You have a rooted tree with infinite number of nodes.
At the beginning, the tree has only one node (numbered 1 and is the root node), and every second, each node will add k child nodes. Specifically, if at the xth second this tree has p nodes, and at (x+1)th second, the number of nodes will become (k+1)×p. For the node numbered y(1≤y≤p), the generated k child nodes are numbered in [p+(y−1)×k+1,p+y×k].
Now you want to know the lowest common ancestors of two nodes x,y.
For two nodes u and v of a rooted tree T, the lowest common ancestors LCA(T,u,v) represents a node x such that x is the ancestor of u and v and the depth of x is as large as possible. Here, a node can also be its own ancestor.
The input consists of multiple test cases.
The first line contains a single integer T(1≤T≤10^5), indicating there are T test cases.
In each test case:
The only line contains three positive integers k,x,y(2≤k,x,y≤10^18), representing the parameters and query nodes of the tree.
For each case,the output contains a single number, indicating the the lowest common ancestors of the query nodes.
- 3
- 2 6 7
- 2 4 5
- 3 20 2
- 2
- 1
- 2
你有一个有无限个结点的根树。开始时,树只有一个节点(编号为1,是根节点),每秒钟,每个节点将添加k个子节点。如果在第x秒时,树有p个节点,而在第(x+1)秒时,节点的数量将变为(k+1)*p。对于编号为 y (1≤y≤p)的节点,生成的k个子节点编号为 [p+(y−1)*k+1,p+y*k]。
现在你想知道两个节点 x , y 的最小公共祖先结点。
对于根树 T 的两个节点 u 和 v ,最低的公共祖先 LCA(T,u,v)表示一个节点x,使x是u和v的祖先,并且x的深度尽可能大。在这里,节点也可以是它自己的祖先。
结点数:p = (k+1)^n 因为x , y <= 1e18 所以 p <= 1e18 log(k+1)1e18 = n n ~= 38
long long表示 -2^63到2^63-1
-9223372036854775808~9223372036854775807 (19位数, 9e18 )
所以外层可能会超出long long,使用__int128 详解__int128 - FReQuenter - 博客园 (
直接模拟 , 分别找到样例x , y 的祖上直到根
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- typedef long long ll;
- const ll inf = 1e18+10;
- int n ;
- ll k, x, y;
- vector
vt; -
- void init(){
- vt.clear();
- ll p = 1;
- vt.push_back(1);
- // 当p足够大的时候(k+1)*p会超出long long的表示范围,导致无法与inf比较大小 强制转换为__int128
- while( (__int128)(k + 1) * p < inf ){
- //while( p < inf/(k + 1) ){
- p = (k + 1) * p ;
- vt.push_back(p);
- }
- }
- ll lowerbound(ll a) //二分 找出最大的小于a的数
- {
- int l = 0 , r = vt.size()-1;
- while( l < r )
- {
- int mid = l + r + 1 >> 1;
- if( vt[mid] < a ) l = mid ;
- else r = mid - 1;
- }
- return vt[l];
- }
- void solve(ll a , queue
& q) - {
- while(a != 1){
- q.push(a);
- ll p = lowerbound(a);//找出最大的小于a的数
- a = (a-p-1)/k + 1; //找出父节点 向0取整
- }
- q.push(a);
- }
- int main()
- {
- ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
- cin.tie(0);
- cout.tie(0);
- cin >> n;
- while(n--){
- cin >> k >> x >> y ;
- init();
- queue
q1 , q2 ; - solve(x,q1);
- solve(y,q2);
- while(q1.front() != q2.front()){
- if( q1.front() > q2.front() ) //弹出大值 深入根节点
- q1.pop();
- else q2.pop();
- }
- cout << q1.front() << endl;//相等则为答案
- }
- return 0;
- }