阅读本文可以了解:RFC 3339时间格式细节、时区的设置。
Internet Date/Time Format The following profile of ISO 8601 [ISO8601] dates SHOULD be used in new protocols on the Internet. This is specified using the syntax description notation defined in [ABNF]. date-fullyear = 4DIGIT date-month = 2DIGIT ; 01-12 date-mday = 2DIGIT ; 01-28, 01-29, 01-30, 01-31 based on ; month/year time-hour = 2DIGIT ; 00-23 time-minute = 2DIGIT ; 00-59 time-second = 2DIGIT ; 00-58, 00-59, 00-60 based on leap second ; rules time-secfrac = "." 1*DIGIT time-numoffset = ("+" / "-") time-hour ":" time-minute