• cicids2017数据集训练


    1.1 整合数据并剔除脏数据

    如上图所示,整个数据集是分开的,想要训练,必须要整合在一起,同时在数据集中存在 Nan 和 Infiniti 脏数据(只有第 15 列和第 16 列存在)需要剔除:


    1. import pandas as pd
    2. # 按行合并多个Dataframe数据
    3. def mergeData():
    4. monday = writeData("data\MachineLearningCVE\Monday-WorkingHours.pcap_ISCX.csv")
    5. # 剔除第一行属性特征名称
    6. monday = monday.drop([0])
    7. friday1 = writeData("data\MachineLearningCVE\Friday-WorkingHours-Afternoon-DDos.pcap_ISCX.csv")
    8. friday1 = friday1.drop([0])
    9. friday2 = writeData("data\MachineLearningCVE\Friday-WorkingHours-Afternoon-PortScan.pcap_ISCX.csv")
    10. friday2 = friday2.drop([0])
    11. friday3 = writeData("data\MachineLearningCVE\Friday-WorkingHours-Morning.pcap_ISCX.csv")
    12. friday3 = friday3.drop([0])
    13. thursday1 = writeData("data\MachineLearningCVE\Thursday-WorkingHours-Afternoon-Infilteration.pcap_ISCX.csv")
    14. thursday1 = thursday1.drop([0])
    15. thursday2 = writeData("data\MachineLearningCVE\Thursday-WorkingHours-Morning-WebAttacks.pcap_ISCX.csv")
    16. thursday2 = thursday2.drop([0])
    17. tuesday = writeData("data\MachineLearningCVE\Tuesday-WorkingHours.pcap_ISCX.csv")
    18. tuesday = tuesday.drop([0])
    19. wednesday = writeData("data\MachineLearningCVE\Wednesday-workingHours.pcap_ISCX.csv")
    20. wednesday = wednesday.drop([0])
    21. frame = [monday,friday1,friday2,friday3,thursday1,thursday2,tuesday,wednesday]
    22. # 合并数据
    23. result = pd.concat(frame)
    24. list = clearDirtyData(result)
    25. result = result.drop(list)
    26. return result
    27. # 清除CIC-IDS数据集中的脏数据,第一行特征名称和含有Nan、Infiniti等数据的行数
    28. def clearDirtyData(df):
    29. dropList = df[(df[14]=="Nan")|(df[15]=="Infinity")].index.tolist()
    30. return dropList
    31. raw_data=mergeData()
    32. file = 'data/total.csv'
    33. raw_data.to_csv(file, index=False, header=False)

    将合并文件保存为 total.csv,省去每次训练都要重复操作的步骤

    1.2 分析数据

    在 panda 库中,dataframe 类型有一个很好用的函数 value_counts,可以用来统计标签数量,加载 total.csv 得到 raw_data,运行下面代码:

    1. # 得到标签列索引
    2. last_column_index = raw_data.shape[1] - 1
    3. print(raw_data[last_column_index].value_counts())



    1.3 平衡数据集


    由于上述方法不好整,我只好用一个不算方法的方法去做:复制粘贴,将每个数据集扩充到 5000 条以上(其实本质上类似于重采样),具体代码如下:

    1. import pandas as pd
    2. # 根据file读取数据
    3. def writeData(file):
    4. print("Loading raw data...")
    5. raw_data = pd.read_csv(file, header=None,low_memory=False)
    6. return raw_data
    7. # 将大的数据集根据标签特征分为15类,存储到lists集合中
    8. def separateData(raw_data):
    9. # dataframe数据转换为多维数组
    10. lists=raw_data.values.tolist()
    11. temp_lists=[]
    12. # 生成15个空的list集合,用来暂存生成的15种特征集
    13. for i in range(0,15):
    14. temp_lists.append([])
    15. # 得到raw_data的数据标签集合
    16. label_set = lookData(raw_data)
    17. # 将无序的数据标签集合转换为有序的list
    18. label_list = list(label_set)
    19. for i in range(0,len(lists)):
    20. # 得到所属标签的索引号
    21. data_index = label_list.index(lists[i][len(lists[0])-1])
    22. temp_lists[data_index].append(lists[i])
    23. if i%5000==0:
    24. print(i)
    25. saveData(temp_lists,'data/expendData/')
    26. return temp_lists
    27. # 将lists分批保存到file文件路径下
    28. def saveData(lists,file):
    29. label_set = lookData(raw_data)
    30. label_list = list(label_set)
    31. for i in range(0,len(lists)):
    32. save = pd.DataFrame(lists[i])
    33. file1 = file+label_list[i]+'.csv'
    34. save.to_csv(file1,index=False,header=False)
    35. def lookData(raw_data):
    36. # 打印数据集的标签数据数量
    37. last_column_index = raw_data.shape[1] - 1
    38. print(raw_data[last_column_index].value_counts())
    39. # 取出数据集标签部分
    40. labels = raw_data.iloc[:, raw_data.shape[1] - 1:]
    41. # 多维数组转为以为数组
    42. labels = labels.values.ravel()
    43. label_set = set(labels)
    44. return label_set
    45. # lists存储着15类数据集,将数据集数量少的扩充到至少不少于5000条,然后存储起来。
    46. def expendData(lists):
    47. totall_list = []
    48. for i in range(0,len(lists)):
    49. while len(lists[i])<5000:
    50. lists[i].extend(lists[i])
    51. print(i)
    52. totall_list.extend(lists[i])
    53. saveData(lists,'data/expendData/')
    54. save = pd.DataFrame(totall_list)
    55. file = 'data/expendData/totall_extend.csv'
    56. save.to_csv(file, index=False, header=False)
    57. file = 'data/clearData/total.csv'
    58. raw_data = writeData(file)
    59. lists = separateData(raw_data)
    60. expendData(lists)


    将这个数据集命名为 total_expend.csv,等使用的时候,我们仔细分析一下两个数据集对于模型训练到底有什么区别。

    2、使用 sklearn 进行训练和测试
    sklearn 分类算法有很多,这里以决策树为例。

    2.1 数据处理

    1. import pandas as pd
    2. import numpy as np
    3. from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, zero_one_loss
    4. from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
    5. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    6. from sklearn import preprocessing
    7. # 加载数据
    8. raw_data_filename = "data/clearData/total_expend.csv"
    9. print("Loading raw data...")
    10. raw_data = pd.read_csv(raw_data_filename, header=None,low_memory=False)
    11. # 随机抽取比例,当数据集比较大的时候,可以采用这个,可选项
    12. raw_data=raw_data.sample(frac=0.03)
    13. # 查看标签数据情况
    14. last_column_index = raw_data.shape[1] - 1
    15. print("print data labels:")
    16. print(raw_data[last_column_index].value_counts())
    17. # 将非数值型的数据转换为数值型数据
    18. # print("Transforming data...")
    19. raw_data[last_column_index], attacks = pd.factorize(raw_data[last_column_index], sort=True)
    20. # 对原始数据进行切片,分离出特征和标签,第1~78列是特征,第79列是标签
    21. features = raw_data.iloc[:, :raw_data.shape[1] - 1] # pandas中的iloc切片是完全基于位置的索引
    22. labels = raw_data.iloc[:, raw_data.shape[1] - 1:]
    23. # 特征数据标准化,这一步是可选项
    24. features = preprocessing.scale(features)
    25. features = pd.DataFrame(features)
    26. # 将多维的标签转为一维的数组
    27. labels = labels.values.ravel()
    28. # 将数据分为训练集和测试集,并打印维数
    29. df = pd.DataFrame(features)
    30. X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df, labels, train_size=0.8, test_size=0.2, stratify=labels)
    31. # print("X_train,y_train:", X_train.shape, y_train.shape)
    32. # print("X_test,y_test:", X_test.shape, y_test.shape)


    • 加载数据
    • 分析数据
    • 非数值型数据转换数值数据
    • 分离特征和标签
    • 数据标准化\归一化\正则化
    • 将这个数据集切分为训练集合测试集

     2.2 训练和测试

    1. import pandas as pd
    2. import numpy as np
    3. from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
    4. from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, zero_one_loss
    5. # 训练模型
    6. print("Training model...")
    7. clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='entropy', max_depth=12, min_samples_leaf=1, splitter="best")
    8. trained_model = clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
    9. print("Score:", trained_model.score(X_train, y_train))
    10. # 预测
    11. print("Predicting...")
    12. y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)
    13. print("Computing performance metrics...")
    14. results = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
    15. error = zero_one_loss(y_test, y_pred)
    16. # 根据混淆矩阵求预测精度
    17. list_diag = np.diag(results)
    18. list_raw_sum = np.sum(results, axis=1)
    19. print("Predict accuracy of the decisionTree: ", np.mean(list_diag) / np.mean(list_raw_sum))

    在 sklearn 中,训练模型和预测模型几乎是一个模板,想要换算法,只需要将上面的算法行替换即可,也就是:

    clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='entropy', max_depth=12, min_samples_leaf=1, splitter="best")



    预测准确率为 99.56,算是很高了。

    2.3 测试 total.csv 和 total_expend.csv 的区别
    上面一节采用的数据集是 total.csv,也就是数据不平衡的数据集,但是从结果来看,其准确率很高,达到了 99.56%,然而,评价一个模型,准确率只是一个指标而已,我们来打印一下其混淆矩阵:


    这是因为数据不平衡,total.csv 数据集中,正常数据(也就是标签为 begin)的数据太多了,占据了几乎 99%的比例,只要它预测正确,那么整个数据集的准确率就会很高,至于其他标签的准确率哪怕再低,也不会有多大影响。

    再来看看如果使用 total_expend.csv 数据集,先看准确率:




    1. class PlotConfusionMatrix:
    2. def plot_confusion_matrix(self,labels,cm, title='Confusion Matrix', cmap=plt.cm.binary):
    3. plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap)
    4. plt.title(title)
    5. plt.colorbar()
    6. xlocations = np.array(range(len(labels)))
    7. plt.xticks(xlocations, labels, rotation=90)
    8. plt.yticks(xlocations, labels)
    9. plt.ylabel('True label')
    10. plt.xlabel('Predicted label')
    11. def prepareWork(self,labels, y_true, y_pred):
    12. tick_marks = np.array(range(len(labels))) + 0.5
    13. cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)
    14. np.set_printoptions(precision=2)
    15. cm_normalized = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    16. plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8), dpi=120)
    17. ind_array = np.arange(len(labels))
    18. x, y = np.meshgrid(ind_array, ind_array)
    19. for x_val, y_val in zip(x.flatten(), y.flatten()):
    20. c = cm_normalized[y_val][x_val]
    21. if c > 0.01:
    22. plt.text(x_val, y_val, "%0.2f" % (c,), color='red', fontsize=7, va='center', ha='center')
    23. # offset the tick
    24. plt.gca().set_xticks(tick_marks, minor=True)
    25. plt.gca().set_yticks(tick_marks, minor=True)
    26. plt.gca().xaxis.set_ticks_position('none')
    27. plt.gca().yaxis.set_ticks_position('none')
    28. plt.grid(True, which='minor', linestyle='-')
    29. plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15)
    30. self.plot_confusion_matrix(labels,cm_normalized, title='Normalized confusion matrix')
    31. # show confusion matrix
    32. # plt.savefig('image/confusion_matrix.png', format='png')
    33. plt.show()
    34. # 绘制混淆矩阵
    35. def plotMatrix(attacks, y_test, y_pred):
    36. # attacks是整个数据集的标签集合,但是切分测试集的时候,某些标签数量很少,可能会被去掉,这里要剔除掉这些标签
    37. y_test_set = set(y_test)
    38. y_test_list = list(y_test_set)
    39. attacks_test = []
    40. for i in range(0, len(y_test_set)):
    41. attacks_test.append(attacks[y_test_list[i]])
    42. p = PlotConfusionMatrix()
    43. p.prepareWork(attacks_test, y_test, y_pred)
    44. # 绘制混淆矩阵图形,attacks是标签列表,y_test是测试结果,y_pred是预测结果
    45. plotMatrix(attacks,y_test,y_pred)


    2.4 调参

    2.4.1 绘制学习曲线调节决策树最优深度

    1. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    2. test = []
    3. for i in range(10):
    4. clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=i+1
    5. ,criterion="entropy"
    6. ,random_state=30
    7. ,splitter="random"
    8. )
    9. clf = clf.fit(Xtrain, Ytrain)
    10. score = clf.score(Xtest, Ytest)
    11. test.append(score)
    12. plt.plot(range(1,11),test,color="red",label="max_depth")
    13. plt.legend()
    14. plt.show()

    2.4.2 网格搜索寻找最优参数组合

      1. #网格搜索:能够帮助我们同时调整多个参数的技术,枚举技术
      2. import numpy as np
      3. gini_thresholds = np.linspace(0,0.5,20)#基尼系数的边界
      4. #entropy_thresholds = np.linespace(0, 1, 50)
      5. #一串参数和这些参数对应的,我们希望网格搜索来搜索的参数的取值范围
      6. parameters = {'splitter':('best','random')
      7. ,'criterion':("gini","entropy")
      8. ,"max_depth":[*range(1,10)]
      9. ,'min_samples_leaf':[*range(1,50,5)]
      10. ,'min_impurity_decrease':[*gini_thresholds]}
      11. clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=25)#实例化决策树
      12. GS = GridSearchCV(clf, parameters, cv=10)#实例化网格搜索,cv指的是交叉验证
      13. GS.fit(Xtrain,Ytrain)
      14. print(GS.best_params_)#从我们输入的参数和参数取值的列表中,返回最佳组合
      15. print(GS.best_score_)#网格搜索后的模型的评判标准

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_33932782/article/details/127864544