• warning : ‘__ANDROID_API__‘ macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]

    1. 已启动重新生成...
    2. 1>------ 已启动全部重新生成: 项目: DPF, 配置: Release ARM ------
    3. 1>ANDROID_HOME=C:\\Microsoft\AndroidSDK\25
    4. 1>ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=C:\\Microsoft\AndroidSDK\25
    5. 1>ANT_HOME=
    6. 1>JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Android\jdk\jdk-8.0.302.8-hotspot\jdk8u302-b08
    7. 1>NDK_ROOT=C:\\Microsoft\AndroidNDK\android-ndk-r23c
    8. 1>cJSON.c
    9. 1>In file included from :374:
    10. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    11. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    12. 1> ^
    13. 1>(368,9): note: previous definition is here
    14. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    15. 1> ^
    16. 1>1 warning generated.
    17. 1>ezxml.c
    18. 1>In file included from :374:
    19. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    20. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    21. 1> ^
    22. 1>(368,9): note: previous definition is here
    23. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    24. 1> ^
    25. 1>common\ezxml.c(388,26): warning : unsequenced modification and access to 's' [-Wunsequenced]
    26. 1> while (*(n = ++s + strspn(s, EZXML_WS)) && *n != '>') {
    27. 1> ^ ~
    28. 1>2 warnings generated.
    29. 1>DPF.cpp
    30. 1>In file included from :402:
    31. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    32. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    33. 1> ^
    34. 1>(393,9): note: previous definition is here
    35. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    36. 1> ^
    37. 1>1 warning generated.
    38. 1>7F.cpp
    39. 1>In file included from :402:
    40. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    41. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    42. 1> ^
    43. 1>(393,9): note: previous definition is here
    44. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    45. 1> ^
    46. 1>1 warning generated.
    47. 1>Convert.cpp
    48. 1>In file included from :402:
    49. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    50. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    51. 1> ^
    52. 1>(393,9): note: previous definition is here
    53. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    54. 1> ^
    55. 1>1 warning generated.
    56. 1>Faults.cpp
    57. 1>In file included from :402:
    58. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    59. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    60. 1> ^
    61. 1>(393,9): note: previous definition is here
    62. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    63. 1> ^
    64. 1>1 warning generated.
    65. 1>Json.cpp
    66. 1>In file included from :402:
    67. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    68. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    69. 1> ^
    70. 1>(393,9): note: previous definition is here
    71. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    72. 1> ^
    73. 1>1 warning generated.
    74. 1>Parser.cpp
    75. 1>In file included from :402:
    76. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    77. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    78. 1> ^
    79. 1>(393,9): note: previous definition is here
    80. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    81. 1> ^
    82. 1>1 warning generated.
    83. 1>PCOM.cpp
    84. 1>In file included from :402:
    85. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    86. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    87. 1> ^
    88. 1>(393,9): note: previous definition is here
    89. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    90. 1> ^
    91. 1>1 warning generated.
    92. 1>Seed_Key.cpp
    93. 1>In file included from :402:
    94. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    95. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    96. 1> ^
    97. 1>(393,9): note: previous definition is here
    98. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    99. 1> ^
    100. 1>1 warning generated.
    101. 1>Sim.cpp
    102. 1>In file included from :402:
    103. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    104. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    105. 1> ^
    106. 1>(393,9): note: previous definition is here
    107. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    108. 1> ^
    109. 1>1 warning generated.
    110. 1>Task_Diag.cpp
    111. 1>In file included from :402:
    112. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    113. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    114. 1> ^
    115. 1>(393,9): note: previous definition is here
    116. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    117. 1> ^
    118. 1>1 warning generated.
    119. 1>Xml.cpp
    120. 1>In file included from :402:
    121. 1>(1,9): warning : '__ANDROID_API__' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
    122. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ 28
    123. 1> ^
    124. 1>(393,9): note: previous definition is here
    125. 1>#define __ANDROID_API__ __ANDROID_MIN_SDK_VERSION__
    126. 1> ^
    127. 1>1 warning generated.
    128. 1>DPF.vcxproj -> D:\D-Pro\DPF\\lib\libDPF.so
    129. 1>已完成生成项目“DPF.vcxproj”的操作。
    130. ========== “全部重新生成”: 1 成功,0 失败,0已跳过 ==========
    131. ========== 占用时间 00:06.638 ==========

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/github_37687123/article/details/127898370