Getting more out of Overleaf
Thanks for signing up for Overleaf recently. We hope you’ve been finding it useful! Here are some key features to help you get the most out of the service:
Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes: In this tutorial we provide a quick and easy first introduction to LaTeX with no prior knowledge required. By the time you are finished, you will have written your first LaTeX document!
Find a beautiful template: If you’re looking for a template or example to get started, we’ve a large selection available in our template gallery, including CVs, project reports, journal articles and more.
Work with your collaborators: One of the key features of Overleaf is the ability to share projects and collaborate on them with other users. Find out how to share your projects with your colleagues in this quick how-to guide.
Join our user feedback program to help us make Overleaf even better!
Thanks again for using Overleaf 😃
Dr. John Hammersley
Co-founder & CEO
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Lyx 结合了 TeX/LaTeX 的灵活性、多功能性以及 GUI 的易用性。使用 Lyx, 可以创建高质量的文档, 例如论文、书籍、研究论文、具有密集数学内容的文档。Lyx 是具有开源许可证的免费软件, 可以在 Linux/Unix、Windows、MacOS 上下载和使用。
TeXstudio(以前称为 TeXMakerX)是一个用于生成 LaTeX 文档的集成编写平台。而且是具有开源许可证的免费软件。TeXstudio 可以在 Linux/Unix、Windows、MacOS 上下载和使用, 还可以自动检测 MikTeX、TeXLive、Ghostscript 和 StandardLaTeX。
VIM-LaTeX 结合了 VIM 和 LaTeX 的优点。该编辑器提供了一个完整的工具列表(LaTeX-suite), 用户可以轻松地使用 VIM-LaTeX。