UE4.26 实现的MotionBlur版本源于SIG2014 COD的分享。笔者基于该分享,结合UE的落地,解析UE版本MotionBlur代码和Shader的实现,有助于理解其中原理。欢迎讨论和指正勘误。
2.1 像素分块,池化每个Tile Velocity的MinMax值
2.2 继续在上阶段的输出上,池化相邻像素区域Velocity的MinMax值
2.3 在池化后的Velocity方向上,进行全屏宽度可变的模糊(MotionBlur)
// 2d velocity, includes camera an object motion
float3 Velocity = Calculate3DVelocity(BasePassInterpolants.VelocityScreenPosition, BasePassInterpolants.VelocityPrevScreenPosition);
float3 Velocity = Calculate3DVelocity(MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition, BasePassInterpolants.VelocityPrevScreenPosition);
float4 EncodedVelocity = EncodeVelocityToTexture(Velocity);
void VelocityFlattenMain(
uint3 GroupId : SV_GroupID,
uint3 DispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID,
uint3 GroupThreadId : SV_GroupThreadID,
uint GroupIndex : SV_GroupIndex)
uint2 PixelPos = min(DispatchThreadId.xy + Velocity_ViewportMin, Velocity_ViewportMax - 1);
float4 EncodedVelocity = VelocityTexture[PixelPos];
float Depth = DepthTexture[PixelPos].x;
float2 Velocity;
if (EncodedVelocity.x > 0.0)
Velocity = DecodeVelocityFromTexture(EncodedVelocity).xy;
else // 使用像素两帧位置差计算Velocity
// Compute velocity due to camera motion.
float2 ViewportUV = ((float2)DispatchThreadId.xy + 0.5) / Velocity_ViewportSize;
float2 ScreenPos = 2 * float2(ViewportUV.x, 1 - ViewportUV.y) - 1;
float4 ThisClip = float4(ScreenPos, Depth, 1);
float4 PrevClip = mul(ThisClip, View.ClipToPrevClip);
float2 PrevScreen = PrevClip.xy / PrevClip.w;
Velocity = ScreenPos - PrevScreen;
Velocity.y *= -MotionBlur_AspectRatio;
float2 VelocityPolar = CartesianToPolar(Velocity);
// If the velocity vector was zero length, VelocityPolar will contain NaNs.
if (any(isnan(VelocityPolar)))
VelocityPolar = float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
bool bInsideViewport = all(PixelPos.xy < Velocity_ViewportMax);
// 11:11:10 (VelocityLength, VelocityAngle, Depth)
float2 EncodedPolarVelocity;
EncodedPolarVelocity.x = VelocityPolar.x;
EncodedPolarVelocity.y = VelocityPolar.y * (0.5 / PI) + 0.5;
// 转化为极坐标,和深度一起写入输出OutVelocityFlatTexture
if (bInsideViewport)
OutVelocityFlatTexture[PixelPos] = float3(EncodedPolarVelocity, ConvertFromDeviceZ(Depth)).xyzz;
// Limit velocity
VelocityPolar.x = min(VelocityPolar.x, MotionBlur_VelocityMax / MotionBlur_VelocityScale);
// 不在ViewPort内的像素赋值2,0,可以保证降采样MinMax阶段,采到的值在有效区间里
float4 VelocityMinMax = VelocityPolar.xyxy;
VelocityMinMax.x = bInsideViewport ? VelocityMinMax.x : 2;
VelocityMinMax.z = bInsideViewport ? VelocityMinMax.z : 0;
Shared[GroupIndex] = VelocityMinMax;
// 采样周围像素,比较保留MinMax
// 本例中 total size = 16x16
if (GroupIndex < 512) Shared[GroupIndex] = MinMaxLengthPolar(Shared[GroupIndex], Shared[GroupIndex + 512]);
if (GroupIndex < 256) Shared[GroupIndex] = MinMaxLengthPolar(Shared[GroupIndex], Shared[GroupIndex + 256]);
// 比较当前共享内存像素位置 与偏移128个index(16x8,下移8行)中的极坐标长度,分别保留最小和最大长度的极坐标
// 二分查找,类比一维空间二分,两倍整除
// 先纵向比较上下半部分的像素,sync
if (GroupIndex < 128) Shared[GroupIndex] = MinMaxLengthPolar(Shared[GroupIndex], Shared[GroupIndex + 128]);
// 0~128中继续二分
// 类似上个if,与偏移64个index(16x4,下移4行)中的极坐标长度,分别保留最小和最大长度的极坐标
if (GroupIndex < 64) Shared[GroupIndex] = MinMaxLengthPolar(Shared[GroupIndex], Shared[GroupIndex + 64]);
// 猜测此处与GPU处理位数有关,对大于32位的GPU安全
// Safe for vector sizes 32 or larger, AMD and NV
// TODO Intel variable size vector
if (GroupIndex < 32) Shared[GroupIndex] = MinMaxLengthPolar(Shared[GroupIndex], Shared[GroupIndex + 32]);
if (GroupIndex < 16) Shared[GroupIndex] = MinMaxLengthPolar(Shared[GroupIndex], Shared[GroupIndex + 16]);
if (GroupIndex < 8) Shared[GroupIndex] = MinMaxLengthPolar(Shared[GroupIndex], Shared[GroupIndex + 8]);
if (GroupIndex < 4) Shared[GroupIndex] = MinMaxLengthPolar(Shared[GroupIndex], Shared[GroupIndex + 4]);
if (GroupIndex < 2) Shared[GroupIndex] = MinMaxLengthPolar(Shared[GroupIndex], Shared[GroupIndex + 2]);
if (GroupIndex < 1) Shared[GroupIndex] = MinMaxLengthPolar(Shared[GroupIndex], Shared[GroupIndex + 1]);
// 将每个线程组最终得到的VelocityMinMax( Shared[0])写入OutVelocityTileTexture的像素位置
if (GroupIndex == 0)
OutVelocityTileTexture[GroupId.xy] = float4(PolarToCartesian(Shared[0].xy), PolarToCartesian(Shared[0].zw));
将2维极坐标数据 继续降采样Spread到更大的矩形上
[numthreads(16, 16, 1)]
void VelocityGatherCS(
uint3 GroupId : SV_GroupID,
uint3 DispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID,
uint3 GroupThreadId : SV_GroupThreadID,
uint GroupIndex : SV_GroupIndex)
uint2 PixelPos = DispatchThreadId.xy;
// +0.5 偏移像素
float2 UV = ((float2)PixelPos.xy + 0.5) * VelocityTile_ExtentInverse;
float4 MinMaxVelocity = VelocityTileTexture[PixelPos];
// 计算VelocityTile的UV
// 池化7x7
// Scatter as gather
for(int x = -3; x <= 3; x++)
for(int y = -3; y <= 3; y++)
// 中间点不采
if (x == 0 && y == 0)
int2 Offset = int2(x,y);
int2 SampleIndex = PixelPos + Offset;
bool2 bInsideViewport = 0 <= SampleIndex && SampleIndex < (int2)VelocityTile_ViewportMax;
if (!all(bInsideViewport))
float4 ScatterMinMax = VelocityTileTexture[SampleIndex];
float2 MaxVelocity = ScatterMinMax.zw;
float2 VelocityPixels = MaxVelocity * MotionBlur_VelocityScaleForTiles;
// 将极坐标转化为对应像素空间的长度、方向。 具体数学依据未找到
float VelocityLengthPixelsSqr = dot(VelocityPixels, VelocityPixels);
float VelocityLengthPixelsInv = rsqrtFast(VelocityLengthPixelsSqr + 1e-8);
float VelocityLengthPixels = VelocityLengthPixelsSqr * VelocityLengthPixelsInv;
float2 VelocityDir = VelocityPixels * VelocityLengthPixelsInv;
// 最后得到屏幕空间上,采样像素位置的MaxVelocityDir
// 此处未找到数学依据,大致是把采样点的步进向量offset, 投影到以采样点的VelocityDir为X轴正方向的坐标系中,得到采样像素的新坐标
// 并且根据VelocityDir计算覆盖像素的矩形QuadExtent(边长比VelocityDir的长度大,可能覆盖很多像素)
// 最后判断,在同一个坐标系下,采样像素的位置是否在VelocityDir覆盖的矩形内=>采样点的MaxVelocityDir是否能覆盖到中心像素(0,0),进行池化
// Project pixel corner on to dir. This is the oriented extent of a pixel.
// 1/2 pixel because shape is swept tile
// +1/2 pixel for conservative rasterization
// 99% to give epsilon before neighbor is filled. Otherwise all neighbors lie on edges of quad when no velocity in their direction.
float PixelExtent = abs(VelocityDir.x) + abs(VelocityDir.y);
float2 QuadExtent = float2(VelocityLengthPixels, 0) + PixelExtent.xx * 0.99;
// Orient quad along velocity direction
// 正交关系
float2 AxisX = VelocityDir;
float2 AxisY = float2(-VelocityDir.y, VelocityDir.x);
// Project this pixel center onto scatter quad
float2 PixelCenterOnQuad;
PixelCenterOnQuad.x = dot(AxisX, Offset);
PixelCenterOnQuad.y = dot(AxisY, Offset);
bool2 bInsideQuad = abs(PixelCenterOnQuad) < QuadExtent;
if (all(bInsideQuad))
MinMaxVelocity = MinMaxLength(MinMaxVelocity, ScatterMinMax);
// 池化结果写在当前位置
if (all(PixelPos.xy < VelocityTile_ViewportMax))
OutVelocityTileTexture[PixelPos] = MinMaxVelocity;
UE切换至 VelocityTileScatter VS、PS版本的条件是,在C++里判断当前帧Velocity的跨度是否过大,超过3个Tile覆盖的屏幕大小时禁用CS版本
// PostProcessMotionBlur.cpp
bool IsMotionBlurScatterRequired(const FViewInfo& View, const FScreenPassTextureViewport& SceneViewport)
const FSceneViewState* ViewState = View.ViewState;
const float ViewportWidth = SceneViewport.Rect.Width();
// Normalize percentage value.
const float VelocityMax = View.FinalPostProcessSettings.MotionBlurMax / 100.0f;
// CS线程组大小16x16,加之模糊采样会从两个方向上进行,所以 *(0.5f / 16.0f)
// Scale by 0.5 due to blur samples going both ways and convert to tiles.
const float VelocityMaxInTiles = VelocityMax * ViewportWidth * (0.5f / 16.0f);
// Compute path only supports the immediate neighborhood of tiles.
const float TileDistanceMaxGathered = 3.0f;
// 当最大速度超过CS Gather支持的距离时,使用Scatter
// Scatter is used when maximum velocity exceeds the distance supported by the gather approach.
const bool bIsScatterRequiredByVelocityLength = VelocityMaxInTiles > TileDistanceMaxGathered;
// Cinematic is paused.
const bool bInPausedCinematic = (ViewState && ViewState->SequencerState == ESS_Paused);
// Use the scatter approach if requested by cvar or we're in a paused cinematic (higher quality).
const bool bIsScatterRequiredByUser = CVarMotionBlurScatter.GetValueOnRenderThread() == 1 || bInPausedCinematic;
return bIsScatterRequiredByUser || bIsScatterRequiredByVelocityLength;
VelocityTileScatter 有两个Drawcall,分别Scatter VelocityMin和VelocityMax,开启深度测试
// Min, Max
for (uint32 ScatterPassIndex = 0; ScatterPassIndex < static_cast<uint32>(EMotionBlurVelocityScatterPass::MAX); ScatterPassIndex++)
const EMotionBlurVelocityScatterPass ScatterPass = static_cast<EMotionBlurVelocityScatterPass>(ScatterPassIndex);
if (ScatterPass == EMotionBlurVelocityScatterPass::DrawMin)
GraphicsPSOInit.BlendState = TStaticBlendStateWriteMask<CW_RGBA>::GetRHI();
GraphicsPSOInit.DepthStencilState = TStaticDepthStencilState<true, CF_Less>::GetRHI();
GraphicsPSOInit.BlendState = TStaticBlendStateWriteMask<CW_BA>::GetRHI();
GraphicsPSOInit.DepthStencilState = TStaticDepthStencilState<true, CF_Greater>::GetRHI();
void VelocityScatterVS(
uint VId : SV_VertexID,
uint IId : SV_InstanceID,
out nointerpolation float4 OutColor : TEXCOORD0,
out float4 OutPosition : SV_POSITION)
OutPosition = float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
// needs to be the same on C++ side (faster on NVIDIA and AMD)
uint QuadsPerInstance = 8;
// remap the indices to get vertexid to VId and quadid into IId
// IID = 该Quad在所有Instance Quads中的索引 IID 范围为 0 ~ QuadsPerInstance * NumInstances
IId = IId * QuadsPerInstance + (VId / 4);
VId = VId % 4; // 0,1,2,3,0..
// triangle A: 0:left top, 1:right top, 2: left bottom
// triangle B: 3:right bottom, 4:left bottom, 5: right top
float2 CornerOffset = float2(VId % 2, VId / 2) * 2 - 1;
// 例举所有情况 0 (-1,-1) 1(1,0) 2(-1,1) 3(1,2)
uint2 PixelPos = uint2(IId % VelocityTile_ViewportMax.x, IId / VelocityTile_ViewportMax.x);
// 剔除超出ViewPort的像素
if (PixelPos.y >= VelocityTile_ViewportMax.y)
OutColor = 0;
float2 SvPosition = PixelPos + 0.5; // 偏移至像素中心
// 采样该像素位置的MinMaxVelocity
float4 MinMaxVelocity = VelocityTileTexture[PixelPos];
OutColor = MinMaxVelocity;
// MotionBlur_VelocityScaleForTiles 与MotionBLur后处理参数Amout直接相关,拉伸偏移长度
float4 MinMaxVelocityPixels = MinMaxVelocity * MotionBlur_VelocityScaleForTiles;
float2 VelocityPixels = MinMaxVelocityPixels.zw; // 取Max
// Is the velocity small enough not to cover adjacent tiles?
if (dot(VelocityPixels, VelocityPixels) * 16 * 16 <= 0.25) //偏移长度x256后小于0.25,认为不会覆盖周围像素,对应像素直接使用MinMaxVelocity
// .... ScreenPosToViewportBias = (0.5f * ViewportSize) + ViewportMin;
// 变换到屏幕空间坐标,需要关于x轴对称 类似[0,1]->[-1,1]
OutPosition.xy = (SvPosition + CornerOffset * 0.5 - VelocityTile_ScreenPosToViewportBias) / VelocityTile_ScreenPosToViewportScale.xy;
OutPosition.z = 0.0002; // zero clips
// 之后与CS版本基本一致,将像素投影到VelocityDir方向
// 极坐标转化成像素矢量(不太明白此处数学关系 原理)
float VelocityLengthPixelsSqr = dot(VelocityPixels, VelocityPixels);
float VelocityLengthPixelsInv = rsqrtFast(VelocityLengthPixelsSqr);
float VelocityLengthPixels = VelocityLengthPixelsSqr * VelocityLengthPixelsInv;
float2 VelocityDir = VelocityPixels * VelocityLengthPixelsInv;
// Project pixel corner on to dir. This is the oriented extent of a pixel.
// 1/2 pixel because shape is swept tile
// +1/2 pixel for conservative rasterization
// 99% to give epsilon before neighbor is filled. Otherwise all neighbors lie on edges of quad when no velocity in their direction.
// dot(abs(VelocityDir), float2(1, 1))
float Extent = abs(VelocityDir.x) + abs(VelocityDir.y);
CornerOffset *= float2(VelocityLengthPixels, 0) + Extent.xx * 0.99;
// 正交AxisX AxisY
// Orient along velocity direction
float2 AxisX = VelocityDir;
float2 AxisY = float2(-VelocityDir.y, VelocityDir.x);
CornerOffset = AxisX * CornerOffset.x + AxisY * CornerOffset.y;
//Scatter:: 将这个quad代表像素的VelocityMinMax,投影到其VelocityMax覆盖的像素位置,一个quad有6个顶点,会多次Scatter
OutPosition.xy = (SvPosition + CornerOffset - VelocityTile_ScreenPosToViewportBias) / VelocityTile_ScreenPosToViewportScale;
// 利用VelocityLength进行深度剔除,确保每个像素存储更小、更大的Velocity
// Depth ordered by velocity length
OutPosition.z = (ScatterPass == VELOCITY_SCATTER_PASS_MAX) ? VelocityLengthPixels : length(MinMaxVelocityPixels.xy);
OutPosition.z = clamp(OutPosition.z / VelocityTile_ScreenPosToViewportScale.x * 0.5, 0.0002, 0.999);
void VelocityScatterPS(
nointerpolation float4 InColor : TEXCOORD0,
out float4 OutColor : SV_Target0)
OutColor = InColor;
通过命令行r.MotionBlurScatter 切换两种方法对比,VelocityLength适中的情况下无明显区别
参考:1.知乎物体运动模糊(motion blur)
2.SIG2014 COD
void MainPS(
in noperspective float4 UVAndScreenPos : TEXCOORD0,
in float4 SvPosition : SV_Position,
out float4 OutColor : SV_Target0)
float2 ColorUV = UVAndScreenPos.xy;
OutColor = MainMotionBlurCommon(ColorUV, floor(SvPosition.xy));
float4 MainMotionBlurCommon(float2 ColorUV, float2 ColorPixelPos)
const uint StepCount = GetStepCountFromQuality() / 2;
const float PixelToTileScale = (1.0 / 16.0);
float Random = InterleavedGradientNoise(ColorPixelPos, 0);
float Random2 = InterleavedGradientNoise(ColorPixelPos, 1);
// [-0.25, 0.25]
float2 TileJitter = (float2(Random, Random2) - 0.5) * 0.5;
// 以上获得随机抖动
// Map color UV to velocity UV space.
float2 VelocityUV = ColorUV * ColorToVelocity_Scale + ColorToVelocity_Bias;
// 计算Tile内的UV, 以供采样MinMax
// Map velocity UV to velocity tile UV space with jitter.
float2 NearestVelocitySvPosition = floor(VelocityUV * Velocity_Extent) + 0.5;
float2 VelocityTileUV = ((NearestVelocitySvPosition - Velocity_ViewportMin) * PixelToTileScale + TileJitter) * VelocityTile_ExtentInverse;
// PixelToTileScale = 1/16 每个线程组线程数
// Velocity tile UV originates at [0,0]; only need to clamp max.
VelocityTileUV = min(VelocityTileUV, VelocityTile_UVViewportBilinearMax);
float4 MinMaxVelocity = VelocityTileTexture.SampleLevel(SharedVelocityTileSampler, VelocityTileUV, 0);
// VelocityScale与后处理参数MotionBlurAmount相关
float2 MinVelocityPixels = MinMaxVelocity.xy * MotionBlur_VelocityScale;
float2 MaxVelocityPixels = MinMaxVelocity.zw * MotionBlur_VelocityScale;
float MinVelocityLengthSqrPixels = dot(MinVelocityPixels, MinVelocityPixels);
float MaxVelocityLengthSqrPixels = dot(MaxVelocityPixels, MaxVelocityPixels);
// Input buffer 0 as same viewport as output buffer.
float4 CenterColor = ColorTexture.SampleLevel(ColorSampler, ColorUV, 0);
// 沿向量的正负方向
float4 SearchVectorPixels = float4(MaxVelocityPixels, -MaxVelocityPixels);
float4 SearchVector = SearchVectorPixels * Color_ExtentInverse.xyxy;
// converts pixel length to sample steps
float PixelToSampleScale = StepCount * rsqrt(dot(MaxVelocityPixels, MaxVelocityPixels));
// TODO expose cvars
bool bSkipPath = MaxVelocityLengthSqrPixels < 0.25;
bool bFastPath = MinVelocityLengthSqrPixels > 0.4 * MaxVelocityLengthSqrPixels;
// 目前关, UE不支持
// Only use fast path if all threads of the compute shader would.
bFastPath = WaveAllTrue(bFastPath);
GroupSharedFastPath = 0;
uint IgnoredOut;
InterlockedAdd(GroupSharedFastPath, bFastPath ? 1 : 0);
bFastPath = (GroupSharedFastPath == (THREADGROUP_SIZEX * THREADGROUP_SIZEY));
if (bSkipPath) // 偏移小,跳过
// 宏默认0 ,命令行r.PostProcessing.PropagateAlpha。 后处理是否支持alpha通道
CenterColor.a = 0;
return CenterColor;
float4 OutColor = 0;
if (bFastPath) // 像素运动偏移大
float4 ColorAccum = 0;
// 像素根据运动方向,沿着正负方向,多次采样SceneColor,拉伸模糊
for (uint i = 0; i < StepCount; i++)
float2 OffsetLength = (float)i + 0.5 + float2(Random - 0.5, 0.5 - Random);
float2 OffsetFraction = OffsetLength / StepCount;
float2 SampleUV[2];
SampleUV[0] = ColorUV + OffsetFraction.x * SearchVector.xy;
SampleUV[1] = ColorUV + OffsetFraction.y * SearchVector.zw;
SampleUV[0] = clamp(SampleUV[0], Color_UVViewportBilinearMin, Color_UVViewportBilinearMax);
SampleUV[1] = clamp(SampleUV[1], Color_UVViewportBilinearMin, Color_UVViewportBilinearMax);
// 以上计算向量上的采样UV
ColorAccum += ColorTexture.SampleLevel(ColorSampler, SampleUV[0], 0);
ColorAccum += ColorTexture.SampleLevel(ColorSampler, SampleUV[1], 0);
// 直接*0.5,表示fastpath情况下,两端方向上,像素的权重一样(都为前景)
ColorAccum *= 0.5 / StepCount;
OutColor = ColorAccum;
else // MaxVelocityLengthSqrPixels >= 0.25
float3 CenterVelocityDepth = VelocityFlatTexture.SampleLevel(SharedVelocityFlatSampler, VelocityUV, 0).xyz;
float CenterDepth = CenterVelocityDepth.z;
float CenterVelocityLength = GetVelocityLengthPixels(CenterVelocityDepth.xy);
float4 ColorAccum = 0;
float ColorAccumWeight = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < StepCount; i++)
float2 SampleUV[2];
float4 SampleColor[2];
float SampleDepth[2];
float SampleVelocityLength[2];
float Weight[2];
float2 OffsetLength = (float)i + 0.5 + float2(Random - 0.5, 0.5 - Random);
float2 OffsetFraction = OffsetLength / StepCount;
SampleUV[0] = ColorUV + OffsetFraction.x * SearchVector.xy;
SampleUV[1] = ColorUV + OffsetFraction.y * SearchVector.zw;
SampleUV[0] = clamp(SampleUV[0], Color_UVViewportBilinearMin, Color_UVViewportBilinearMax);
SampleUV[1] = clamp(SampleUV[1], Color_UVViewportBilinearMin, Color_UVViewportBilinearMax);
for (uint j = 0; j < 2; j++)
float3 SampleVelocityDepth = VelocityFlatTexture.SampleLevel(
SharedVelocityFlatSampler, SampleUV[j] * ColorToVelocity_Scale + ColorToVelocity_Bias, 0).xyz;
SampleColor[j] = ColorTexture.SampleLevel(ColorSampler, SampleUV[j], 0);
SampleDepth[j] = SampleVelocityDepth.z;
// in pixels
SampleVelocityLength[j] = GetVelocityLengthPixels(SampleVelocityDepth.xy);
// -----之后代码与COD 的PPT提供的一样,PPT解释了部分原理-----
// 根据采样的颜色,深度偏移、偏移长度,计算颜色权重
Weight[j] = SampleWeight(CenterDepth, SampleDepth[j], OffsetLength.x, CenterVelocityLength, SampleVelocityLength[j], PixelToSampleScale, SOFT_Z_EXTENT);
bool2 Mirror = bool2(SampleDepth[0] > SampleDepth[1], SampleVelocityLength[1] > SampleVelocityLength[0]);
// 此处分析较为主观
// all(Mirror) 表示 [0] 距离相机更远,偏移更小[属于完全背景],那么它对center颜色权重由[1]提供,这种情况W0,W1都为W1
// Any(Mirror) 认为[0][1]的前背关系相对模糊,各使用各自的权重
Weight[0] = all(Mirror) ? Weight[1] : Weight[0];
Weight[1] = any(Mirror) ? Weight[1] : Weight[0];
ColorAccum += Weight[0] * SampleColor[0] + Weight[1] * SampleColor[1]; //前景
ColorAccumWeight += Weight[0] + Weight[1];
ColorAccum *= 0.5 / StepCount; //前景色
ColorAccumWeight *= 0.5 / StepCount; //前景色权重
OutColor = ColorAccum + (1 - ColorAccumWeight) * CenterColor;
OutColor.a = 0;
return OutColor;