void url_encode_char(char *va, char vb)
/*80484d0: 55 push %ebp
80484d1: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
80484d3: 83 ec 28 sub $0x28,%esp
80484d6: 8b 45 0c mov 0xc(%ebp),%eax // parameter1, 8,9,a,b,c
80484d9: 88 45 e4 mov %al,-0x1c(%ebp) // parameter2
80484dc: c7 45 e8 30 31 32 33 movl $0x33323130,-0x18(%ebp)
80484e3: c7 45 ec 34 35 36 37 movl $0x37363534,-0x14(%ebp)
80484ea: c7 45 f0 38 39 41 42 movl $0x42413938,-0x10(%ebp)
80484f1: c7 45 f4 43 44 46 00 movl $0x464443,-0xc(%ebp)*/
char str[]="0123456789ABCDF";
/*80484f8: 8b 45 08 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax
80484fb: c6 00 25 movb $0x25,(%eax)*/
va[0] = '%';
/*80484fe: 8b 45 08 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax
8048501: 8d 50 01 lea 0x1(%eax),%edx
8048504: 0f b6 45 e4 movzbl -0x1c(%ebp),%eax
8048508: c0 f8 04 sar $0x4,%al
804850b: 0f be c0 movsbl %al,%eax
804850e: 83 e0 0f and $0xf,%eax
8048511: 0f b6 44 05 e8 movzbl -0x18(%ebp,%eax,1),%eax
8048516: 88 02 mov %al,(%edx)*/
va[1] = str[(vb>>4)&0x0f];
/*8048518: 8b 45 08 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax
804851b: 83 c0 01 add $0x1,%eax
804851e: 0f b6 00 movzbl (%eax),%eax
8048521: 0f be c0 movsbl %al,%eax
8048524: 89 44 24 04 mov %eax,0x4(%esp)
8048528: c7 04 24 24 86 04 08 movl $0x8048624,(%esp)
804852f: e8 5c fe ff ff call 8048390
printf("%c\n", va[1]);
/*8048534: 8b 45 08 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax
8048537: 8d 50 02 lea 0x2(%eax),%edx
804853a: 0f be 45 e4 movsbl -0x1c(%ebp),%eax
804853e: 83 e0 0f and $0xf,%eax
8048541: 0f b6 44 05 e8 movzbl -0x18(%ebp,%eax,1),%eax
8048546: 88 02 mov %al,(%edx)*/
va[2] = str[(vb&0xf)];
//8048548: c9 leave
//8048549: c3 ret
int main()
/*804854a: 55 push %ebp
804854b: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
804854d: 83 e4 f0 and $0xfffffff0,%esp
8048550: 83 ec 20 sub $0x20,%esp
8048553: c7 44 24 1b 00 00 00 movl $0x0,0x1b(%esp)
804855a: 00
804855b: c6 44 24 1f 00 movb $0x0,0x1f(%esp)*/
char str[5] = {0};
/*8048560: c7 44 24 04 61 00 00 movl $0x61,0x4(%esp)
8048567: 00
8048568: 8d 44 24 1b lea 0x1b(%esp),%eax
804856c: 89 04 24 mov %eax,(%esp)
804856f: e8 5c ff ff ff call 80484d0
url_encode_char(str, 'a');
/*8048574: 8d 44 24 1b lea 0x1b(%esp),%eax
8048578: 89 44 24 04 mov %eax,0x4(%esp)
804857c: c7 04 24 28 86 04 08 movl $0x8048628,(%esp)
8048583: e8 08 fe ff ff call 8048390
printf("%s\n", str);
/*8048588: b8 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%eax
804858d: c9 leave
804858e: c3 ret
804858f: 90 nop*/
// code
static void url_encode_char(char *b, char c)
char hex_table[] = "0123456789ABCDF";
b[0] = '%';
b[1] = hex_table[(c >> 4) & 0x0F];
printf("%c\n", b[1]); // 6
b[2] = hex_table[c & 0x0F];
int main()
char b[5] = {0};
url_encode_char(b, 'a');
printf("main = %s \n", b); // %61
return 0;