使用Q-Learning算法解决确定环境中的扫地机器人问题 参数设置与之前相同 使用贪心策略
- #Q-learning算法
- from 扫地机器人gym环境 import GridWorldEnv
- import numpy as np
- np.random.seed(1)
- env = GridWorldEnv()
- #有效动作空间
- def vilid_action_space(s):
- action_sacpe = []
- if s % 5 != 0:#左
- action_sacpe.append(0)
- if s % 5 != 4:#右
- action_sacpe.append(1)
- if s <= 19:#上
- action_sacpe.append(2)
- if s >= 5:#下
- action_sacpe.append(3)
- return action_sacpe
- def policy_epsilon_greedy(s, Q, epsilon):
- Q_s = Q[s]
- action = vilid_action_space(s)
- if np.random.rand() < epsilon:
- a = np.random.choice(action)
- else:
- index_a = np.argmax([Q_s[i] for i in action])
- a = action[index_a]
- return a
- def trans1(Q_S):
- new_Q = []
- new_Q.append(Q_S[2])
- new_Q.append(Q_S[3])
- new_Q.append(Q_S[0])
- new_Q.append(Q_S[1])
- return new_Q
- def trans(Q_S):
- new_Q = []
- new_Q.append(round(Q_S[2],3))
- new_Q.append(round(Q_S[3],3))
- new_Q.append(round(Q_S[0],3))
- new_Q.append(round(Q_S[1],3))
- return new_Q
- def print_dd(s, a, next_s, print_len, episode_i, Q,e_k,a_k):
- for i in range(2):
- if episode_i == int(print_len * (0.1 * i + 1)):
- if s == 15 and a == 3 and next_s == 10:
- print("*********************************单步的计算过程***************************************")
- print("alpha:"+str(a_k))
- print("epsilon:"+str(e_k))
- print("state:" + str(int(print_len * (0.1 * i + 1))))
- print("Q(%d,%d)"%(s,a))
- print(Q[s][a])
- print("Q(%d,*)"%(next_s))
- print(trans1(Q[next_s]))
- print('output:'+str(Q[s][a] + a_k * (0.8 * np.max(Q[next_s]) - Q[s, a])))
- def print_ff(list_q, Q, episode_i,epsilon_k,alpha_k):
- list_s = range(0,25)
- for em in list_q:
- if em == episode_i:
- print("*******************************情节数:%s*******************************"%(str(em)))
- for state in list_s:
- print("Q(%d,*)"%(state) + str(trans(Q[state])))
- action = vilid_action_space(state)
- len_a = len(action)
- e_p = epsilon_k / float(len_a)
- max_a = np.argmax(Q[state])
- prob = []
- index_a = np.argmax([Q[state][i] for i in action])
- for i in range(4):#计算epsilon
- if i not in action:
- prob.append(0.0)
- else:
- if i == action[index_a]:
- prob.append(1 - epsilon_k + e_p)
- else:
- prob.append(e_p)
- print('概率值:' + str(trans(prob)))
- print("epsilon_k: {}".format(epsilon_k))
- print("alpha_k:{}".format(alpha_k))
- def Attenuation(epsilon,alpha,episode_sum,episode):
- epsilon = (float(episode_sum) - float(episode)) / float(episode_sum) * epsilon
- alpha = (float(episode_sum) - float(episode)) / float(episode_sum) * alpha
- return epsilon, alpha
- while not done:
- a = policy_epsilon_greedy(s, Q, epsilon_k)
- next_s, r, done, _ = env.step(a)
- print_dd(s, a, next_s, 10000, episode_i, Q, epsilon_k, alpha_k)
- Q[s, a] += alpha_k * (r + gamma * np.max(Q[next_s]) - Q[s, a])
- s = next_s
- return Q
- Q = Q_Learning(env, 25000, 0.05, 0.8, 0.5)
下面利用期望Sarsa算法解决确定环境扫地机器人问题 背景与前面相同 不再赘述
- # 期望Sarsa算法
- from 扫地机器人gym环境 import GridWorldEnv
- import numpy as np
- from queue import Queue
- np.random.seed(1)
- env = GridWorldEnv()
- # 有效动作空间
- def vilid_action_space(s):
- action_sacpe = []
- if s % 5 != 0: # 左
- action_sacpe.append(0)
- if s % 5 != 4: # 右
- action_sacpe.append(1)
- if s <= 19: # 上
- action_sacpe.append(2)
- if s >= 5: # 下
- action_sacpe.append(3)
- return action_sacpe
- def policy_epsilon_greedy(s, Q, epsilon):
- Q_s = Q[s]
- action = vilid_action_space(s)
- if np.random.rand() < epsilon:
- a = np.random.choice(action)
- else:
- index_a = np.argmax([Q_s[i] for i in action])
- a = action[index_a]
- return a
- def compute_epsion(s, Q, epsilon):
- max_a = np.argmax(Q[s])
- action = vilid_action_space(s)
- len_all_a = len(action)
- prob_l = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- for index_a in action:
- if index_a == max_a:
- prob_l[index_a] = 1.0 - epsilon + (epsilon / len_all_a)
- else:
- prob_l[index_a] = epsilon / len_all_a
- return prob_l
- def compute_e_q(prob, q_n):
- sum = 0.0
- for i in range(4):
- sum += prob[i] * q_n[i]
- return sum
- def trans1(Q_S):
- new_Q = []
- new_Q.append(Q_S[2])
- new_Q.append(Q_S[3])
- new_Q.append(Q_S[0])
- new_Q.append(Q_S[1])
- return new_Q
- def print_dd(s, a, next_s, print_len, episode_i, Q, e_k, a_k):
- for i in range(50):
- if episode_i == int(print_len * ((0.02 * i) + 1)):
- if s == 15 and a == 3 and next_s == 10:
- print("*****************************单步计算过程****************************************")
- print("alpha:" + str(a_k))
- print("epsilon:" + str(e_k))
- print("state:" + str(int(print_len * (1 + (0.02 * i)))))
- print("Q(%d,%d)" % (s, a))
- print(Q[s][a])
- print("Q(%d,*)" % (next_s))
- print(trans1(Q[next_s]))
- prob_l = compute_epsion(next_s, Q, e_k)
- print('概率' + str(trans1(prob_l)))
- Q_e = compute_e_q(prob_l, Q[next_s])
- print('update:' + str(Q[s, a] + a_k * (0.8 * Q_e - Q[s, a])))
- def trans(Q_S):
- new_Q = []
- new_Q.append(round(Q_S[2], 3))
- new_Q.append(round(Q_S[3], 3))
- new_Q.append(round(Q_S[0], 3))
- new_Q.append(round(Q_S[1], 3))
- return new_Q
- def print_ff(list_q, Q, episode_i, epsilon_k, alpha_k):
- list_s = range(0, 25)
- for em in list_q:
- if em == episode_i:
- print("*******************************情节数:%s*******************************" % (str(em)))
- for state in list_s:
- print("Q(%d,*) " % (state) + str(trans(Q[state])))
- action = vilid_action_space(state)
- len_a = len(action)
- e_p = epsilon_k / float(len_a)
- prob = []
- index_a = np.argmax([Q[state][i] for i in action])
- for i in range(4): # 计算epsilon
- if i not in action:
- prob.append(0.0)
- else:
- if i == action[index_a]:
- prob.append(1 - epsilon_k + e_p)
- else:
- prob.append(e_p)
- print('概率值:' + str(trans(prob)))
- print("epsilon_k: {}".format(epsilon_k))
- print("alpha_k:{}".format(alpha_k))
- def Attenuation(epsilon, alpha, episode_sum, episode):
- epsilon = (float(episode_sum) - float(episode)) / float(episode_sum) * epsilon
- alpha = (float(episode_sum) - float(episode)) / float(episode_sum) * alpha
- return epsilon, alpha
- def Expectation_sarsa(env, episode_num, alpha, gamma, epsilon):
- Q = np.zeros((env.n_width * env.n_height, env.action_space.n))
- Q_queue = Queue(maxsize=11)
- lon_k, alpha_k)
- prob_l = compute_epsion(next_s, Q, epsilon_k)
- Q_e = compute_e_q(prob_l, Q[next_s])
- Q[s, a] += alpha_k * (r + gamma * Q_e - Q[s, a])
- s = next_s
- return Q
- Q = Expectation_sarsa(env, 20000, 0.05, 0.8, 0.5)
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