Sort problem
INPUT: An array of n integers, denoted as A[0..n − 1]
OUTPUT: The elements of A in increasing order
1: if k ≤ 1 then
2: return ;
3: end if
4: InsertionSort(A, k − 1);//排序前k-1个,要执行n次
5: key = A[k];
6: i = k − 1;
7: while i ≥ 0 and A[i] > key do//将第k个插入,插入时间为O(n)
8: A[i + 1] = A[i];
9: i − −;
10: end while
11: A[i + 1] = key;
证明:T(n) = T(n − 1) + O(n) = O(n^2).
1: //Sort elements in A[l..r]
2: if l < r then
3: m = (l + r)/2; //m denotes the middle point
4: MergeSort(A, l, m );
5: MergeSort(A, m + 1, r);
6: Merge(A, l, m, r); //Combining the sorted arrays
7: end if
Merge (A, l, m, r)
1: //Merge A[l..m] (denoted as L) and A[m + 1..r] (denoted as R).
2: i = 0; j = 0;
3: for k = l to r do
4: if L[i] < R[j] then
5: A[k] = L[i];
6: i + +;
7: if all elements in L have been copied then
8: Copy the remainder elements from R into A;
9: break;
10: end if
11: else
12: A[k] = R[j];
13: j + +;
14: if all elements in R have been copied then
15: Copy the remainder elements from L into A;
16: break;
17: end if
18: end if
19: end for
CountingInversion problem
INPUT: An array A[0..n − 1] with n distinct numbers;
OUTPUT: the number of inversions. A pair of indices i and j
constitutes an inversion if i < j but A[i] > A[j].
Merge-and-Count (L, R)
1: RC = 0; i = 0; j = 0;
2: for k = 0 to ∥L∥ + ∥R∥ − 1 do
3: if L[i] > R[j] then
4: A[k] = R[j];
5: j + +;
6: RC+ = (∥L∥ − i);//这一步就说明,存在前面的数比后面的数大,也就是有逆序对。
7: if all elements in R have been copied then
8: Copy the remainder elements from L into A;
9: break;
10: end if
11: else
12: A[k] = L[i];
13: i + +;
14: if all elements in L have been copied then
15: Copy the remainder elements from R into A;
16: break;
17: end if
18: end if
19: end for