• Go Through an ML project

    Go Through an ML project

    1. Look at the big picture.

    • Frame the Problem
      what exactly is the business objective
    • Select a Performance Measure
      Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) - L2范式
      Mean Absolute Error (MAE) - L1范式
    • Check the Assumptions

    2. Get the data.

    2.1 Create the Workspace

    Anaconda ( Jupyter | Spyder )

    2.2 Download the Data

    Popular open data repositories

    • UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository
    • Kaggle datasets
    • Amazon’s AWS datasets

    Meta portals (they list open data repositories)

    • http://dataportals.org/
    • http://opendatamonitor.eu/
    • http://quandl.com/

    Other pages listing many popular open data repositories

    • Wikipedia’s list of Machine Learning datasets
    • Quora.com question
    • Datasets subreddit

    2.3 Take a Quick Look at the Data Structure

    head()、info()、[‘key’].value_counts() 统计值出现的次数、describe()-shows a summary of the numerical attributes、hist()
    Jupyter’s magic command “%matplotlib inline”

    2.4 Create a Test Set

    pick 20% of the dataset randomly, and set them aside

    train_set, test_set = sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(housing, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
    split = sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3

    3. Discover and visualize the data to gain insights.

    • Visualizing Geographical Data
    • Looking for Correlations
      corr() 查看各个特征与当前特征的关系
      pandas.tools.plotting.scatter_matrix() 查看n个特征两两之间的关系,并plot绘图
    • Experimenting with Attribute Combinations
      such as bedrooms_per_room better than the total number of rooms

    4. Prepare the data for Machine Learning algorithms.

    4.1 Data Cleaning

    • Get rid of the corresponding districts.
      housing.dropna(subset=[“total_bedrooms”]) # option 1
    • Get rid of the whole attribute.
      housing.drop(“total_bedrooms”, axis=1) # option 2
    • Set the values to some value (zero, the mean, the median, etc.)
      比如 #直接设置空值为平均数
      median = housing[“total_bedrooms”].median()
      housing[“total_bedrooms”].fillna(median) # option 3
      或者 #使用Imputer管理转换空值
      imputer = sklearn.preprocessing.Imputer(strategy=“median”)
      X = imputer.fit_transform(housing_num)
      housing_tr = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=housing_num.columns)

    4.2 Handling Text and Categorical Attributes

    convert these text labels to numbers

    • sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder将类别转换成[0, 1, 2,]
    • sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder 将类别转换成OneHot形式
      sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder #1
      sklearn.preprocessing.LabelBinarizer #2
      #1 和 #2 都可以将数值型、文本型数据转为OneHot形式,区别是#1输入二维数组,#2输入一维数组(0.22.x版本之前categories维度判断,#1用的是Max(value)只能处理数值型,升级之后用的是Unique(value)就OK了)

    4.3 Custom Transformers 订制转换


    4.4 Feature Scaling

    • min-max scaling ( subtracting the min value and dividing by the max minus the min )
    • standardization ( subtracts the mean value (so standardized values always have a zero mean), and then it divides by the variance so that the resulting distribution has unit variance )

    标准化对比MAX-MIN来说,异常值的容错性更大;但值域却不在[0, 1]

    4.5 Transformation Pipelines

    • sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline 串行Pipeline
    • sklearn.pipeline.FeatureUnion 并行Pipeline

    5. Select a model and train it.

    5.1 Training and Evaluating on the Training Set

    • underfitting
      select a more powerful model
      better features
      reduce the constraints(regularized) on the model

    • overfitting
      simplify the model
      gather more training data
      reduce the noise in the training data
      add the constraints(regularized) on the model

    5.2 Better Evaluation Using Cross-Validation

    sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_score 交叉训练
    an estimate of the performance of model
    a measure of how precise this estimate is

    5.3 model save ( sklearn.externals.joblib )

    6. Fine-tune your model.

    • Grid Search(超参不多)
      fiddle with the hyperparameters manually 手动调整超参
      sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV 设定多组超参数,自动遍历,对比
    • Randomized Search(超参很多)
      sklearn.model_selection.RandomizedSearchCV 随机的选择组合超参对比
      1,000 iterations,可以迭代一千次,尝试一千个随机值,而不是指定的特定值;在有足够的资源尝新时,可能寻到更好的参数组合
    • Ensemble Methods
    • Analyze the Best Models and Their Errors
    • Evaluate Your System on the Test Set

    7. Present your solution.

    • high‐lighting what you have learned
    • what worked and what did not
    • what assumptions were made
    • what your system’s limitations are
    • document everything
    • create nice presentations with clear visualizations and easy-to-remember statements

    8. Launch, monitor, and maintain your system.

    • check your system’s live performance at regular intervals and trigger alerts when it drops
    • evaluate the system’s input data quality.
    • setting up human evaluation pipelines
    • automating regular model training

    @ WHAT - HOW - WHY

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/huanghaifeng201213/article/details/127991421