在使用观测云对业务系统进行观测的过程中,除了可以实现业务系统的全面感知,我们还可以基于观测云数据处理开发平台 DataFlux Func ,结合故障模型对被测系统进行主动管理,例如弹性扩容或系统故障自愈,从而实现系统管理从观测到恢复的自动闭环。
本文以 K8s 环境部署的 ruoyi 系统为例,演示一个简单的业务系统自动扩容过程,设定的故障自愈场景是“当故障发生时,尝试扩容发生异常的容器”。
对于示例场景,需要在 DataFlux Func 平台执行如下两步操作:
以脚本方式实现对 K8s api-server 的方式主要有三种:
本例使用 HTTP Token 认证实现访问,配置过程如下:
登录 DataFlux Func 平台,创建新脚本并安装 K8s 官方脚本包
pip3 install kubernetes
kubectl create serviceaccount demo-admin -n kube-system
kubectl create clusterrolebinding demo-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system: demo-admin
kubectl describe secrets -n kube-system $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | awk '/ demo-admin /{print $1}')
- configuration = client.Configuration()
- setattr(configuration, 'verify_ssl', False)
- client.Configuration.set_default(configuration)
- configuration.host = KUBE_API_HOSTS #ApiHost
- configuration.verify_ssl = False
- configuration.debug = True
- configuration.api_key = {"authorization": "Bearer " + API_TOKEN}
- client.Configuration.set_default(configuration)
(官方库的说明可参考链接:GitHub - kubernetes-client/python: Official Python client library for kubernetes)
当故障发生时,我们需要通过某种方式获取到需要操作对象的相关信息,作为参数传递给 api-server ,从而实现对象的操作。该信息可以通过观测云中心告警通知的相关参数来获取:在调用 DataFlux Func 封装的 API 时,告警中心会将当前告警事件的详情作为参数下发,如果将需要的参数配置告警聚合条件,即可在函数平台一侧获取到需要的参数。
本例我们执行kubectl scale
命令进行扩容,需要获取的参数为 deployment 的名称和当前副本数。因此在告警配置时,需要选取deployment name
注意: 若对应指标没有绑定我们需要的标签,例如这里在选取监控指标时,指标并未携带归属的deployment name
,仅携带pod name
如下展示的是,观测云控制台下发到 DataFlux Func 的一个告警参数示例:
- {
- "Result": 3.8138525999999997,
- "date": 1685630030,
- "df_channels": [],
- "df_check_range_end": 1685629970,
- "df_check_range_start": 1685629910,
- "df_date_range": 60,
- "df_dimension_tags": "{\"namespace\":\"gc-dev\",\"pod_name\":\"ruoyi-system-7f49bc9cc9-dms9r\"}",
- "df_event_id": "event-2cfcdf99f7a4473f84967e88d14cecba",
- "df_event_link": "http://gc-studio.huawei.com/keyevents/monitor?time=1685629130000%2C1685630030000&tags=%7B%22df_event_id%22%3A%22event-2cfcdf99f7a4473f84967e88d14cecba%22%7D&w=wksp_9541fb20bb8a4115b596af0c689613d4",
- "df_event_reason": "\u6ee1\u8db3\u76d1\u63a7\u5668\u4e2d\u6545\u969c\u7684\u8ba4\u5b9a\u6761\u4ef6\uff0c\u4ea7\u751f\u6545\u969c\u4e8b\u4ef6",
- "df_exec_mode": "async",
- "df_issue_duration": 0,
- "df_issue_start_time": 1685630030,
- "df_language": "zh",
- "df_message": "CPU\u5229\u7528\u7387\uff1a3.8138525999999997 \n\u53d1\u751f\u65f6\u95f4\uff1a1685630030",
- "df_monitor_checker": "custom_metric",
- "df_monitor_checker_event_ref": "c240d31146e4e198990734486c27331e",
- "df_monitor_checker_id": "rul_dc585aee34c3466fa0981dd69aecf56a",
- "df_monitor_checker_name": "\u4f4d\u4e8e{{namespace}}\u4e2d\u7684Pod:{{pod_name}}\u4e1a\u52a1\u538b\u529b\u8fc7\u9ad8\uff0c\u8bf7\u5c3d\u5feb\u5904\u7406",
- "df_monitor_checker_ref": "acde60927d12cb3117f43009110dbb96",
- "df_monitor_checker_sub": "check",
- "df_monitor_checker_value": "3.8138525999999997",
- "df_monitor_id": "monitor_e4496b567ce04acb9565dc318b27412d",
- "df_monitor_name": "\u5f39\u6027\u6269\u5bb9demo\u64cd\u4f5c",
- "df_monitor_type": "custom",
- "df_source": "monitor",
- "df_status": "warning",
- "df_sub_status": "warning",
- "df_title": "\u4f4d\u4e8egc-dev\u4e2d\u7684Pod:ruoyi-system-7f49bc9cc9-dms9r\u4e1a\u52a1\u538b\u529b\u8fc7\u9ad8\uff0c\u8bf7\u5c3d\u5feb\u5904\u7406",
- "df_workspace_name": "gc\u6f14\u793a\u7a7a\u95f4",
- "df_workspace_uuid": "wksp_9541fb20bb8a4115b596af0c689613d4",
- "namespace": "gc-dev",
- "pod_name": "ruoyi-system-7f49bc9cc9-dms9r",
- "timestamp": 1685630030,
- "workspace_name": "gc\u6f14\u793a\u7a7a\u95f4",
- "workspace_uuid": "wksp_9541fb20bb8a4115b596af0c689613d4"
- }
通过对上述告警参数字段进行处理,我们可以提取到本次发生异常的 pod 名称:
- #缓存告警ID
- dfEventId=kwargs.get('df_event_id')
- dfMonitorId=kwargs.get('df_monitor_id')
- #提取Pod_name和归属的ns
- eventPodName=kwargs.get('pod_name')
- eventNameSpace=kwargs.get('namespace')
再通过 K8s 接口查询 pod 归属的 deployment 名称及当前副本等信息,即可获取需要做操作的 deployment 参数。通过接口获取 pod 详情的代码如下:
- #获取指定pod的信息
- k8s_api_coreV1 = client.CoreV1Api()
- try:
- target_pod = k8s_api_coreV1.read_namespaced_pod(name=eventPodName, namespace=eventNameSpace)
- except ApiException as e:
- print("Exception when calling CoreV1Api->read_namespaced_pod: %s\n" % e)
- meta_OwnerRef = eval(str(target_pod.metadata.owner_references[0]))
- #获取对应kind的name并调用接口获取元数据
- k8sObjName = meta_OwnerRef.get('name')
- k8sObjKind = meta_OwnerRef.get('kind')
为 deployment,则可以直接获取 deployname;deployment name
。示例如下:- deployName = ""
- #获取API入口
- query_api = client.AppsV1Api()
- if k8sObjKind =="ReplicaSet" :
- try:
- replicaset = query_api.read_namespaced_replica_set(k8sObjName, eventNameSpace)
- except ApiException as e:
- print("Exception when calling AppsV1Api->read_namespaced_replica_set: %s\n" % e)
- replica_meta = eval(str(replicaset.metadata.owner_references[0]))
- deployName = replica_meta.get('name')
- elif k8sObjKind =="Deployment" :
- print("如类型为Deployment,则直接使用本次查询到的ObjName。")
- deployName = k8sObjName
- else:
- print("非本次处理对象,退出。")
- return
获取到deployment name
- #获取Deployment当前副本数
- target_deployment = query_api.read_namespaced_deployment(deployName, eventNameSpace)
- cur_replicas = target_deployment.spec.replicas
- #检查当前副本数是否可以继续执行扩容
- if cur_replicas >= SCALEOUT_SOFT_UPLIMITS:
- print("当前副本数:",cur_replicas,"\n当前设置软上限:",SCALEOUT_SOFT_UPLIMITS,"\n无法继续扩容,请人工处理!")
- sendCustomEventScaleFailed("warning",cur_replicas)
- return
若检查通过,则封装 K8s 数据包并执行扩容:
- #检查通过,开始封装扩容数据并执行扩容操作
- body_patch = {
- 'api_version': 'apps/v1',
- 'kind': 'Deployment',
- 'metadata':{
- 'name': deployName,
- 'namespace': eventNameSpace
- },
- 'spec':{'replicas': cur_replicas+1}
- }
- # 下发配置更改
- update_deployment(query_api,deployName,eventNameSpace,body_patch)
- return("Resource scale out Good!\n")
完成处理逻辑的编写后,需要进入「DataFlux Func」-「管理」-「授权链接」中,创建新的授权链接,并复制 API 地址:
在「控制台」-「监控」-「通知对象管理」中,新建一个 Webhook 类型的通知对象,并将上面复制的 API 地址保存到 Webhook 栏:
示例脚本的效果是使目标应用容器的 CPU 占用率升高:
- [root@dns01-dev gc]$ vi cpu.sh
- [root@dns01-dev gc]$ cat cpu.sh
- #! /bin/sh
- # filename killcpu.sh
- if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
- echo "USAGE: $0
|stop" - exit 1;
- fi
- stop()
- {
- while read LINE
- do
- kill -9 $LINE
- echo "kill $LINE sucessfull"
- done < pid.txt
- cat /dev/null > pid.txt
- }
- start()
- {
- echo "u want to cpus is: "$1
- for i in `seq $1`
- do
- echo -ne "
- i=0;
- while true
- do
- i=i+1;
- done" | /bin/sh &
- pid_array[$i]=$! ;
- done
- for i in "${pid_array[@]}"; do
- echo 'pid is: ' $i ';';
- echo $i >> pid.txt
- done
- }
- case $1 in
- stop)
- stop
- ;;
- *)
- start $1
- ;;
- esac
容器,赋权并执行脚本:- [root@dns01-dev gc]$ kubectl get deploy -n gc-dev
- ruoyi-auth 1/1 1 1 113d
- ruoyi-gateway 1/1 1 1 113d
- ruoyi-mysql 1/1 1 1 113d
- ruoyi-nacos 1/1 1 1 113d
- ruoyi-nginx 1/1 1 1 113d
- ruoyi-redis 1/1 1 1 113d
- ruoyi-system 1/1 1 1 2d15h
- [root@dns01-dev gc]$ ls
- 1 cpu.sh gc-func gc_func_svcacc.yaml gc-launcher mock_cpu.sh note.txt stp1_nfssc stp2_openesb stp5_td stp6_redis
- [root@dns01-dev gc]$ kubectl get po -n gc-dev
- ruoyi-auth-6475544879-pvx4r 2/2 Running 0 109d
- ruoyi-gateway-7f46976bb5-g2qtf 2/2 Running 0 61d
- ruoyi-mysql-6c48f4f47b-sbqpv 1/1 Running 0 113d
- ruoyi-nacos-667ff88589-769rk 1/1 Running 0 113d
- ruoyi-nginx-d44f6c5ff-8jphj 1/1 Running 0 2d22h
- ruoyi-redis-594b4d99dd-vjl6v 1/1 Running 0 113d
- ruoyi-system-7f49bc9cc9-dms9r 2/2 Running 0 2d14h
- [root@dns01-dev gc]$ kubectl cp -n gc-dev cpu.sh ruoyi-nginx-d44f6c5ff-8jphj:/home
- [root@dns01-dev gc]$ kubectl exec -it -n gc-dev ruoyi-nginx-d44f6c5ff-8jphj -- /bin/bash
- root@ruoyi-nginx-d44f6c5ff-8jphj:/home/ruoyi/projects/ruoyi-ui# cd /home
- root@ruoyi-nginx-d44f6c5ff-8jphj:/home# chmod +x cpu.sh
- root@ruoyi-nginx-d44f6c5ff-8jphj:/home# ls -l
- total 8
- -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 521 Jun 1 16:14 cpu.sh
- drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 May 4 07:48 ruoyi
- root@ruoyi-nginx-d44f6c5ff-8jphj:/home# ./cpu.sh 1
- u want to cpus is: 1
- ./cpu.sh: 29: pid_array[1]=54: not found
- ./cpu.sh: 32: Bad substitution
- root@ruoyi-nginx-d44f6c5ff-8jphj:/home# /bin/sh: 1: -ne: not found
- root@ruoyi-nginx-d44f6c5ff-8jphj:/home#
检查「控制台」-「事件」,查看告警触发情况。点击具体的告警条目打开告警详情,点击「告警通知」,查看是否成功调用了 Webhook 通知对象。若看到告警未发送,点击「通知对象」可以看到未发送的具体原因:
命令检查当前副本数。 通过应用观测云函数开发平台,用户可以衍生出各种对被测系统的查询、管理等操作,为系统管理工作提供了极大的便利性和灵活性,也为拓宽观测云使用场景提供了技术基础,是非常好用的一款工具。
- from kubernetes import client, config
- from kubernetes.client.rest import ApiException
- import pytz
- import re
- import datetime
- import json
- import requests
- #ApiToken
- #这里填入您自己的API_TOKEN
- API_TOKEN = "xxxxxx"
- #这里填写目标集群的API-Server地址
- KUBE_API_HOSTS= "https://x.x.x.x:5443"
- '''
- Demo演示:
- 基于监控数据扩容资源
- '''
- #用于执行kubectl patch的操作
- def update_deployment(api,deploy_name,ns,patch_detail):
- # patch the deployment
- try:
- resp = api.patch_namespaced_deployment(name=deploy_name, namespace=ns, body=patch_detail)
- except ApiException as e:
- print("Exception when calling api->read_namespaced_pod: %s\n" % e)
- print("\n[INFO] deployment's replicas count updated.\n")
- print("%s\t%s\t\t\t%s\t%s" % ("NAMESPACE", "NAME", "REVISION", "REPLICAS"))
- print(
- "%s\t\t%s\t%s\t\t%s\n"
- % (
- resp.metadata.namespace,
- resp.metadata.name,
- resp.metadata.generation,
- resp.spec.replicas,
- )
- )
- ## 扩容副本数软上限设置,表示最大扩容到5副本
- @DFF.API('演示资源扩容')
- def cceDeployScaleOps(**kwargs):
- #格式化打印告警参数,用于解析需要的信息
- rawEventMsg = json.dumps(kwargs,indent=2,ensure_ascii=False)
- print("告警发送内容:\n",rawEventMsg)
- #缓存告警ID
- dfEventId=kwargs.get('df_event_id')
- dfMonitorId=kwargs.get('df_monitor_id')
- #提取Pod_name和归属的ns
- eventPodName=kwargs.get('pod_name')
- eventNameSpace=kwargs.get('namespace')
- #配置客户端连接
- configuration = client.Configuration()
- setattr(configuration, 'verify_ssl', False)
- client.Configuration.set_default(configuration)
- configuration.host = KUBE_API_HOSTS #ApiHost
- configuration.verify_ssl = False
- configuration.debug = True
- configuration.api_key = {"authorization": "Bearer " + API_TOKEN}
- client.Configuration.set_default(configuration)
- #获取指定pod的信息
- k8s_api_coreV1 = client.CoreV1Api()
- try:
- target_pod = k8s_api_coreV1.read_namespaced_pod(name=eventPodName, namespace=eventNameSpace)
- except ApiException as e:
- print("Exception when calling CoreV1Api->read_namespaced_pod: %s\n" % e)
- meta_OwnerRef = eval(str(target_pod.metadata.owner_references[0]))
- #获取对应kind的name并调用接口获取元数据
- k8sObjName = meta_OwnerRef.get('name')
- k8sObjKind = meta_OwnerRef.get('kind')
- deployName = ""
- #获取API入口
- query_api = client.AppsV1Api()
- if k8sObjKind =="ReplicaSet" :
- try:
- replicaset = query_api.read_namespaced_replica_set(k8sObjName, eventNameSpace)
- except ApiException as e:
- print("Exception when calling AppsV1Api->read_namespaced_replica_set: %s\n" % e)
- replica_meta = eval(str(replicaset.metadata.owner_references[0]))
- deployName = replica_meta.get('name')
- elif k8sObjKind =="Deployment" :
- print("如类型为Deployment,则直接使用本次查询到的ObjName。")
- deployName = k8sObjName
- else:
- print("非本次处理对象,退出。")
- return
- #获取Deployment当前副本数
- target_deployment = query_api.read_namespaced_deployment(deployName, eventNameSpace)
- cur_replicas = target_deployment.spec.replicas
- #检查当前副本数是否可以继续执行扩容
- if cur_replicas >= SCALEOUT_SOFT_UPLIMITS:
- print("当前副本数:",cur_replicas,"\n当前设置软上限:",SCALEOUT_SOFT_UPLIMITS,"\n无法继续扩容,请人工处理!")
- sendCustomEventScaleFailed("warning",cur_replicas)
- return
- #检查通过,开始封装扩容数据并执行扩容操作
- body_patch = {
- 'api_version': 'apps/v1',
- 'kind': 'Deployment',
- 'metadata':{
- 'name': deployName,
- 'namespace': eventNameSpace
- },
- 'spec':{'replicas': cur_replicas+1}
- }
- # 下发配置更改
- update_deployment(query_api,deployName,eventNameSpace,body_patch)
- return("Resource scale out Good!\n")