(4)Choose lnstall Location:选择安装位置
Choose which features of Wireshark 4.0.1 64-bit you want to install.
选择要安装的 Wireshark 4.0.1 64 位的需要的功能,默认全选即可
The following components are available for installation.
Select components to install:
- Wireshark:The main network protocol analyzer application. 主要的网络协议分析器应用。
- TShark:Text based network protocol analyzer. 基于文本的网络协议分析仪。
- Plugins & Extensionslools:Plugins and extensions for both Wireshark and TShark. Wireshark 和 TShark 的插件和扩展。
- Tools:Additional command line based tools. 其他基于命令行的工具。
- Documentation:Install an offline copy of the User's Guide and FAQ. 安装 “用户指南” 和 “常见问题” 的脱机副本文献。
Create shortcuts and associate file extensions.
Create Shortcuts:创建快捷方式
- Wireshark Start Menu Item:Wireshark开始菜单项
- Wireshark Desktop Icon:Wireshark桌面图标
- Wireshark Quick Launch Icon:Wireshark 快捷方式图标
Associate File Extensions:关联文件扩展
Associate trace file extensions with Wireshark将跟踪文件扩展名与 Wireshark 关联起来
Extensions include 5vw, acp, apc, atc, bfr, cap, enc, erf , fdc, ipfix, Icap,
mplog, ntar, out, pcap, pcapng, pklg, pkt, rf5, snoop, syc, tpc, tr1, trace, trc,vwr, wpc, and wpz.扩展包括 5vw, acp, apc, atc, bfr, cap, enc, erf , fdc, ipfix, Icap,
mplog, ntar, out, pcap, pcapng, pklg, pkt, rf5, snoop, syc, tpc, tr1, trace, trc,vwr, wpc, and wpz.
Choose the folder in which to install Wireshark 4.0.1 64-bit.
选择要安装Wireshark 4.0.1 64位的文件夹,需自定义安装路径
Wireshark requires either Npcap or WinPcap to capture live network data.
Wireshark 需要 Npcap 或 WinPcap 来捕获实时网络数据,默认全选即可
Currently installed Npcap or WinPcap version
当前已安装的 Npcap 或 WinPcap 版本号
- WinPcap 4.1.3
Install Npcap 1.71:安装 Npcap 1.71
The currently installed WinPcap 4.1.3 may be uninstalled first.当前安装的 WinPcap4.1.3 可以先卸载。
Important notice:重要通知
lf your system has crashed during a Wireshark installation, you must run the command'net stop npcap' as Administrator before upgrading Npcap, so that it doesn't crash again如果您的系统在 Wireshark 安装期间崩溃,则必须在升级 Npcapk 之前以管理员身份运行命令 ‘net Stop npcape’,这样它就不会再次崩溃
USBPcap is required to capture USB traffic. Should USBPcap be installed(experimental)?
要捕获 USB 流量,需要 USBPcap。是否应该安装 USBPcap (实验)?
Currently installed USBPcap version
当前已安装的 USBPcap 版本号
- USBPcap is currently not installed:当前未安装 USBPcap
Install USBPcap安装 USBPcap
(Use Add/Remove Programs first to uninstall any undetected old USBPcap versions)(首先使用添加/删除程序卸载任何未检测到的旧 USBPcap 版本)
Important notice:重要通知
In case of issue after installation, please use the system restore point created or readhttps://github.com/desowin/usbpcap/issues/3如果安装后出现问题,请使用所创建的系统恢复点或浏览网址说明:
Installation Options:安装选项
Please review the following options before installing Npcap 1.71在安装 Npcap1.71 之前,请检查以下选项,默认全选即可
- Restrict Npcap driver's access to Administrators only:仅限制 Npcap 驱动程序访问管理员
- Support raw 802.11 traffic (and monitor mode) for wireless adapters:支持无线适配器的原始 802.11 通信量(和监视模式)
- Install Npcap in WinPcap API-compatible Mode (WinPcap will be uninstalled) :在WinPcapAPI 兼容模式下安装 Npcap (将卸载 WinPcapd )
检查电脑的文件是否保存,此步骤需要重新 Windows 系统,WireShark 才可以完全安装成功,重启后才可以使用 WireShark
【抓包工具】实战:WireShark 捕获过滤器的超全使用教程https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39720249/article/details/128157288
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