function cost = estimateDist(G, unvisitedGraph, startNode, currentNode)
% caculate Minimum spanning tree using Prim鐥� algorithm
T = minspantree(unvisitedGraph);
% estimated the distance to visit all unvisited nodes using MST heuristic
h_n_MST = sum(T.Edges.Weight);
unvisitedNs = table2cell(unvisitedGraph.Nodes);
% caculate the minimum distance from an unvisited node to the current node
idx_to_curr_node = findedge(G, currentNode, unvisitedNs);
mindist_to_curr_node = min(G.Edges.Weight(idx_to_curr_node));
% caculate the minimum distance from an unvisited node to the start node
idx_to_str_node = findedge(G, startNode, unvisitedNs);
mindist_to_str_node = min(G.Edges.Weight(idx_to_str_node));
cost = h_n_MST + mindist_to_str_node + mindist_to_curr_node;
% expandNode function
% returns all the successors of a node
function nodelist = expandNode(G, startNode, currentNode)
% For TSP problem (each node is visited only once)
% here we just get the nodes that are not already in the current node path
unvisitedGraph = G;
node1 = currentNode;
unvisitedGraph = rmnode(unvisitedGraph, node1.name);
node1 = node1.parent;
% the expanded nodes
unvisitedNs = table2cell(unvisitedGraph.Nodes);
% the expanded nodes as structure (to be returned)
% estimate cost for the expanded nodes
for i=1:size(unvisitedNs,1)
expandedNode = unvisitedNs{i}; % expanded node name as a string (char array)
% if the node is leaf (the last node in the path), the heuristic is
% the cost of connectin this node to the start node
if (size(unvisitedNs,1)==1)
idx_to_str_node = findedge(G, startNode, expandedNode);
h_n = G.Edges.Weight(idx_to_str_node);
unvistg = rmnode(unvisitedGraph, expandedNode);
% h_n = cost of the MST of the subgraph of expandedNode +
% minimum cost to connecte MST to expandedNode +
% minimum cost to connecte MST to start node
h_n = estimateDist(G, unvistg, startNode, expandedNode);
% create the successor node as structure
node.name = expandedNode; % the successor node
node.h_n = h_n; % the heuristic of the successor node
% the cost (edge value) of connecting the current node with its
% successor (the expanded node)
g_n = G.Edges.Weight(findedge(G, node.name ,currentNode.name));
% the cost of connecting the current node to the first node
% (currentNode.g_n). node.g_n is the cost of the successor node to
% the start node
node.g_n = currentNode.g_n + g_n;
% the estimated cost from the current from start node to the goal
% node throw the successor node
node.depth = currentNode.depth+1;
node.cost = node.h_n + node.g_n;
node.parent = currentNode;
nodelist = [nodelist; node];
[1]Hamdi Altaheri (2022). Solving TSP using A star, RBFS, and Hill-climbing algorithms