支配集的定义如下:给定无向图G =(V , E),其中V是点集, E是边集, 称V的一个子集S称为支配集当且仅当对于V-S中任何一个点v, 都有S中的某个点u, 使得(u, v) ∈E。对于图G = (V, E) 来说,最小支配集指的是从 V 中取尽量少的点组成一个集合, 使得 V 中剩余的点都与取出来的点有边相连.也就是说,设 V' 是图的一个支配集,则对于图中的任意一个顶点 u ,要么属于集合 V', 要么与 V' 中的顶点相邻. 在 V' 中除去任何元素后 V' 不再是支配集, 则支配集 V' 是极小支配集.称G 的所有支配集中顶点个数最少的支配集为最小支配集,最小支配集中的顶点个数称为支配数.
最小支配集(minimal dominating set):对于图G=(V,E)来说,设V'是图G的一个支配集,则对于图中的任意一个顶点u,要么属于集合V',要么与V'中的顶点相连。在V'中除去任何元素后V'不再是支配集,则支配集V'是极小支配集。称G中所有支配集中顶点个数最少的支配集为最小支配集,最小支配集中的顶点个数称为支配数。
- tempall=1;
- temp_self=Neighbor_hop2(:,:,1)*0;%2 hop's information
- for i=1:Node_Num
- if Color_N(i,1)==4||Color_N(i,1)==2
- temp_self=temp_self*0;%2 hop's information
- %node i formulation the 2_hop connected graph
- for n=1:d1(i,1)
- temp2=d1(d1(i,n+1),1);
- temp_count=1;
- state=1;
- for m=2:temp2+1
- temp_self(n,1)=d1(i,n+1);
- temp=Neighbor_hop2(n,m,i);
- state=1;
- for p=1:d1(i,1)
- if temp==i
- state=0;
- break;
- elseif temp==d1(i,p+1)
- state=0;
- break;
- end
- end
- if state==1
- temp_count=temp_count+1;
- temp_self(n,temp_count)=temp;
- end
- end
- end
- %%
- %chose some node in two_hops of node i to connect the2_hop's dominating nodes
- Already_handle=zeros(Max_Degree*Max_Degree,1);
- Already_handle_result=Already_handle;
- handle_count=0;
- for n=1:d1(i,1)
- if temp_self(n,1)==0;
- break;
- end
- for m=2:Max_Degree+1
- if temp_self(n,m)==0
- break;
- end
- if Color_N(temp_self(n,m),1)==4||Color_N(temp_self(n,m),1)==2
- state=0;
- for p=1:handle_count
- if Already_handle(p,1)==temp_self(n,m)
- state=1;
- if Already_handle_result(p,1)==0
- break;
- else
- if Color_N(temp_self(n,1))==2||Color_N(temp_self(n,1))==4
- Already_handle_result(p,1)=0;
- break;
- elseif d1(temp_self(n,1),1)>d1(Already_handle_result(p,1),1)
- Already_handle_result(p,1)=temp_self(n,1);
- elseif d1(temp_self(n,1),1)==d1(Already_handle_result(p,1),1)
- if temp_self(n:1)
- Already_handle_result(p,1)=temp_self(n,1);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if state==0;
- if Color_N(temp_self(n,1))==2||Color_N(temp_self(n,1))==4
- Already_handle(handle_count+1,1)=temp_self(n,m);
- Already_handle_result(handle_count+1,1)=0;
- handle_count=handle_count+1;
- else
- Already_handle(handle_count+1,1)=temp_self(n,m);
- Already_handle_result(handle_count+1,1)=temp_self(n,1);
- handle_count=handle_count+1;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for n=1:handle_count
- if Already_handle_result(n,1)==0
- else
- Color_N(Already_handle_result(n,1))=6;
- temp1=Already_handle_result(n,1);
- temp2=Already_handle(n,1);
- plot([Posxy(i,1),Posxy(temp1,1)],[Posxy(i,2),Posxy(temp1,2)],'o-.c')
- plot([Posxy(temp2,1),Posxy(temp1,1)],[Posxy(temp2,2),Posxy(temp1,2)],'o-.c')
- end
- end
- %%
- %node i formulation the 3_hop connected graph
- Already_handle2=zeros(Max_Degree*Max_Degree*Max_Degree,1);
- handle_count2=0;
- Already_handle2_reult=zeros(Max_Degree*Max_Degree*Max_Degree,2);
- for n=1:d1(i,1)
- if temp_self(n,1)==0;
- break;
- end
- for m=2:Max_Degree+1
- if temp_self(n,m)==0
- break;
- end
- for p=1:d1(temp_self(n,m),1)
- temp_node=d1(temp_self(n,m),p+1);
- if Color_N(temp_node)==2||Color_N(temp_node)==4
- state_in=0;
- % it is one of 2hops neighboor of nod i if state_in==1;
- for n2=1:d1(i,1)
- if temp_self(n2,1)==0
- break;
- end
- if temp_self(n2,1)==temp_node
- state_in=1;
- break;
- end
- for m2=2:Max_Degree+1
- if temp_self(n2,m2)==0
- break;
- end
- if temp_self(n2,m2)==temp_node
- state_in=1;
- break;
- end
- end
- if state_in==1
- break;
- end
- end
- % it is one of 2hops neighboor of nod i if
- % state_in==0, then we get the rout from there.
- if state_in==0
- state_in2=0;
- for q=1:handle_count2
- if temp_node==Already_handle2(q,1)
- state_in2=1;
- temp1=Already_handle2_reult(q,1);
- temp2=Already_handle2_reult(q,2);
- temp3=temp_self(n,1);
- temp4=temp_self(n,m);
- if temp1==0
- break;
- %do nothing
- else
- if Color_N(temp3,1)==2||Color_N(temp3,1)==4||Color_N(temp4,1)==2||Color_N(temp4,1)==4
- Already_handle2_reult(q,1)=0;
- Already_handle2_reult(q,2)=0;
- else
- a=d1(temp3,1)+d1(temp4,1);
- b=d1(temp1,1)+d1(temp2,1);
- if a>b
- Already_handle2_reult(q,1)=temp3;
- Already_handle2_reult(q,2)=temp4;
- elseif a==b
- if temp3+temp4
- Already_handle2_reult(q,1)=temp3;
- Already_handle2_reult(q,2)=temp4;
- else
- %do nothing
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if state_in2==1
- break;
- end
- end
- if state_in2==0;
- handle_count2=handle_count2+1;
- Already_handle2(handle_count2,1)=temp_node;
- temp1=temp_self(n,1);
- temp2=temp_self(n,m);
- if Color_N(temp1,1)==2||Color_N(temp1,1)==4||Color_N(temp2,1)==2||Color_N(temp2,1)==4
- Already_handle2_reult(handle_count2,1)=0;
- Already_handle2_reult(handle_count2,2)=0;
- else
- Already_handle2_reult(handle_count2,1)=temp_self(n,1);
- Already_handle2_reult(handle_count2,2)=temp_self(n,m);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for n=1:handle_count2
- if Already_handle2_reult(n,1)==0
- else
- Color_N(Already_handle2_reult(n,1),1)=7;
- Color_N(Already_handle2_reult(n,2),1)=7;
- temp1=Already_handle2_reult(n,1);
- temp2=Already_handle2_reult(n,2);
- temp3=Already_handle2(n,1);
- plot([Posxy(i,1),Posxy(temp1,1)],[Posxy(i,2),Posxy(temp1,2)],'o-.b')
- plot([Posxy(temp2,1),Posxy(temp1,1)],[Posxy(temp2,2),Posxy(temp1,2)],'o-.b')
- plot([Posxy(temp2,1),Posxy(temp3,1)],[Posxy(temp2,2),Posxy(temp3,2)],'o-.b')
- end
- end
- end
- end
- A_037