undefined reference to vtable
undefined reference to Abstract_base::~Abstract_base()
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/9.2.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\Users\ssas0e\AppData\Local\Temp\ccwtXlSL.o:abstract_class.cpp:(.text$_ZN13Abstract_baseC2Ev[__ZN13Abstract_baseC2Ev]+0xa): undefined reference to `vtable for Abstract_base'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/9.2.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\Users\ssas0e\AppData\Local\Temp\ccwtXlSL.o:abstract_class.cpp:(.text$_ZN17derived_from_baseC1Ev[__ZN17derived_from_baseC1Ev]+0x4d): undefined reference to `Abstract_base::~Abstract_base()'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/9.2.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\Users\ssas0e\AppData\Local\Temp\ccwtXlSL.o:abstract_class.cpp:(.text$_ZN17derived_from_baseD1Ev[__ZN17derived_from_baseD1Ev]+0x3e): undefined reference to `Abstract_base::~Abstract_base()'
using namespace std;
class Abstract_base
virtual ~Abstract_base();
virtual void interface() const{};
class derived_from_base : public Abstract_base
cout <<"derived ctor" << endl;
~derived_from_base() override
cout << "~ derived dtor" << endl;
void interface() const override{}
int main()
derived_from_base b;
return 1;
是虚函数表,报错说的是 undefined reference to
为什么? 这个表不存在? 还是reference不存在?
当derived_from_base b
我们看下父类构造virtual fucntion
virtual functions
的指针,放在表格中。这个表格称为virtual table
virtual table
. vptr的设定和重置都是由每一个class的constructor 和destructor和copy assignment运算符自动完成的。每个class所关联的type_infor_object(用以支持runtime type identification)也经由virtual table被指出来,通常放在表格的第一个slot
look at your class definition. Find the first non-inline virtual function that is not pure virtual (not “= 0”) and whose definition you provide (not “= default”).
If there is no such function, try modifying your class so there is one. (Error possibly resolved.)
See also the answer by Philip Thomas for a caveat.
Find the definition for that function. If it is missing, add it! (Error possibly resolved.)
If the function definition is outside the class definition, then make sure the function definition uses a qualified name, as in ClassName::function_name.
Check your link command. If it does not mention the object file with that function’s definition, fix that! (Error possibly resolved.)
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each virtual function, then for each non-virtual function, until the error is resolved. If you’re still stuck, repeat for each static data member.
上述代码的错误,是未定义function,只是声明。所以function pointer应该没产生成功,更别说后面的virtual table了。