• 【李宏毅机器学习】adversarial attack 对抗攻击


    • 对抗训练(adversarial training)通过对抗攻击(adversarial attack)的手段,即生成对抗样本(对部分原样本加入微小的扰动,可能导致误分类),是的NN能适应这种改变,能够有效增强model对对抗样本鲁棒性。而对抗训练的研究一般就是找合适的扰动,如何让模型更具鲁棒性。
    • FGSM和FGM区别在于归一化的方法不同,FGSM通过sign函数对梯度采取max归一化,而FGM采用L2归一化。前者max归一化是说如果梯度某个维度上的值为正,则为1,反之为-1;后者L2归一化是说将梯度的每个维度除以梯度的L2范数。
    • 根据威胁模型可以将现有的对抗性攻击分为白盒、灰盒和黑盒攻击。这3种模型之间的差异在于攻击者了解的信息。
      • 在白盒攻击的威胁模型中,假定攻击者具有关于其目标模型的完整知识,包括模型体系结构和参数。因此攻击者可以通过任何方式直接在目标模型上制作对抗性样本。
      • 在灰盒威胁模型中,攻击者了解的信息仅限于目标模型的结构和查询访问的权限。
      • 在黑盒威胁模型中,攻击者只能依赖查询访问的返回结果来生成对抗样本。
    • 对抗训练借鉴了强化学习的思路,最大化扰动的同时最小化对抗期望风险。对抗训练给NN的随机梯度优化限制了一个李普希茨(Lipschitz)的约束。 arg ⁡ min ⁡ θ E ( x , y ) ∼ D [ max ⁡ ϵ ∈ S L ( θ , x + ϵ , y ) ] \underset{\theta}{\arg \min } \mathbb{E}_{(x, y) \sim D}\left[\max _{\epsilon \in S} L(\theta, x+\epsilon, y)\right] θargminE(x,y)D[ϵSmaxL(θ,x+ϵ,y)]

    零、adversarial attack概念

    源自《Threat of Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning in Computer Vision: A Survey》section2的adversarial attack概念。

    1.1 Adversarial example/image

    Adversarial example/image is a modified version of a clean image that is intentionally perturbed (e.g. by adding noise) to confuse/fool a machine learning technique, such as deep neural networks.


    1.2 Adversarial perturbation

    Adversarial perturbation is the noise that is added to the clean image to make it an adversarial example.


    1.3 Adversarial training

    Adversarial training uses adversarial images besides the clean images to train machine learning models.


    1.4 Adversary

    Adversary more commonly refers to the agent who creates an adversarial example. However, in some cases the example itself is also called adversary.


    1.5 Black-box attacks & ‘semi-black-box’ attacks

    Black-box attacks feed a targeted model with the adversarial examples (during testing) that are generated without the knowledge of that model. In some instances, it is assumed that the adversary has a limited knowledge of the model (e.g. its training procedure and/or its architecture) but definitely does not know about the model parameters. In other instances, using any information about the target model is referred to as ‘semi-black-box’attack. We use the former convention in this article.


    1.6 White-box attacks

    White-box attacks assume the complete knowledge of the targeted model, including its parameter values, architecture, training method, and in some cases its training data as well.


    1.7 Detector

    Detector is a mechanism to (only) detect if an image is an adversarial example.


    1.8 Fooling ratio/rate

    Fooling ratio/rate indicates the percentage of images on which a trained model changes its prediction label after the images are perturbed.


    1.9 One-shot/one-step methods & iterative methods

    One-shot/one-step methods generate an adversarial perturbation by performing a single step computation, e.g. computing gradient of model loss once. The opposite are iterative methods that perform the same computation multiple times to get a single perturbation. The latter are often computationally expensive.


    1.10 Quasi-imperceptible perturbations

    Quasi-imperceptible perturbations impair images very slightly for human perception.


    1.11 Rectifier

    Rectifier modifies an adversarial example to restore the prediction of the targeted model to its prediction on the clean version of the same example.


    1.12 Targeted attacks & non-targeted attacks

    Targeted attacks fool a model into falsely predicting a specific label for the adversarial image. They are opposite to the non-targeted attacks in which the predicted label of the adversarial image is irrelevant, as long as it is not the correct label.


    1.13 Threat model

    Threat model refers to the types of potential attacks considered by an approach, e.g. black-box attack.


    1.14 Transferability

    Transferability refers to the ability of an adversarial example to remain effective even for the models other than the one used to generate it.


    1.15 Universal perturbation & universality

    Universal perturbation is able to fool a given model on ‘any’ image with high probability. Note that, universality refers to the property of a perturbation

    being ‘image-agnostic’ as opposed to having good transferability.


    一、how to attack


    在威胁模型(白盒、灰盒和黑盒攻击)的框架中,研究者开发了许多用于对抗样本生成的攻击算法,比如基于有限内存的 BFGS(limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shan-no, L-BFGS)、快速梯度符号法(fast gradient sign method, FGSM)、基本迭代攻击/投影梯度下降(basic iterative attack/projected gradient descent, BIA/PGD)、分布式对抗攻击(distributionally adversarial attack, DAA)、Carlini和Wagner(C&W)攻击、基于雅可比的显著图攻击(Jacobian-based saliency map attack, JSMA)以及DeepFool。尽管这些攻击算法最初是在白盒威胁模型下设计的,但是由对抗样本在模型之间的可传递性可知:它们同样适用于灰盒威胁模型和黑盒威胁模型。

    1.1 attack approach

    这个问题的loss函数是:Non-targeted: L ( x ) = − e ( y , y ^ ) \mathrm{L}(\mathrm{x})=-\mathrm{e}(\mathrm{y}, \hat{\mathrm{y}}) L(x)=e(y,y^)
    targeted: 不仅需要 y \mathrm{y} y y ^ \hat{\mathrm{y}} y^ 越远越好, 还要保证 y \mathrm{y} y y target  \mathrm{y}^{\text {target }} ytarget  越近越好
    L ( x ) = − e ( y , y ^ ) + e ( y , y target  ) \mathrm{L}(\mathrm{x})=-\mathrm{e}(\mathrm{y}, \hat{\mathrm{y}})+\mathrm{e}\left(\mathrm{y}, \mathrm{y}^{\text {target }}\right) L(x)=e(y,y^)+e(y,ytarget )

    1.2 Non-perceivable

    L-infinity norm比L2 norm更能衡量加入噪声后的样本和原始样本之间的距离。

    1.3 FGSM和FGM模型

    Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) and Fast Gradient Method (FGM)

    paper: Explaining and Harnessing Adversarial Examples、Adversarial Training Methods for Semi-Supervised Text Classification

    x ∗ = arg ⁡ min ⁡ d ( x 0 , x ) ≤ ε L ( x ) \mathrm{x}^*=\underset{\mathrm{d}\left(\mathrm{x}^0, \mathrm{x}\right) \leq \varepsilon}{\arg \min } \mathrm{L}(\mathrm{x}) x=d(x0,x)εargminL(x)
    FGSM值更新一次x,并且保证更新后的x满足一定约束。后来17年对FGSM进行修改为FGM(取消符号函数),用F-norm: x t ← x t − 1 − ε g ∥ g ∥ 2 \mathrm{x}^{\mathrm{t}} \leftarrow \mathrm{x}^{\mathrm{t}-1}-\varepsilon \frac{\mathrm{g}}{\|\mathrm{g}\|_2} xtxt1εg2g

    在MIT发的《Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks》中有下面这幅图,很多生成对抗样本的白盒方法是在原始数据的Lp-norm附近寻找对抗样本,但adversarial training的目标是让原始数据的Lp-norm附近的数据都被分在同一类,因此如果对抗样本处在以原始数据为中心的Lp-norm中,并不会改变分类结果。adversarial training可看做是特殊的正则化regularization(L1、L2正则化限制参数,adversarial training直接“限制”梯度,利用对抗样本进行数据增强)。

    1.4 PGD模型

    Projected Gradient Descent (PGD)
    paper: Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks


    # 基于pytorch实现的PGD代码实现
    class PGD:
        def __init__(self, model, eps=1., alpha=0.3):
            self.model = (
                model.module if hasattr(model, "module") else model
            self.eps = eps
            self.alpha = alpha
            self.emb_backup = {}
            self.grad_backup = {}
        def attack(self, emb_name='word_embeddings', is_first_attack=False):
            for name, param in self.model.named_parameters():
                if param.requires_grad and emb_name in name:
                    if is_first_attack:
                        self.emb_backup[name] = param.data.clone()
                    norm = torch.norm(param.grad)
                    if norm != 0 and not torch.isnan(norm):
                        r_at = self.alpha * param.grad / norm
                        param.data = self.project(name, param.data)
        def restore(self, emb_name='word_embeddings'):
            for name, param in self.model.named_parameters():
                if param.requires_grad and emb_name in name:
                    assert name in self.emb_backup
                    param.data = self.emb_backup[name]
            self.emb_backup = {}
        def project(self, param_name, param_data):
            r = param_data - self.emb_backup[param_name]
            if torch.norm(r) > self.eps:
                r = self.eps * r / torch.norm(r)
            return self.emb_backup[param_name] + r
        def backup_grad(self):
            for name, param in self.model.named_parameters():
                if param.requires_grad and param.grad is not None:
                    self.grad_backup[name] = param.grad.clone()
        def restore_grad(self):
            for name, param in self.model.named_parameters():
                if param.requires_grad and param.grad is not None:
                    param.grad = self.grad_backup[name]
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    在更新时, PGM 还会用梯度的 F-norm 作一个 scale, 一次迭代的过程可以写为如下形式:
    g ( x t ) = ∇ x L ( θ , x t , y ) x t + 1 = Π x + S ( x t + α g ( x t ) / ∥ g ( x t ) ∥ 2 ) \begin{aligned} \mathrm{g}\left(\mathrm{x}_{\mathrm{t}}\right) &=\nabla_{\mathrm{x}} \mathrm{L}\left(\theta, \mathrm{x}_{\mathrm{t}}, \mathrm{y}\right) \\ \mathrm{x}_{\mathrm{t}+1} &=\Pi_{\mathrm{x}+\mathcal{S}}\left(\mathrm{x}_{\mathrm{t}}+\alpha \mathrm{g}\left(\mathrm{x}_{\mathrm{t}}\right) /\left\|\mathrm{g}\left(\mathrm{x}_{\mathrm{t}}\right)\right\|_2\right) \end{aligned} g(xt)xt+1=xL(θ,xt,y)=Πx+S(xt+αg(xt)/g(xt)2)
    其中, S = { r ∣ r ∈ R d , ∥ r ∥ 2 ≤ ϵ } \mathcal{S}=\left\{\mathrm{r} \mid \mathrm{r} \in \mathbb{R}^{\mathrm{d}},\|\mathrm{r}\|_2 \leq \epsilon\right\} S={rrRd,r2ϵ} 为扰动的约束空间, r \mathrm{r} r 为增加的扰动, α \alpha α 为步长, Π x + S \Pi_{\mathrm{x}+\mathcal{S}} Πx+S 用 于将扰动投影到 ϵ \epsilon ϵ-ball 上。

    1.5 黑盒攻击和白盒攻击



    黑盒开篇:Practical Black-Box Attacks against Machine Learning


    (1)Simple Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks
    (2)One Pixel Attack for Fooling Deep Neural Networks

    2.基于查询(query-based attack)

    socre-based attack
    (1)SimBA:Simple Black-box Adversarial Attacks
    (2)MetaSimulator:Simulating Unknown Target Models for Query-Efficient Black-box Attacks

    decision-based attack
    (1)开篇:Decision-Based Adversarial Attacks: Reliable Attacks Against Black-Box Machine learning Models
    (2)HSJA:HopSkipJumpAttack: A Query-Efficient Decision-Based Attack
    (3)SurFree:SurFree: a fast surrogate-free black-box attack
    (4)f-attack:Decision-Based Adversarial Attack With Frequency Mixup


    (1)开篇:Transferability in Machine Learning: from Phenomena to Black-Box Attacks using Adversarial Samples
    (2)Delving into Transferable Adversarial Examples and Black-box Attacks
    (3)Enhancing the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks through Variance Tuning
    (3)元学习:Meta Gradient Adversarial Attack


    (1)DaST:Data-free Substitute Training for Adversarial Attacks
    (2)Delving into Data: Effectively Substitute Training for Black-box Attack
    (3)Learning Transferable Adversarial Examples via Ghost Networks


    (1)通用黑盒攻击UAP:Universal adversarial perturbations
    (2)AdvDrop: Adversarial Attack to DNNs by Dropping Information
    (3)Practical No-box Adversarial Attacks against DNNs
    (4)ZOO: Zeroth Order Optimization Based Black-box Attacks to Deep Neural Networks without Training Substitute Models




    2.1 主动防御 proactive defense


    2.2 被动防御 passive defense


    • 图像压缩(先压缩再解压避开攻击)
    • Generator(按照对抗样本根据generator生成一张图片)
    • Randomization(随机的防御)

    四、Adversarial Training in NLP


    [1]马里兰大学在读博士生朱晨: FreeLB—适用于自然语言理解的对抗学习
    [2] 某乎:一文搞懂NLP中的对抗训练FGSM/FGM/PGD/FreeAT/YOPO/FreeLB/SMART

    五、models list

    • FGSM (https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6572)
    • Basic iterative method (https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.02533)
    • L-BFGS (https://arxiv.org/abs/1312.6199)
    • Deepfool (https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.04599)
    • JSMA (https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.07528)
    • C&W (https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.04644)
    • Elastic net attack (https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.04114)
    • Spatially Transformed (https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.02612)
    • One Pixel Attack (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08864)


    [1] 李宏毅21版视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1JA411c7VT
    [2] 李宏毅ML官方地址:http://speech.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~tlkagk/courses.html
    [3] https://github.com/unclestrong/DeepLearning_LHY21_Notes
    [4]《Threat of Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning in Computer Vision: A Survey》section2
    [5] 功守道:NLP中的对抗训练 + PyTorch实现
    [6] https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42437114/article/details/120306567
    [7] 深度学习中的对抗性攻击都有哪些?怎么防御?
    [8] 某乎:一文搞懂NLP中的对抗训练FGSM/FGM/PGD/FreeAT/YOPO/FreeLB/SMART
    [9] Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks. MIT
    [10] adversarial training为什么会起作用
    [11] Adversarial Attack (对抗攻击)
    [12] Towards Understanding and Boosting Adversarial Transferability from a Distribution Perspective. TIP
    [13] TIP 2022!阿里提出:从分布视角出发理解和提升对抗样本的迁移性


    task1P23 24自编码器10月10号2个视频一天!完成
    task2P25 adversarial attack(上)10月11、12号完成
    task3P26 adversarial attack(下)10月13、14号完成
    task4P27 机器学习模型的可解释性(上)10月15、16号
    task5P28 机器学习模型的可解释性(下)10月17、18、19号
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