双击bin\elasticsearch.bat 启动
控制台中文乱码, 需要在config/jvm.options文件中添加
# ensure UTF-8 encoding by default (e.g. filenames)
在启动过程中可能会出现一些问题, 这里有解决方法地址
issue: Plugin [kibana-8.5.0] is missing a descriptor properties file.
我的elasticsearch version: 8.4.3
kibana version: 8.4.3
在启动过程中可能会找properties文件,在8.4.3版本中并没有这个文件, 文件名为plugin-descriptor.properties,可以copy一下:
# Elasticsearch plugin descriptor file
# This file must exist as 'plugin-descriptor.properties' at
# the root directory of all plugins.
# A plugin can be 'site', 'jvm', or both.
### example site plugin for "foo":
# foo.zip <-- zip file for the plugin, with this structure:
# _site/ <-- the contents that will be served
# plugin-descriptor.properties <-- example contents below:
# site=true
# description=My cool plugin
# version=1.0
### example jvm plugin for "foo"
# foo.zip <-- zip file for the plugin, with this structure:
# .jar <-- classes, resources, dependencies
# .jar <-- any number of jars
# plugin-descriptor.properties <-- example contents below:
# jvm=true
# classname=foo.bar.BazPlugin
# description=My cool plugin
# version=2.0.0-rc1
# elasticsearch.version=2.0
# java.version=1.7
### mandatory elements for all plugins:
# 'description': simple summary of the plugin
description=Kibana for Elasticsearch
# 'version': plugin's version
# 'name': the plugin name
# 'classname': the name of the class to load, fully-qualified.
# 'java.version' version of java the code is built against
# use the system property java.specification.version
# version string must be a sequence of nonnegative decimal integers
# separated by "."'s and may have leading zeros
# 'elasticsearch.version' version of elasticsearch compiled against
# You will have to release a new version of the plugin for each new
# elasticsearch release. This version is checked when the plugin
# is loaded so Elasticsearch will refuse to start in the presence of
# plugins with the incorrect elasticsearch.version.
bin/elasticsearch -E node.name=node1 -E cluster.name=geedtime -E path.data=node1_data
bin/elasticsearch -E node.name=node2 -E cluster.name=geedtime -E path.data=node2_data
ps grep|elasticsearch