• Spectacle源码及分析3 —— Main.cpp解析2

    接前一篇文章《Spectacle源码及分析2 —— Main.cpp解析1》:

    Spectacle源码及分析2 —— Main.cpp解析1_蓝天居士的博客-CSDN博客



    SpectacleCore lCore;


    1. class SpectacleCore : public QObject
    2. {
    3. Q_OBJECT
    4. public:
    5. enum class StartMode {
    6. Gui = 0,
    7. DBus = 1,
    8. Background = 2,
    9. };
    10. explicit SpectacleCore(QObject *parent = nullptr);
    11. ~SpectacleCore() override = default;
    12. void init();
    13. QString filename() const;
    14. void setFilename(const QString &filename);
    15. void populateCommandLineParser(QCommandLineParser *lCmdLineParser);
    16. void initGuiNoScreenshot();
    17. Q_SIGNALS:
    18. void errorMessage(const QString &errString);
    19. void allDone();
    20. void grabFailed();
    21. public Q_SLOTS:
    22. void takeNewScreenshot(Spectacle::CaptureMode theCaptureMode, int theTimeout, bool theIncludePointer, bool theIncludeDecorations);
    23. void showErrorMessage(const QString &theErrString);
    24. void screenshotUpdated(const QPixmap &thePixmap);
    25. void screenshotsUpdated(const QVector &imgs);
    26. void screenshotCanceled();
    27. void screenshotFailed();
    28. void doStartDragAndDrop();
    29. void doNotify(const QUrl &theSavedAt);
    30. void doCopyPath(const QUrl &savedAt);
    31. void onActivateRequested(QStringList arguments, const QString & /*workingDirectory */);
    32. private:
    33. void ensureGuiInitiad();
    34. void initGui(int theDelay, bool theIncludePointer, bool theIncludeDecorations);
    35. Platform::GrabMode toPlatformGrabMode(Spectacle::CaptureMode theCaptureMode);
    36. void setUpShortcuts();
    37. StartMode mStartMode;
    38. bool mNotify;
    39. QString mFileNameString;
    40. QUrl mFileNameUrl;
    41. PlatformPtr mPlatform;
    42. MainWindowPtr mMainWindow = nullptr;
    43. EditorPtr mQuickEditor;
    44. bool mIsGuiInited = false;
    45. bool mCopyImageToClipboard;
    46. bool mCopyLocationToClipboard;
    47. bool mSaveToOutput;
    48. bool mEditExisting;
    49. bool mExistingLoaded;
    50. KWayland::Client::PlasmaShell *mWaylandPlasmashell = nullptr;
    51. };


    1. QCommandLineParser lCmdLineParser;
    2. aboutData.setupCommandLine(&lCmdLineParser);
    3. lCore.populateCommandLineParser(&lCmdLineParser);



    1. // first parsing for help-about
    2. lCmdLineParser.process(app.arguments());
    3. aboutData.processCommandLine(&lCmdLineParser);





    void QGuiApplication::setFallbackSessionManagementEnabled(bool enabled)

    Sets whether QGuiApplication will use fallback session management to enabled.

    This function was introduced in Qt 5.6.


    1. auto disableSessionManagement = [](QSessionManager &sm) {
    2. sm.setRestartHint(QSessionManager::RestartNever);
    3. };

    QSessionManager::setRestartHint的介绍如下(引自QSessionManager — Qt for Python




    Sets the application’s restart hint to hint . On application startup, the hint is set to RestartIfRunning .


    These flags are only hints, a session manager may or may not respect them.

    We recommend setting the restart hint in saveStateRequest() because most session managers perform a checkpoint shortly after an application’s startup.


    1. QObject::connect(&app, &QGuiApplication::commitDataRequest, disableSessionManagement);
    2. QObject::connect(&app, &QGuiApplication::saveStateRequest, disableSessionManagement);

    以下内容引自:QObject::connect 的几种连接方式_也许云知道的博客-CSDN博客_qobject::connect

    QObject::connect 的几种连接方式

    一、使用 SIGNAL、SLOT

    [static] QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoConnection)

    For example

    1. QLabel *label = new QLabel;
    2. QScrollBar *scrollBar = new QScrollBar;
    3. QObject::connect(scrollBar, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),label, SLOT(setNum(int)));

    二、使用 PointerToMemberFunction

    [static] QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method, Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoConnection)

    For example

    1. QLabel *label = new QLabel;
    2. QLineEdit *lineEdit = new QLineEdit;
    3. QObject::connect(lineEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged,label, &QLabel::setText);


    1. // 假设类的槽函数有连个重载,分别为 void Example::func() 、void Example::func(int)
    2. // 我们需要连接 void Example::func(int) ,则
    3. connect(this, somesignal, example, static_cast<void (Example:: *)(int)>(&Example::func));

    三、使用 lambda

    [static] QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)

    For example

    1. void someFunction();
    2. QPushButton *button = new QPushButton;
    3. QObject::connect(button, &QPushButton::clicked, someFunction);

     Lambda expressions can also be used:

    1. QByteArray page = ...;
    2. QTcpSocket *socket = new QTcpSocket;
    3. socket->connectToHost("qt-project.org", 80);
    4. QObject::connect(socket, &QTcpSocket::connected, [=] () {socket->write("GET " + page + "\r\n");});

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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/phmatthaus/article/details/127859845