
- T->length = length;
- for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- T->ch[i] = chars[i];
- }
- return RET_OK;
- }
- /* 初始条件: 串 S 存在
- 操作结果: 由串 S 复制得串 T */
- Status StrCopy(const HString *S, HString *T)
- {
- if (T->ch) {
- free(T->ch);
- }
- T->ch = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (S->length));
- T->length = S->length;
- for (int i = 0; i < S->length; ++i) {
- T->ch[i] = S->ch[i];
- }
- return RET_OK;
- }
- /* 初始条件: 串 S 存在
- 操作结果: 若 S 为空串,则返回 TRUE,否则返回 FALSE */
- Bollean StrEmpty(const HString *S)
- {
- return ((S->length == 0) && (S->ch == NULL)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- }
- /* 若 S > T,则返回值 > 0;若 S = T,则返回值 = 0;若 S < T,则返回值 < 0 */
- int StrCompare(const HString *S, const HString *T)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < S->length && i < T->length; ++i) {
- if (S->ch[i] != T->ch[i]) {
- return S->ch[i] - T->ch[i];
- }
- }
- return S->length - T->length;
- }
- /* 返回 S 的元素个数,称为串的长度 */
- int StrLength(const HString *S)
- {
- return S->length;
- }
- /* 将 S 清为空串 */
- Status ClearString(HString *S)
- {
- if (S->ch) {
- free(S->ch);
- S->ch = NULL;
- }
- S->length = 0;
- return RET_OK;
- }
- /* 用 T 返回由 S1 和 S2 联接而成的新串 */
- Status Concat(const HString *S1, const HString *S2, HString *T)
- {
- CHECK_VALUE(!S1 || !S2 || !T, ERR_NULL_PTR);
- if (T->ch) {
- free(T->ch);
- }
- int length = S1->length + S2->length;
- T->ch = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * length);
- for (int i = 0; i < S1->length; ++i) {
- T->ch[i] = S1->ch[i];
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < S2->length; ++i) {
- T->ch[S1->length + i] = S2->ch[i];
- }
- T->length = length;
- return RET_OK;
- }
- /* 用 Sub 返回串 S 的第 pos 个字符起长度为 len 的子串
- 其中,1 ≤ pos ≤ StrLength(S) 且 0 ≤ len ≤ StrLength(S) - pos + 1 */
- Status SubString(const HString *S, int pos, int len, HString *Sub)
- {
- CHECK_VALUE((pos < 1) || (pos > S->length) || (len < 0) || (len > S->length - pos + 1), ERR_PARA);
- if (Sub->ch) {
- free(Sub->ch);
- }
- if (len == 0) {
- Sub->ch = NULL;
- Sub->length = 0;
- } else {
- Sub->ch = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * len);
- for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- Sub->ch[i] = S->ch[pos - 1 + i];
- }
- Sub->length = len;
- }
- return RET_OK;
- }
- /* 算法 4.1,T 为非空串。若主串 S 中第 pos 个字符之后存在与 T 相等的子串
- 则返回第一个这样的子串在 S 中的位置,否则返回 0 */
- int Index(const HString *S, const HString *T, int pos)
- {
- int maxRange = StrLength(S) - StrLength(T) + 1;
- CHECK_VALUE((pos < 1) || (pos > maxRange), 0);
- HString sub;
- InitString(&sub);
- while (pos <= maxRange) {
- SubString(S, pos, StrLength(T), &sub);
- if (StrCompare(&sub, T) != 0) {
- ++pos;
- } else {
- return pos;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* 算法 4.4, 在串 S 的第 pos 个字符之前插入串 T, 1 ≤ pos ≤ StrLength(S) + 1 */
- Status StrInsert(const HString *T, int pos, HString *S)
- {
- CHECK_VALUE((pos < 1) || (pos > S->length + 1), ERR_PARA);
- if (T->length == 0) {
- return RET_OK;
- }
- S->ch = (char *)realloc(S->ch, sizeof(char) * (unsigned int)(S->length + T->length));
- for (int i = S->length - 1; i >= pos - 1; --i) {
- S->ch[i + T->length] = S->ch[i];
- }
- S->length += T->length;
- for (int i = 0; i < T->length; ++i) {
- S->ch[pos - 1 + i] = T->ch[i];
- }
- return RET_OK;
- }
- /* 从串 S 中删除第 pos 个字符起长度为 len 的子串 */
- Status StrDelete(int pos, int len, HString *S)
- {
- CHECK_VALUE(pos - 1 + len > S->length, ERR_PARA);
- for (int i = pos - 1; i < S->length - len; ++i) {
- S->ch[i] = S->ch[i + len];
- }
- S->length -= len;
- S->ch = (char *)realloc(S->ch, sizeof(char) * S->length);
- return RET_OK;
- }
- /* 初始条件: 串 S, T 和 V 存在, T 是非空串(此函数与串的存储结构无关)
- 操作结果: 用 V 替换主串 S 中出现的所有与 T 相等的不重叠的子串 */
- Status Replace(const HString *T, const HString *V, HString *S)
- {
- int pos = 1;
- do {
- pos = Index(S, T, pos);
- if (pos) {
- StrDelete(pos, StrLength(T), S);
- StrInsert(V, pos, S);
- pos += StrLength(V);
- }
- } while (pos);
- return RET_OK;
- }
- /* 堆分配类型的字符串无法销毁(结构体)*/
- void DestroyString(void)
- {
- printf("Do not need to destroy!\n");
- }
- /* 输出 T 字符串 */
- void StrPrint(const HString *T)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < T->length; ++i) {
- putchar(T->ch[i]);
- }
- }
4) main.c
- /* 入口程序源文件 */
- #include "hString.h"
- #include
- int main(void)
- {
- HString t, s, r;
- InitString(&t);
- InitString(&s);
- InitString(&r);
- char *p = "Good bye!", *q = "Good luck!";
- StrAssign(p, &t);
- printf("The length of t is %d, and t is %s, and t is: ", StrLength(&t),
- (StrEmpty(&t) == TRUE) ? "empty" : "not empty");
- StrPrint(&t);
- putchar('\n');
- StrAssign(q, &s);
- printf("The length of s is %d, and s is %s, and s is: ", StrLength(&s),
- (StrEmpty(&s) == TRUE) ? "empty" : "not empty");
- StrPrint(&s);
- putchar('\n');
- Status ret = StrCompare(&s, &t);
- char ch = (ret == 0) ? '=' : ((ret < 0) ? '<' : '>');
- printf("s %c t\n", ch);
- Concat(&s, &t, &r);
- printf("The conncection of s and t is: ");
- StrPrint(&r);
- putchar('\n');
- printf("Now s is: ");
- StrAssign("oo", &s);
- StrPrint(&s);
- putchar('\n');
- printf("Now t is: ");
- StrAssign("o", &t);
- StrPrint(&t);
- putchar('\n');
- Replace(&t, &s, &r);
- printf("After use s replace t, r is: ");
- StrPrint(&r);
- putchar('\n');
- ClearString(&s);
- printf("After clear s, the length of s is %d, and s is %s, and s is: ", StrLength(&s),
- (StrEmpty(&s) == TRUE) ? "empty" : "not empty");
- StrPrint(&s);
- putchar('\n');
- SubString(&r, 6, 4, &s);
- printf("s is the string of r from 6th and length is %d\n", s.length);
- StrPrint(&s);
- putchar('\n');
- StrCopy(&r, &t);
- printf("After copy string r into string t, t is: ");
- StrPrint(&t);
- putchar('\n');
- StrInsert(&s, 6, &t);
- printf("After insert s into the 6th character of t, t is: ");
- StrPrint(&t);
- putchar('\n');
- StrDelete(1, 5, &t);
- printf("After delete 5 characters of t from 1th character, t is: ");
- StrPrint(&t);
- putchar('\n');
- printf("The position of the 1th same string with s from 1th character of t is %d\n",
- Index(&t, &s, 1));
- printf("The position of the 1th same string with s from 2th character of t is %d\n",
- Index(&t, &s, 2));
- ClearString(&s);
- ClearString(&t);
- ClearString(&r);
- DestroyString();
- return 0;
- }
3. 输出示例