基于springboot web
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.springframework.bootgroupId>
- <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-webartifactId>
- dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.springframework.bootgroupId>
- <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-testartifactId>
- <scope>testscope>
- dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.libvirtgroupId>
- <artifactId>libvirtartifactId>
- <version>0.5.2version>
- dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>net.java.dev.jnagroupId>
- <artifactId>jnaartifactId>
- <version>5.13.0version>
- dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.projectlombokgroupId>
- <artifactId>lombokartifactId>
- <version>1.18.24version>
- dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>com.alibaba.fastjson2groupId>
- <artifactId>fastjson2artifactId>
- <version>2.0.37version>
- dependency>
- package com.libvirtddemo.controller;
- import com.alibaba.fastjson2.JSON; // 引入fastjson库,用于将对象转换为JSON字符串
- import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; // 引入Slf4j注解,方便日志记录
- import org.libvirt.Connect; // 引入libvirt库的Connect类
- import org.libvirt.Library; // 引入libvirt库的Library类
- import org.libvirt.LibvirtException; // 引入libvirt库的LibvirtException类
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; // 引入Spring的GetMapping注解
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; // 引入Spring的RestController注解
- import java.util.HashMap; // 引入HashMap类
- import java.util.Map; // 引入Map类
- import java.util.Objects; // 引入Objects类
- @RestController // 声明该类是一个RESTful API控制器
- @Slf4j // 添加Slf4j注解,方便日志记录
- public class LibvirtdController {
- static private Map
s_connections = new HashMap(); // 定义一个静态Map对象,用于存储连接对象 -
- @GetMapping("/connection") // 处理GET请求的映射,路径为"/connection"
- public String connectLibvirt(String hypervisorURI) throws LibvirtException {
- log.info("hypervisorURI: " + hypervisorURI); // 记录日志,输出hypervisorURI的值
- if (hypervisorURI == null || Objects.equals(hypervisorURI, "")) { // 判断hypervisorURI是否为空或者为空字符串
- hypervisorURI = "qemu:///system"; // 如果为空,设置默认值为"qemu:///system"
- }
- log.info("Looking for libvirtd connection at: " + hypervisorURI); // 记录日志,输出连接的libvirtd的URI
- Connect conn = s_connections.get(hypervisorURI); // 从连接Map中获取指定URI的连接对象
- if (conn == null) { // 如果连接对象为空
- log.info("No existing libvirtd connection found. Opening a new one"); // 记录日志,表示没有已经存在的连接对象
- conn = new Connect(hypervisorURI, false); // 创建新的连接对象
- Library.initEventLoop(); // 初始化事件循环
- log.info("Successfully connected to libvirt at: " + hypervisorURI); // 记录日志,表示成功连接到libvirtd
- s_connections.put(hypervisorURI, conn); // 将连接对象加入到连接Map中
- } else { // 如果连接对象不为空
- try {
- long version = conn.getVersion(); // 获取libvirtd的版本号
- log.info("version:{}", version); // 记录日志,输出版本号
- } catch (LibvirtException e) {
- log.error("Connection with libvirtd is broken: " + e.getMessage()); // 记录错误日志,表示与libvirtd的连接中断
- log.info("Opening a new libvirtd connection to: " + hypervisorURI); // 记录日志,表示打开一个新的libvirtd连接
- conn = new Connect(hypervisorURI, false); // 创建新的连接对象
- s_connections.put(hypervisorURI, conn); // 将连接对象加入到连接Map中
- }
- }
- log.info("conn:{}", JSON.toJSONString(conn)); // 记录日志,输出连接对象的JSON字符串形式
- return JSON.toJSONString(conn); // 将连接对象转换为JSON字符串并返回
- }
- }
- qemu:///... QEMU and KVM URIs¶
- To use QEMU support in libvirt you must be running the libvirtd daemon (named libvirt_qemud in releases prior to 0.3.0). The purpose of this daemon is to manage qemu instances.
- The libvirtd daemon should be started by the init scripts when the machine boots. It should appear as a process libvirtd --daemon running as root in the background and will handle qemu instances on behalf of all users of the machine (among other things).
- So to connect to the daemon, one of two different URIs is used:
- qemu:///system connects to a system mode daemon.
- qemu:///session connects to a session mode daemon.
- (If you do libvirtd --help, the daemon will print out the paths of the Unix domain socket(s) that it listens on in the various different modes).
- KVM URIs are identical. You select between qemu, qemu accelerated and KVM guests in the guest XML as described here.
- curl http://localhost:8080/connection?hypervisorURI=qemu%3A%2F%2F%2Fsystem
- curl http://localhost:8080/connection
- import org.libvirt.*;
- public class minitest {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Connect conn=null;
- try{
- conn = new Connect("test:///default", true);
- } catch (LibvirtException e) {
- System.out.println("exception caught:"+e);
- System.out.println(e.getError());
- }
- try{
- Domain testDomain=conn.domainLookupByName("test");
- System.out.println("Domain:" + testDomain.getName() + " id " +
- testDomain.getID() + " running " +
- testDomain.getOSType());
- } catch (LibvirtException e) {
- System.out.println("exception caught:"+e);
- System.out.println(e.getError());
- }
- }
- }