• CentOS7 安装Oracle RAC 19c PRVF-5493,PRVG-13606 PRVG-1019 的问题解决


    rm -rf /var/run/chronyd.pid
    rm -rf /etc/chrony.conf
    rm -rf /etc/ntp.conf
    systemctl stop ntpd.service
    systemctl disable ntpd
    systemctl stop chronyd.service
    systemctl disable chronyd.service

    1. [root@rac2:/root]$rm -rf /var/run/chronyd.pid
    2. [root@rac2:/root]$rm -rf /etc/chrony.conf
    3. [root@rac2:/root]$rm -rf /etc/ntp.conf
    4. [root@rac2:/root]$systemctl stop ntpd.service
    5. [root@rac2:/root]$systemctl disable ntpd
    6. Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/ntpd.service.
    7. [root@rac2:/root]$systemctl stop chronyd.service
    8. [root@rac2:/root]$systemctl disable chronyd.service
    9. Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/chronyd.service.
    10. [root@rac2:/root]$

     PRVG-1019 NTP issue.

    参考:Oracle Cluster Time Synchronization Service (CTSS) | 一个dba的日常


    [grid@node1 ~]$
    [grid@node1 ~]$
    [grid@node1 ~]$ crsctl check ctss
    CRS-4700: The Cluster Time Synchronization Service is in Observer mode.
    [grid@node1 ~]$ rm -rf /etc/ntp.conf
    [grid@node1 ~]$ rm -rf /etc/chrony.conf
    [grid@node1 ~]$ rm -rf /var/run/chronyd.pid
    [grid@node1 ~]$
    [grid@node1 ~]$ crsctl check ctss
    CRS-4700: The Cluster Time Synchronization Service is in Observer mode.
    [grid@node1 ~]$ cluvfy comp clocksync -n all

    Verifying Clock Synchronization ...
    CTSS is in Observer state. Switching over to clock synchronization checks using NTP

      Verifying Network Time Protocol (NTP) ...
        Verifying '/etc/chrony.conf' ...FAILED (PRVG-1019)
        Verifying '/var/run/ntpd.pid' ...WARNING (PRVG-1019)
        Verifying '/var/run/chronyd.pid' ...WARNING (PRVG-1019)
        Verifying Daemon 'chronyd' ...FAILED (PRVF-5493)
        Verifying NTP daemon or service using UDP port 123 ...PASSED
        Verifying chrony daemon is synchronized with at least one external time source ...FAILED (PRVG-13606)
      Verifying Network Time Protocol (NTP) ...FAILED (PRVG-1019, PRVF-5493, PRVG-13606)
    Verifying Clock Synchronization ...FAILED (PRVG-1019, PRVF-5493, PRVG-13606)

    Verification of Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes.

    Failures were encountered during execution of CVU verification request "Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes".

    Verifying Clock Synchronization ...FAILED
      Verifying Network Time Protocol (NTP) ...FAILED
        Verifying '/etc/chrony.conf' ...FAILED
        PRVG-1019 : The NTP configuration file "/etc/chrony.conf" does not exist on
        nodes "node1"

        Verifying '/var/run/ntpd.pid' ...WARNING
        PRVG-1019 : The NTP configuration file "/var/run/ntpd.pid" does not exist
        on nodes "node2,node1"

        Verifying '/var/run/chronyd.pid' ...WARNING
        PRVG-1019 : The NTP configuration file "/var/run/chronyd.pid" does not
        exist on nodes "node2,node1"

        Verifying Daemon 'chronyd' ...FAILED
        PRVF-5493 : Operation to check presence of NTP Daemon or Service failed on
        node "node1".

        Verifying chrony daemon is synchronized with at least one external time
        source ...FAILED
        node2: PRVG-13606 : chrony daemon is not synchronized with any external
               time source on node "node2".

    CVU operation performed:      Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes
    Date:                         Nov 9, 2022 4:10:10 PM
    CVU home:                     /u01/app/19.3.0/grid/
    User:                         grid
    [grid@node1 ~]$ crsctl check ctss
    CRS-4700: The Cluster Time Synchronization Service is in Observer mode.
    [grid@node1 ~]$ rm -rf /etc/ntp.conf
    [grid@node1 ~]$ rm -rf /etc/chrony.conf
    [grid@node1 ~]$ rm -rf /var/run/chronyd.pid
    [grid@node1 ~]$
    [grid@node1 ~]$
    [grid@node1 ~]$ crsctl check ctss
    CRS-4700: The Cluster Time Synchronization Service is in Observer mode.
    [grid@node1 ~]$ crsctl check ctss
    CRS-4700: The Cluster Time Synchronization Service is in Observer mode.
    [grid@node1 ~]$ cluvfy comp clocksync -n all

    Verifying Clock Synchronization ...PASSED

    Verification of Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes was successful.

    CVU operation performed:      Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes
    Date:                         Nov 9, 2022 4:14:15 PM
    CVU home:                     /u01/app/19.3.0/grid/
    User:                         grid
    [grid@node1 ~]$

    [grid@node2 ~]$
    [grid@node2 ~]$ cluvfy comp clocksync -n all

    Verifying Clock Synchronization ...
    CTSS is in Observer state. Switching over to clock synchronization checks using NTP

      Verifying Network Time Protocol (NTP) ...
        Verifying '/etc/chrony.conf' ...FAILED (PRVG-1019)
        Verifying '/var/run/ntpd.pid' ...WARNING (PRVG-1019)
        Verifying '/var/run/chronyd.pid' ...WARNING (PRVG-1019)
        Verifying Daemon 'chronyd' ...FAILED (PRVF-5493)
        Verifying NTP daemon or service using UDP port 123 ...PASSED
        Verifying chrony daemon is synchronized with at least one external time source ...FAILED (PRVG-13606)
      Verifying Network Time Protocol (NTP) ...FAILED (PRVG-1019, PRVF-5493, PRVG-13606)
    Verifying Clock Synchronization ...FAILED (PRVG-1019, PRVF-5493, PRVG-13606)

    Verification of Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes.

    Failures were encountered during execution of CVU verification request "Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes".

    Verifying Clock Synchronization ...FAILED
      Verifying Network Time Protocol (NTP) ...FAILED
        Verifying '/etc/chrony.conf' ...FAILED
        PRVG-1019 : The NTP configuration file "/etc/chrony.conf" does not exist on
        nodes "node1"

        Verifying '/var/run/ntpd.pid' ...WARNING
        PRVG-1019 : The NTP configuration file "/var/run/ntpd.pid" does not exist
        on nodes "node2,node1"

        Verifying '/var/run/chronyd.pid' ...WARNING
        PRVG-1019 : The NTP configuration file "/var/run/chronyd.pid" does not
        exist on nodes "node2,node1"

        Verifying Daemon 'chronyd' ...FAILED
        PRVF-5493 : Operation to check presence of NTP Daemon or Service failed on
        node "node1".

        Verifying chrony daemon is synchronized with at least one external time
        source ...FAILED
        node2: PRVG-13606 : chrony daemon is not synchronized with any external
               time source on node "node2".

    CVU operation performed:      Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes
    Date:                         Nov 9, 2022 4:11:45 PM
    CVU home:                     /u01/app/19.3.0/grid/
    User:                         grid
    [grid@node2 ~]$ crsctl check ctss
    CRS-4700: The Cluster Time Synchronization Service is in Observer mode.
    [grid@node2 ~]$ rm -rf /etc/ntp.conf
    [grid@node2 ~]$ rm -rf /etc/chrony.conf
    rm: cannot remove ‘/etc/chrony.conf’: Permission denied
    [grid@node2 ~]$ rm -rf /var/run/chronyd.pid
    [grid@node2 ~]$ su - root
    Last login: Wed Nov  9 16:08:23 CST 2022 on pts/1
    [root@node2 ~]# rm -rf /etc/ntp.conf
    [root@node2 ~]# rm -rf /etc/chrony.conf
    [root@node2 ~]# rm -rf /var/run/chronyd.pid
    [root@node2 ~]#
    [root@node2 ~]# exit
    [grid@node2 ~]$ crsctl check ctss
    CRS-4700: The Cluster Time Synchronization Service is in Observer mode.
    [grid@node2 ~]$ cluvfy comp clocksync -n all

    Verifying Clock Synchronization ...
    CTSS is in Observer state. Switching over to clock synchronization checks using NTP

      Verifying Network Time Protocol (NTP) ...
        Verifying '/etc/ntp.conf' ...WARNING (PRVG-1019)
        Verifying '/etc/chrony.conf' ...WARNING (PRVG-1019)
        Verifying '/var/run/ntpd.pid' ...WARNING (PRVG-1019)
        Verifying '/var/run/chronyd.pid' ...WARNING (PRVG-1019)
        Verifying Daemon 'chronyd' ...FAILED (PRVF-5493)
        Verifying NTP daemon or service using UDP port 123 ...PASSED
        Verifying chrony daemon is synchronized with at least one external time source ...FAILED (PRVG-13606)
      Verifying Network Time Protocol (NTP) ...FAILED (PRVG-1019, PRVF-5493, PRVG-13606)
    Verifying Clock Synchronization ...FAILED (PRVG-1019, PRVF-5493, PRVG-13606)

    Verification of Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes was unsuccessful on all the specified nodes.

    Failures were encountered during execution of CVU verification request "Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes".

    Verifying Clock Synchronization ...FAILED
      Verifying Network Time Protocol (NTP) ...FAILED
        Verifying '/etc/ntp.conf' ...WARNING
        PRVG-1019 : The NTP configuration file "/etc/ntp.conf" does not exist on
        nodes "node2,node1"

        Verifying '/etc/chrony.conf' ...WARNING
        PRVG-1019 : The NTP configuration file "/etc/chrony.conf" does not exist on
        nodes "node2,node1"

        Verifying '/var/run/ntpd.pid' ...WARNING
        PRVG-1019 : The NTP configuration file "/var/run/ntpd.pid" does not exist
        on nodes "node2,node1"

        Verifying '/var/run/chronyd.pid' ...WARNING
        PRVG-1019 : The NTP configuration file "/var/run/chronyd.pid" does not
        exist on nodes "node2,node1"

        Verifying Daemon 'chronyd' ...FAILED
        PRVF-5493 : Operation to check presence of NTP Daemon or Service failed on
        node "node1".

        Verifying chrony daemon is synchronized with at least one external time
        source ...FAILED
        node2: PRVG-13606 : chrony daemon is not synchronized with any external
               time source on node "node2".

    CVU operation performed:      Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes
    Date:                         Nov 9, 2022 4:13:18 PM
    CVU home:                     /u01/app/19.3.0/grid/
    User:                         grid
    [grid@node2 ~]$ cluvfy comp clocksync -n all

    Verifying Clock Synchronization ...PASSED

    Verification of Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes was successful.

    CVU operation performed:      Clock Synchronization across the cluster nodes
    Date:                         Nov 9, 2022 4:14:33 PM
    CVU home:                     /u01/app/19.3.0/grid/
    User:                         grid
    [grid@node2 ~]$


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  • 原文地址:https://blog.csdn.net/u011868279/article/details/127333256