- import numpy as np
- import pandas as pd
- import jieba # 分词
- import re # 正则
- from fnmatch import fnmatch # 通配符
- from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
- from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer # 文本向量化
- from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer # 文本向量化
- from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
- from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix
- from sklearn import svm # 支持向量机模型
- # 可根据实际需要,手动调整自定义词典路径和自定义词汇
- def jieba_fenci():
- # 在jieba中加载自定义的地铁线路名、地铁站点名词典
- jieba.load_userdict("mydict_line.csv")
- jieba.load_userdict("mydict_station.csv")
- # 一些在市民留言中常见的高频的词,发现了就手动添加进去
- myaddword_ls = ["公共自行车", "金溪园"]
- for w in myaddword_ls:
- jieba.add_word(w)
- # 这段代码只用跑一次,以后可以直接用这个文件
- # 自己给停用词文件起好名字(路径),作为投入函数的参数
- def get_mystopwords_file(mystopwords_file_name):
- stopwords_path_ls = ["baidu_stopwords.txt", "cn_stopwords.txt", "hit_stopwords.txt", "scu_stopwords.txt"]
- stopwords_set = set() # 集合可以自动去重
- for p in stopwords_path_ls:
- with open(p, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as stopwords_file:
- for stopword in stopwords_file:
- if u'\u4e00'<= stopword[0] <= u'\u9fff': # 只放中文的停用词
- stopwords_set.add(stopword.strip('\n'))
- with open(mystopwords_file_name, 'w') as mystopwords_file:
- for stopword in stopwords_set:
- mystopwords_file.write(stopword + '\n')
- # 可以根据实际需要,手动添加或删除停用词
- def get_mystopwords_list(mystopwords_file_name):
- mystopwords_ls = []
- with open(mystopwords_file_name, 'r') as mystopwords_file:
- for stopword in mystopwords_file:
- mystopwords_ls.append(stopword.strip('\n'))
- # 对于一些高频出现的、但对于分类没什么特征帮助的词,可以手动加进停用词列表
- zdy_stopword = ["建议", "信访", "杭州"]
- for w in zdy_stopword:
- mystopwords_ls.append(w)
- # 对于一些停用词表里有的、但认为对后面分析有用的词,可以手动从停用词列表剔除
- zdy_not_stopword = [] # 目前还没想好剔除什么词,所以列表是空的
- for w in zdy_not_stopword:
- mystopwords_ls.remove(w)
- return mystopwords_ls
- # 投入参数是一个已经分好词的列表,返回一个处理好的列表
- def unify_line_name(mylist):
- num_dict = {1:'一', 2:'二', 3:'三', 4:'四', 5:'五', 6:'六', 7:'七', 8:'八', 9:'九', \
- 10:'十', 11:'十一', 12:'十二', 13:'十三', 14:'十四', 15:'十五', 16:'十六', 17:'十七', \
- 18:'十八', 19:'十九', 20:'二十', 21:'二十一', 22:'二十二', 23:'二十三'}
- for i in range(len(mylist)):
- if fnmatch(mylist[i], "*号线") or fnmatch(mylist[i], "*号地铁"):
- for j in range(len(num_dict),0,-1):
- if str(j) in mylist[i] or num_dict[j] in mylist[i]:
- mylist[i] = "地铁" + str(j) + "号线"
- break
- if mylist[i] in ["机场快线", "机场轨道快线"]:
- mylist[i] = "地铁19号线"
- return mylist
- # 投入的参数是一个原始字符串,返回一个处理好的字符串(分好的词之间空格连接)
- # 要在使用这个函数之前弄好停用词列表,列表名称是mystopwords_ls
- def mychuli(x):
- # 仅保留汉字、英文字母、阿拉伯数字
- mystr = ''.join(re.findall('[a-zA-Z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5]',x))
- # 分词,每个字符串变成一个列表
- mylist = jieba.lcut(mystr, cut_all = False)
- # 统一线路名称
- mylist = unify_line_name(mylist)
- # 去除停用词
- for word in mylist:
- if word in mystopwords_ls:
- mylist.remove(word)
- return ' '.join(mylist)
- # 输入一条文本,经预处理后投进支持向量机模型进行预测
- def mypre():
- lebel_dict = dict(zip([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], le.inverse_transform([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])))
- mytext = input("输入要预测的文本:")
- mytext_yichuli = mychuli(mytext)
- print("文本预处理结果:{}".format(mytext_yichuli))
- X_new = []
- X_new.append(mytext_yichuli)
- X_new_vec = tf.fit_transform(cv_new.fit_transform(X_new)).toarray()
- y_new_pre = SVM.predict(X_new_vec)
- print("模型预测的分类编号为:{}".format(y_new_pre[0]))
- print("对应的分类名称为:{}".format(lebel_dict[y_new_pre[0]]))
- # 读取语料文件
- df = pd.read_csv("xxx.csv")
- print("去重前:")
- print(df.info())
- # 去除重复数据
- df1 = df.drop_duplicates()
- print("去重后:")
- print(df1.info())
- print(df1.head())
- jieba_fenci() # 加载自定义的分词词典
- get_mystopwords_file("mystopwords.txt") # 得到一个整合好的停用词文件,只用跑一次
- mystopwords_ls = get_mystopwords_list("mystopwords.txt") # 得到停用词列表
- # 新建一列yichuli_title,放已经处理好的文本数据
- df1['yichuli_title'] = df1['title'].apply(mychuli)
- # 给类别进行编号
- le = LabelEncoder()
- le.fit(df1['class1'])
- df1['yichuli_label'] = le.transform(df1['class1'])
- # 把处理好的结果写入一个新的csv文件,方便以后使用
- # 用gb18030编码可实现外面打开这个文件看显示正常中文,而不是乱码
- df1.to_csv("test0908_result.csv", columns = ['yichuli_title', 'yichuli_label', 'class1'], encoding = "gb18030")
- # 读取已经处理好的csv文件
- df1 = pd.read_csv("test0908_result.csv", encoding = "gb18030")
- # 构建训练集、测试集
- cv = CountVectorizer()
- tf = TfidfTransformer()
- X = df1['yichuli_title']
- y = df1['yichuli_label']
- X = tf.fit_transform(cv.fit_transform(X)).toarray()
- X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=1)
- print(X_train.shape)
- print(X_test.shape)
- SVM = svm.LinearSVC() #支持向量机分类器LinearSVC
- SVM.fit(X_train, y_train)
- y_pre = SVM.predict(X_test)
- print("支持向量机模型结果:")
- print(classification_report(y_test, y_pre))
- # 支持向量机的混淆矩阵
- svm_confuse = pd.DataFrame(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pre))
- print(svm_confuse)
- cv_new = CountVectorizer(vocabulary = cv.vocabulary_) # vocabulary参数保证向量维度与训练集一致
- mypre()