- C:\Users\Harry>node -v
- v18.16.0
- C:\Users\Harry>npm -v
- 9.5.1
C:\Users\Harry>npm install -g @vue/cli
经过不算漫长的等待,你的Vue CLI
- C:\Users\Harry>vue -V
- @vue/cli 5.0.8
- C:\Users\Harry>vue create hello-world-vue
- added 865 packages in 22s
- ....
- 🚀 Invoking generators...
- 📦 Installing additional dependencies...
- added 103 packages in 5s
- ....
- ⚓ Running completion hooks...
- 📄 Generating README.md...
- 🎉 Successfully created project hello-world-vue.
- 👉 Get started with the following commands:
- $ cd hello-world-vue
- $ npm run serve
- C:\Users\Harry>cd hello-world-vue
- C:\Users\Harry\hello-world-vue>npm run build
- > hello-world-vue@0.1.0 build
- > vue-cli-service build
- All browser targets in the browserslist configuration have supported ES module.
- Therefore we don't build two separate bundles for differential loading.
- ⠏ Building for production...
- DONE Compiled successfully in 6786ms 10:56:49 AM
- File Size Gzipped
- dist/js/chunk-vendors.3199f451.js 74.86 KiB 28.06 KiB
- dist/js/app.acd4efbf.js 13.08 KiB 8.42 KiB
- dist/css/app.2cf79ad6.css 0.33 KiB 0.23 KiB
- Images and other types of assets omitted.
- Build at: 2023-09-16T02:56:49.159Z - Hash: ae38191f07779925 - Time: 6786ms
- DONE Build complete. The dist directory is ready to be deployed.
- INFO Check out deployment instructions at https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/deployment.html
- npm notice
- npm notice New major version of npm available! 9.5.1 -> 10.1.0
- npm notice Changelog: https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v10.1.0
- npm notice Run npm install -g npm@10.1.0 to update!
- npm notice
运行npm run build 命令后,你会看到创建的dist目录,里面包含了所有编译好的js文件。
执行npm run serve启动项目
- C:\Users\Harry\hello-world-vue>npm run serve
- > hello-world-vue@0.1.0 serve
- > vue-cli-service serve
- INFO Starting development server...
- DONE Compiled successfully in 3502ms 10:59:29 AM
- App running at:
- - Local: http://localhost:8080/
- - Network:
- Note that the development build is not optimized.
- To create a production build, run npm run build.
C:\Users\Harry\hello-world-vue>touch Dockerfile
copy 下面内容到Dockerfile文件里
- # Use an official Node.js runtime as a parent image
- FROM node:14
- # Set the working directory in the container
- WORKDIR /app
- # Copy package.json and package-lock.json to the working directory
- COPY package*.json ./
- # Install app dependencies
- RUN npm install
- # Copy the rest of the application code to the working directory
- COPY . .
- # Build the Vue.js app for production
- RUN npm run build
- # Expose port 80
- # Define the command to run the application
- CMD [ "npm", "run", "serve" ]
用Dockerfile文件创建Docker image。
docker build -t hello-world-vue .
- C:\Users\Harry\hello-world-vue>docker build -t hello-world-vue .
- [+] Building 94.5s (11/11) FINISHED
- => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
- => => transferring dockerfile: 538B 0.0s
- => [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
- => => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
- => [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/node:18
- .......
- => [internal] load build context 7.7s
- => => transferring context: 114.72MB 7.7s
- => [2/6] WORKDIR /app 0.4s
- => [3/6] COPY package*.json ./ 0.1s
- => [4/6] RUN npm install 11.4s
- => [5/6] COPY . . 1.7s
- => [6/6] RUN npm run build 4.2s
- => exporting to image 1.4s
- => => exporting layers 1.4s
- => => writing image sha256:2268a502dde3c98a590e316f25ec43f796ab5e9ac1c3af627d68bd64f19cd63a 0.0s
- => => naming to docker.io/library/hello-world-vue 0.0s
- Use 'docker scan' to run Snyk tests against images to find vulnerabilities and learn how to fix them
Finally, run the Docker container based on the image you just built:
docker run -p 8081:8080 hello-world-vue
- C:\Users\Harry\hello-world-vue>docker run -p 8081:8080 hello-world-vue
- > hello-world-vue@0.1.0 serve /app
- > vue-cli-service serve
- INFO Starting development server...
- DONE Compiled successfully in 1776ms3:40:01 AM
- App running at:
- - Local: http://localhost:8080/
- - Network:
- Note that the development build is not optimized.
- To create a production build, run npm run build.
- WAIT Compiling...3:40:02 AM
- Compiling...
- DONE Compiled successfully in 54ms3:40:02 AM
- App running at:
- - Local: http://localhost:8080/
- - Network:
1. digital envelope routines::initialization error'
opensslErrorStack: [ 'error:03000086:digital envelope routines::initialization error' ],
library: 'digital envelope routines',
reason: 'unsupported',
Linux and macOS (Windows Git Bash)-
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
Windows command prompt-
set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
Windows PowerShell-
$env:NODE_OPTIONS = "--openssl-legacy-provider"