由于实验数据在 ‘.mat’ 文件中,改文件在root目录下的二级目录中。
load(TemperatureMatFile, 'temperature_series'); % 加载数据
Time = temperature_series(1,:);
T1 = temperature_series(3,:);
% TF = ischange(T1, 'mean', 'Threshold',10);
% pts=findchangepts(T1,'Statistic','linear','MinThreshold',30);
% T1_med = medfilt1(T1,7); % 数据平滑
T1_med = transpose( smooth(T1,17) );
NumThreshold = 20; % compare the N+NumThreshold with N for slope
T1_tmp = T1_med(NumThreshold+1 :end ) - T1_med(1:end-NumThreshold);
T1_slope = T1_tmp / (0.005*NumThreshold); % 0.005 for 200 Hz sampling rate
% T1_slope_smooth = medfilt1(T1_slope, 5);
T1_slope_smooth = transpose( smooth(T1_slope, 17) );
[pks,locs] = findpeaks(T1, 'MinPeakDistance', 1000, 'MinPeakHeight', 60) ; % 找到peek
ind_1 = 1;
ind_2 = ind_1;
if isempty(locs) % .mat 文件没有存储加热到60度的话直接丢弃,返回空
ExpResult = struct.empty;
for i = 1:length(locs)
ind_1 = ind_2; % 一个文件中有多次实验,前一个实验冷却结束时间是后一次加热备选区间
ind_2 = locs(i);
% heating section
index = false(1,(length(T1)-NumThreshold));
index(ind_1:ind_2) = true; % 本次分析所提取的数据,针对一个文件中有多次实验
% heating start below 25 degC are not guaranteed
heat_start = find(T1(index)<25, 1, 'last')+ ind_1;
if isempty(heat_start) % 由于加热不一定每次都是从 25度开始加热,
heat_start = find(T1_slope_smooth(index)>2, 1, 'first') + ind_1; %这个 大于2 是绘制了 斜率曲线后 决定的,需要尝试
heat_stop = find(T1(index)<60, 1, 'last') + ind_1;
heat_time(i) = Time(heat_stop) - Time(heat_start);
heat_T(i,1) = T1(heat_start);
heat_T(i,2) = T1(heat_stop);
heat_ind(i,1)= heat_start;
heat_ind(i,2)= heat_stop;
% cooling section
index = false(1,(length(T1)-NumThreshold));
index(ind_2:length(T1)-NumThreshold) = true;
cool_start = find(T1(index)<60, 1, 'first') +ind_2;
index(ind_2:cool_start) = false; % cooling stop point larger than cooling start
% cooling to 25 degC are not guaranteed
cool_stop = find(T1(index)<25, 1, 'first') +cool_start;
if isempty(cool_stop) % cooling没有冷却到25度时 通过斜率判断是否稳定,0.2也是绘制斜率曲线后决定的。
cool_stop = find(T1_slope_smooth(index)<0.3 & T1_slope_smooth(index)>0.2, 1, 'first') +cool_start;
if isempty(cool_stop) % 如果没有 0.3 0.2之间的数,再次改变选取精度范围
cool_stop = find(T1_slope_smooth(index)<0.3 & T1_slope_smooth(index)>0, 1, 'first') +cool_start;
cool_time(i) = Time(cool_stop) - Time(cool_start);
cool_T(i,1) = T1(cool_start);
cool_T(i,2) = T1(cool_stop);
cool_ind(i,1)= cool_start;
cool_ind(i,2)= cool_stop;
ind_2 = cool_stop;
% idx = heat_ind(i,1):heat_ind(i,2);
% plot(idx, T1(idx), '--r', 'LineWidth', 1.2);
% idx = cool_ind(i,1):cool_ind(i,2);
% plot(idx, T1(idx), '--b', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
% disp('---')
% pause(0.5)
结构体转table,然后利用 sortrows()
排序,参考MATLAB 矩阵按不同行列排序。