知乎 汽车控制需要了解的
MR 中置后驱
更合理的轴重分布 More reasonable axle load distribution
重心低,操控性好 Low center of gravity and good handling
发动机维修方便性差 Poor convenience of engine maintenance
隔音处理困难 Difficult treatment of sound insulation
通常需要卧式内燃机 Horizontal internal combustion engines usually required
输电线路短 Short power transmission route
平坦超低地板 Flat and ultra-low floor
良好的起步和爬坡性能 Good starting and climbing performance
制动力的合理分配 Reasonable distribution of braking force
有利于车内隔音和隔振 Conducive to sound insulation and vibration isolation in the car
控制机构布置困难,内燃机(客车)冷却困难 Difficult arrangement of control mechanism and cooling of internal combustion engine (passenger cars)
当冷却器在前面时,所需的水管较长 When the cooler is in front, the required water pipe is long
排气管短,降噪效果差 Poor noise reduction effect with short exhaust pipe
长加热装置管道 Long heating device pipeline
行李箱空间有限 Limited luggage compartment space
难以将燃油箱布置在安全区域 Difficult to arrange the fuel tank in a safe area
前轮负载小,在冰上驾驶时转向不灵敏 Small front wheel load, and not sensitive steering when driving on ice
4/AWD type powertrain
在不同道路上的良好驾驶性能 Good driving performance on different roads
合理的轴重分布和均匀的轮胎磨损 Reasonable axle load distribution and uniform tire wear
结构复杂,成本高 Complex structure and high cost
驾驶效率低,燃油经济性差 Low driving efficiency and poor fuel economy
Bias ply tire 斜交轮胎 20º - 40º
radial ply tire 子午线轮胎 85º - 90º
•滚动阻力小,节省油耗;Small rolling resistance, saving fuel consumption
•耐磨胎面,使用寿命长;Wear resistant tread, long service life
•径向弹性大,缓冲能力强,有利于提高车辆的乘坐舒适性;Large radial elasticity and strong buffering capacity, conducive to improving the ride comfort of the vehicle
•受到侧向力时,接地面积不变; Unchanged grounding area when subjected to lateral force
•高速转向和驾驶时,良好的地面附着力和稳定性;Good ground adhesion and stability when steering and driving at high speeds
•由于厚胎面和坚固的带束层,因此具有抗刺性和良好的安全性;Stab resistance and good safety due to thick tread and strong belt layer
•适合长期高速行驶,侧壁薄,散热良好。Suitable for long-term high-speed driving with thin sidewall and good heat dissipation
•侧壁薄,易划伤或损坏;Thin sidewall and easy to be scratched or damaged
•受到侧向力时,侧壁柔软且变形较大,导致车辆侧向性能较差;Soft sidewall and large deformation when subjected to lateral force, leading to poor vehicle lateral performance
•由于路拱坚硬,在通过道路接缝时,行驶噪音大,有明显的过轨感;Large driving noise and obvious feeling of passing the rail when passing through the road joint, due to hard crown
•高制造技术要求和高成本。High manufacturing technology requirements and high cost
off-road vehicle 越野车
制动防抱死系统(anti-lock brake system, ABS)
电子稳定性控制(electronic stability control,ESC)
电子助力转向系统(electric power steering, EPS)
自适应巡航控制系统(Adaptive Cruise Control,ACC)
智能车速辅助系统(Intelligent Speed Assistance,ISA)
前向碰撞预警系统(Forward Collision Warning,FCW)
车道偏离报警系统(Lane Departure Warning,LDW)
车道保持系统(Lane Keeping System,LKS)
换道辅助系统(Lane Change Assistance,LCA)
紧急制动系统(Autonomous Emergency Brake,AEB)