1 频率类
2 视图类
3 路由
4 频率源码分析
1 频率类
# 写限制逻辑
return False
class MyThrottle(BaseThrottle):
def __init__(self):
self.history = []
def allow_request(self, request, view):
ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
import time
ctime = time.time()
if ip not in self.VISIT_RECORD:
self.VISIT_RECORD[ip] = [ctime, ]
return True
self.history = self.VISIT_RECORD[ip]
while self.history and ctime - self.history[-1] > 60:
if len(self.history) < 3:
self.history.insert(0, ctime)
return True
return False
def wait(self):
import time
ctime = time.time()
return 60 - (ctime - self.history[-1])
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2 视图类类
from rest_framework.viewsets import GenericViewSet
from .throttling import MyThrottle
class BookView(GenericViewSet):
throttle_classes = [MyThrottle]
def list(self, request):
return Response('测试自定义频率')
3 路由
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from rest_framework.routers import SimpleRouter
router = SimpleRouter()
router.register('books', BookView, 'books')
urlpatterns = [
path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
urlpatterns += router.urls
-APIView----disaptch---》self.initial(request, *args, **kwargs)---》416行:self.check_throttles(request)----》352行 check_throttles
def check_throttles(self, request):
for throttle in self.get_throttles():
if not throttle.allow_request(request, self):
1 写一个类,继承,BaseThrottle
2 在类中重写:allow_request方法,传入 3个参数
3 在allow_request写限制逻辑,如果还能访问--》返回True
4 如果超了次数,就不能访问,返回False
5 局部配置在视图类上
6 全局配置在配置文件中
-我们猜测:一定是 SimpleRateThrottle帮咱们写了咱们需要写的
- SimpleRateThrottle内部一定有:allow_request---》
def allow_request(self, request, view):
if self.rate is None:
return True
self.key = self.get_cache_key(request, view)
if self.key is None:
return True
self.history = self.cache.get(self.key, [])
self.now = self.timer()
while self.history and self.history[-1] <= self.now - self.duration:
if len(self.history) >= self.num_requests:
return self.throttle_failure()
return self.throttle_success()
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