• 强化深度学习中使用Dyna-Q算法确定机器人问题中不同规划的学习和策略实战(超详细 附源码)



























    1. import gym
    2. from gym import spaces
    3. from gym.utils import seeding
    4. from random import random, choice
    5. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    6. from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
    7. class Grid(object):
    8. def __init__(self, x:int = None,
    9. y:int = None,
    10. type:int = 0,
    11. reward:float = 0.0):
    12. self.x = x # 坐标x
    13. self.y = y
    14. self.type = type # 类别值(0:空;1:障碍或边界)
    15. self.reward = reward # 该格子的即时奖励
    16. self.name = None # 该格子的名称
    17. self._update_name()
    18. def _update_name(self):
    19. self.name = "X{0}-Y{1}".format(self.x, self.y)
    20. def __str__(self):
    21. return "name:{3}, x:{0}, y:{1}, type:{2}".format(self.x,
    22. self.y,
    23. self.type,
    24. self.name
    25. )
    26. class GridMatrix(object):
    27. def __init__(self, n_width:int, # 水平方向格子数
    28. n_height:int, # 竖直方向格子数
    29. default_type:int = 0, # 默认类型
    30. default_reward:float = 0.0, # 默认即时奖励值
    31. ):
    32. self.grids = None
    33. self.n_height = n_height
    34. self.n_width = n_width
    35. self.len = n_width * n_height
    36. self.default_reward = default_reward
    37. self.default_type = default_type
    38. self.reset()
    39. def reset(self):
    40. self.grids = []
    41. for x in range(self.n_height):
    42. for y in range(self.n_width):
    43. self.grids.append(Grid(x,
    44. y,
    45. self.default_type,
    46. self.default_reward))
    47. def get_grid(self, x, y=None):
    48. '''获取一个格子信息
    49. args:坐标信息,由x,y表示或仅有一个类型为tuple的x表示
    50. return:grid object
    51. '''
    52. xx, yy = None, None
    53. if isinstance(x, int):
    54. xx, yy = x, y
    55. elif isinstance(x, tuple):
    56. xx, yy = x[0], x[1]
    57. assert(xx >= 0 and yy >= 0 and xx < self.n_width and yy < self.n_height), "任意坐标值应在合理区间"
    58. index = yy * self.n_width + xx
    59. return self.grids[index]
    60. def set_reward(self, x, y, reward):
    61. grid = self.get_grid(x, y)
    62. if grid is not None:
    63. grid.reward = reward
    64. else:
    65. raise("grid doesn't exist")
    66. def set_type(self, x, y, type):
    67. grid = self.get_grid(x, y)
    68. if grid is not None:
    69. grid.type = type
    70. else:
    71. raise("grid doesn't exist")
    72. def get_reward(self, x, y):
    73. grid = self.get_grid(x, y)
    74. if grid is None:
    75. return None
    76. return grid.reward
    77. def get_type(self, x, y):
    78. grid = self.get_grid(x, y)
    79. if grid is None:
    80. return None
    81. return grid.type
    82. # 格子世界环境
    83. class GridWorldEnv(gym.Env):
    84. metadata = {
    85. 'render.modes': ['human', 'rgb_array'],
    86. 'video.frames_per_second': 30
    87. }
    88. def __init__(self, n_width: int=5,
    89. n_height: int = 5,
    90. u_size=40,
    91. default_reward: float = 0.0,
    92. default_type=0):
    93. self.u_size = u_size # 当前格子绘制尺寸
    94. self.n_width = n_width # 格子世界宽度(以格子数计)
    95. self.n_height = n_height # 高度
    96. self.width = u_size * n_width # 场景宽度 screen width
    97. self.height = u_size * n_height # 场景长度
    98. self.default_reward = default_reward
    99. self.default_type = default_type
    100. self.grids = GridMatrix(n_width=self.n_width,
    101. n_height=self.n_height,
    102. default_reward=self.default_reward,
    103. default_type=self.default_type)
    104. self.reward = 0 # for rendering
    105. self.action = None # for rendering
    106. # 0,1,2,3 represent up, down, left, right
    107. self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(4)
    108. # 观察空间由low和high决定
    109. self.observation_space = spaces.Discrete(self.n_height * self.n_width)
    110. self.ends = [(0, 0)] # 终止格子坐标,可以有多个
    111. self.start = (0, 4) # 起始格子坐标,只有一个
    112. self.types = [(2, 2, 1)]
    113. self.rewards = []
    114. self.refresh_setting()
    115. self.viewer = None # 图形接口对象
    116. self.seed() # 产生一个随机子
    117. self.reset()
    118. def seed(self, seed=None):
    119. # 产生一个随机化时需要的种子,同时返回一个np_random对象,支持后续的随机化生成操作
    120. self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
    121. return [seed]
    122. def step(self, action):
    123. assert self.action_space.contains(action), "%r (%s) invalid" % (action, type(action))
    124. self.action = action # action for rendering
    125. old_x, old_y = self._state_to_xy(self.state)
    126. new_x, new_y = old_x, old_y
    127. if action == 0: new_y += 1 # up
    128. elif action == 1: new_y -= 1 # down
    129. elif action == 2: new_x -= 1 # left
    130. elif action == 3: new_x += 1 # right
    131. # boundary effect
    132. if new_x < 0: new_x = 0
    133. if new_x >= self.n_width: new_x = self.n_width - 1
    134. if new_y < 0: new_y = 0
    135. if new_y >= self.n_height: new_y = self.n_height - 1
    136. # wall effect:
    137. # 类型为1的格子为障碍格子,不可进入
    138. if self.grids.get_type(new_x, new_y) == 1:
    139. new_x, new_y = old_x, old_y
    140. self.reward = self.grids.get_reward(new_x, new_y)
    141. done = self._is_end_state(new_x, new_y)
    142. self.state = self._xy_to_state(new_x, new_y)
    143. # 提供格子世界所有的信息在info内
    144. info = {"x": new_x, "y": new_y, "grids": self.grids}
    145. return self.state, self.reward, done, info
    146. # 将状态变为横纵坐标
    147. def _state_to_xy(self, s):
    148. x = s % self.n_width
    149. y = int((s - x) / self.n_width)
    150. return x, y
    151. def _xy_to_state(self, x, y=None):
    152. if isinstance(x, int):
    153. assert (isinstance(y, int)), "incomplete Position info"
    154. return x + self.n_width * y
    155. elif isinstance(x, tuple):
    156. return x[0] + self.n_width * x[1]
    157. return -1 # 未知状态
    158. def refresh_setting(self):
    159. '''用户在使用该类创建格子世界后可能会修改格子世界某些格子类型或奖励值
    160. 的设置,修改设置后通过调用该方法使得设置生效。
    161. '''
    162. for x, y, r in self.rewards:
    163. self.grids.set_reward(x, y, r)
    164. for x, y, t in self.types:
    165. self.grids.set_type(x, y, t)
    166. def reset(self):
    167. self.state = self._xy_to_state(self.start)
    168. return self.state
    169. # 判断是否是终止状态
    170. def _is_end_state(self, x, y=None):
    171. if y is not None:
    172. xx, yy = x, y
    173. elif isinstance(x, int):
    174. xx, yy = self._state_to_xy(x)
    175. else:
    176. assert (isinstance(x, tuple)), "坐标数据不完整"
    177. xx, yy = x[0], x[1]
    178. for end in self.ends:
    179. if xx == end[0] and yy == end[1]:
    180. return True
    181. return False
    182. # 图形化界面
    183. def render(self, mode='human', close=False):
    184. if close:
    185. if self.viewer is not None:
    186. self.viewer.close()
    187. self.viewer = None
    188. return
    189. zero = (0, 0)
    190. u_size = self.u_size
    191. m = 2 # 格子之间的间隙尺寸
    192. # 如果还没有设定屏幕对象,则初始化整个屏幕具备的元素。
    193. if self.viewer is None:
    194. from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering
    195. self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(self.width, self.height)
    196. # 绘制格子
    197. for x in range(self.n_width):
    198. for y in range(self.n_height):
    199. v = [(x * u_size + m, y * u_size + m),
    200. ((x + 1) * u_size - m, y * u_size + m),
    201. ((x + 1) * u_size - m, (y + 1) * u_size - m),
    202. (x * u_size + m, (y + 1) * u_size - m)]
    203. rect = rendering.FilledPolygon(v)
    204. r = self.grids.get_reward(x, y) / 10
    205. if r < 0:
    206. rect.set_color(0.9 - r, 0.9 + r, 0.9 + r)
    207. elif r > 0:
    208. rect.set_color(0.3, 0.5 + r, 0.3)
    209. else:
    210. rect.set_color(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
    211. self.viewer.add_geom(rect)
    212. # 绘制边框
    213. v_outline = [(x * u_size + m, y * u_size + m),
    214. ((x + 1) * u_size - m, y * u_size + m),
    215. ((x + 1) * u_size - m, (y + 1) * u_size - m),
    216. (x * u_size + m, (y + 1) * u_size - m)]
    217. outline = rendering.make_polygon(v_outline, False)
    218. outline.set_linewidth(3)
    219. if self._is_end_state(x, y):
    220. # 给终点方格添加金黄色边框
    221. outline.set_color(0.9, 0.9, 0)
    222. self.viewer.add_geom(outline)
    223. if self.start[0] == x and self.start[1] == y:
    224. outline.set_color(0.5, 0.5, 0.8)
    225. self.viewer.add_geom(outline)
    226. if self.grids.get_type(x, y) == 1: # 障碍格子用深灰色表示
    227. rect.set_color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
    228. else:
    229. pass
    230. # 绘制个体
    231. self.agent = rendering.make_circle(u_size / 4, 30, True)
    232. self.agent.set_color(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    233. self.viewer.add_geom(self.agent)
    234. self.agent_trans = rendering.Transform()
    235. self.agent.add_attr(self.agent_trans)
    236. # 更新个体位置
    237. x, y = self._state_to_xy(self.state)
    238. self.agent_trans.set_translation((x + 0.5) * u_size, (y + 0.5) * u_size)
    239. return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array= mode == 'rgb_array')
    240. # 环境参数设定
    241. class Agent():
    242. def __init__(self, env):
    243. self.episode = 1
    244. self.Q = {}
    245. self.actions = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    246. self.position = env.start
    247. self.model = {}
    248. # 建立模型
    249. def make_model(self, pos, act, reward, next_state):
    250. self.model["{0},{1}".format(pos, act)] = "{0},{1}".format(reward, next_state)
    251. # 模型规划
    252. def q_planning(self,n):
    253. for i in range(0,n):
    254. a = [i for i in self.model.keys()]
    255. done = False
    256. if a != []:
    257. str = choice(a)
    258. pos = str.split(",")[0]+","+str.split(",")[1]
    259. act = int(str.split(",")[2])
    260. reward = float(self.model[str].split(",")[0])
    261. next_state = self.model[str].split(",")[1]+","+self.model[str].split(",")[2]
    262. if next_state == "(0,0)" or next_state == "(4,3)":
    263. done = True
    264. self.updateQ(pos, act, next_state, reward, done)
    265. def chaxunQ(self, pos, act):
    266. judge = False
    267. for i in self.Q:
    268. if i == "{0},{1}".format(pos, act):
    269. judge = True
    270. break
    271. if judge == True:
    272. return True
    273. else:
    274. self.Q["{0},{1}".format(pos, act)] = float(format(random()/10000, '.3f'))
    275. return
    276. # 更新状态动作值Q函数
    277. def updateQ(self, pos, action, next_pos, reward, done):
    278. if done == False:
    279. self.chaxunQ(pos, action)
    280. old_q = self.Q["{0},{1}".format(pos, action)]
    281. action1 = self.performmax(next_pos)
    282. # self.chaxunQ(next_pos, action1)
    283. new_q = self.Q["{0},{1}".format(next_pos, action1)]
    284. old_q = old_q + 0.1 * (reward+0.9 * new_q - old_q)
    285. self.Q["{0},{1}".format(pos, action)] = float(format(old_q, '.3f'))
    286. else:
    287. self.chaxunQ(pos, action)
    288. self.Q["{0},{1}".format(pos, action)] = float(format(reward, '.3f'))
    289. # print(pos, action,reward)
    290. # 动作选取策略
    291. def perform(self, pos):
    292. eplison = random()
    293. self.chaxunQ(pos, choice([0, 1, 2, 3]))
    294. if eplison > 1/self.episode:
    295. maxq = -1000
    296. act = ""
    297. for i in self.Q:
    298. list = i.split(",")
    299. state = list[0] + "," + list[1]
    300. if state == str(pos):
    301. if self.Q[i] > maxq:
    302. maxq = self.Q[i]
    303. act = list[2]
    304. return int(act)
    305. else:
    306. return choice([0, 1, 2, 3])
    307. # argmaxQ
    308. def performmax(self, pos):
    309. maxq = -1000
    310. str1 = ""
    311. self.chaxunQ(pos,choice([0,1,2,3]))
    312. for i in self.Q:
    313. list = i.split(",")
    314. state = list[0]+","+list[1]
    315. if state == str(pos):
    316. if self.Q[i] > maxq:
    317. maxq = self.Q[i]
    318. str1 = list[2]
    319. return int(str1)
    320. def run(n):
    321. agent = Agent(env)
    322. total_j = 0
    323. total_r = 0
    324. a = []
    325. b = []
    326. env.refresh_setting()
    327. for i in range(0, 300):
    328. done = False
    329. env.reset()
    330. r = 0
    331. j = 0
    332. while done == False:
    333. state = env._state_to_xy(env.state)
    334. action = agent.perform(state)
    335. next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
    336. next_state = env._state_to_xy(next_state)
    337. # 更新Q值
    338. agent.updateQ(state, action, next_state, reward,done)
    339. # 更新模型
    340. agent.make_model(state, action, reward, next_state)
    341. r += reward
    342. # 模型规划
    343. agent.q_planning(n)
    344. j = j+1
    345. tpend(total_r)
    346. agent.episode += 1
    347. # print(agent.Q)
    348. total_j += j
    349. if i != 0:
    350. b.append(j)
    351. print("回合={0},步数={1},奖赏={2}".format(i, j, '%.3f' % r))
    352. # return (np.array(a)/np.array(total_j)).tolist()
    353. # return a
    354. return b
    355. if __name__ == "__main__":
    356. n_width = 5
    357. n_height = 5
    358. default_reward = 0
    359. env = GridWorldEnv(n_width, n_height, default_reward=default_reward)
    360. env.types = [(2, 2, 1)]
    361. env.rewards = [(0, 0, 1), (4, 3, 1)] # 奖赏值设定
    362. env.start = (0, 4)
    363. env.ends = [(0, 0), (4, 3)]
    364. env.refresh_setting()
    365. x = range(1, 300)
    366. ln1, = plt.plot(x, run(0), label=u"n=0")
    367. ln2, = plt.plot(x, run(5), label=u"n=5")
    368. ln3, = plt.plot(x, run(10), label=u"n=10")
    369. ln4, = plt.plot(x, run(30), label=u"n=30")
    370. font1 = FontProperties(fname=r"c:\windows\fonts\simsun.ttc", size=15)
    371. ontproperties=font1)
    372. plt.ylabel(u'步数', fontproperties=font1)
    373. plt.show()




    1. from random import random, choice
    2. import gym
    3. from gym import spaces
    4. from gym.utils import seeding
    5. class Grid(object):
    6. def __init__(self, x:int = None,
    7. y:int = None,
    8. type:int = 0,
    9. reward:float = 0.0):
    10. self.x = x # 坐标x
    11. self.y = y
    12. self.type = type # 类别值(0:空;1:障碍或边界)
    13. self.reward = reward # 该格子的即时奖励
    14. self.name = None # 该格子的名称
    15. self._update_name()
    16. def _update_name(self):
    17. self.name = "X{0}-Y{1}".format(self.x, self.y)
    18. def __str__(self):
    19. return "name:{3}, x:{0}, y:{1}, type:{2}".format(self.x,
    20. self.y,
    21. self.type,
    22. self.name
    23. )
    24. class GridMatrix(object):
    25. def __init__(self, n_width:int, # 水平方向格子数
    26. n_height:int, # 竖直方向格子数
    27. default_type:int = 0, # 默认类型
    28. default_reward:float = 0.0, # 默认即时奖励值
    29. ):
    30. self.grids = None
    31. self.n_height = n_height
    32. self.n_width = n_width
    33. self.len = n_width * n_height
    34. self.default_reward = default_reward
    35. self.default_type = default_type
    36. self.reset()
    37. def reset(self):
    38. self.grids = []
    39. for x in range(self.n_height):
    40. for y in range(self.n_width):
    41. self.grids.append(Grid(x,
    42. y,
    43. self.default_type,
    44. self.default_reward))
    45. def get_grid(self, x, y=None):
    46. '''获取一个格子信息
    47. args:坐标信息,由x,y表示或仅有一个类型为tuple的x表示
    48. return:grid object
    49. '''
    50. xx, yy = None, None
    51. if isinstance(x, int):
    52. xx, yy = x, y
    53. elif isinstance(x, tuple):
    54. xx, yy = x[0], x[1]
    55. assert(xx >= 0 and yy >= 0 and xx < self.n_width and yy < self.n_height), "任意坐标值应在合理区间"
    56. index = yy * self.n_width + xx
    57. return self.grids[index]
    58. def set_reward(self, x, y, reward):
    59. grid = self.get_grid(x, y)
    60. if grid is not None:
    61. grid.reward = reward
    62. else:
    63. raise("grid doesn't exist")
    64. def set_type(self, x, y, type):
    65. grid = self.get_grid(x, y)
    66. if grid is not None:
    67. grid.type = type
    68. else:
    69. raise("grid doesn't exist")
    70. def get_reward(self, x, y):
    71. grid = self.get_grid(x, y)
    72. if grid is None:
    73. return None
    74. return grid.reward
    75. def get_type(self, x, y):
    76. grid = self.get_grid(x, y)
    77. if grid is None:
    78. return None
    79. return grid.type
    80. class GridWorldEnv(gym.Env):
    81. metadata = {
    82. 'render.modes': ['human', 'rgb_array'],
    83. 'video.frames_per_second': 30
    84. }
    85. def __init__(self, n_width: int=5,
    86. n_height: int = 5,
    87. u_size=40,
    88. default_reward: float = 0.0,
    89. default_type=0):
    90. self.u_size = u_size # 当前格子绘制尺寸
    91. self.n_width = n_width # 格子世界宽度(以格子数计)
    92. self.n_height = n_height # 高度
    93. self.width = u_size * n_width # 场景宽度 screen width
    94. self.height = u_size * n_height # 场景长度
    95. self.default_reward = default_reward
    96. self.default_type = default_type
    97. self.grids = GridMatrix(n_width=self.n_width,
    98. n_height=self.n_height,
    99. default_reward=self.default_reward,
    100. default_type=self.default_type)
    101. self.reward = 0 # for rendering
    102. self.action = None # for rendering
    103. # 0,1,2,3 represent up, down, left, right
    104. self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(4)
    105. # 观察空间由low和high决定
    106. self.observation_space = spaces.Discrete(self.n_height * self.n_width)
    107. self.ends = [(0, 0)] # 终止格子坐标,可以有多个
    108. self.start = (0, 4) # 起始格子坐标,只有一个
    109. self.types = [(2, 2, 1)]
    110. self.rewards = []
    111. self.refresh_setting()
    112. self.viewer = None # 图形接口对象
    113. self.seed() # 产生一个随机子
    114. self.reset()
    115. def seed(self, seed=None):
    116. # 产生一个随机化时需要的种子,同时返回一个np_random对象,支持后续的随机化生成操作
    117. self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
    118. return [seed]
    119. def step(self, action):
    120. assert self.action_space.contains(action), "%r (%s) invalid" % (action, type(action))
    121. self.action = action # action for rendering
    122. old_x, old_y = self._state_to_xy(self.state)
    123. new_x, new_y = old_x, old_y
    124. if action == 0: new_y += 1 # up
    125. elif action == 1: new_y -= 1 # down
    126. elif action == 2: new_x -= 1 # left
    127. elif action == 3: new_x += 1 # right
    128. # boundary effect
    129. if new_x < 0: new_x = 0
    130. if new_x >= self.n_width: new_x = self.n_width - 1
    131. if new_y < 0: new_y = 0
    132. if new_y >= self.n_height: new_y = self.n_height - 1
    133. # wall effect:
    134. # 类型为1的格子为障碍格子,不可进入
    135. if self.grids.get_type(new_x, new_y) == 1:
    136. new_x, new_y = old_x, old_y
    137. self.reward = self.grids.get_reward(new_x, new_y)
    138. done = self._is_end_state(new_x, new_y)
    139. self.state = self._xy_to_state(new_x, new_y)
    140. # 提供格子世界所有的信息在info内
    141. info = {"x": new_x, "y": new_y, "grids": self.grids}
    142. return self.state, self.reward, done, info
    143. # 将状态变为横纵坐标
    144. def _state_to_xy(self, s):
    145. x = s % self.n_width
    146. y = int((s - x) / self.n_width)
    147. return x, y
    148. def _xy_to_state(self, x, y=None):
    149. if isinstance(x, int):
    150. assert (isinstance(y, int)), "incomplete Position info"
    151. return x + self.n_width * y
    152. elif isinstance(x, tuple):
    153. return x[0] + self.n_width * x[1]
    154. return -1 # 未知状态
    155. def refresh_setting(self):
    156. '''用户在使用该类创建格子世界后可能会修改格子世界某些格子类型或奖励值
    157. 的设置,修改设置后通过调用该方法使得设置生效。
    158. '''
    159. for x, y, r in self.rewards:
    160. self.grids.set_reward(x, y, r)
    161. for x, y, t in self.types:
    162. self.grids.set_type(x, y, t)
    163. def reset(self):
    164. self.state = self._xy_to_state(self.start)
    165. return self.state
    166. # 判断是否是终止状态
    167. def _is_end_state(self, x, y=None):
    168. if y is not None:
    169. xx, yy = x, y
    170. elif isinstance(x, int):
    171. xx, yy = self._state_to_xy(x)
    172. else:
    173. assert (isinstance(x, tuple)), "坐标数据不完整"
    174. xx, yy = x[0], x[1]
    175. for end in self.ends:
    176. if xx == end[0] and yy == end[1]:
    177. return True
    178. return False
    179. # 图形化界面
    180. def render(self, mode='human', close=False):
    181. if close:
    182. if self.viewer is not None:
    183. self.viewer.close()
    184. self.viewer = None
    185. return
    186. zero = (0, 0)
    187. u_size = self.u_size
    188. m = 2 # 格子之间的间隙尺寸
    189. # 如果还没有设定屏幕对象,则初始化整个屏幕具备的元素。
    190. if self.viewer is None:
    191. from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering
    192. self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(self.width, self.height)
    193. # 绘制格子
    194. for x in range(self.n_width):
    195. for y in range(self.n_height):
    196. v = [(x * u_size + m, y * u_size + m),
    197. ((x + 1) * u_size - m, y * u_size + m),
    198. ((x + 1) * u_size - m, (y + 1) * u_size - m),
    199. (x * u_size + m, (y + 1) * u_size - m)]
    200. rect = rendering.FilledPolygon(v)
    201. r = self.grids.get_reward(x, y) / 10
    202. if r < 0:
    203. rect.set_color(0.9 - r, 0.9 + r, 0.9 + r)
    204. elif r > 0:
    205. rect.set_color(0.3, 0.5 + r, 0.3)
    206. else:
    207. rect.set_color(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)
    208. self.viewer.add_geom(rect)
    209. # 绘制边框
    210. v_outline = [(x * u_size + m, y * u_size + m),
    211. ((x + 1) * u_size - m, y * u_size + m),
    212. ((x + 1) * u_size - m, (y + 1) * u_size - m),
    213. (x * u_size + m, (y + 1) * u_size - m)]
    214. outline = rendering.make_polygon(v_outline, False)
    215. outline.set_linewidth(3)
    216. if self._is_end_state(x, y):
    217. # 给终点方格添加金黄色边框
    218. outline.set_color(0.9, 0.9, 0)
    219. self.viewer.add_geom(outline)
    220. if self.start[0] == x and self.start[1] == y:
    221. outline.set_color(0.5, 0.5, 0.8)
    222. self.viewer.add_geom(outline)
    223. if self.grids.get_type(x, y) == 1: # 障碍格子用深灰色表示
    224. rect.set_color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
    225. else:
    226. pass
    227. # 绘制个体
    228. self.agent = rendering.make_circle(u_size / 4, 30, True)
    229. self.agent.set_color(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    230. self.viewer.add_geom(self.agent)
    231. self.agent_trans = rendering.Transform()
    232. self.agent.add_attr(self.agent_trans)
    233. # 更新个体位置
    234. x, y = self._state_to_xy(self.state)
    235. self.agent_trans.set_translation((x + 0.5) * u_size, (y + 0.5) * u_size)
    236. return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array= mode == 'rgb_array')
    237. # 环境参数设定
    238. class Agent():
    239. def __init__(self, env):
    240. self.episode = 1
    241. self.Q = {}
    242. self.actions = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    243. self.position = env.start
    244. self.model = {}
    245. def make_model(self, pos, act, reward, next_state):
    246. self.model["{0},{1}".format(pos, act)] = "{0},{1}".format(reward, next_state)
    247. def q_planning(self,n):
    248. for i in range(0, n):
    249. a = [i for i in self.model.keys()]
    250. done=False
    251. if a != []:
    252. str = choice(a)
    253. pos = str.split(",")[0]+","+str.split(",")[1]
    254. act = int(str.split(",")[2])
    255. reward = float(self.model[str].split(",")[0])
    256. next_state = self.model[str].split(",")[1]+","+self.model[str].split(",")[2]
    257. if next_state == "(8,5)" or next_state == "(1,6)":
    258. done = True
    259. self.updateQ(pos,act,next_state,reward,done)
    260. def chaxunQ(self, pos, act):
    261. judge = False
    262. for i in self.Q:
    263. if i == "{0},{1}".format(pos, act):
    264. judge = True
    265. break
    266. if judge == True:
    267. return True
    268. else:
    269. self.Q["{0},{1}".format(pos, act)] = float(format(random()/10000, '.3f'))
    270. return
    271. # 更新状态动作值Q函数
    272. def updateQ(self, pos,action,next_pos,reward,done):
    273. if done == False:
    274. self.chaxunQ(pos, action)
    275. old_q = self.Q["{0},{1}".format(pos, action)]
    276. action1 = self.performmax(next_pos)
    277. new_q = self.Q["{0},{1}".format(next_pos, action1)]
    278. old_q = old_q + 0.1 * (reward+0.9 * new_q - old_q)
    279. self.Q["{0},{1}".format(pos, action)] = float(format(old_q, '.3f'))
    280. else:
    281. self.chaxunQ(pos, action)
    282. self.Q["{0},{1}".format(pos, action)] = float(format(reward, '.3f'))
    283. # 动作选取策略
    284. def perform(self, pos):
    285. eplison = random()
    286. self.chaxunQ(pos, choice([0, 1, 2, 3]))
    287. if eplison > 1/self.episode:
    288. maxq = -1000
    289. act = ""
    290. for i in self.Q:
    291. list = i.split(",")
    292. state = list[0] + "," + list[1]
    293. if state == str(pos):
    294. if self.Q[i] > maxq:
    295. maxq = self.Q[i]
    296. act = list[2]
    297. return int(act)
    298. else:
    299. return choice([0, 1, 2, 3])
    300. # argmaxQ
    301. def performmax(self, pos):
    302. maxq = -1000
    303. str1 = ""
    304. self.chaxunQ(pos,choice([0,1,2,3]))
    305. for i in self.Q:
    306. list = i.split(",")
    307. state = list[0]+","+list[1]
    308. if state == str(pos):
    309. if self.Q[i] > maxq:
    310. maxq = self.Q[i]
    311. str1 = list[2]
    312. return int(str1)
    313. def run(n):
    314. agent = Agent(env)
    315. total_j = 0
    316. total_r = 0
    317. a = []
    318. b = []
    319. env.refresh_setting()
    320. for i in range(0, 300):
    321. done = False
    322. env.reset()
    323. r = 0
    324. j = 0
    325. while done == False and j < 50:
    326. j = j + 1
    327. state = env._state_to_xy(env.state)
    328. action = agent.perform(state)
    329. next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
    330. next_state = env._state_to_xy(next_state)
    331. # 更新模型
    332. agent.make_model(state, action, reward, next_state)
    333. # 更新Q值
    334. agent.updateQ(state, action, next_state, reward, done)
    335. r += reward
    336. # 模型规划
    337. agent.q_planning(n)
    338. if i >= 2:
    339. total_r += r
    340. a.append(total_r)
    341. agent.episode += 1
    342. action_Q = {}
    343. for i in sorted(list(agent.Q.keys()), key=lambda x: [x[1], x[4], x[5], x[-1]]):
    344. action_Q[i] = agent.Q[i]
    345. print("n={0}:Q值{1}".format(n, action_Q))
    346. # P_A:状态采取策略
    347. P_A = {}
    348. Q_keys = list(action_Q.keys())
    349. for i in range(0, len(Q_keys)-4, 4):
    350. temp_action_list = []
    351. max_a_value = max(action_Q[Q_keys[j]] for j in range(i, i+4))
    352. # temp_num:标记四个动作最大值
    353. temp_num = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    354. # PA:四个动作概率
    355. PA = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    356. for k in range(i, i+4):
    357. if action_Q[Q_keys[k]] == max_a_value:
    358. temp_action_list.append(Q_keys[k])
    359. temp_num[k-i] = 1
    360. valid_action_p = round(1/len(temp_action_list), 2)
    361. for m in range(4):
    362. if temp_num[m] == 1:
    363. PA[m] = valid_action_p
    364. P_A[Q_keys[i][0:-2]] = PA
    365. print("Q_A: ", P_A)
    366. total_j += j
    367. b.append(j)
    368. return a
    369. if __name__ == "__main__":
    370. n_width = 11
    371. n_height = 7
    372. default_reward = -0.1
    373. env = GridWorldEnv(n_width, n_height, default_reward=default_reward)
    374. env.types = [(1, 2, 1), (2, 2, 1), (3, 2, 1), (4, 2, 1), (5, 2, 1), (6, 2, 1), (7, 2, 1), (8, 2, 1), (9, 2, 1),
    375. (10, 2, 1)]
    376. env.rewards = [(8, 5, 1), (1, 6, 1)] # 奖赏值设定
    377. env.start = (4, 0) # 机器人出发点坐标
    378. env.ends = [(8, 5), (1, 6)] # 吸入状态坐标
    379. env.refresh_setting()
    380. for i in range(0, 2):
    381. print("episode=", i+1)
    382. run(0)
    383. for i in range(0, 2):
    384. print("episode=", i+1)
    385. run(50)

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/jiebaoshayebuhui/article/details/128018045