• 多目标优化生态调度结果的预测方法研究——基于新蝙蝠算法(Matlab代码实现)



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    大多数蝙蝠使用恒定频率信号进行回声定位,信号的大小取决于目标猎物。蝙蝠发出的脉冲持续时间很短,一般在8~10 ms之间,其频率通常在25~150 kHz的范围内。正常飞行的过程中,蝙蝠每秒发射10~20个脉冲;而在寻找猎物的过程中,尤其在靠近猎物飞行时,每秒可以发射约200个脉冲。

    蝙蝠算法(Bat Algorithm,BA)是受蝙蝠回声定位捕食行为启发,提出的一种基于迭代优化技术的新型群智能优化算法。该算法自2010年由Yang教授提出以来,因其具有模型简单、收敛速度快、参数少等优点 ,已在工程优化 、模型识别等问题中得到较好的应用,很快得到了国内外学者的广泛关注,成为智能优化算法领域新的研究热点。







    clc; % clear any work or data in the command window
    clear all; % clear all varriable values before use
    close all; % close all open figures

    doc_name = 'ED_result.doc';
    plot_Fcost = 'FuelCostCurve.png';
    plot_Iterr = 'ItterationsCurve.png';
    plot_Ploss = 'PowerLossCurve.png';
    bar_Ploss = 'PowerLossChart.png';
    bar_Fcost = 'FuelCostBar.png';
    hvdc_Losses = 'HVDC_loses.png';
    transmission_modes = ["HVAC","HVDC"];
    source = ["6thermal","4thermal","2wind"];

    % prelocating matrices that change in length
    [power_loss,F_cost,iterrations,sw_loss,cond_loss,tl_loss,F_cost_inst] = deal(zeros);

    demand = [120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420]; % load demands
    load_demand_values = numel(demand); % numel counts the elements of matrix

    print = fopen(doc_name,'w+');

    % variables available to all functions
    global fuel_coefficients B power_demand Pg_limits transmission_type ...
        Cond_loss SW_loss TL_loss convergence_time start_timing DRi URi ...
        n f_cost beta tao time instability inst_const

    % fuel_coefficients matrix having 5 columns of fuel cost coefficients
    fuel_coefficients = [0.00375 2.00 240  0 0;
        0.01750 1.75 200 0 0;
        0.06250 1.00 220 40 0.008;
        0.00834 3.25 200 30 0.009;
        0.02500 3.00 220 0 0;
        0.02500 3.00 190 0 0];
    generator_limits = [50 200;20 80;15 50;10 35;10 30;12 40];
    DRi= [85 22 15 16 9 16];
    URi= [65 12 12 8 6 8];
    beta = 1.75;
    tao = 2.85;
    time = 10; % instability time in seconds
    instability = false(); % set the first calculations to be without instability
    n = length(fuel_coefficients(:,1)); %Returns the length of the fuel_coefficients variable

    for type = 1:numel(transmission_modes)% looping through each mode
        transmission_type = transmission_modes(type);
        fprintf(print,strcat('ECONOMIC DISPATCH FOR _',transmission_type,...
        %% Step 1:finding the B matrix
        loss_coef = [0.000218 0.000103 0.000009 -0.000010 0.000002 0.000027
            0.000103 0.000181 0.000004 -0.000015 0.000002 0.000030
            0.000009 0.000004 0.000417 -0.000131 -0.000153 -0.000107
            -0.000010 -0.000015 -0.000131 0.000221 0.000094 0.000050
            0.000002 0.000002 -0.000153 0.000094 0.000243 -0.000000
            0.000027 0.000030 -0.000107 0.000050 -0.000000 0.000358];
        %% Step 2: getting power demand and setting incremental cost(lamda)
        for idx = 1:load_demand_values
            power_demand = demand(idx);
            disp(strcat('Computing dispatch for >',num2str(power_demand),...
                'MW in >',transmission_type,', ',num2str(load_demand_values...
                -idx),' more values to go...'))
            disp('Working please wait ...')
            %% Step3: Deploying Novel Bat Algorithm (NBA)
            if (min(generator_limits(:,1)) <= power_demand)&&(power_demand <= sum(generator_limits(:,2)))
                % setting the parameters in the basic Novel Bat Algorithm (NBA)
                M = 1000;   %number of iterations
                pop = 30;
                gamma = 0.9;
                alpha = 0.99;
                r0Max = 1;
                r0Min = 0;
                AMax = 2;
                AMin = 1;
                freqDMax = 1.5;
                freqDMin = 0;

                % setting the additional parameters in Novel Bat Algorithm (NBA)
                G = 10;
                probMax = 0.9;
                probMin = 0.6;
                thetaMax = 1;
                thetaMin = 0.5;
                wMax = 0.9;
                wMin = 0.5;
                CMax = 0.9;
                CMin = 0.1;
                if strcmp(transmission_type,'HVDC') %assigning a different B for HVDC
                    B = 0.45*loss_coef;
                    B = loss_coef;


    [1]姜晨. 面向云制造多目标优化资源调度结果的预测方法研究[D].浙江工业大学,2019.DOI:10.27463/d.cnki.gzgyu.2019.000567.

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