• 基于小波变换编码的纹理图像分割








    二、a、 平均灰度(和颜色信息)


    二、b、 纹理特征提取















    1. disp('Preprocessing...');tic;
    2. % Preprocess all
    3. [allfeatures, rDims, cDims, depth] = preprocfast(img);
    4. [samples,olddimensions] = size(allfeatures);
    5. gallfeatures = allfeatures;
    6. % Combine all texture features to use for later thresholding
    7. % Also save all low pass features for later adjacency processing
    8. if depth == 1
    9. texturefeature = max(allfeatures(:,4:11), [], 2);
    10. lowpassfeature = allfeatures(:,3);
    11. lowpassimage = reshape(lowpassfeature, [cDims rDims])';
    12. else
    13. texturefeature = max(allfeatures(:,6:13), [], 2);
    14. lowpassfeature = allfeatures(:,3:5);
    15. lowpassimage(:,:,1) = reshape(lowpassfeature(:,1), [cDims rDims])';
    16. lowpassimage(:,:,2) = reshape(lowpassfeature(:,2), [cDims rDims])';
    17. lowpassimage(:,:,3) = reshape(lowpassfeature(:,3), [cDims rDims])';
    18. end
    19. textures = reshape(texturefeature, [cDims rDims])';
    20. % Principle component based dimensionality reduction of all features
    21. allfeatures = pca(allfeatures, 0.05);
    22. % Choose 10% of samples randomly and save in DATASET
    23. [samples, dimensions] = size(allfeatures);
    24. % We work on ~WORKSAMPLES pixels. If the image has less we use all pixels.
    25. % If not then the appropriate portion of pixels is randomly selected.
    26. worksamples = samples/10;
    27. if worksamples < 10000
    28. worksamples = 10000;
    29. end
    30. if samples < worksamples
    31. worksamples = samples;
    32. end
    33. choose = rand([samples 1]); choose = choose < (worksamples/samples);
    34. dataset = zeros([sum(choose), dimensions]);
    35. dataset(1:sum(choose),:) = allfeatures(find(choose),:); % find(choose) returns array where choose is non zero
    36. disp('Preprocessing done.');t = toc; totalt = totalt + t;
    37. disp([' Original dimensions: ' int2str(olddimensions)]);
    38. disp([' Reduced dimensions by PCA: ' int2str(dimensions)]);
    39. disp([' Image has ' int2str(rDims * cDims) ' pixels.']);
    40. disp([' Using only ' int2str(size(dataset,1)) ' pixels.']);
    41. disp(['Elapsed time: ' num2str(t)]);
    42. disp(' ');
    44. % 1. k-means (on sampled image)
    45. % 2. Use centroids to classify remaining points
    46. % 3. Classify spatially disconnected regions as separate regions
    47. % Segmentation Step 1.
    48. % k-means (on sampled image)
    49. % Compute k-means on randomly sampled points
    50. disp('Computing k-means...');tic;
    51. % Set number of clusters heuristically.
    52. k = round((rDims*cDims)/(100*100)); k = max(k,8); k = min(k,16);
    53. % Uncomment this line when MATLAB k-means unavailable
    54. %[centroids,esq,map] = kmeanlbg(dataset,k);
    55. [map, centroids] = kmeans(dataset, k); % Calculate k-means (use MATLAB k-mean
    56. disp('k-means done.');t = toc; totalt = totalt + t;
    57. disp([' Number of clusters: ' int2str(k)]);
    58. disp(['Elapsed time: ' num2str(t)]);
    59. disp(' ');
    60. % Segmentation Step 2.
    61. % Use centroids to classify the remaining points
    62. disp('Using centroids to classify all points...');tic;
    63. globsegimage = postproc(centroids, allfeatures, rDims, cDims); % Use centroids to classify all points
    64. % Segmentation Step 3.
    65. % Classify spatially disconnected regions as separate regions
    66. globsegimage = medfilt2(globsegimage, [3 3], 'symmetric');
    67. globsegimage = imfill(globsegimage);
    68. region_count = max(max(globsegimage));
    69. count = 1; newglobsegimage = zeros(size(globsegimage));
    70. for i = 1:region_count
    71. region = (globsegimage == i);
    72. [bw, num] = bwlabel(region);
    73. for j = 1:num
    74. newglobsegimage = newglobsegimage + count*(bw == j);
    75. count = count + 1;
    76. end
    77. end
    78. oldglobsegimage = globsegimage;
    79. globsegimage = newglobsegimage;
    80. disp('Classification done.');t = toc; totalt = totalt + t;
    81. disp(['Elapsed time: ' num2str(t)]);
    82. disp(' ');
    84. % Display segments
    85. %figure(1), imshow(globsegimage./max(max(globsegimage)));
    86. figure(1), imshow(label2rgb(globsegimage, 'gray'));
    87. title('Segments');
    88. % Calculate boundary of segments
    89. BW = edge(globsegimage,'sobel', 0);
    90. % Superimpose boundary on original image
    91. iout = img;
    92. if (depth == 1) % Gray image, so use color lines
    93. iout(:,:,1) = iout;
    94. iout(:,:,2) = iout(:,:,1);
    95. iout(:,:,3) = iout(:,:,1);
    96. iout(:,:,2) = min(iout(:,:,2) + BW, 1.0);
    97. iout(:,:,3) = min(iout(:,:,3) + BW, 1.0);
    98. else % RGB image, so use white lines
    99. iout(:,:,1) = min(iout(:,:,1) + BW, 1.0);
    100. iout(:,:,2) = min(iout(:,:,2) + BW, 1.0);
    101. iout(:,:,3) = min(iout(:,:,3) + BW, 1.0);
    102. end
    103. % Display image and segments
    104. figure(2), imshow(iout);
    105. title('Segmented image');
    107. % 1. Find overall textured region using Otsu's method (MATLAB graythresh)
    108. % 2. Save each region and region boundary separately and note index of
    109. % textured regions
    110. % 3. For each textured region, find all adjacent untextured regions and
    111. % save in adjacency matrix. Regions having a significant common border
    112. % are considered adjacent.
    113. % 4. Find similarity between textured and adjacent untextured regions
    114. % using average gray level matching (average color matching). For each
    115. % textured region, drop those adjacent regions which don't match in
    116. % gray level.
    117. disp('Post-processing and automatically selecting source and target regions...');tic;
    118. % POSTPROC Step 1
    119. threshold = graythresh(rescalegray(textures));
    120. bwtexture = textures > threshold;
    121. tex_edges = edge(bwtexture, 'sobel', 0);
    122. figure(3),
    123. if depth == 1
    124. imshow(min(img + tex_edges, 1));
    125. else
    126. imshow(min(img + cat(3, tex_edges, tex_edges, tex_edges), 1));
    127. end
    128. title('Textured regions');
    129. % POSTPROC Step 2
    130. % Save each region in a dimension
    131. % Save each region boundary in a dimension
    132. % For each region which can be classified as a textured region store index
    133. region_count = max(max(globsegimage));
    134. number_tex_regions = 1; tex_list = [];
    135. for region_number = 1:region_count
    136. bwregion = (globsegimage == region_number);
    137. regions(:,:,region_number) = bwregion; % Save all regions
    138. region_boundaries(:,:,region_number) = edge(bwregion, 'sobel', 0);
    139. if ( (sum(sum(bwregion.*bwtexture))/sum(sum(bwregion)) > 0.75) && sum(sum(bwregion)) > (32*32) )
    140. tex_list = [tex_list region_number];
    141. number_tex_regions = number_tex_regions + 1;
    142. end
    143. end
    144. number_tex_regions = number_tex_regions - 1;
    145. % POSTPROC Step 3
    146. % Find texture region adjacency and create an adjacency matrix
    147. for i = 1:size(tex_list, 2)
    148. for j = 1:region_count
    149. if (tex_list(i) ~= j)
    150. boundary_overlap = sum(sum( region_boundaries(:,:,tex_list(i)).*region_boundaries(:,:,j) ));
    151. boundary_total_length = sum(sum( region_boundaries(:,:,tex_list(i)))) + sum(sum(region_boundaries(:,:,j)));
    152. if (boundary_overlap/boundary_total_length > 0) % If overlap is at least 20% of total boundary length
    153. region_adjacency(i,j) = boundary_overlap; % accept it as a boundary
    154. end
    155. end
    156. end
    157. end
    159. region_adj_hard_coded = (region_adjacency - 0.2*repmat(mean(region_adjacency,2), [1 size(region_adjacency,2)])) > 0;
    160. % Copy adjacency into another variable and remove all references to
    161. % textured regions from the adjacency matrix.
    162. region_output = region_adj_hard_coded;
    163. for tex_count = 1:size(tex_list, 2)
    164. region_output(:,tex_list(tex_count)) = 0;
    165. end
    166. % POSTPROC Step 4
    167. % Find similarity between textured and adjacent untextured regions
    168. % (This could be changed to a chi-squared distance between histograms of
    169. % textLP and adjacent by commenting out required code, and uncommenting
    170. % other code, as directed in the source)
    171. % For all textured regions find and save average brightness
    172. for tex_count = 1:size(tex_list, 2)
    173. if depth == 1
    174. tex_avg_bright(tex_count) = sum(sum(regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count)).*lowpassimage)) ...
    175. / sum(sum(regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count))));
    176. % Comment previous and uncomment next line(s) to use histogram
    177. % processing
    178. %tex_hist{tex_count} = histproc(regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count)), lowpassimage);
    179. else
    180. tex_avg_bright(1,tex_count) = sum(sum(regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count)).*lowpassimage(:,:,1))) ...
    181. / sum(sum(regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count))));
    182. tex_avg_bright(2,tex_count) = sum(sum(regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count)).*lowpassimage(:,:,2))) ...
    183. / sum(sum(regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count))));
    184. tex_avg_bright(3,tex_count) = sum(sum(regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count)).*lowpassimage(:,:,3))) ...
    185. / sum(sum(regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count))));
    186. % Comment previous and uncomment next line(s) to use histogram
    187. % processing
    188. % tex_hist{tex_count} = histproc(regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count)), lowpassimage);
    189. end
    190. end
    191. % For all textured regions, consider each non-textured region and update
    192. % adjacency matrix. Keep the relationship if gray levels (colors) are similar and
    193. % drop if the gray levels (colors) don't match.
    194. for tex_count = 1:size(tex_list, 2) % For all textured regions
    195. for adj_reg_count = 1:size(region_adj_hard_coded, 2)
    196. if (region_adj_hard_coded(tex_count, adj_reg_count) > 0)
    197. if depth == 1
    198. region_avg_bright = sum(sum(regions(:,:,adj_reg_count).*lowpassimage)) ...
    199. / sum(sum(regions(:,:,adj_reg_count)));
    200. % Comment previous and uncomment next line(s) to use histogram
    201. % processing
    202. % region_hist = histproc(regions(:,:,adj_reg_count), lowpassimage);
    203. else
    204. region_avg_bright(1) = sum(sum(regions(:,:,adj_reg_count).*lowpassimage(:,:,1))) ...
    205. / sum(sum(regions(:,:,adj_reg_count)));
    206. region_avg_bright(2) = sum(sum(regions(:,:,adj_reg_count).*lowpassimage(:,:,2))) ...
    207. / sum(sum(regions(:,:,adj_reg_count)));
    208. region_avg_bright(3) = sum(sum(regions(:,:,adj_reg_count).*lowpassimage(:,:,3))) ...
    209. / sum(sum(regions(:,:,adj_reg_count)));
    210. % Comment previous and uncomment next line(s) to use histogram
    211. % processing
    212. % region_hist = histproc(regions(:,:,adj_reg_count), lowpassimage);
    213. end
    214. if depth == 1
    215. if abs(tex_avg_bright(tex_count) - region_avg_bright) > 0.2 % Highly similar
    216. region_output(tex_count, adj_reg_count) = 0;
    217. end
    218. % Comment previous and uncomment next line(s) to use histogram
    219. % processing
    220. % if chisq(tex_hist{tex_count}, region_hist) > 0.4
    221. % chisq(tex_hist{tex_count}, region_hist)
    222. % region_output(tex_count, adj_reg_count) = 0;
    223. % end
    224. else
    225. if mean(abs(tex_avg_bright(:,tex_count) - region_avg_bright')) > 0.2
    226. region_output(tex_count, adj_reg_count) = 0;
    227. end
    228. % Comment previous and uncomment next line(s) to use histogram
    229. % processing
    230. % thist = tex_hist{tex_count};
    231. % chisq(thist(:,1),region_hist(:,1))
    232. % chisq(thist(:,2),region_hist(:,2))
    233. % chisq(thist(:,3),region_hist(:,3))
    234. % t = 0.9;
    235. % if (chisq(thist(:,1),region_hist(:,1)) > t) || ...
    236. % (chisq(thist(:,2),region_hist(:,2)) > t) || ...
    237. % (chisq(thist(:,3),region_hist(:,3)) > t)
    238. % region_output(tex_count, adj_reg_count) = 0;
    239. % end
    240. end
    241. end
    242. end
    243. end
    244. disp('Post-processing done.'); t = toc; totalt = totalt + t;
    245. disp(['Elapsed time: ' num2str(t)]);
    246. disp(' ');
    247. disp(['Total time elapsed: ' int2str(floor(totalt/60)) ' minutes ' int2str(mod(totalt,60)) ' seconds.']);
    249. % Display source and target regions.
    250. if depth == 1
    251. imgs = zeros([rDims cDims size(tex_list,2)]);
    252. for tex_count = 1:size(tex_list, 2)
    253. if (sum(region_output(tex_count,:) > 0)) % If we have target patches
    254. imgs(:,:,tex_count) = regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count)).*img; % Save that source patch
    255. for i = 1:size(region_output, 2) % For each region
    256. if (region_output(tex_count, i) > 0) % which is connected to that source patch
    257. imgs(:,:,tex_count) = imgs(:,:,tex_count) + 0.5*regions(:,:,i).*img; % Save the target patch
    258. end
    259. end
    260. figure, imshow(min(imgs(:,:,tex_count) + BW, 1));
    261. ggg{tex_count} = min(imgs(:,:,tex_count) + BW, 1);
    262. title('Potential source and target regions');
    263. end
    264. end
    265. else % depth == 3
    266. count = 1;
    267. for tex_count = 1:size(tex_list, 2)
    268. if (sum(region_output(tex_count,:) > 0)) % If we have target patches
    269. tmp(:,:,1) = regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count)).*img(:,:,1);
    270. tmp(:,:,2) = regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count)).*img(:,:,2);
    271. tmp(:,:,3) = regions(:,:,tex_list(tex_count)).*img(:,:,3);
    272. imgs{count} = tmp;
    273. for i = 1:size(region_output, 2) % For each region
    274. if (region_output(tex_count, i) > 0) % which is connected to that source patch
    275. tmp(:,:,1) = 0.5*regions(:,:,i).*img(:,:,1);
    276. tmp(:,:,2) = 0.5*regions(:,:,i).*img(:,:,2);
    277. tmp(:,:,3) = 0.5*regions(:,:,i).*img(:,:,3);
    278. imgs{count} = imgs{count} + tmp;
    279. end
    280. end
    281. figure, imshow(min(imgs{count} + cat(3,BW,BW,BW), 1));
    282. ggg{count} = min(imgs{count} + cat(3,BW,BW,BW), 1);
    283. title('Potential source and target regions');
    284. count = count+1;
    285. end
    286. end
    287. end
    288. A11




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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/hlayumi1234567/article/details/127948949