本篇继续学习 DC的基本使用。本篇主要学习 DC 综合之后的效果分析,重点在时序分析。
小数点精度位数一般为 13 (-significant_digits)
report_timing ::仅报告最差的路径时序;
report_timing -max_paths 2 :报告出两条最差的路径,但是这两条路径的终点不同
report_timing -nworst 2 -max_paths 2:报告出整个设计中最差的两条路径,可以是同一个终点
- // |===================================== TOP ==============================
- // |Author:Xu Y. B.
- // |Date:2022-11-23
- // |Description: TOP module
- // | about single bit signal CDC using handshake mode
- // | CDC:100MHz-->50MHz
- // |========================================================================
- module TOP (
- // ======================= module input ports specify ==================
- // time domain 100MHz
- input I_CLK_100M,
- input I_RSTN_100M,
- // time domain 200MHz
- input I_CLK_50M,
- input I_RSTN_50M,
- // operate enable
- input I_OPR_EN,//high,start 1 CDC test
- // ======================= module output ports specify ==================
- output reg O_CDC_DONE
- );
- // ======================= module local parameters =====================
- // ======================= module internal signals =====================
- // register input signal I_OPR_EN
- reg [1:0] R_I_OPR_EN;
- wire W_I_OPR_EN_PDG;
- reg R_CDC_QST_100M;
- reg [1:0] R_CDC_QST_50M;
- reg R_CDC_ACK_50M;
- reg [1:0] R_CDC_ACK_100M;
- // ======================= module design logic =========================
- always @ (posedge I_CLK_100M)
- begin:pro_opr_en_reg
- if(~I_RSTN_100M)
- begin
- R_I_OPR_EN <= 2'b00;
- end
- else
- begin
- R_I_OPR_EN[0] <= I_OPR_EN;
- R_I_OPR_EN[1] <= R_I_OPR_EN[0];
- end
- end
- assign W_I_OPR_EN_PDG = R_I_OPR_EN[0] & (~R_I_OPR_EN[1]);
- always @ (posedge I_CLK_100M)
- begin
- if(~I_RSTN_100M)
- begin
- R_CDC_QST_100M <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- if(W_I_OPR_EN_PDG)
- begin
- R_CDC_QST_100M <= 1;
- end
- else if(R_CDC_ACK_100M[1])
- begin
- R_CDC_QST_100M <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- R_CDC_QST_100M <= R_CDC_QST_100M;
- end
- end
- end
- always @ (posedge I_CLK_100M)
- begin
- if(~I_RSTN_100M)
- begin
- R_CDC_ACK_100M <=2'b0;
- end
- else
- begin
- R_CDC_ACK_100M[0] <= R_CDC_ACK_50M;
- R_CDC_ACK_100M[1] <= R_CDC_ACK_100M[0];
- end
- end
- // 50M
- always @ (posedge I_CLK_50M)
- begin
- if(~I_RSTN_50M)
- begin
- R_CDC_ACK_50M <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- if(R_CDC_QST_50M[1])
- begin
- R_CDC_ACK_50M <= 1;
- end
- else
- begin
- R_CDC_ACK_50M <= 0;
- end
- end
- end
- always @ (posedge I_CLK_50M)
- begin
- if(~I_RSTN_50M)
- begin
- R_CDC_QST_50M <= 2'b00;
- end
- else
- begin
- R_CDC_QST_50M[0] <= R_CDC_QST_100M;
- R_CDC_QST_50M[1] <= R_CDC_QST_50M[0];
- end
- end
- always @ (posedge I_CLK_100M)
- begin
- if(~I_RSTN_100M)
- begin
- O_CDC_DONE <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- if(R_CDC_ACK_100M)
- begin
- O_CDC_DONE <= 1;
- end
- else
- begin
- O_CDC_DONE <= 0;
- end
- end
- end
- endmodule
// |========================== Test Bench =========================== // |Author:Xu Y. B. // |Date:2022-11-23 // |Description: TOP module // | about single bit signal CDC using handshake mode // | CDC:100MHz-->50MHz // | Test Bench // |================================================================== module TB (); // time domain 100MHz reg I_CLK_100M; reg I_RSTN_100M; // time domain 200MHz reg I_CLK_50M; reg I_RSTN_50M; // operate enable reg I_OPR_EN;//high,start 1 CDC test // ======================= module output ports specify ================== wire O_CDC_DONE; // ======================= generate clocks ============================== initial I_CLK_100M = 0; always #5 I_CLK_100M = ~I_CLK_100M; initial I_CLK_50M = 0; always #10 I_CLK_50M = ~I_CLK_50M; initial begin I_RSTN_100M = 0; I_RSTN_50M = 0; I_OPR_EN = 0; #20; I_RSTN_100M = 1; #40; I_RSTN_50M = 1; #20; I_OPR_EN = 1; @(negedge O_CDC_DONE) #50; $finish; end initial begin `ifdef VPD_TEST $vcdpluson(); `endif end TOP INST_TOP ( .I_CLK_100M (I_CLK_100M), .I_RSTN_100M (I_RSTN_100M), .I_CLK_50M (I_CLK_50M), .I_RSTN_50M (I_RSTN_50M), .I_OPR_EN (I_OPR_EN), .O_CDC_DONE (O_CDC_DONE) ); endmodule
makefile 文件:
# ======================================================= # ========================== MAKE FILE ================== # By:Xu Y. B. # Date:2022-11-23 # Note: # reuse this makefile ,the followings should be changed: # -1- OUTPUT # -2- TB file add the following: # `ifdef VPD_TEST # $vcdpluson(); # `endif # ======================================================= .PHONY: com cov clean debug OUTPUT = SIMV_CDC_TEST VPD_SW_DEFINE = +define+VPD_TEST # code coverage command CM = -cm line+cond+fsm+branch+tgl CM_NAME = -cm_name $(OUTPUT) CM_DIR = -cm_dir ./$(OUTPUT).vdb # vpdfile name VPD_NAME = $(OUTPUT).vpd # compile command VCS = vcs -full64 -cpp g++-4.8 -cc gcc-4.8 -LDFLAGS -Wl,--no-as-needed \ -simprofile \ -sverilog +v2k -timescale=1ns/1ns \ -debug_access+r \ -Mupdate \ +notimingcheck \ +nospecify \ +vcs+flush+all \ $(VPD_SW_DEFINE) \ -o $(OUTPUT) \ -l compile.log # $(CM) \ # $(CM_NAME) \ # $(CM_DIR) # -cm_hier ./vcs_cov.cfg # simulation command SIM = ./$(OUTPUT) \ -l $(OUTPUT).log \ $(CM) $(CM_NAME) $(CM_DIR) \ $(VPD_NAME) \ # start complie com: find -name "*.v" >filelist.f $(VCS) -f filelist.f # start simulation sim: $(SIM) mv vcdplus.vpd $(VPD_NAME) # show the coverage cov: dve -full64 -covdir *.vdb & debug: dve -full64 -vpd $(OUTPUT).vpd & # start clean clean: rm -rf ./csrc *.daidir *.log *.vpd *.vdb simv* *.key *race.out* *.so.* *profile* *.f
- # |===========================================================
- # | Author : Xu Y. B.
- # | Date : 2022-11-21
- # | Description : tcl script for top design
- # |===========================================================
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 1: Read & elaborate the RTL design file list & check
- # |===========================================================
- analyze -format verilog [list CDC_TOP.v ]
- elaborate $TOP_MODULE -architecture verilog
- current_design $TOP_MODULE
- if {[link] == 0} {
- echo "Your Link has errors !";
- exit;
- }
- if {[check_design] == 0} {
- echo "Your check design has errors !";
- exit;
- }
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 2: reset design
- # |===========================================================
- reset_design
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 3: Write unmapped ddc file
- # |===========================================================
- uniquify
- set uniquify_naming_style "%s_%d"
- write -f ddc -hierarchy -output ${UNMAPPED_PATH}/${TOP_MODULE}.ddc
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 4: define clocks
- # |===========================================================
- # -------------------------- CLK 100MHz ----------------------
- set CLK_NAME I_CLK_100M
- set CLK_PERIOD 10
- set CLK_SKEW [expr {$CLK_PERIOD*0.05}]
- set CLK_TRANS [expr {$CLK_PERIOD*0.01}]
- set CLK_SRC_LATENCY [expr {$CLK_PERIOD*0.1 }]
- set CLK_LATENCY [expr {$CLK_PERIOD*0.1 }]
- create_clock -period $CLK_PERIOD [get_ports $CLK_NAME]
- set_ideal_network [get_ports $CLK_NAME]
- set_dont_touch_network [get_ports $CLK_NAME]
- set_drive 0 [get_ports $CLK_NAME]
- set_clock_uncertainty -setup $CLK_SKEW [get_clocks $CLK_NAME]
- set_clock_transition -max $CLK_TRANS [get_clocks $CLK_NAME]
- set_clock_latency -source -max $CLK_SRC_LATENCY [get_clocks $CLK_NAME]
- set_clock_latency -max $CLK_LATENCY [get_clocks $CLK_NAME]
- # --------------------------- CLK 50MHz ----------------------
- set CLK_NAME_2 I_CLK_50M
- set CLK_PERIOD_2 20
- set CLK_SKEW_2 [expr {$CLK_PERIOD_2*0.05}]
- set CLK_TRANS_2 [expr {$CLK_PERIOD_2*0.01}]
- set CLK_SRC_LATENCY_2 [expr {$CLK_PERIOD_2*0.1 }]
- set CLK_LATENCY_2 [expr {$CLK_PERIOD_2*0.1 }]
- create_clock -period $CLK_PERIOD_2 [get_ports $CLK_NAME_2]
- set_ideal_network [get_ports $CLK_NAME_2]
- set_dont_touch_network [get_ports $CLK_NAME_2]
- set_drive 0 [get_ports $CLK_NAME_2]
- set_clock_uncertainty -setup $CLK_SKEW_2 [get_clocks $CLK_NAME_2]
- set_clock_transition -max $CLK_TRANS_2 [get_clocks $CLK_NAME_2]
- set_clock_latency -source -max $CLK_SRC_LATENCY_2 [get_clocks $CLK_NAME_2]
- set_clock_latency -max $CLK_LATENCY_2 [get_clocks $CLK_NAME_2]
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 5: define reset
- # |===========================================================
- # ------------------------- RST 1 ----------------------------
- set RST_NAME I_RSTN_100M
- set_ideal_network [get_ports $RST_NAME]
- set_dont_touch_network [get_ports $RST_NAME]
- set_drive 0 [get_ports $RST_NAME]
- # ------------------------- RST 2 ----------------------------
- set RST_NAME_2 I_RSTN_50M
- set_ideal_network [get_ports $RST_NAME_2]
- set_dont_touch_network [get_ports $RST_NAME_2]
- set_drive 0 [get_ports $RST_NAME_2]
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 6: set input delay using timing budget
- # |Assume a weak cell to drive the input pins
- # |===========================================================
- set LIB_NAME typical
- set WIRE_LOAD_MODEL smic18_wl10
- set INPUT_RST [get_ports I_RSTN_100M]
- set INPUT_RST_2 [get_ports I_RSTN_50M]
- set INPUT_DELAY [expr {$CLK_PERIOD*0.6}]
- set INPUT_DELAY_2 [expr {$CLK_PERIOD_2*0.6}]
- # CLK 1
- set_input_delay $INPUT_DELAY -clock $CLK_NAME [get_ports I_OPR_EN]
- set_input_delay $INPUT_DELAY -clock $CLK_NAME ${INPUT_RST}
- # CLK 2
- set_input_delay $INPUT_DELAY_2 -clock $CLK_NAME_2 ${INPUT_RST_2}
- set_driving_cell -lib_cell ${DRIVE_CELL} -pin ${DRIVE_PIN} ${INPUT_RST}
- set_driving_cell -lib_cell ${DRIVE_CELL_2} -pin ${DRIVE_PIN} ${INPUT_RST_2}
- set_driving_cell -lib_cell ${DRIVE_CELL_3} -pin ${DRIVE_PIN} [get_ports I_OPR_EN]
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 7: set output delay
- # |===========================================================
- set OUTPUT_DELAY [expr {$CLK_PERIOD*0.6}]
- set MAX_LOAD [expr {[load_of $LIB_NAME/INVX4/A] * 10}]
- set_output_delay $OUTPUT_DELAY -clock $CLK_NAME [all_outputs]
- set_load [expr {$MAX_LOAD * 3}] [all_outputs]
- set_isolate_ports -type buffer [all_outputs]
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 8: set max delay for comb logic
- # |===========================================================
- # set_input_delay [expr $CLK_PERIOD * 0.1] -clock $CLK_NAME -add_delay [get_ports I_1]
- # set_output_delay [expr $CLK_PERIOD * 0.1] -clock $CLK_NAME -add_delay [get_ports O_1]
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 9: set operating condition & wire load model
- # |===========================================================
- set_operating_conditions -max $OPERATE_CONDITION \
- -max_library $LIB_NAME
- set auto_wire_load_selection false
- set_wire_load_mode top
- set_wire_load_model -name $WIRE_LOAD_MODEL \
- -library $LIB_NAME
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 10: set area constraint (Let DC try its best)
- # |===========================================================
- set_max_area 1000
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 11: set DRC constraint
- # |===========================================================
- # set MAX_CAPACITANCE [expr {[load_of $LIB_NAME/NAND4X2/Y] * 5}]
- # set_max_capacitance $MAX_CAPACITANCE $ALL_INPUT_EXCEPT_CLK
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 12: set group path
- # |Avoid getting stack on one path
- # |===========================================================
- # group_path -name $CLK_NAME -weight 5 \
- # -critical_range [expr {$CLK_PERIOD * 0.1}]
- # group_path -name INPUTS -from [all_inputs] \
- # -critical_range [expr {$CLK_PERIOD * 0.1}]
- # group_path -name OUTPUTS -to [all_outputs] \
- # -critical_range [expr {$CLK_PERIOD * 0.1}]
- # group_path -name COMBS -from [all_inputs] \
- # -to [all_outputs] \
- # -critical_range [expr {$CLK_PERIOD * 0.1}]
- # report_path_group
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 13: Elimate the multiple-port inter-connect &
- # | define name style
- # |===========================================================
- # set_app_var verilogout_no_tri true
- # set_app_var verilogout_show_unconnected_pins true
- # set_app_var bus_naming_style {%s[%d]}
- # simplify_constants -boundary_optimization
- # set_boundary_optimization [current_design] true
- # set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all -buffer_constants
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 14: timing exception define
- # |===========================================================
- # set_false_path -from [get_clocks I_CLK_100M] -to [get_clocks I_CLK_100M]
- # set ALL_CLKS [all_clocks]
- # foreach_in_collection CUR_CLK $ALL_CLKS
- # {
- # set OTHER_CLKS [remove_from_collection [all_clocks] $CUR_CLK]
- # set_false_path -from $CUR_CLK $OTHER_CLKS
- # }
- # set_false_path -from [get_clocks I_CLK_100M] -to [get_clocks I_CLK_100M]
- # set_false_path -from [get_clocks I_CLK_100M] -to [get_clocks I_CLK_100M]
- # set_disable_timing TOP/U1 -from a -to y
- # set_case_analysis 0 [get_ports sel_i]
- # set_multicycle_path -setup 6 -from FFA/CP -through ADD/out -to FFB/D
- # set_multicycle_path -hold 5 -from FFA/CP -through ADD/out -to FFB/D
- # set_multicycle_path -setup 2 -to FFB/D
- # set_multicycle_path -hold 1 -to FFB/D
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 15: compile flow
- # |===========================================================
- # ungroup -flatten -all
- # 1st-pass compile
- # compile -map_effort high -area_effort high
- # compile -map_effort high -area_effort high -boundary_optimization
- compile
- # simplify_constants -boundary_optimization
- # set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all -buffer_constants
- # compile -map_effort high -area_effort high -incremental_mapping -scan
- # 2nd-pass compile
- # compile -map_effort high -area_effort high -incremental_mapping -boundary_optimization
- # compile_ultra -incr
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 16: write post-process files
- # |===========================================================
- # change_names -rules verilog -hierarchy
- # remove-unconnected_ports [get_cells -hier *] -blast_buses
- # Write the mapped files
- write -f ddc -hierarchy -output $MAPPED_PATH/${TOP_MODULE}.ddc
- # write -f verilog -hierarchy -output $MAPPED_PATH/${TOP_MODULE}.v
- # write_sdc -version 1.7 $MAPPED_PATH/${TOP_MODULE}.sdc
- # write_sdf -version 2.1 $MAPPED_PATH/${TOP_MODULE}.sdf
- # |===========================================================
- # |STEP 17: generate report files
- # |===========================================================
在完成编译之后可以用本篇的PPT里面介绍的 时序报告指令进行时序分析。此处不再赘述。
- # |================================= Tcl coding practice ===========================
- # |Coded by:Xu Y. B.
- # |Date:2022-11-25
- # |Description:basic Tcl syntax
- # |=================================================================================
- # ******** example :define your variable
- set FILE_NAME Sample_Test
- set VAR_1 0
- # ******** example :if-else
- if {$VAR_1 == 0} {
- echo "Your variable VAR_1 is 0"
- } else {
- echo "Your variable VAR_1 is not 0"
- }
- # ******** example :switch
- switch -regexp $FILE_NAME {
- "Sample_Test" {
- echo "The File is Right"
- }
- "Test" {
- echo "The File is others"
- }
- default {
- echo "The File is nothing !"
- }
- }
- # ********* example :while
- set i 1
- while {$i <= 10} {
- echo "i = $i";
- incr i 1;
- }
- # ********* example :for
- for {set i_a 0} {$i_a <= 20} {incr i_a 2} {
- if {$i_a == 4 || $i_a == 18} {
- continue;
- # break;
- }
- echo "i_a = $i_a";
- }
- # ********* example :foreach
- # example 1
- set MY_LIST [list "Xu Y. B." "is" 23 "years" "old"]
- foreach MY_LIST $MY_LIST {
- switch -regexp $MY_LIST {
- "Xu Y. B." {
- echo "$MY_LIST is a name"
- }
- 23 {
- echo "$MY_LIST is a number"
- }
- default {
- echo "$MY_LIST"
- }
- }
- }
- # example 2
- set log_file_cnt 0
- set v_file_cnt 0
- set tcl_file_cnt 0
- set my_file_list [glob *.log *.v *.tcl]
- foreach f_name $my_file_list {
- set f_ext [file extension $f_name]
- switch $f_ext {
- ".log" {
- incr log_file_cnt
- }
- ".v" {
- incr v_file_cnt
- }
- ".tcl" {
- incr tcl_file_cnt
- }
- }
- }
- echo "The current folder contains totally .log file number is $log_file_cnt";
- echo "The current folder contains totally .v file number is $v_file_cnt"
- echo "The current folder contains totally .tcl file number is $tcl_file_cnt"
- # ********** example :Write something to a file
- set TEXT_W "Xu Y. B. is my name"
- set FILE_ID_W [open TEST.txt w+]
- puts $FILE_ID_W $TEXT_W
- flush $FILE_ID_W
- close $FILE_ID_W
- # ********** example :Read something from a file
- set TEXT_R ""
- set FILE_ID_R [open TEST.txt r]
- gets $FILE_ID_R TEXT_R
- echo "\" $TEXT_R \"is read from file id $FILE_ID_R"
- close $FILE_ID_R
- # ********** example :proc
- # example 1:
- set NAME "Xu Y. B."
- proc my_print_var {var_name} \
- {
- global NAME
- echo "var_name is \" $var_name \""
- echo "var_name is \" $NAME \""
- }
- my_print_var NAME
- # example 2:
- proc min {a b c d} \
- {
- if {$a >= $b} {
- set y $b;
- } else {
- set y $a;
- }
- if {$c >= $d} {
- set z $d;
- } else {
- set z $c;
- }
- if {$y >= $z} {
- set w $z;
- } else {
- set w $y
- }
- return $w;
- }
- # min 11 21 3 4
- # example 3 :
- proc sum {args} \
- {
- set num_list $args
- set sum 0
- foreach num $num_list {
- set sum [expr ($sum + $num)]
- }
- return $sum
- }
- # sum 1 2 3 4
- # example 4 :
- # array set PORTS [list I_CLK 3 I_RSTN 4 I_DATA 5 O_DATA 6]
- set PORTS {I_CLK 12 I_RSTN 4 I_DATA 5 O_DATA 6}
- proc inc_port {port_num_list} \
- {
- array set PORTS_1 $port_num_list
- set port_list [array names PORTS_1]
- foreach port $port_list {
- incr PORTS_1($port) 20
- }
- return [array get PORTS_1]
- }
- # inc_port $PORTS
- # example 5 :
- # create a link to the variable outside
- set NUMBER 0
- proc incr_ten {num} {
- upvar $num local_var
- incr local_var 10
- }
- incr_ten $NUMBER