IFE | Image Front End | image 前端 |
BPS | Bayer Processing Segment | Bayer处理阶段 |
IPE | Image Processing Engine | 图像处理引擎 |
TFE | Thin Front End | thin前端 |
OPE | Offline Processing Engine | 离线处理引擎 |
ABF | Adaptive Bayer Filtering | 自适应bayer滤波 |
ASF | adaptive spatial filter | 自适应空间滤波器 |
CC | Color Conversion | 色彩转换 |
CC | Color Correction | 色彩矫正 |
CS | chroma suppression | 色彩抑制 |
CCM | color correction matrix | 颜色校正矩阵 |
GTM | Global Tone Mapping | 全局色调映射 |
LTM | LocalTone Mapping | 局部色调映射 |
LCE | Local Contrast Enhancement | 局部对比度增强 |
GRA | Grain adder | 颗粒加速器 |
GIC | Green imbalance correction | 绿平衡转换 |
HNR | Hybrid Noise Reduction | 混合降噪 |
ANR | Advanced Noise Reduction | 高级降噪 |
PNR | Peak Noise reduction | 降低峰值噪声 |
TF | Temporal Filtering | 径向降噪 |
MTF | Modulation Transfer Function | 调制传递函数 |
CE | chroma enhancement | 色度增强 |
SNR | signal-to-noise ratio | 信噪比 |
SNR | skin noise reduce | 肤色降噪 |
STD | standard deviation | 标准差 |
OIS | optical image stabilization | 光学稳像 |
PDAF | phase detection auto focus | 相位对焦 |
VFE | VIDEO front-end | 视频前端 |
VPE | Video preprocessing | 视频预处理 |
CPP | camera post processor | 摄像头后处理 |
ZSL | zero shutter log | 零延时拍照 |
ACE | advanced chroma enhancement | 高级色度增强 |
AEC | auto exposure control | 自动曝光控制 |
AFD | automatic flicker detection | 频闪自动检测 |
PLD | Physical Layer Driver | 物理层驱动 |
BPC | Bad pixel correction | 坏点矫正 |
BCC | Bad cluster correction | 坏点簇矫正 |
DBPC | Dynamic Bad pixel correction | 动态坏点校正 |
DBCC | Dynamic Bad cluster correction | 动态坏点簇校正 |
CFA | color fillter array | 色彩滤镜阵列 |
LA | luma adaptation | 亮度调整 |
ABCC | assisted bad cluster correction | 辅助坏点族校正 |
TM | Target module | 目标模块 |
IAF | instant auto focus | 即时AF |
DDM | dense depth map | 稠密深度图 |
LCA | logic cell array | 逻辑单元阵列 |
WNR | wavelet noise reduction | 小波降噪 |
LUT | lookup table | 查找表 |
MCC | macbenth color checker | 麦克白色卡 |
CCT | correlated color temperature | 关联色温 |
SWG | simple gray world | 简单灰世界 |
ROI | Region of interest | 感兴趣区域 |
AFR | auto FPS rate | 自动帧率 |
MCE | memory color enhancement | 记忆色增强 |
SCE | skin color enhancement | 肤色增强 |
CT | Color Temperature | 色温 |
IQ | image quality | 图像品质 |
IS | image stabilization | 图像稳定 |
HAF | hybrid auto focus | 混合对焦 |
CAF | continuous auto focus | 自动对焦 |
TAF | Toch auto focus | 触控对焦 |
GM | Golden Module | golden 模组 |
RDI | raw dump interface | 原始数据转存端口 |
QTI | Qualcomm Technologies Inc | 高通 |
DCC | defocus conversion coefficient | 离焦转换系数 |
SLR | single-lens-reflex | 单反 |
PD | phase detection | 相位检测 |
PD | phase difference | 相位差 |
BPP | bits per pixel | 像素色彩位数 |
DAC | digital to analog converter | 数模转换器 |
AFR | auto frame rate | 自动帧率 |
AWB | automatic white balance | 自动白平衡 |
CAC | color aliasing correction | 颜色混叠校正 |
CAC | color artifact correction | 彩色伪影校正 |
CAC | chromatrix aberration correction | 色差校正 |
DPC | defective pixel correction | 缺陷的像素校正 |
APL | average picture level | 平均图象电平 |
MLC | misleading color | 误导性颜色。 |
DCIAF | dual camera instant auto focus | 双摄像头即时自动对焦 |
SAD | Sum of Absolute Difference | 统计当前画面的平均亮度值和上一帧的亮度之间的差异得到 |
SADR | SAD with respect | 当前画面的平均亮度值和上次对焦完成的亮度之间的差异得到的。 |
HPF | High Pass Filter | 高通滤波器 |
FOV | field of view | 视场角 |
RMS | root mean squared | 均方根 |
TOF | time-of-flight | 激光对焦 |
MVAVG | moving average | 移动平均数 |
HVX | hexagon vector eXtension | 六边形矢量扩展 |
lc | line counter | 行计数器 |
FIR | finite impulse response | 有限脉冲响应 |
IIR | infinite impulse response | 无限脉冲响应 |
FIR | finite impulse response digital filter | 有限长度脉冲响应数字滤波器 |
MCTF | Motion compensation temporal filtering | 运动补偿时域滤波 |
MFNR | Multiframe noise reduction | 多帧降噪 |
NR | Noise reduction | 降噪 |
DE | Detailed enhancement | 细节增强 |
RNR | Radial noise reduction | 径向降噪 |
BLS | black level subtraction | 黑电平减法 |
DRC gain | dynamic range control | 动态范围控制 |
ICA | Image Correction Adjustment | 图像畸变矫正 |