Mm. Hi, David. I came. Hey, I go my David. Hi. She's.
Region well. You need to do.
Sims. English is on some of the rehabilitation details doing. He'll join.
Let's start first actor.
I also have. I want to guess. Yeah, sorry, I was on on other two. My system lesser is tired and saw his father first one right with the same.
Hey, and III joined that. But, I mean, we do we have to involve science, so probably I was on the road.
And I was thinking, why not? When I joined so. Oh. Yeah, so it took long for my system to restart. So let me just bring up some of the confidence pages that we want to talk through today.
She will thank you.
What I think is. Yeah. Excuse.
Yeah, just. Air with me for a minute.
I hope you can see my screen. Yep. Yep, you can see, OK. So I just wanted a lot of subjects, right, which got discussed just yesterday between wpba architecture, right.
So. There is this WB BA tax tsunami right that is being prepared. Okay. Basically, this is to make sure that we.
Regular categories API and label our APIs and have a standard business capabilities and. Against which our APIs are aligned in mind.
So that's all United, WP 11 the safety attacks are being created. So you remember, right, I mean, some of you might be organized, so we used to do the reporting.
In last year. And we used to have those APIs reported against the API. Um you know her API. Capabilities right that we had prepared and we used to convert as insurance API domain model, right, so you had your quotations, illustrations to your customer.
Ah underwriting utilities or is a submission. Let's retire second, right. And and we. Kind of had a target of how many API so we should have against its capability. Alright.
To to raise a certain layer of maturity, of course. But we used to report against. So similarly, I had a few people. There have been different models, okay, so this is just kind of unifying that or giving that of this line.
So III'll just quickly show you right to. This one. Yeah. So this one yeah, that I had drafted based on our business.
Insurance business capability model knife. So I have created L 1 L 2 L 3 capabilities and you know you would say that most of these are already were already the airlines.
I have added a few and we'll go through this list. But just you know that that kind of ties up with this taxonomy work that's going to.
Uh, you know. That's that's basically in the review currently within WP. API architecture group. So.
Your taxonomy is right. I mean, would be, of course, right. I mean, your business capabilities are there. But there is certain technical capabilities as well.
Other technical capabilities we don't have to worry much about, right. Because we kind of make use of some of the capabilities that are offered by the platforms themselves, right.
So when I say platform, right, I mean you look at hhp as a hosting platform, you know that you know the W PB if your architecture is still working on.
You know, getting the standards, et cetera. Ah 2 1 and also. Bringing some automatic annoyed. So basically automation in a sense, you know how.
Uh, your APIs are gathering data, for example, right from. Consumers. Okay, so that's another work, right? That is being discussed. It's not in place, but the aid teams will also share that it's shrine. So there is open discussion that is happening and we'll get to.
The purpose and everything out there. But basically looking at you know this taxonomy, as I said, right, I mean, it's kind of bringing the standardization.
So some of you may have seen this customer interaction Dublin model, uh. It was. Kind of. Followed most in you know API and core services only and this party is kind of from customers perspective, right. So when we say insurance, uh, API open model, right or insurance API capability model is more from business functions for perspective.
That what are the key business functions. For which we have already been. And if you see this, they support from digital perspective, right, so ah.
APN core services, even though they were building API S, you know it's it's more from digitally focused, right. Digital oriented yeah from the customers we find.
So they did add something for insurance, right. Okay. I mean, that that thought. Just you know very few capabilities. So if you see right. So this customer interaction drop in model. Which is good in a sense. Yeah.
But more coverage on, you know, uh, the day today or. Retail. Function oriented from a customer's point of view, right, so conduct my finances, for example, becomes your element.
Then you have conduct my personal finances. You have conduct my finances with others. For example, I am deposited with timeline and then you had L 3 nights if you want to manage your finances, you know you need to.
Manage your plans first, you're recurring payments, the page. Ya, um. Then you know cancelling checks, it says right here run, right. So if you see so conduct my finances, manage my finances, keep me secure.
Manage my relationship. So this is all customer focus. Right. And insurance was here. So protect me and others financially. So if you see here, you know, you.
Insurance and I plan my protections. Right. So your protection needs. Kind of need a live analysis. And then discover you know the cover options or products or just cover it said right, so insurance was part of this from customer relationship uh model perspective to your customer interaction model perspective to.
And you know we had our own. Model item in which was more. Um grounds up from. The capabilities that we would like to explore.
So for example. If you see acquisition and engagement, now this is getting aligned through the insurance business capabilities model.
And you know. I have just gone a bit fine grant here on some of the capabilities. So leaders engagement or bus tour engagement when it comes to your incapabilities when you.
Uh tag your API in your internal API developer portal or you know. When we do some sort of reporting right or even the new.
API documentation template that we are seeing. You know it has a role. For you to tag these capabilities. And so a quick search on, let's say.
A product recommendation would bring a part of A BS we have with any insurance you might have processed API.
That drives, uh. Or that leads your channel applications to make use of this papa capabilities. And you would of course have your recommendation if you have some agents perspective, right.
Or even from data analytics perspective, right. So you would have multiple API and some of this could be happy and there could be a process API, right? But a simple search on business capability would bring out those APS. So this will also make sure that the.
The capabilities that we're building are easily searchable, right, so even a business process online. I mean, they might Chester on search and. You know, when it comes to the developers and probably not all developers are that close to business. Oh, yeah, uh, business terminology.
You know. If you leave it to them, probably my item in the API would be named as if you know. It's it's it's it's, uh.
You know a a very technical thing, you know, you too. It needs this lens on each and every API to make sure those are searchable.
Would connect labels to them, not just because those should be searchable, but also for you to manage your automatic right, so many of my, uh so you know multiple aspects of it.
And then you know we could have done this, uh, on our own insurance, like other teams, you know. Had done in past or have been doing it right, but it makes sense that you know at WP API level, you know it's it's it's aggregate. Right, and then how does it also come from the by.
Uh, insurance is not represented in buyers who are again on our role, right? But at least for other API is within the banks, right. I mean, it becomes.
That much easier for everyone to align towards that root or base capability model. So we hang out this it's same. Right, so it is BC capability model, which is part of your.
Inside, I mean. You would see some of these right. So this again. Governed by enterprise architecture.
With an HSBC. So they come up with h.s.b.c.c.. Uh capability model business capability model mine. And this is at the the highest level Knight.
So. If we have to look at insurance, you know, probably. We are looking somewhere. What is it, product and services management. Ah.
So it's one of the product that we offer. Okay. And. So I close this and then you. Uh, call you again a core list of availability model is what poor banking is doing your time. So they're working on their own capability model and then you have buy.
Yeah. So here again, I mean, as I said, so so insurance is not part of your banking products. So insurance is not represented here, but I just so that you are aware, you know, so buy and you know HSBC is kind of trying to map.
To buy an. Children, that's a kind of target state for others from business capabilities, business operations.
Are considered. Uh, but yes. You know, we we need to look at you know what's what's best. The insurance.
Reasonless and item and. Globally. Oh. What you can align with. So so we have used previously IBM's more into like pioneer, there was.
Uh, IAA. Insurance something I don't remember that is 8 to 10 years ago. But yeah, I mean, the thing.
Cool data model is kind. The skin off of that, right? So whatever capabilities we use. We didn't introduce the insurance who took those, but the other base model was you know aligned to that. You know I BMS.
Model. So this is how it looks, right. So you have your example, which gives you an enterprise view, right.
You know you have a next level yeah, which is I am right, so you. Uh, it is musical probability model than you how by answer with them and then you won't have your couriers for core banking. You have customer interaction to win model.
Uh, you know, other. You know core services and you will have insurance. So it's enterprise view, then this is industry view and then you will have your you know a service line here.
So. That's all you know, it is going to be. So as and how this evolves, of course, now like you want to review this and let me know you know if there are capabilities that need to be here.
Ya. This is draft work in progress, but I would like to finalize it by this year. So whatever we have or we have previously, all of that is factored in here and then some of the new things like you know health propositions. Right health and wellness, those things are made.
Um. Okay, I mean. Within the architecture ah group, you know I will socialize this. And I'll get fields, but within the API teams as well, right, Avengers.
Go through it and leave, you know. What you feel like so going forward rhythm. Once we have this aligned and aggregate night, so this will be, uh, the capabilities for US, right? Which would use to tag over apiece.
Really comments questions. Oh, okay. One other thing, right, I mean, that was discussed within the WP bapi working group was data naming convention.
So. This is more of. You know, coming from the. You know, the. HSBC. You know. Data management mode.
So if you see a relevant. We we haven't been, you know, to be honest, right? I mean, I didn't. I look up this before, yeah and I don't think we are.
Following it, yeah. But still, you know, it's it's it's good to know of right, so group data architecture keeps coming up with certain guidelines around data because API is right when you use the data models and even your EPA interface is kind of a.
You know a data model night for a particular capability or functionality, right, it has its own structure. It would have its own attributes and those attributes needs to be expressed.
For your consumers. To understand your APIs, right, so whenever you are doing that. You know there are certain guidelines that could be followed. Yeah.
So. I'll share the link you can read through it, uh, but there are certain new concepts which are added.
So and I just Scroll down. Yeah. So if you say right so recommended class words, right. So amount much of these are standard and some of these we might be using already, right, because you know typically you would always use amount, right. I mean, we don't get price or will abuse anything else to denote any of the you know amounts right where you're dealing with.
Yeah. Uh, course, right. So we always use quotes within minutes. So for example, DP. Uh, match as a deposit, right? So DV you know the description is deposit, for example, right.
So such attributes need to be. You know, having the class at score type data identified, et cetera. So as I said, I mean, probably we are using most of these yeah, but there are few new, right.
Uh, uh, that. You know, we we can use to. You know when we're dealing with files, probably. Yeah, I don't think we're dealing with audio. Video, etc, but we do deal with documents, right, uh, and then.
I think most of these are. You know, quite common. So what this document has is you know what class words you can use? What is a description and some explanations around those.
So. This is also something for you to go through and then you know you have some one of the I I think this is more useful night. How how you use this, right, so.
Invoice amount, right. So how how is the definition, good division total some charge on an invoice ahead. And then again, the item is a poor definition of.
Word right or the property, you know. How how not to do it, right, basically. That's what's defined here. Yeah. So policy November.
Beast is stated in the single lines. Right, so this is one of the relevant police number unique number assigned when a policy is created. Yeah, and then poor definition, unique number identifying insurance policies. So what it is saying is right. I mean, it's this is a singular word, right, so if you have policy.
Within your API contract, you know what does that define that define a unique number that is assigned when the policy is created. It doesn't say unique number identifying insurance policies, right, so you know how how you can define those words and that is also can when you want to say define you know that kind of seek it into your description.
So I think this is good read. Uh, for US to, you know, go through and understand. Ya these are final details, to be honest, right.
We don't even review it at that level because we aren't aware weren't using right. But I think these are kind of girl side, so you know.
Making sure you have a you know Durban Mori based on which you create your contracts. Which can be reusable, right, so if you are using.
Uh, ST right or A CE iPhone p the tool. Then you are creating reusable assets in a sense that you are creating some of the attributes and classes kind.
And if we. Use that then what you have is a consistency across your request, which is key, right. How you can take it next level is yes, you're using the Tmall told you are you know using.
Uh, that as a consistent model to define your APS and how are you take it to next level in a sense, using.
Write elementary convention or you know these class words. Yeah. So. Share with your teams. Yeah go through this.
Take a read. We need to invite these lines. So whenever we want to define an API, probably you know make sure that you just go through it and revisit your you know New York general definitions aligned with.
Ya. Ah there was another thing that. It was yesterday. So this is coming from EMS team. This one. So this is again a new proposal that is discussed at am's level.
So one level of round wpb so a has standard. And then W PB we custom tailor those based on you know wbba APS strategy as well as the AWB b.a.p.n.a. might.
So. The problem statement here is that you know we do have thousands of API S. Uh, and those are sprayed out, right.
Spread out in a sense, geographically spread out in a sense. You know the business capabilities that you serve tonight.
And. There could be. Of course, I mean, there is another ask which is about deprecating API versions, right. So teams keep on building new API. Sometimes, you know there is no reuse factor. You know people don't think from a real perspective and you keep on building APS, right? So that the eBay state is growing. Right, and as your evasive grows, right, I mean, it's very important from operational perspective that you understand which are your API consequence.
And that's important because you know you you might want to ever green your appearance. Right. So you want to align APS to new standards and when you do that, you know there are certain impacts on the eggs, right. So when I say impact on the APS, the impacts are also on your consumers. Right. So if they need to change something, if they need to align something, you need to understand how many consumers you have, right? And then your road, maybe the road might need to be aligned.
If you know there is any. Security issues that come like, you know, for example, some of the libraries that we're using, I I think it was some of the apartheid libraries, right. And those were, uh, you know, there was a security will have a relative file and right, I mean, last.
And what that mean to US, you know you were able to go through the changes and these could be very urgent. You know this could be very critical and in that sense. As we'll find them and we don't want to.
Break the change, right, so when I said we don't want to break the chain. You know, you don't want to.
Uh. Impact your consumers adversely, right, and if you don't know more. Then, you know. It's it's it's very difficult to keep track of, right, so.
Again, I mean. We are keeping track right, so I don't think it could be a case where you don't know where if your consumers are right, but there need to be a standard way to manage that to understand that right. Our team level at organization level level. So that team level. Yeah, I mean for jail for life API and for other teams, right, I mean. You know, that you have handful of consumers. Jay has probably more lively. Yeah, I guess I was probably less.
And you know, right, you know, that will be there are only three consumers. These are teams with an insurance, so you know it's all internally, but we can manage your crowd.
But you know, as you are. Consumers grow so children, you know many front end applications, right. And very internal applications consume those APS. We might have it somewhere on confidence. We might have it in the API documentation somewhat might be maintaining an excel, right. So we do manage the information. It's not that it's not there.
But as I said. Right, I mean. If you ask me today, you know, which are the consumers of these these API s you know it'll be very hard to come back with the.
A quick answer, right, and that's a team level whenever you are planning for any version of players when you are planning to kind of migrations like you know move it from TCF to h.b.a., move it from willow to come, etcetera. Right, which are technical impacts. You have a road by.
Uh, and you can work with your consumers, you can identify them. But what if something, you know. Uh, in impacts your API is critically instantly, then how do you deal with right notifying and et cetera? Yeah so in that case.
Uh. I'll just respond to him. True.
Okay, so coming back and so yeah, I mean, so whenever. You know. Something. Need to be done on urgent basis. Of course, you know organizations would like to know that, you know, there is.
Quick access to that data and how can we have that quick access, right? So we need to enable that somehow, uh.
Into the process itself, mind. So how do we know, how can we make this. Easy to use and easy to. Enable for existing API. That's something that is being deliberated, right. So there is no solution yet, right.
But this is more about. Carrying those requirements out of crime. So these are the drivers, right, so as I said, you know make it easy to understand which ah you know applications are using because, you know.
The criticality of the apex rate for the empire gets consumers and consumers. It's critical API, right, because the impact authentic we are going down is huge.
Yeah then support API life cycle. Like I says, you know question management. Sunsetting or deprecating right operations, right.
Recharging we'd have we're not into that yet. Okay. I mean, you know, even the recharge, right. Correctly, I don't think we have a very scientific model.
To you know build the consumer applications time. So it's mostly the operational runtime cost. Yeah and that would take out from how we pay to the platform since return. Then you know those runtime costs are appealed to different data is high, but even if you know you want to have it recharging case, okay, I mean if digital applications are consuming, you know.
While my API is cloud usage night or any. The cost to keep the lights on. Yeah. Ah management information. Of course, right. So the different captains that you want to eat regarding performance build regarding your, uh. Maturity, uh, in the sense, you know. How many functionality you have exposed my appears and how many consumers are consuming it.
Knowing consumers are multiple consumers if these are easy to identify. That also showcases your reviews, right.
And then your audit, compliance and traceability and transparency, right. Uh, for that. You know, it's important that we understand. So now if you see item in some of the.
Teams they were using the a listening list already reading policy ya. And how that policy works is. You have client identity and secret time for your consumers with the registration.
So the consumers registered, which use your API and then they pass those aiders. Yeah. But of course. I mean, it's only to manage the rate limiting based on your consumers, right? So one consumer you know there might be higher limit for the consumer, another consumer. There will be a lesser limit and so that's how it works. But then in a sense, you know. Because you have it, you know you can also identify which consumers are using it right, because there is a client ID which is allocated to his Europe consumer.
Yeah. So that's, uh, you know, one of the ways that sometimes we are doing it. But then can there be you know another aspect of it and.
And the platform. Have something that lets you understand which consumer application is consuming with JPM, right? So would it be some part of your deployment.
Or is it part of your onboarding process that you get it allocated and then you know somehow based on how the traffic solution is from which notes you know which country was.
Is calling those apiece. This was just discussed yesterday. It was more kind of good sense. You know if there are more requirements.
And how it's being done in different areas. And so as I said, random client ID secret is one of. Uh, policy, right. And, you know the same type of with your repair reservation because you register to use that Internet, then you get that identity and secretary.
So that could be one of the things that leads you identify quickly, which consumers are because then the client idea is mapped trying.
Uh. So, yes, you know that's one of the option and other is, you know. Okay, then with run time, you know. It's it's it's best of monitoring and silicon Alberta, geylang and you can do monitoring right, but monitoring is more at info.
Then that next to it translated into you know consumers, right. So the request originating from particular cluster or servers, right? I mean, that's one of the consumer.
But when it you know your consumers have to spread out on same posting platform. You know, you you know, it it it it makes it difficult.
So. Options, you know we'll we'll need to know what is being proposed. In this area. Okay, it's one of the things that's coming up next.
Yeah. So these three things that were discussed in, you know, uh. Last couple of weeks in WB BB working group, which I wanted to.
Operate you off. I'll share the links you can go through and let me know if you have any comments. Ah another thing.
Is about the hydrogen API as tightly. So I have mentioned it previously. I have shared the links, right, but our commitment is to.
Use cycle unique cell for 100% of the new APIs or new versions that were creating of older APIs. Yeah.
So I hope that every team is aware and teams are already following that. So action on me is, uh. Probably somewhere around last two week of November.
You know I need to present starts foreign children's teams, right. I mean, whatsoever TMS are already using it or not.
So my update or you know based on this group and the freedom that I have got, you know I know that everyone is using it for neurobion's.
But yeah, any new EPA versions that you are creating new major versions make sure that we're following the acronym.
Yeah, and I will reach out to some of you individual to understand you know how many APIs out of the total we have or probably the new API we have built this year. You know how many are following the atmospheric style.
So that's you know some of the starts that we need to prepare. Yeah, but if I just, you know, quickly go around.
Genetics. Alright. So is it safe, you know correct statement to say that all new APIs that you are designing in life API port are full in hydrogen BSI.
Can you confirm. Sorry, I am, I guess, uh. But then. So I will ask him and I told you that we have been designing the past few months, right, yeah.
Those are all falling hydrogen UBS, tailor. Ya, I think so, ya. Okay. Yeah. So that's that's the confirmation I need from everyone. So probably you know some stats would also help. So if you can quickly check with your team, I mean this week and not returned.
But if you're gonna tell you that you know you have designed, let's say three. 4, 5 APIs in last quarters and out of those you know 3 APIs are following her to unite AST. You know that would be good enough because I need to represent the stacks and so and kind of showcase you know insurance safety and maturity with respect to.
Fine. Yeah, uh, uncle. I know IPG you use right, yeah and rugby some of the new but I don't know if all the jail parts are using.
So okay. Uh, okay. So from from our late municipal marker perspective, definitely we are much focusing on the hydrogen style or whatever new APS I think started from last year itself when we designed distributor properly paid itself with the following hydrogen PC.
Okay. Oh, that's good. So what do you know of friend and whatever you have worked previously, you know, if you can just confirm back later on how many of those are falling that will be good. I mentioned this for ramen, right, and.
I will work with him, right? So want to make sure that you know only appears that we're designing with engineer also following the artist's name best time.
What. Uh. In a way from Indians to, you know. I don't know if you know it right away, but yeah. If you can also confirm later, you know if the team is using the enthusiasm for the new episode will be good.
Oh, and David. I think you are from distribution, right, yeah, yes. So any new ideas you have been building in the last few months.
Oh. Oh. No, yeah, probably it's good for you to find out or at least make the team aware, right? So whatever new that you are designing, you know that has to follow.
I told you in APS time, so let me pick up. I don't know if you have been there in previous okay. Sure, I know I know this special. Yeah, yeah, okay, that's good. Yeah. So this is minded again now and, you know as I mentioned, I think.
Previous to previous meeting, probably right. And so. There is also. The work that is going on a very initial stage, but they want to link this to your deployment pipelines. Yeah so they want to pay some automated checks such that if your API is not following, I told you my best, tell you know you won't be able to deploy.
Yeah, okay, probably sometime next year I don't think that's happening right away. Because it's still in backlog. There is, you know. Uh, they're still working out how to. Uh, make it possible, but that's why it's important that we have like a lot of them and that's why, you know, we have been asked, right. So I will be representing insurance and I'll be sharing this data back on you know how many pairs we have built in last few months or quarters and how many of those are falling hydrogen and gas tank.
Okay, okay, so make sure that your team is aware. Yeah, yeah, okay, they are following this then. You know, hydrogen always comes up with case as well. Yeah so kkkg 0 all the way to the APL linking tool. Yeah yes, that's important. And if you are following it as I probably won't say that yeah or very few yeah, which might be related to data itself. Yeah. But if you align with your reply. You know you know it will send through it in most of the cases.
Yeah so important that we follow you know hydrogen a paste Thailand, we kind of subject our repair through this case tooling because when I say that your deployment pipeline is going to be stuck if you're not following this time, it's because of cage, right? Because the expectation would be that you're plugging, uh, this cage scanning into your deployment pipeline and if it fails, then your API will go through, uh, you know, the the actual deployment.
Right. And then it will be flagged. It will be reported and then we need to give justification. You know why they result in breaks right now. There could be certain, you know, again, I have a cage.
Quite my short now, but when we started early this year. Probably end of last year and I think there were some false positives that we knew, right, and then those were fixed.
But I think it's getting better and better. So I think it will be. Uh, checking mostly, uh, you know, with all. You know, hundred percent of the rules which are professional on the tuition APS dye.
Yeah, so very key for US to make sure we are aligned. Oh. And there was another announcement which I just got to know yesterday again, lick mill. So.
Find that link and I share. So that's that's basically around. You're handling.
To let me share the amount I don't need to share the amount. Yeah. Stop.
May I say you see this. Right. So this was an announcement from you know a p.n. core services team lined and some of the unicorn nail and others are leading the WP API, right.
Ethiopia as well. So it will come there as well. But this was just announced yesterday. So what they have now is you know they have the hydrogen seller scheme alive.
So the error schema was modified a bit in the hydrogen is like and I know at least with injured you know we had at least couple of versions.
Handling library right. Which adopted to earlier aim standard uh, initial version, then the little version, et cetera. Right, but it's been changed now in articles in a case as well. I'm sure the library has you know, kept up with that. Uh, but, you know. Uh, this is just an announcement and I will share with you know alpha verdict to you guys as well. So.
It is now supporting the hydrogen style Irish schema and the handling of that schema. So someone need to take a look at this you know at library and how it impacts user appearance. Okay, but it's good, right, if we can align ourselves with standards, you know standards in a sense, you know you want development standards and the reuse of some of the libraries, you know, it will be.
Uh, uh, uh. I'll share this. But this is one of the announcement cap. Dominant puppy common library. I'll just see this because, you know they come with carbon, right.
It is scaffolding, right, so basically that lets you create a. Base APS you know template quickly, I think someone needs to write within this group and just you know validated it once.
Ski top. Link, I hope there is some documentation. Let me check though. Sharing now. Yes. So this is Commons library. OK, not much hair.
Not much information there. What do you mean. A remaining reason.
Mm. Okay. I think we need to take a closer look. Yeah but this is a common library. That has factored in the changes knife with respect to the new era schema.
That is part of your hydrogen APS type. So, you know. This schema got changed, right, so with what we had previously.
So just see, right, I mean, I'm not saying that they should start using it. Yeah, I think someone need to, you know to obey due diligence, so check it out. See if it's.
Using the common library, if it is the neighborhood that also alliances with what most of the people within the WPP.
Okay, so I share this link as well. And. Uh. That's it from me. A lot of time. So any comments, questions.
Was it too much talk for you guys. Only is that conference related to data elements you are going to share it on the mainland, share online share. Yeah yeah yeah.
Ya. So all the links I share, you know, I haven't presented I'll put those into minutes. Okay. Huh. And you know. I mean, I I need some feedback from you guys as well, right, Cuz.
You know, you are moral. Closer to a pair designs and the code as well, right. So you can spot certain things, you know.
Which either impact US or which might benefit US, right, so so. You know help me with that feedback. So be it. The error common library, is it is it.
Is it for felt for US to use it, shall we keep using our own. And if our own is aligned to hydrogen industrial item that's most important.
Also, I think the carnival. Yeah, so life appeared. He was involved in some of those four of the right around carbon EPA standards. But those are the focus from migrating from you to Java springboard, but what they have done now is that also play you know created as a temperature time. So if you want to create an API, you can simply start. Uh, you know, with the started library. Basically that gives you all the violent weight code. Yeah you just need to focus on you know using your business logic or coding your business logic and that's it and integrations, of course yeah but it will be good for someone to also take a look at that. So I'll try to find out, you know, uh, that announcement and where that, uh. Is located and sharing this group and probably next time you know we can have. So yes, I will.
That was planned for last uh, WP APS EOP, but it wasn't presented. Yeah, so hopefully it will be presented by next Friday. Yeah and if the decision is recorded then as I will share with you and also you can look right, I will probably someone can volunteer to kind of make use of that and you know try creating what you can see. You know how much that saves your referral, yeah, even if it's $10 and 15%, I think that's big amount of savings right from your reference perspective because that also gives another item and it's not just saving efforts.
But that make sure that your APIs are you know not structured, but on your code is aligned. Yeah so for anyone to kind of find any issues or fix that, you know. Becomes that much easier because it's one template that everyone is falling.
Okay, but I will take that out and I'll share that and we can have a discussion next time that we. HA, the world.
Okay. Who. All right, done. Thank you. Thanks for your time. Yeah, okay. Okay, my gosh. Um bye bye, thank you. Thanks.